View Full Version : A short time away

06-04-07, 09:16 PM
Hey guys, I'm just telling everyone know that Manda will have limited net access for the next week or so. She bought a bikini and a ton of beer. You don't need to anything more than that.

06-05-07, 07:50 AM

I'm not gonna touch that subject. XD

Tell her to have fun, though. :)

Rigor Mortis
06-05-07, 07:51 AM
Oooh... can we have pictures?

Preferably AFTER she's drank all that beer.

>.> <.<


Artifex Felicis
06-05-07, 10:48 AM
Don't encourage her. It's like adding napalm to the forest fire started.

Still, hope she has fun and gets back soon. We'll miss(?) here a lots ! ^^

06-05-07, 06:08 PM
I second the motion of pictures after she's finished the beer and put on the bikini. Enjoy!

06-05-07, 06:24 PM
You people keep the fuck away from my fiance!

06-07-07, 12:22 AM
*poke* Oi, I had first dibs on Manda and always will... I guess I can share. :D

Has your little sis been asking any more questions? :p

06-07-07, 01:17 AM
I have one thing to say...and one thing only.

AY, Manda!

And I mean that in the SPANISH sense of the word, NOT the Irish!

06-07-07, 01:21 AM
Beer? Bikini?

*happy dance*

06-10-07, 09:23 PM
Hahaha. Hey guys, didn't mean to let this go on this long but my dad keeps buying booze, and the weather remains beautiful down here. Also, I quit my job and am having to both look for a new one and get internets set up at my dad's house. Uh, yeah. Anywho, getting a new library card tomorrow morning, so starting tomorrow expect me back in a daily fashion.

And if you're real nice, there may be pictures. =P Especially for you guys, Jenn, Karu, and Dan. *ravages all three at once!*

06-10-07, 09:29 PM
I don't get pictures? How else will I know what to put up at the local police station?

06-10-07, 09:41 PM
Welcome back(ish) the Manda!

06-11-07, 07:46 AM
Hurry up with the internet access! Me wants you back!!

Mostly because Dan has been mean to me lately and in some very foul moods.

But I still wants you back!

Skie and Avery
06-13-07, 04:23 PM
Jeez, Cory, weren't the naked pictures of Dan enough?

*petpets Witchy*

....... *hides from Dan*

Artifex Felicis
06-13-07, 04:29 PM
You still haven't fully returned yet!

*sets out cupcakes and prepares loop in comically cliche trap*

Rigor Mortis
06-13-07, 05:08 PM
I want pictures too!


06-14-07, 12:59 AM
Down, boys. You're scaring the newer people away. :p

Welcome back-ish, Manda! :D

Moonlit Raven
06-15-07, 11:37 PM
... LOL. Now I remember why I love this site. You people rock.

Manda please hurry back!

Skie and Avery
06-22-07, 08:26 PM
Okay, here's the deal-e-o. I quit trucking for a bit. I'm looking for a local driving job that will let me be in my home every night, or at least every other night and you know, have a life. For the time being I'm working in a day care center, and have been designated to the nursery or the toddler room, so I either get to run around after a dozen kids all day and change roughly 60 diapers a day! Yay! I thought this job would make me want to sterilize myself, but I'm actually all in maternity mode right now, so it's good that despite my week and a half of being drunk and residing in my bikini, I'm still single. =P

I can't get online with my laptop right now, but I can with my sister's PC, but it can't handle running AIM so you wont see me on until we can get a router for my laptop. But this time, I am really and truely back, and Jennifer, I'll be PMing you the home number so you can call me. I can't make long distance calls with it, unfortunately, but I have so much to tell you! I've missed you!

Oh, and once the laptop is online... there will be pictures.