View Full Version : Tome of Legends(Part 1) [Closed]

06-06-07, 04:35 PM
Always back to the ship, the adventures had become a bit dull as the captain of the troubling making crew Anansi stood at the helm looking rather bored. Eyes half closed as the winds filled the large sails chugging them along through the waters, they had made a large arch from Salvar down to Scara Brae, to save them the trouble of running into a large Corone fleet that may or may not be there. Considering the present condition of the ship, and the hands on board there was no way in their present condition they could attain a victory. So the trip was boring…along with frustrating because having to dance around to prevent being caught meant the trips being a bit longer.

One day on land, which was used to grab another few crew members a rather uneventful time spent in a rather cold country. A shiver ran up his spin as he remembered the biting cold that broke through the cloak he wore, and made moving let alone taking a peaceful piss a chore. Brushing the event away from his mind, and forced him to think about other things but even pleasant day dreams couldn’t go un-interrupted.

“Troy! Troy!”

Over the starboard side someone was calling his name…rather loudly so stealth obviously wasn’t an issue if this was an attacker. With his sword at the ready, Troy peered over the railing down to the waters below, not seeing anything at first then up form the water ascended a familiar face, attached to a familiar form the upper torso of a human male, the lower of a fish not many people saw things like that everyday; however for Troy it was a common occurrence growing up. Troy smiled and waved, as did this male as he fell back into the water.

“Ovid!” Troy called out, “What are you doing so far from home?” His sword was sheathed, and both hands were on the railing as he eagerly leaned out, waiting for the response to come back. “I was sent to bring you a message!” Came the reply as Ovid grinned eagerly back at Troy.”

“Well? Out with it!”

“Alright, Alright! The map to the tome of Legends is in the Homeland.”

Troy looked at Ovid questioningly, for one the homeland would be Dheathian, but what in blazes was he talking about. Obviously Ovid saw his bewilderment because he commented soon after.

“I’m just as confused as you are, as far as mythical books are concerned, I have no idea what significance it could have, or where the map could be. But, Ceil mentioned a run down archive in land that might have it, along with that she would be happy to show you once you reach Dheathian. Besides, I’m sure it would feel good to be home again even if it is to grab a map.”

With that Ovid dove under the water’s surface but not before waving. Turning around Troy leaned on the railing, pondering the information then adjusting his hand. Well it couldn’t be any worse than these last few treks, and the Merfolk wouldn’t send him on a wild goose chase anyways. So he sighed, and began his usual habit of yelling for a bit o’ order. “Alright Mates, all hands on deck we have our heading!” He skipped two stairs, then skipped another three up to the helm, tugging the wheel hard port sending them due south.

First Stop Supplies

06-12-07, 08:12 PM
There was something calming about when the ship was going well with the wind. They could speed along without much effort on the crew's part, and often only required some careful looks every once in a while to make sure that the ship wasn't hitting a reef or if there were any ships nearby. It was almost like the ship was anchored in a way. It was just sort of peaceful, and offered the rather unique opprutunity to do whatever someone wanted while still making good time to wherever their destination was.

Maia used it in a way she hoped would be good in the end. She didn't have much idea as to where they were headed though. Such a thing usually ended up just being the Captain's task to keep track of, and the girl simply let it be. She busied herself going through and around and on and in the ship, leaning nearly everything she could about it. It wasn't that she didn't know how to sail a ship, but she had yet to master a caravel. The lines were different then the old galley she sailed upon some time ago, but the basic principles remained the same.

However, now she was simply relaxing, and enjoying the much warmer air. She had on her, more or less, normal clothes. They also served as a battle uniform, land clothes and generally everything else. She didn't exactly have a chance to buy more cloths so that she could change often. Still, she didn't mind much. Salvar was far too cold for her tastes, and she ended up spending most of the time in the cold country in the boat, usually with one of the thicker blankets wrapped around her. Even when she did live in Salvar, there was almost always a fire burning in her warm home, and enough friends she trusted so they would sometimes sleep together to keep the cold away.

The orders came from Troy quickly and the girl obeyed without much hesitation. She didn't really need to do much either thanks to the steady and strong breeze. She was careful to not let the swinging boom knock her off her feet, and came close to the helm. She didn't bother to climb the stairs. Anything she would have had to take care of would be on the main deck itself. She waited until their course was somewhat decided, looking up with somewhat expectant eyes at her captain. She still didn't really trust him that much, but he hadn't tried anything with her and that was more then she could say for quite a few people.

"Where are we heading, Troy?" She asked with a slight grin. She liked the life of a sailer for now, though she was debating getting off after another couple trips. Staying on the sea too long was never that much fun, and she enjoyed a bed that didn't rock with the waves.

06-13-09, 02:14 PM
This thread has been sitting for a full year. Since no response has been made to create activity I am going to be moving this. If you would like it to be reopened please feel free to PM myself or another admin and they will be able to move it for you back to Scara Brae.