View Full Version : Graduation Day, woo!

05-30-07, 10:45 PM
I graduated middle school today and am on my way to becoming a freshman!! Everything started, great with a slideshow and music, and I got into three pictures! AWESOME! Then the awards started being announced and I got no special ones! Then the usual ones were announced : you know the conduct, academic, and attendance thing, I GOT NOTHING! ....Then the SECME Olympiad participators got a certificate...woo, I got something that time...and then graduation certificates......Yeah I got THAT! All in all though it was great, I went to Chili's, and saw about every person I knew from school there, and managed to say goodbye to everyone I knew!

Anyone got an interesting graduation story to tell? High School, Middle School, College, it don't matter!

05-30-07, 10:47 PM

Unfortunately, I think the most interesting thing about my graduation was at my party, where I ducked out with a couple of friends to play frisbee, and nobody noticed that I was gone lol

05-30-07, 11:12 PM
Interesting graduation story...

Nope, mine was dull.

05-30-07, 11:20 PM
Congrats... now you have either the worst or best 4 years of your life ahead of you. No matter which, you'll always look back at them later... trust me.

05-31-07, 12:17 AM
congrats on graduation. I don't really remember high school much, it's pretty much school and that's about it.

05-31-07, 12:48 AM
Wow, hope Chili's was cool. My graduation party consisted of getting wasted, spending a few hours rolling, and then fucking in the bathroom.

But your way's hip too.

05-31-07, 01:46 AM
My graduation day was kind of sad, I suppose... it was the last time I ever saw one of my best friends from the last two years of high school, and it was only from a distance. She left to go to university in Spain (where she had originally come from) afterwards. I didn't even get a chance to say good bye, really, and I haven't heard from her since. The last time I really did see her was when we went to prom together. But I guess that's not really a nice story. >_>;;