View Full Version : Bloodlines: A Graphic Novel in the Making

06-01-07, 04:55 PM

I'm currently working on a graphic novel called "Bloodlines". The story, title, characters, are all created and rendered by yours truly. I expect to have the first few pages paneled and submitted before Fall 2007.

Go here for Page One! (http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/57318212/)

Currently looking for assistance in:

-- Storyboard
Members primarily charged with assisting with plot development, character development, conflict, dialogs, and a majority of scripting. They focus on creating the "novel" part of a graphic novel, and help it appeal to a large range of audiences. Someone who excels in writing and comprehension would fit perfectly.

-- Support artists
Members primarily charged with conceptualizing and creating character designs based on descriptions and references. If you aren't very original, but can duplicate another piece of work in your own hand (without tracing) this is the position for you. It focuses on troubleshooting character designs and replicating them several times while keeping a clear, consistent resemblance throughout.

-- Building concepts
Members primarily charged with designing, fashioning and drafting concepts for buildings. If you pay close attention to interior design and eye-catching exteriors, this is the position for you. It focuses on creating several unique, yet practical structures given a theme and limitations.

-- Professional critics
Members primarily charged with pointing out strong and weak points in works of art. If you are someone who points out the good, bad, and ugly in books, pictures, movies, and artwork, this is the position for you. It focuses on keeping a reality check on the product as well as giving helpful suggestions on how to improve and advance the overall project.

-- Editors
Members primarily charged with pointing out legal infringements as well as finding and fixing errors throughout the story. If you search for errors in school textbooks, or refuse to read short stories due to poor grammar, this is the spot for you. It focuses on keeping a smooth consistency between plot and art and "smooth-out" the "wrinkles" in the final product. A broad knowledge of copyright laws is appreciated.

If you are interested in any of the above or would like to contribute in a different way, please contact me via Althanas Private Messages.

http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a289/LyeUlroke/BleuregardThumb.jpg (http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/56634200/)

Right now you are looking at one of two main protagonists. Bleuregard "Bleu" Skywater is a wolf anthro from the Foxhearté Clan. He was saved from the enemy clan by the elder lord of the Foxhearté. During his stay with the enemy, his soul was magically infused with sap from the Yggdrasil tree in hopes to become a super-weapon for the Lioneer clan. Assuming that the tests were a failure when Bleu did not yield results, he was locked up and tortured as a child. When saved, the elder lord of the Foxhearté Clan nursed him back to health and put him in care of the Cleric Division. Raised as a medium to the soul and through faith, Bleu harnessed an ability called over-soul. After being transfered to the Battle Cleric Division, he honed his skills and yielded unsurpassed power. The Lioneer tests were in fact a success, but this weapon has decided to turn against his creators as an undying oath to the man that saved him.

http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a289/LyeUlroke/IsabelleThumb.jpg (http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/57159920/)

This is Isabelle the lead female character in Bloodlines. He face is still undergoing improvements as I study the feline snout. She is part Lynx, and part fox. Her markings reflect both, her face is dominantly lynx, but her tails are both very fox-like. She lost her father before her birth. Her mother was the heir to the Foxhearte throne. During a Lioneer invasion, her mother was taken hostage and later found to be dead. The Foxhearte elder claimed Isabelle to be the successor to the throne. Since she was a half-breed, the Foxhearte Clan was in an uproar. Not wanting the negative attention, Isabelle fled to the nearby mountains where she stumbled upon her future husband -- a human.

Click for Larger Image. (http://ic3.deviantart.com/fs17/f/2007/160/c/9/Bloodlines_World_Map_by_Blue_Falcon.jpg)
http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a289/LyeUlroke/WorldMapThumb.jpg (http://ic3.deviantart.com/fs17/f/2007/160/c/9/Bloodlines_World_Map_by_Blue_Falcon.jpg)

1. Alékain (Human Stronghold)
2. Salvar (Name debatable -- Corrupt Human Establishment)
3. HighFordge (Dwarven Stronghold/Mining Facility)
4. Fallthea'liel (Elven Stronghold)
5. SnowSwallow (Gnome Stronghold/Science Facility)
6. Retribution (Lye's town of birth)
7. Onyx Tower (Hidden Gateway to Underworld)
8. Ivory Tower (Hidden Gateway to Heavens/Home of Yggdrasil root)
9. Foxhearte Clan (Bleuregard & Isabelle's hometown)
10. Lioneer Clan (Juda's Hometown)
11. Dead Sea Dessert
12. Great Plains
13. Blood Marsh
14. Avenkin Peak
15. Enigma Cave
16. Ancient Isles

06-01-07, 04:59 PM
hey very awesome^^

The plot sounds interesting and kinda reminds me of the anime Utawarewumono. I definitely like the character designs and hope you do well. Just remember that even in comics that it's often the writing that's equally Important to art. There's too many comics and manga with great art but pedestrian storyline.

06-01-07, 08:10 PM
Nice concepts!

Nymph and Dragon
06-01-07, 09:44 PM
Very nice indeed. I especially like the eyes. By "submitted," are you talking online, or are you trying to get published?

06-01-07, 10:39 PM
I'm going to be expecting some serious villainage here... :D

06-01-07, 11:23 PM
I will be publishing it once the first volume is complete. But I will submit the first ten pages or any arrangement of pages as a teaser. I'll probably make a few pilot copies which I will have hand-made/Kinko's-made for sale prior to trying to find an actual publisher.

As far as storyline, I've got a good 5 pages of pure scripting and that's for scenario one. I have a grand total of three scenarios which I will post later once I have a solid concept. I'll let the community vote which one they like best and begin the paneling. It's going to be a long project and I've been trying real hard to find a companion or two to do a little "checks and balances" on the overall project -- make sure that what I'm doing will appeal to a large audience. So far, I'm still flying solo.

As far as villain-age, I think the villains will be quite satisfying. Unfortunately, Lye will be either an upset or a reliever to all of you. His overall role won't have a solid platform until the end of the series. (Dun -dun -dun!)

06-02-07, 11:16 PM
I'm currently working on a graphic novel
looking for assistance in:

-- Storyboard
Members primarily charged with assisting with plot development, character development, conflict, dialogs, and a majority of scripting. They focus on creating the "novel" part of a graphic novel, and help it appeal to a large range of audiences. Someone who excels in writing and comprehension would fit perfectly.

-- Support artists
Members primarily charged with conceptualizing and creating character designs based on descriptions and references. If you aren't very original, but can duplicate another piece of work in your own hand (without tracing) this is the position for you. It focuses on troubleshooting character designs and replicating them several times while keeping a clear, consistent resemblance throughout.

-- Building concepts
Members primarily charged with designing, fashioning and drafting concepts for buildings. If you pay close attention to interior design and eye-catching exteriors, this is the position for you. It focuses on creating several unique, yet practical structures given a theme and limitations.

-- Professional critics
Members primarily charged with pointing out strong and weak points in works of art. If you are someone who points out the good, bad, and ugly in books, pictures, movies, and artwork, this is the position for you. It focuses on keeping a reality check on the product as well as giving helpful suggestions on how to improve and advance the overall project.

-- Editors
Members primarily charged with pointing out legal infringements as well as finding and fixing errors throughout the story. If you search for errors in school textbooks, or refuse to read short stories due to poor grammar, this is the spot for you. It focuses on keeping a smooth consistency between plot and art and "smooth-out" the "wrinkles" in the final product. A broad knowledge of copyright laws is appreciated.

If you are interested in any of the above or would like to contribute in a different way, please contact me via Althanas Private Messages.


(Current art concepts can be found above. Please contact me via Althanas Private Messages for details on storyline or arrange a meeting with me for a personal explanation of the project.)

Artifex Felicis
06-02-07, 11:27 PM
Haha, nice man. I like the concept so far. Mostly because I'm also a sucker for anthros. Though, I am curious as to why two warring groups have half the same name. Eh, either way, I like the design sketches more then the cooler, but that only because I get a better feel for Bleu (cheese)

Also, one thing I can't stress enough in this is to have an idea of where you're going. It sucks so much to think about how awesome it will be for Bleu to do something to a dragon, but it requires 8 pages of build-up first. Just as a piece of advice.

06-02-07, 11:51 PM
I've got the theme, general storyline, and background. My problem is finding a way to fill in the gaps. All that meaningless dialog where you learn about the characters and blah blah blah. It's hard to get it out there as a creator that's why I need some assistance.

{BTW} Good point with the clan names. I think a change is in order.

06-08-07, 09:59 PM
http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a289/LyeUlroke/IsabelleThumb.jpg (http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/57159920/)

This is Isabelle the lead female character in Bloodlines. He face is still undergoing improvements as I study the feline snout. She is part Lynx, and part fox. Her markings reflect both, her face is dominantly lynx, but her tails are both very fox-like. She lost her father before her birth. Her mother was the heir to the Foxhearte throne. During a Lioneer invasion, her mother was taken hostage and later found to be dead. The Foxhearte elder claimed Isabelle to be the successor to the throne. Since she was a half-breed, the Foxhearte Clan was in an uproar. Not wanting the negative attention, Isabelle fled to the nearby mountains where she stumbled upon her future husband -- a human.

06-08-07, 11:43 PM
I love her! I want to see her tails. How old is she when the series begins?

06-09-07, 10:54 AM
I believe she's in her early twenties like 21-23. The anthro-kin have slightly elongated lifespans. So her actual age is about 29. I'm still working on her personality. She's supposed to have some kind of a spunk to her, but so far the script makes her seem like a pansy. T-T

06-09-07, 08:34 PM
Click for Larger Image. (http://ic3.deviantart.com/fs17/f/2007/160/c/9/Bloodlines_World_Map_by_Blue_Falcon.jpg)
http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a289/LyeUlroke/WorldMapThumb.jpg (http://ic3.deviantart.com/fs17/f/2007/160/c/9/Bloodlines_World_Map_by_Blue_Falcon.jpg)

1. Alékain (Human Stronghold)
2. Salvar (Name debatable -- Corrupt Human Establishment)
3. HighFordge (Dwarven Stronghold/Mining Facility)
4. Fallthea'liel (Elven Stronghold)
5. SnowSwallow (Gnome Stronghold/Science Facility)
6. Retribution (Lye's town of birth)
7. Onyx Tower (Hidden Gateway to Underworld)
8. Ivory Tower (Hidden Gateway to Heavens/Home of Yggdrasil root)
9. Foxhearte Clan (Bleuregard & Isabelle's hometown)
10. Lioneer Clan (Juda's Hometown)
11. Dead Sea Dessert
12. Great Plains
13. Blood Marsh
14. Avenkin Peak
15. Enigma Cave
16. Ancient Isles

Artifex Felicis
06-09-07, 08:43 PM
I really really like this map to be honest. Nice.

Add Leon =P

And with subliminal messaging out of the way, that looks pretty good. Bit small for a world, but good none the less.

06-09-07, 08:54 PM
Thanks, by the way, have any reference pics of Leon?

06-09-07, 09:03 PM
If you need help with character concepts, I got a billion floating around in my head.

06-09-07, 09:58 PM
You an artist? If not then describe some of the ideas. I might be able to use a few. I'll need help thinking up monsters to draw.

Artifex Felicis
06-09-07, 10:08 PM
The one currently in my profile, just clicky my name, or the one (http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/12065376/?qo=57&q=by%3Ablue-falcon+in%3Ascraps&qh=sort%3Atime) you drew a while ago would work well. Also, nice.

06-09-07, 10:15 PM
*Tugs Lye's sleeve*

I'd appreciate a wee cameo, ay?

06-10-07, 12:45 AM
Hey, if you need ifnormation on Seth (as unlikely as that would be) Feel free to contact me, I'd be willing to help as a fellow writer/idea bouncer.

06-10-07, 11:43 PM
Go here for full view! (http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/57318212/)
http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a289/LyeUlroke/PageoneThumb.jpg (http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/57318212/)

This is page one of Bloodlines. The ink was done by hand but the "toner" was done via Photoshop. I'm not impressed with it so I'll probably end up redoing it. Until then here it is: Page one of an ongoing graphic novel.

Please Fullview.

06-11-07, 02:11 AM
wow. excellent page. looks awesome

06-11-07, 03:41 AM
O__O * steps it up* Jack.... you want a rival? I'll give you a rival. At anyrate, very awesome. i love your perspective, which is the part that gives me problems... @__@ oh boy. now i have to go drew draw parts of my last page... I also think you have one BIG advantage over me... patience...*scribbles furiously*

06-11-07, 09:49 AM
Thanks guys. BTW Tara, you've got one BIG advantage over me: color. Soon as you color your panels you can count me S.O.L. I couldn't CG worth the life of me. Even doing the black and white on this page was driving me off a wall. Still, I'm looking forward to an artistic battle of epic proportions!!! :D

06-11-07, 10:28 AM
Takin all bets!! Momo the femme fatal takes on Lye aka Jack in an art battle of epic preportions!!

Who will come out on top?! Only time will tell!!

06-22-07, 07:55 PM
http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a289/LyeUlroke/Profile4Althanas.jpg (http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/58182909/)

This is an image I drew up in the hospital as my grandma was undergoing surgery for cancer. Pray for her will you? Anyway, I needed a solid reference for Isabelle's full body and her markings. I drew a sketch on paper, inked it via Photoshop Pen tool, and filled in solid colors. I'm, debating whether or not to do a soft cell shading, but we'll see.

06-22-07, 09:32 PM
http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a289/LyeUlroke/Weapon4Althanas.jpg (http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/58203330/)

06-22-07, 09:51 PM
hehe nice^^ I love furry Hybrids^^ good profile pick^^

06-23-07, 07:00 AM

You might need to decrease the image size, Lye. It's stretching the post screen awfully large...

Asides from that note, I refuse to believe you suck at coloring. You just... take a while to make it come out right. :p

Return my dA note, please. If you already have, I'll just go check it right now. :D

EDIT: 600x800 pixel max would be nice. Also, the link to your first comic page is broken. :(

06-23-07, 10:34 AM
For some reason, Photobucket banned the image. The link to the deviantart page of it still works, give that a shot.

[edit] fixed the image resolution. Hope that's better! :D