View Full Version : A Promise Kept

04-15-06, 03:39 AM

Jasmine walked at a casual pace down the dirt road toward a small village. Birds of various colors flew overhead, chirruping happily, unaware of the trouble that had just been turned back from Hamasha. The wind blew waves across the sea of grass on either side of her, undulating gently in the refreshing breeze.

The former princess sighed sadly as she walked. The last few weeks had been most trying. An army had come to attack Moriah. Fortunately, they had been able to repel the forces that came against them, but not without great loss of life and damage to the port city, Hamasha. Her friend and warder, Zerith, was back in Hamasha helping to organize crews to rebuild the half-destroyed city. She smiled a bit at that, unsure of what they would’ve done without Zerith’s help.

The laughter of children at play brought her out of her reverie. Looking up, she saw that she was approaching the last village one would see in this direction. It was like any other Morian village. There was one main road that went straight through the middle. All the main shops and its one small inn were along that road. Some of the children smiled at her as she passed them, and she returned the smile.

She was silent through her trek through the village, stopping and speaking only long enough to get a little extra food for the remainder of her journey. She had made a promise many years ago and now it was time to fulfil that promise. In only about ten minutes, she had a few extra apples and jerky and was once again on her way.

04-15-06, 03:40 AM
It had been several hours and the sun was starting to set as Jasmine came into view of the vast jungle that covered the southern end of her island home. She had been in there once before, a long time ago. It had not changed at all since that night she had fled into it, unaware and uncaring of where she was going, so long as it was away from Lord Montego.

Quickly, she went about making her camp for the evening. A small cook fire was set up so she could roast an apple and warm her jerky. The vast plain around her was a bit dry due to the winter, so she kept a close watch on it and put it out as soon as she was done with it. The night’s were relatively warm anyway, so she was not worried about getting cold.

She wrapped herself in a blanket and made sure her daggers and sword were in easy reach before settling down on the ground to get a bit of sleep. Her dreams, for once, were silent and she slept peacefully until birdsong filled her ears.

Stretching, Jasmine yawned then quickly cleaned up her camp. When she was done, the only trace of camp was squashed grass where she had been sleeping and the ashes from last night’s cookfire. She washed her face with a bit of water from her canteen, then started upon her journey again.

It’s been so long. I hope I remember the way. Even more, I hope that I’m recognized. I should be with this armband on. After all, it is a depiction of the tribe’s banner or whatever they call it.

Nervously, she pressed into the thick jungle. Almost immediately what light penetrated the leaves over head, took on a greenish tint. Little light reached the ground that was not filtered through the leaves of the gigantic trees above her.

The jungle was full of life, bringing back many happy memories of the short time she had spent here. Birds chirruped and she heard the laughter of chimpanzees higher up where she could not see. All around her, flowers of all sizes and colors blossomed. They were the winter flowers and thrived only in the jungle. Though they could grow anywhere else on the island, they would not get as big as they did here. Some of the bushes the flowers grew on were nearly as big as a cottage.

She stopped suddenly as she heard a slight rustle. Instantly, the jungle was not as happy as it had been half a minute ago. Something was watching her every move. Cautiously, one hand on the hilt of her sword, she walked on. Every shadow now seemed sinister and the laughter of the chimps seemed snide. Whatever was stalking her and not yet made another move, then suddenly, directly ahead of her a large bush rustled.

Jasmine tensed, fighting back the urge to yell. Instead, she cooly drew her sword, hoping it was not a large predator. The rustling seemed to go on for an eternity, but really only took a few seconds then the last person she ever expected to see stepped out of the bush.

04-15-06, 03:41 AM
Dannil was as shocked to see Jasmine as she was to see him. He remembered well the young woman from his weapons class, but had never expected to see her again after she left two years ago. The two young people stared at each other for a few more moments before Dannil shook his head and approached her.

“You know you shouldn’t be wandering around out here like this!! What are you doing?”

Jasmine was more than a little surprised at her friend’s questioning tone. Wasn’t it obvious that she wished to visit? She didn’t answer him right away, too busy seeing how her friend had filled out. When she last saw him, he had been quite skinny. Now he was somewhat barrel-chested and broad shouldered. His brown hair had been grown long and was currently gathered at his neck with a leather thong. He wore the traditional clothing of the Mirkati guardsmen: a shirt and pants that were dyed varying shades of green to mesh with the jungle.

“Dannil ... I came back to see everyone. I promised I would come back, and now here I am.”

The young warrior sighed and rubbed his hand on the back of his neck. He wasn’t sure what he should do, but at last decided that he would let the elders make the decision for what to do about Jasmine’s return.

“Be glad that I found you first. I don’t think any of the others would’ve talked to you first, let alone recognized you. Still, you’d better let me carry your weapons, just in case.”

“Oh Dannil, you know that I won’t-“

“Yes, I do know. But dammit all Jas, I have to follow the laws. Just hand them over. I’m sure the elders will give them back, but for now can you please just co-operate and not be so stubborn?”

Jasmine glared a moment longer, then reluctantly unfastened her sword from her belt and handed it to her friend. She also removed the daggers from her boots and handed them over as well. “There, happy now?”

“Yes, very much,” he answered, sounding very much relieved as he began to lead the way toward the treetop village. “You were nearly there when I found you. Did you really remember how to get to the village?”

“I remembered. It wasn’t hard.”

04-15-06, 03:41 AM
A few short minutes later, Jasmine and Dannil were on the hidden platform that rose high above them to the treetop village. It was easily 50' above the ground and completely hidden from view. Even their elevator was cleverly camouflaged so it could not be seen.

Jasmine’s eyes sparkled happily as the treetop town that had been home for two years came into full view. Dannil escorted her to the Elder’s Council Hall. She was a bit nervous, but was sure they would remember her and welcome her with open arms. She had already seen and waved to many old friends, quite happy to see their faces again. Her smile vanished as she stepped into the Elders’ Council Hall and saw their stern faces.

“Why have you returned, Princess Jasmine of Moriah?”

The voice was kept at quiet tone, though she knew it belonged to one who would tolerate absolutely no nonsense. Elder Mirkati stared solemnly at her, awaiting her answer. The other four elders maintained their solemn silence. Jasmine took a deep breath and stepped to the center of their small half-circle.

“I have returned, Elder Mirkati, to fulfil a promise I made before leaving. I promised the ones I lived with that I would return one day. I come also bringing news of the outside world, though it will not effect you as of yet. I thank the Elders for their listening ears for one such as I.”

Her tone was as formal as the old man’s had been. She kept her eyes slightly downcast as it was rude to look the Elders in the face. She had never liked that rule, but it was one with which she could live.

The Elders were silent a moment as they pondered her answer. By their own laws, they should turn her away, but also by their own laws they could not prevent her from keeping a promise made to her “parents.” They talked very quietly among themselves for several minutes before coming to a decision.

“We have made our decision, Princess Jasmine.”

04-17-06, 12:44 AM
During the short deliberation, Jasmine had stood nervously. She was sure it showed plainly that she was afraid of what their decision might be, but she wasn’t worried about that right now. When they turned to face her again, she abruptly stopped fiddling with her fingers and made her arms hang at her sides in a neutral position.

“You, Princess Jasmine, will be permitted to remain here for three days. On the morning of the fourth day, we will meet again to decide if you will be remaining with us or leaving us, possibly for the remainder of your life.”

Jasmine nodded and bowed slightly, “Thank you, Elder Mirkati. Your decision is most gracious.”

The Elder stood then and walked around the table, opening his arms wide to embrace her. “Welcome back, child. We have missed you greatly.” He enfolded her gently in his arms as the others gathered around to await their turn. Jasmine had been greatly loved by all while she had been there and none had wanted her to leave in the first place.

“It is good to be back, Elder.”

Her voice was muffled by the large robe he wore, the symbol of his office. His arms were still quite strong. He and all the rest of the Elders had once been the tribe’s greatest warriors. Now, they were old and more comfortable doing the running of a town than protecting it with their fighting skills. Hugs were given out all around the room, then Jasmine was permitted to take her weapons back.

With sword and daggers back in their customary places, Jasmine took her leave of the Elders’ Council Hall and went looking for the place that had been her home. It was a few levels above the Council Hall, but fortunately only had to use one elevator. It moved up smoothly beside the tree it was hung from and stopped at the fourth level.

From here she had a marvelous view of the Mirkati village. Bridges crisscrossed the air from tree to tree, connecting the many buildings that made up the village. There were seven levels to this village, with the Council Hall being on the bottom level. The higher levels were reserved for the homes of the rulers and teachers and other important people. Eagerly, she started across the bridge that would lead right up to Anatha’s house.

When she got close two little boys came running toward her. The taller one, obviously the eldest had sandy blonde hair. The smaller one was a little chubby, but he would grow out of it in a year or so. They yelled happily as they ran and threw themselves on her.


Jasmine laughed as she collapsed onto the planking, hugging them tightly. They had grown quite a bit and was pleased to find that they still remembered her.

“Oh Sotta! Daniel! It’s so good to see you! How’s your mother and your father?”

The boys scrambled up and then helped Jasmine to her feet. Big grins were plastered on their faces as they pulled her to their house, refusing to answer her questions. Jasmine good-naturedly let them lead her into the house. She gasped in surprise when she got inside.

04-17-06, 02:45 AM
Banners and pretty colored ribbons hung everywhere. Anatha stood beaming, holding her daughter, Sonya, by the hand. Anatha had aged in the two years that Jasmine had been gone, far more so that she should have. Jasmine was about to ask her when Sonya broke free of Anatha’s grasp and ran over to Jasmine.

The little girl had the same brown hair her eldest brother, Sotta, had. Her eyes were a deep grey and were somehow sad even though she smiled at Jasmine. Jasmine knelt down on one knee and hugged the child tightly. Of all the people here, she had missed little Sonya the most.

Sonya clung tightly to Jasmine. Jasmine had been like a big sister while she had been here and Sonya had missed her greatly. Her grey eyes looked deep into Jasmine’s blue, then tears started to trickle down her face as she buried her face against Jasmine’s shoulder.

Jasmine looked up toward Anatha puzzled. Why was Sonya crying? She saw that Anatha knew the answer, but didn’t want to say it. Jasmine held the crying little girl to her, letting her cry till it was all out. The boys stood silently by, they too seemed to be sad though they tried to hide it.

“Children, why don’t you go and play? Jasmine and I need to talk alone for a little while.”

The children all obediently went outside, though they didn’t play very much at all. Sonya’s tears had reminded them all of recent events. Inside, Anatha led the way over to the living area and took a seat. Jasmine followed her and sat down across from her.

“What’s going on Anatha?”

“Well, there’s no easy way to say it,” the older woman said bravely, trying to hold back tears, “Jonathon is dead.”

04-17-06, 02:45 AM
Jasmine sat there dumbstruck. Jonathon was, had been, Anatha’s husband. He was the one that had found her in the jungle, hands wrapped tightly around the sword’s hilt despite having finally collapsed from exhaustion. Jonathon had been the one to convince the Elders to let her stay and to let him take her in.

“So that’s why Sonya.... Oh Anatha!”

Jasmine moved around to the couch where Anatha sat and wrapped her arms around the older woman, hugging her gently. Tears flowed freely down both women’s faces as they mourned the loss of what had been a dearly loved man.

Out on the front porch the three children sat quietly in a row with Sonya in the middle. The children were thinking about their late father. Try as they might, they could not stop thinking about him. Their father had been a large and caring man, always ready with a new and funny story for his children.

Little Sonya sniffled and rubbed at her teary eyes. She didn’t care if anyone saw her cry. Daniel sat stony faced, but Sotta looked at his younger siblings sadly. With their father being gone he would now have to take on the role of the man of the house, a great burden for a boy of only 10. Tenderly, he wrapped his small arms around his sister’s shoulders, trying to soothe her tears which were starting anew.

“I m-miss Daddy...”

The tiny girl sobbed as her brother pulled her into his arms. He missed their father as well, but it seemed Sonya had taken it the hardest. It was probably because she was the youngest and the only girl, but it had always seemed that father had doted on her. He’d loved his boys just as much of course, but it always seemed the youngest got the most attention. Sotta didn’t say anythingthough as he sat holding his baby sister in his arms.

04-17-06, 02:46 AM
After several long minutes, Anatha and Jasmine were able to compose themselves well enough to speak once again. Jasmine stayed by Anatha’s side holding her hand. Just as Jonathon had become like a father for Jasmine, so had Anatha become the mother the young woman had never really had.

“I know it’s hard, but...how did it happen?”

The silver-haired older woman took a deep breath, then began in a low, pain-filled voice. She had not been there when her husband died, so all that she said was second-hand, but it was still the eye-witness account of others that had been there.

“Jonathon, a few others, and Elder Tomin had gone to the Quartz Stone village on a diplomatic mission. Have I ever told you about Quartz Stone? It’s the only village in the entire jungle that is actually on the ground. It is well hidden like the rest of the villages, but it is hidden in a rock strewn area with no trees. Quartz is mined there. A great deal of this island’s quartz is mined there and they are highly protective of it. Anyway, the diplomatic part of the mission went well. Trade with them has already been sorted out and will commence in about two weeks. It was on the trip home that things turned sour on them.”

Anatha paused, gathering her strength. Up until now, the narrative had been relatively easy. The hardest part was coming up next, Anatha was unsure if she would be able to get through it all. She had not told the children the details, merely explaining to them that their father was in heaven now, waiting for them.

“Somehow, word that they were out had gotten to the Gorshanis. As you know, we’ve never been able to become allies with them for many generations now. Hearing that one of our Elders was journeying through the jungle, they thought to kill him or capture him or something, we don’t know what exactly. Jonathon, and the others of course, were on the trip in case just such a thing happened. I am told that the battle was short and bloody. Elder Tomin was kept safe and the enemy completely defeated, however it was not without loss on our side.

“Jonathon was the last one to be killed in that fight. As the captain of the guard on this trip, he had taken it upon himself to fight the leader of the Gorshanis. He won, killing that despicable coward, but his wounds were too great. He died before they could return to the village.”

Anatha fell silent as fresh tears trickled down her cheeks. Jasmine was silent for a minute or so to be sure that the story was complete. Words escaped her as her whole being was filled with deep, aching sorrow. Still remaining silent, Jasmine rose and walked through the familiar dwelling.

By the large window that overlooked the village, sat the dark green easy chair Jonathon had purchased. The cloth covering it matched the couch and other two chairs that were arranged around a small oak coffee table. Jasmine smiled as an image of Jon sitting in that chair reading a book and smoking his pipe played across her mind.

The kitchen was just as it had been when she had left. Perfectly clean counters and a cookstove with the coals glowing a sooty orange. Anatha almost never let those coals go out completely.

Passing through the kitchen, she went from room to room throughout the rest of the house, committing it all to memory. She knew the elders would likely not allow her to come back again and she did not want to ever forget this house, or the happy memories she had of living there.

04-22-06, 11:48 PM
“Anatha,” she called through the house as she returned to the living area, “Anatha, what are you and the kids going to do now that Jonathon is gone?”

“I don’t know, Jas. Jon was a soldier, so he knew these kind of risks were there, as did I. The Elders have not yet answered my petitions for help.”

Jasmine leaned against the kitchen counter and crossed her arms over her chest. Frustration boiled within her at this news. Jonathon had died to protect one of them, and they refuse to answer his widow’s petitions? She sighed and stood up properly.

“I will be back in time for dinner. I’ve been given a few days before I have to talk with the Elders regarding my presence. Don’t worry, everything will get worked out in the end.”

She walked out of the small house briskly, patting the children’s heads as she went by them. She had in mind one person to see at the moment, Elder Mirkati. The old man was usually one to listen intently to anything anyone had to say and knew the laws of their tribe better than anyone.

Her boots thudded lightly on the wooden walkways and bridges. Several people called greetings to her, but she barely acknowledged them with a wave. Her mind was racing to decide on just how she was to approach the Elder. She knew where to find him, that was the easy part. What was not so easy would be getting access to him right then.

Ten minutes later, she walked resolutely up a smooth incline. At the top were two guards, weapons held loosely at their sides. It was up here that Elder Mirkati liked to spend his afternoons and most evenings. She was at the very top of the Elder’s house. The roof was flat and circular with a chest high rail going all the way around. There were a few chairs and table set up for entertaining guests, but no one occupied those chairs. The Elder himself stood at the far side from the entrance, gazing out at the jungle around them. Jasmine stopped suddenly as the guards moved to block her path.

“Elder Mirkati is not to be disturbed right now. You will have to come back later.”

“But I need to speak with him right away!! It’s terribly important.!”

The guards’ faces did not change as they repeated themselves in monotone voices. They were good soldiers and completely dedicated to Elder Mirkati. After two or three minutes of Jasmine’s continued pleadings, the Elder called out in his hoarse voice.

“Let her enter. She will only keep pestering you till I let her in.”

“Thank you, Elder Mirkati,” Jasmine said respectfully as she stepped between the guards. “I ahve come for several reasons. I need to talk to you about a great many things.”

“Then let us each have a seat child. Tony, would you go inside and tell Mirtel that I would like a cup of tea? Make sure she knows I have a guest as well.”
The guard nodded once and went down the slope to the front of the house. Whilst he did that, the Elder turned his kind, wrinkled face to Jasmine’s. “Now, what is so urgent that you must talk to me right away?”

“I bring news of what’s been happening on the rest of the island. As well as news about Abram. The bit about Abram is painful, so I will wait till last to tell that. About a year ago, I returned to the island with a friend to rid this fair land of Montego’s control. We were successful, but it was very hard. After that, my adopted brother, Eric, was put on the throne and I returned to my wandering. I came back again for King Eric’s first Midwinter’s Eve Ball. A few days after that, Hamasha was attacked by enemy forces. The battle was hard, but we won in the end. Hamasha has taken a lot of damage, but buildings can always be rebuilt.”

“All this is interesting, but the affairs of your cities do not usually affect us. It is good though, that this Montego person who’d caused you such grief is now gone. Go on child, you said you had news of Abram? He left here one day about a year after you’d gone. Claimed he wanted to see the world, but I’ve a feeling he was looking for you.”

Jasmine hung her head and bit her lower lip. She had been hoping that the Elder would forget about Abram, but it was not to be. Tears welled up in her sapphire eyes for her friend as the memories of what had happened that day came rushing back.

“He’s...he’s dead, sir. He was k-killed by p-pirates.”

The Elder pressed a hand over his heart at the news. Abram had been a special young man with a lot of potential. It had saddened the old man greatly when Abram left the village to “see the world” but he could not have denied the boy what he wanted most. Tenderly, he moved his chair over beside Jasmine’s and wrapped his arms about her, holding her close.

“It is good to mourn child. How did it happen? I will spare you the anguish of having to tell the story to his parents.”

Jasmine’s tears flowed freely down her face. She had never had time to properly mourn her friend. Rather, she had never wanted to. Doing so would have been admitting he was gone and she didn’t want to do that.

“He was on the ship that I was on to get back to Moriah to kill Montego. It was so good to see him again. Neither of us knew that the ship’s captain and the rest of the crew were pirates. Anyway, I was betrayed by someone who was going to help me with Montego. I guess the captain had promised some of the reward money in exchange for me. Somehow, he heard that they were coming after me and hid me, but was caught by the traitor.”

She stopped for a few moments to blow her nose on a tissue Elder Mirkati produced for her. Taking the time to gather her thoughts together, she continued on between sobs, sniffles, and still more tears.

“The traitor’s name was Seth Dahlios. He’s a hex mage. I don’t know what that is exactly, but he’s a very powerful mage. He...he tortured Abram to try to find out where I’d been hidden, but Abram wouldn’t talk. His screams, oh Elder, his screams were so pain-filled I couldn’t stand it. He nearly died under that torture, but I couldn’t let that happen. I came out of hiding and Seth stopped his torture. We, Abram, my other friend, and me, were all thrown into the brig. The following morning, the captain and his two biggest men came to talk to Abram. They gave him a choice, join their pirate crew, or be killed. You know Abram, he wouldn’t have even gotten on the ship if he’d known it was captained and crewed by pirates. He chose the latter...”

Her story told at last, the black-haired woman collapsed against the Elder, weeping softly. The white-haired old man, held her close, one hand gently stroking her hair as he crooned gentle words of comfort in her ears.

04-29-06, 09:00 PM
Long minutes later, when Jasmine’s weeping had subsided and the tea was all gone, Jasmine stood and smiled gratefully at the Elder.

“Thank you so much! I can’t stay to take care of her or the kids and it comforts me to know that they will be well taken care of.”

Elder Mirkati smiled softly at the young woman. He had not realized Anatha had requested help of any kind. He would have to have talk with some of the representatives that petitions went through. He suspected that her petitions had never gotten any further than that.

“You’d better go child. It is almost suppertime. Anatha will worry if you are late.”

Jasmine bobbed a quick courtsey, hugged the old man’s neck and then hurried back to Anatha’s house. She was greeted by the mouth-watering aromas of stew as she entered the house.

“Mmmmmm! It smells wonderful Anatha! Is it almost ready?”

“Yes, of course my dear. Go and get washed up. Dinner’ll be on the table in two minutes.”

Jasmine hurried to the washbasin on the back porch and splashed water over her face. Her eyes were still red-rimmed from crying about Abram and Jonathon, but the cold water helped to relieve some of it. Satisfied that she was presentable, she went back in and took a seat at the table with Anatha and the children.

After dinner was time for the grown-ups to talk. Jasmine told Anatha about her meeting with Elder Mirkati and informed her of the world news as well. She had a surprise cooked up with the Elder, but that would not present itself until later. Now was time for catching up on old times. The two women talked long into the night before finally retiring.

“Oh, Jasmine, two nights from now is one of the big dances. Are you going to be joining it?”

“Well, I haven’t danced in ages, but I see no reason why not. It’ll be fun.”

“Good, you’ll find your dance clothes in the same place you left them. Your old room is still waiting for you to return to it.”

Jasmine thanked her then went into her old room. Nothing had changed in the slightest. The bed still stood in the center of the room, situated so that the morning light coming in from the east-facing window would fall on the face of the sleeper. A dresser stood beside the window, still full of her old clothes. Jasmine heaved a gentle sigh, then flopped down on the bed, pleased to find it was still springy.

Kicking off her boots, she padded around barefoot as she went through her dresser and located her dancing clothes. Deciding that she should check now to be sure they still fit her properly, she pulled off her usual dark blue dress, and slipped on the pure white one she pulled from the dresser. It fit perfectly. There were no sleeves on this dress and the neckline scooped dangerously low, but not so low as to be indecent. The hem of the skirt brush the middle of her calves gently as she moved about, listening to the familiar, if half forgotten, rustle of the silken cloth.

Soft, white leather boots stood in one corner. They still fit her feet as comfortably as the day she’d gotten them. Happy to find that her old clothes still fit, she began to dance around the room, her feet flickering this way and that as the dress moved about her body sensually. The dress hugged her curves one moment, then flared out dramatically the next as she danced faster and faster.

At last, she sat down on her bed again and began to laugh. She’d forgotten how much she enjoyed dancing. This time when she left, the dancing clothes were coming with her.

“I wonder if...” She stood quickly and went to the vanity table Jonathon had made for her. In the top drawer were two steel daggers. Their hilts were made of ivory and carved beautiful to resemble roses on a vine. They were no longer sharp, but she was amazed to find that they were still here.

Hehe, Anatha really did leave everything just exactly as it was when I left.

She put the daggers, boots and clothing away then crawled into a nightgown and her bed. She fell asleep almost immediately to the sounds of nightbirds and treefrogs.

04-29-06, 09:01 PM
Two nights later, the village was all abuzz with gossip about the dance that was to take place that night. Twice a year they had this dance. It was an important part of a young person’s life. Participation in the dance marked the start of the young person being allowed to court another. It was held twice a year and only those who were 16 were allowed to dance.

Jasmine checked herself over in the mirror one last time before she joined her “family” in the living room. Sonya squealed in delight at seeing Jasmine dressed in her dancing clothes and the boys smiled, but did not seem interested. She didn’t mind. The time would come when they would be, but until then she was happy to see they were still as silly about girls and cooties as ever.

“Are you sure I should, Anatha? After all, I’m not 16 anymore...”

“I’ve already talked to the Elders about it, hun. You’re to be allowed to dance as an honor because you have been gone for so long. Now let’s get going. You don’t want to be late.”

The small group hurried out the door and toward the treetops. Aside from the homes of the most rich and powerful members of their community, there was a large area set aside for use for such things as festivals and dances. Along the way, many different colored lanterns had been strung up with candles in them, giving the whole village a festive glow. Laughter and chatter could be heard all around them as everyone made their way to the arena. Once there, Jasmine parted to join with the other white clad girls. They would all enter one by one, until they were all in the center. Then the real dancing would begin.

It seemed to take forever, but at last the music started and Jasmine danced her way out to the middle, then to one side. As the eldest, she was permitted to enter first. In short order the other girls entered behind her. The boys were lined up, making a circle all the way around the dance floor.

The music changed and the girls began their dance. Their dresses spun around them tantalizingly. Nothing inappropriate would ever show in their dancing, but hints at what lay beneath their clothing was rampant. They danced for several minutes, then the boys joined them. Dannil was among them, chosen to be Jasmine’s partner.

The dance was fast paced and was soon over. Then the party began. There was more dancing of course, but there was also lots of food. The one-night festival lasted until nearly daybreak. Jasmine watched the sunlight casting its pink glow over the eastern sky sadly. Today was the fateful fourth day.

Yawning, she chatted lightly with Dannil as he walked her back to Anatha’s house. The young lady’s feet ached terribly from dancing all night long, but it had been worth it. She had not had so much fun in a very long time. There was not much time for her to rest, but she took it anyway. The meeting with Elders was bound to be stressful.

04-29-06, 09:02 PM
Three hours later, that meeting was well underway.

“Princess Jasmine, you seek to invoke the right to take care of family, however you have no blood family in this village.”

Jasmine took a deep breath to answer Elder Tomin. She glanced at Elder Mirkati and proceeded at his very subtle nod.

“Yes, Elder Tomin, I do. Anatha has been the mother I never had. Her children have been the younger siblings that I never had the joy of having in my earlier life. Jonathon, peace be upon his memory, was like a father in the years I spent in this village. Now that Jonathon is gone Anatha has no true income to feed her children with. Her children are also not yet old enough to earn money to support her. For this reason, I wish to take that responsibility myself. As Princess of Moriah, I have more personal funds than I could possibly use in a lifetime. I wish to share this inheritance with my family here. It is my intent that once a month, a certain sum of money be delivered to the trading village. There a representative from here will retrieve it and bring it to Anatha. I cannot stay here all my life. I have many other responsibilities in the world to tend to, though I often wish I could stay here.”

“Thank you, Princess. I have no further questions, Eldest.”

Jasmine took a deep breath to settle her nerves. She had talked with Elder Mirkati about doing this, but it was still unnerving to stand in front of all the Elders and go through with it. She smiled softly at Elder Mirkati’s barely seen nod of approval as he stood to address those gathered.

“Given the deliberations given this day, I believe it is in the best interest to allow the Princess Jasmine to go through with this plan of hers. She has shown great dedication in caring for her adopted family here and it’s only right that she be permitted to carry out the privileges of the eldest child. Therefore, Jasmine is now officially the eldest daughter of Anatha. Peace be upon you child. Take good care of your mother, brothers, and sister.”

Jasmine curtsied regally, her smile betraying the overflow of happiness that the Elders had accepted her proposal. She had not been expecting to be officially “adopted” by Anatha, but when she thought about it, it made her even happier. As an official child of the village, she would be permitted to come and go as she pleased. This would not have to be her last trip here.

Excitedly, she left the Council Hall and returned to Anatha’s house. Laughing joyfully, she scooped Sonya up in her arms and covered her face in kisses. Next up were each of the boys. She didn’t cover their faces in kisses but hugged them tightly. Seeing Anatha out of the corner of her eye, she rose and approached her slowly, then flung her arms around her, a tear trickling down her cheek.


04-29-06, 09:14 PM
Anatha returned the hug of course, but was shocked to hear Jasmine address her as she did. She pulled partly away from Jasmine and looked at her wonderingly.

“What’s going on here?”

Jasmine laughed and hugged Anatha again, “I have a mother again. The council agreed to allow me to become your daughter since you and Jonathon had taken such wonderful care of me. Now you won’t have to worry about anything and I can come back whenever I want.”

Anatha drew her close again, “Oh, my dear, dear Jasmine. You didn’t need to do anything.”

“Yes, I did,” jasmine explained, her voice muffled slightly by Anatha’s hair. “Sotta is not yet old enough to be able to care of all of you. Now, it is my responsibility. Every month you will get a bit of money to able to pay for your necessities. It would have been more, but the council would not let me.”

Anatha beckoned to her other children and the five of them sat on the floor in one giant hug. Jasmine had never been happier. All her life she’d wished she could have known the love of a mother, and now, at last, that wish had come true.

The happiness of the events of that morning made the afternoon easier. Jasmine could not stay any longer and had to go. With her would be going one of the Council’s representatives to make the monetary arrangements they had agreed upon during her last discussion with the Elders.

The children bounced around the house while Jasmine re-packed her belongings. All the clothes she had brought went back into her travel bag as well as one specially wrapped, cloth bundle. Inside was her dancing clothes, boots, and daggers. Soon, she was ready to go. The family and her friends escorted her and the representative to the edge of the village, waving and calling their goodbyes.

Jasmine waved and smiled back, knowing that she could still return made leaving much easier than it had been the first time she had left. Then they were on their way properly. She and the representative made good time and were in the village by late afternoon. From there they made even better time to the capital city, Nadai. Once there, the arrangements were made.

Every month two bags of gold coins was to be delivered to the last little village. At that village, this representative would pick up the money and take it back to his village for Anatha to use. Satisfied at last that her family would be taken care of, Jasmine made her way back to Hamasha and boarded a ship bound for the mainland, eager to find new adventures.

((Spoils: The white dress, boots and daggers. NONE of these items are sellable. The knives are for decoration, not fighting except in an extreme emergency (ie: an overly zealous man tries to force her and they’re the only thing she has, cause she just came off the stage and her usual weapons are elsewhere) The dress is pure white and made of very finely woven cotton cloth. The boots are made of white leather and come up to mid-calf. The daggers have an ivory hilt with roses carved on them and are ordinary steel. The blades are 4" in length.))

06-01-06, 09:58 PM
I'm incredibly sorry about the long wait and even more since I can't type up all the comments I have for each section. Do know that any notes I gave you in the thread you did for the The Grander's Order pretty much apply here. If you want to know anything else about each section's score, feel free to IM me over AIM or Yahoo or send me a PM and I'll gladly respond. Onto the judging! Finally... :p

Introduction: 5

Setting: 7

Strategy: 5

Writing Style: 5

Rising Action: 5

Dialogue: 6.5

Climax: 6

Character: 7

Conclusion: 5.5

Wild Card: 8.5 - Just because of the long ass wait, I gave you two extra points. And because I have that discretion too, heh.

Total Score: 60.5

Spoils: Granted as requested plus a 500 exp and 200 gp bonus from the incredibly long wait that should never have occured by either myself or the former judge to claim the thread.

Jasmine gains 1680* exp and 350* gp!

*Includes the bonus exp and gp.