View Full Version : Four Rode Abreast

Sighter Tnailog
06-05-07, 02:47 AM
By night the riders left the Palace, four riders dressed in drab raiment and riding on swift horses. None knew what tidings they bore, only that they rode hard to the east, passing with great speed over the plains and farmlands of Raiaera. Earlier in the day there had been rumors of other messengers from farther abroad being entertained in the Grand Palace, but at the time no one had been watching for them. But by the nighttime, eyes and ears where open. The ride of this second round was noted.

Indeed, they were spotted again in Anebrilith, boarding three ships bound to various ports. Two were headed south, to Corone, while another ship was stopping by in Knife's Edge before continuing further east to unknown locales. Even more titillating, one of the riders boarded a ship that was bound for only one main location: Etheria Port! Those who knew of great things knew that this meant something, for a messenger from Raiaera to be dispatched in the dead of night to the sworn enemy of the Raiaeran nation.

Great deeds were afoot. But what would come of these midnight messengers?

06-07-07, 05:58 PM
Rumors clung to them like wailing beggars as the six rode through the dark streets of New Aurient, leaving the docks and their ship behind. They had come from Salvar in the night--five men and one Raiaeran elf. None knew their purpose, but many were quick to invent fanciful lies: Alerar was planning to besiege Valinatal, strange lights were flickering over the Red Forest near the Obsidian Spire, or the Bladesingers had encountered a swarm of N'jalian spider mages outsides of Anebrelith.

They left such speculations behind as they sped into the countryside, not pausing to spend the night in the city. They were haggard and tired, but grimly determined. It seemed they would not stop if one of them died in the saddle.

When they finally arrived in Elruiand as dawn was breaking, the guard recognized them immediately and escorted them to the Palace. Something strange was afoot, but none seemed to know quite what it was.