View Full Version : Lottika Salinia

06-01-07, 09:01 AM
Name: Lottika Salinia
Age: 379
Race: Vampire/Human
Hair Color: Ash Blonde
Eye Color: Almost violet
Height: 5'4
Weight: 8.6 stone
Occupation: She doesn't work for anybody.

Personality: She is rather alienated from the world. She doesn't seek help from people because she is scared to hurt them in anyway.

Appearance: Her eyes are a sort of bright violet and her eye shape is rather narrow and womanly. Her face is pale just like her slender body and she can come across doll like to many people. Her hair is ash blonde and she wears a cloak most of the time draping just over her vampire eyes. The cloak is rather heavy and thick it is travel worn and ripped and teared at the bottom. Underneath she wears a plain ordinary dress the dress she has worn for many years and the dress that she was in when she was created.

History: Lottika has a rather long past. Starting from the time she was human, happy. A young girl running around in the green woods enjoying nature and looking after sick animals. Her mother and father cared for her and looked after her they where also very fond of the young girl. She always created music and had artistic talent. She would carve wood with unusual designs and give them to her friend. He was a mysterious man. Quiet. Nobody knew who he was. Nobody ever would. She was falling into his trap of love, everyday she would go to see him. Things grew stronger between them both. Not knowing he was 596 years older than her and he wasn't human at all he was infact her creater.

That day in the woods she spent time talking to him. They had been close before but she felt his cold lips brush her neck, she felt her cheeks grow a little hot wandering what he was doing. She felt scared at first but gave in to his power, she felt his hand sliding around her waist and his right hand moving her book out of her hand onto the grass. She felt his lips caressing her neck gently until she grimaced in a sudden pain. Feeling his slender pale hand gripping near her chin as he bit into her soft flesh, her eyes soon fell shut. Falling back into his arms like a doll. Her neck arched and blood dribbling down. He seemed scared to what he had done to the young girl, his hand brushing up her cheek near her mouth. His dark long hair contrasted with her blonde hair as he put his head against hers. He wispered in a deep voice, "Forgive me".

Lottika's eyes gradually opened, slowly and she tried to mutter somthing. It didn't quite come out instead it broke up into several coughs, she felt him move quikly. She saw his sharp blue eyes glaring down at her with worry and concern. He had blood smeared just under his eyes from crying and blood around his mouth. She breathed heavy and her hand moved up. Her smooth hands touched the side of his face. Maybe she knew it all along that he was a vampire. She never beleived in them though. Her fingers brushed near his lips, she felt how wet they where and looked at her own blood on her fingers. He spoke again, stronger, "Darling i don't want you to die please you need to do as i say" He seemed worried and panicked, "You have to drink my blood" He leaned down and caressed near her ear as he wispered, "You will be mine...forever" His large hand brushed her hand and his fingers clasped around hers. She nodded, "If it takes...my pain away" She said gently. She felt a sudden nod from him.

With that she felt herself being leaned up more and her face being drawn closer to his wrist. He had sliced it, it alarmed her. She drank though. Hearing him telling her to take more and not to worry so. She drank taking in the warm sticky substance, it was rather sweet to her. She never thought blood tasted so nice, she couldn't help but drink more and more. Finally she felt a sharp bursting pain inside her chest, she pulled back. Her hand pushing against her heart, she yelled. In pain, her body struggling to bear the new pain she had to go through. Her body was dieing. Faster than normal. She felt his hand moving her hair back and is comforting words but she soon fell dead in his arms. No more Lottika, the young girl he fell in love with. Now he had a girl who would kill and drink blood on his side. He just held her limp body waiting for her to recover in her own time.

Suddenly a mob of men came rushing in the woods, their feet crunching leaves and twigs beside them. They noticed the young girl led back, her dress rised up over her slim pale thighs and a mysterious man hovering over her his hand on her thigh. It wasn't what it seemed but the angry mob of men took it as they saw it thinking he was trying to rape the vunerable girl. The mysterious man shook his head, "Lottika i am so...so sorry" He leaned down kissing her lips as he left her to be taken away. He fled quikly without the men catching him. She was left led in the grass her hair spread out and her body shaking.

Lottika screamed. Loud, daylight had sprang. She was led in bed, feeling herself burning to the sun, it hurt, it felt as if her skin was tearing apart. The woman looking after the girl came rushing in, "Shes ok!" The woman yelled a smile burt to only notice the girl huddled up in the corner of the room in a thin nightdress her legs burnt and scorched. She looked in pain, shaking trying to keep in the shade away from the sun. She looked petrified. The woman came over. Wandering wether the young girl was ok. That's when they thought the girl was somthing sent from hell when they saw her crying blood.

Drain life: Obviously this is a vampire skill she has obtained. This consists of drinking human blood.

Fast Reflexes: She is just about 1.5x as fast as a normal human being.

Minor Heal: Any wounds she receives can heal slightly faster.

Stab: A overpowering blast from her dagger.


Steel dagger- This is her main weapon, not much but handy.
Cloak- Protects mostly from the sun.
Pendant- Somthing given to her but she never quite renmeber who gave it to her.

Hope this is ok for my first reg, thanks :).

06-01-07, 11:14 AM
Drop the speed to 1.5X a normal human being, and you'll be set to go.

Also, I find it strange that, as a vampire, she doesn't have any classical vampiric traits. Granted, you don't actually need any to get approved - the profile is good as it is - but perhaps you might want consider giving her something like slightly faster healing that helps with minor cuts or something along those lines.

Also, if she has any skill with the daggers, you should mention it in the "Skills" section.

But these are just suggestions. You don't have to do any of them except slowing her down a little bit. She just seems a bit underpowered for a level zero.

06-01-07, 06:11 PM
:) I changed a few things but im not to fussed about my character being powerfull. :D

I hope what i have changed is better for you and i hope i can begin rp'ing soon.

06-01-07, 08:35 PM
"Stab" is a bit too vague. I need to know what exactly she blasts from her dagger (some kind of energy?), or is it just a significantly stronger assault with her dagger.

Clarify that and you'll be rping with the rest of us in no time.