View Full Version : Who's In Your Fave 5?

06-01-07, 06:27 PM
Straight up question, Althanians (X-posted to AllRPG FYI):

If you could have any five people alive today in your Fave 5 (for those you don't know, a service from T-Mobile where you can pick five people to call on your cell-phone, unlimited, for free), then who would you choose?

Assume that, no matter how famous or rich or sick or whatever they are, they would actually WANT to take your call and chat you up and so forth. Also keep in mind, though, that you might want to call your friends, family, significant other, etc. as well.

06-10-07, 10:14 PM
George Bush (So I can yell some sense into him)
My mother (becuz she'll call me again and again, and I don't think I'd like the sight of my phone bill)
Dane Cook
1 Friend
My girlfriend

Cyrus the virus
06-11-07, 03:07 AM
This is going to be... anticlimactic?

Emma (:P)
Natalie Portman (:O)
Bill Gates?

Okay, I'm bad at this. Not much of a phone person, I guess.

Storm Veritas
06-11-07, 04:04 AM
1. My Wife. Just in case she's checking the interwebs. I like my balls where they are (No "purse" jokes, please).
2. Jessica Biel. Note: Do not indicate #2 to #1.
3. George Bush. That's right, the leader of the free world doesn't get top billing over my boss or a really hot chick. I'm shallow.
4. Giuliani. Because although I'd rather see Obama, that shit ain't happening.
5. The Cookie Monster. Because he's a metaphor for a coked up sexual predator. And that's nine shades of funny.

06-11-07, 08:22 AM
I have Fave Five. It blocks my wallpaper...

I guess if I could put some people in it...

1.) Emma: so she can call me when the stalkers break into her house. I won't actually go over to help or anything, but I could talk her through it.
2.) Jesus: No particular reason. I'd just show off that Jesus is in my fave five.
3.) PhoneSex hotline: Because work gets long and lonely.
4.) LordLeopold: Because he calls me so much already, why not make it free?
5.) Home: Because my mother calls me too much, I need to get the jump on that.