View Full Version : The Competition

The Valkyrie
06-06-07, 07:18 PM
For hundreds of years the people of Fallien have engaged in arranged combat, both armed and unarmed. “Ordinary” people, the average citizens of Fallien, have pitted their skill, strength, and wits against the various champions and beasts of the desert land. As Fallien’s trust in the outside world grows, their desire to include their Outlandish visitors in the intricacies of their culture increases as well. An invitation has been extended by the judges of Prahnadyuta (the competition) to Althanas to enter into these matches with the champions of the various combat techniques, and the assorted beasts of the desert. A typical fight would include two Outlanders (player characters) versus one champion or beast (npc). Partners can either be chosen, or randomly assigned. The matches have no time or weight limit. There are many different arenas of the Prahnadyuta throughout Fallien, each suited to the challenge which lies within (Karuku-tal are within a pitch-black cave, Vita takes place in a hippodrome, etc.)

At the completion of a match, a winner will be determined. The winner will be awarded with one or more strands of Kiramaini glass (in the form of a bracelet) depending on their performance, which after five or more are attained, can be shown at the Merchant's Walkway for one of many weapons which are unique to Fallien. The more beads a warrior has earned, the better or more unique weapon he may be entitled to.

There are several different fighting styles which will be employed by both the champions of each particular style and the Outlanders during these fights :

Pankration – A combination of boxing and wrestling, the match is won either through an opponent’s submission or incapacitation. In some cases, the only form of submission accepted is unconsciousness or death. Joint locks and choke holds are common methods of incapacitation, often manifesting in broken fingers, limbs or even a broken neck. The only disallowed techniques are biting and gouging. There are no time or weight limits, and this style of combat is frequently lethal unless other rules are decided. The elite of this style rarely surrender, but would rather die than accept the dishonor.

Varmakkalai – Also a form of healing, this style of combat involves the use of various pressure points on the body in order to incapacitate or cause severe pain to the opponent. It focuses on stopping the opponent without causing permanent damage, with or without weapons, regardless of the situation. This is possibly the most time-consuming art to learn, and often takes ten or more years of study to become proficient in its use.

Bandesh – A series of techniques used to lock limbs or hold down an opponent thus forcing him to submission. The six stages are Pavithra (footwork), Rokh (blocking), Lapet (Twisting), Fekan (Throw), Cheen (Snatching), Bandesh (Lock hold). Lock holds are employed against different kinds of weapons like swords, daggers, and long staff.

Fari Gadka – A bladeless armed combat technique using a cane stick called Gadka and a small leather shield called a Fari. This method is practiced like sword-fighting, within a twenty foot square arena. The match is considered lost when a combatant has received five strikes to the body.

Lathee – Essentially stave fighting, this style is fought in a forty foot arena with five to six foot lengths of cane wrapped in leather. Opponents are protected by cotton-padded leather bracers on their forearms, and prohibited from strikes to the groin, nose, or eyes. The same rules for winning are used as in Fari Gadka.

Muki – A form of bare-knuckles boxing where there are two groups (two or more fighters per group) that each try to drive the other group back. Whenever one team is either left with no able fighters or driven out of the marked area, a winner has been determined.

Vajramushti – This particularly unique form of fighting requires the combatants to use a weapon called a knuckleduster (like brass knuckles) made of animal horns or bone, and in some cases, glass. The Nirrakali people use knuckledusters made of Valaiyalman glass with shards of Mukakkanati or poisoned Cillu glass embedded or glued onto it. A fight is considered over when an opponent’s hand, holding the knuckleduster, is immobilized.

Vita – A mounted style using a lance with a barb on one end. This method, particular to the Oasis, is practiced on the legendary Fallien steeds, and the lance is either thrown at an opponent, or an attempt is made to impale the opponent. If a combatant falls from his horse, or is unable to hold his lance, he is considered to have lost the match.

The beasts which combatants will be pitted against can be found in Fallien’s Bestiary, here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=1497).