View Full Version : The Antic shop

06-01-07, 12:11 PM
Chapter 1 aminiss light

Welcom freinds to a place of rare and strang things. as you pass the door a world of gold and gray overtakes you. all seems normal at frist glance. you are surounded by art and gloreis funishings. but to the sava things slowly begin to look strange the man at the desk glairs intently as if to search for something in all his gest.
to your left thair is a stoin piller with faces carved into it and a block seams to have ben cut from it. behind it is a painting of a man in drakovein armor pointing to the right. folowing the ark your eyes find ther way to the desk along side your host whair a bronzes puzzle box is resting. the world opins before your eyes. hear in the antic shop is hiddin the secrits of miny world's and the key's to the tarifing links the bind them.
dare you travel deeper yet? the wise may think to themselves.looking back over the enteryway a trophy hangs, the head of in oger fangs riped from its face and a rusty sword perfirating from between it's eyes. a monsteris taxidermy.
as you stare in delightful descust your host makes his way to his feet. a tall brod shoulderd man clayed in tanned red leather with platum hair that seems to only cuntrast his grayed skin and flashing jade eye's. A dark energy seems to burn out of him which is torcherisly being faght back as the hate and pain can be felt in his natcher masked by his boyish smile
"Welcom to devilman's Antics," he lowers his eyes "my name is David Jazmin" he jestchers around himself "If thair is any way I can help you dont be afraid to ask"
A strang fealing comes to all looking apon the man called Jazmin as his lips smile but his eyes do not. A low howl comes from the second floor. to the acute the smell and tast of capor in the hear macks itself nown.
Jazmin macks his way back to his desk and places his feet opin it as he rest. that inhumin sound? did he not hear it? as you look to the stars over his sholder. Jazmin waves his hand tisking you "Renivating," he proclams "its not ready yet" he leans in "inless,..."

06-01-07, 01:12 PM
[I ]My name is Daved Jazmin and I em a monster. not the figertive tip you her about from the locil cryer but a real one. ten years ago my famly was graced by Mephistophiles lord of Dis in the Netherworld and for the first time in my life as the blood of my parints and sister socked the floors of my home I now for the frist time whut I was
Miphisto refused to kill me that day for god only knows whut ressins. he just left me thair on the antic shop floor cradiling the bodies of my famly. my hart was tanted with hat like I had never nown. but now I live with. he also left me a 'gift' as he sead, my fathers sword 'learn its secrits' he comanded me. ha... I will, I have spint nearly ever hour of my life sincs studing the uncomin litrichers looking for others of my kind trying to peaces together whut i em and whut I might become.
I've felt it my hole life my humanity sliping away and the monster inside screeming to take hold. one day I may become a slave th the nitorieuse flame of hate and the glyphlords of the netherworld. but I plain to pay back Miphisto and his eight brothers frist.
I em David Jazmin and if Miphisto was a dark angal of mercie then I must become his Devil...
The day has bin long and the voice of the monster he capured rang hevily in his ears. Jazmin looks at his gest "so, are you ready to see whut I have to show you." he moves to lock his doors. the latch catchis heivly as ecos fill the air. Jazmin snuffs his lights and makes for the steeps waving his gest onward. he wolks to the second floor lighting only a single candle basking his shop in darkniss. the second floor is shoulder to shoulder with huminode monsters frozen in thair deathstantses by the hands of the diminted artist that bore them most with the instermint of thair distrution still imbeded within thair bodies.
the bloodcurtiling cry comes agin as Jazmin opiens the door to his bed chamber. he lights the candalabra reveling a pale monster apon his bed no arms no face skin thin and leatherd a mouth growing form its cest wigling as if somwhair under the twistid flesh of the beast were a humin trying to ecscape. with it's lags chand together it seems helplesssix arows jabbed in and amungst its ribs seamingly imoblising it only more so. it smells of roting flash and looks to be coverd in a crisping mucis. a black fluid bubbles from its mouth. fealing the wormth of life it thrashis about hungerly
"Nadussu," Jazmin respoinds not needing the quetion even asked "it's in is second stage of evilution. like a butterflty in a cacoon." he continuse. "I found it in the caticoms"...

06-01-07, 01:12 PM
[I ]My name is Daved Jazmin and I em a monster. not the figertive tip you her about from the locil cryer but a real one. ten years ago my famly was graced by Mephistophiles lord of Dis in the Netherworld and for the first time in my life as the blood of my parints and sister socked the floors of my home I now for the frist time whut I was
Miphisto refused to kill me that day for god only knows whut ressins. he just left me thair on the antic shop floor cradiling the bodies of my famly. my hart was tanted with hat like I had never nown. but now I live with. he also left me a 'gift' as he sead, my fathers sword 'learn its secrits' he comanded me. ha... I will, I have spint nearly ever hour of my life sincs studing the uncomin litrichers looking for others of my kind trying to peaces together whut i em and whut I might become.
I've felt it my hole life my humanity sliping away and the monster inside screeming to take hold. one day I may become a slave th the nitorieuse flame of hate and the glyphlords of the netherworld. but I plain to pay back Miphisto and his eight brothers frist.
I em David Jazmin and if Miphisto was a dark angal of mercie then I must become his Devil...
The day has bin long and the voice of the monster he capured rang hevily in his ears. Jazmin looks at his gest "so, are you ready to see whut I have to show you." he moves to lock his doors. the latch catchis heivly as ecos fill the air. Jazmin snuffs his lights and makes for the steeps waving his gest onward. he wolks to the second floor lighting only a single candle basking his shop in darkniss. the second floor is shoulder to shoulder with huminode monsters frozen in thair deathstantses by the hands of the diminted artist that bore them most with the instermint of thair distrution still imbeded within thair bodies.
the bloodcurtiling cry comes agin as Jazmin opiens the door to his bed chamber. he lights the candalabra reveling a pale monster apon his bed no arms no face skin thin and leatherd a mouth growing form its cest wigling as if somwhair under the twistid flesh of the beast were a humin trying to ecscape. with it's lags chand together it seems helplesssix arows jabbed in and amungst its ribs seamingly imoblising it only more so. it smells of roting flash and looks to be coverd in a crisping mucis. a black fluid bubbles from its mouth. fealing the wormth of life it thrashis about hungerly
"Nadussu," Jazmin respoinds not needing the quetion even asked "it's in is second stage of evilution. like a butterflty in a cacoon." he continuse. "I found it in the caticoms"...
this will be the beging of my revinge

06-02-07, 01:39 AM
Seeing that you have yet to create a proper character profile, I will close this thread down for the time being until the appropriate time.

~ Bazaar Moderator, Adventwings.