View Full Version : This is good bye

06-06-07, 07:23 PM
This is it. After three plus years of writting on this site, my time has finally come, I'm leaving. Why, you may ask? Quite simply, I no longer have an interest in this site. It is quite literally that simple. Thus with this thread I ascend to the heavens of the internet among the likes of Yari, Sorjax and others so that I may reappear once a year or so for a tournament and to make a big deal about my grand return only to dissappear into the dark abyss two weeks later.

Good bye.

06-06-07, 07:26 PM
Sorry to see you go, good luck and hopefully we'll see you back some time in the future.

Artifex Felicis
06-06-07, 07:29 PM
What she said. Maybe when you do return I can finally whomp you in a battle to make up for the Magus.

Seeyou around mate.

06-06-07, 07:32 PM
This is a sad route we're all eventually take. Godspeed, dude, and don't be a stranger.

06-06-07, 07:33 PM

But I never got to do a thread with you!

06-06-07, 07:42 PM
Thus with this thread I ascend to the heavens of the internet among the likes of Yari, Sorjax and others so that I may reappear once a year or so for a tournament and to make a big deal about my grand return only to dissappear into the dark abyss two weeks later.

Except you don't write as well as they did. Good look getting past that line at the pearly gates.

And don't think because you have all this free time now that you can come bother me on AIM. I so tired of cybering with you. You don't roll dice, dammit.

You just don't.

Storm Veritas
06-06-07, 08:04 PM
This is sad to see. I haven't been active much, but my active career here simply wouldn't be the same without you Grim. Thanks for all you've contributed to my writing, and to the site.

06-06-07, 08:16 PM
Well, good bye. And good luck.

Sighter Tnailog
06-06-07, 08:17 PM
Raiaera, also, wouldn't be the same without you. You were one of my continent's earliest roleplayers, and I wish you luck in your future endeavors.

06-06-07, 09:08 PM
Farewell and may the winds be forever at your back...

I think Raven's Lawyers are going to be after my head now *Starts to run.*

Well I do have to say that I always liked you as a member, you just seemed to be an honest player that did his best and did a good job. And who could not love a blind samurai vampire^^

06-06-07, 09:49 PM
Adios, man. Adios.

06-06-07, 09:50 PM
Bye, bye good luck, and what they all said too.

06-07-07, 08:15 AM
*Glances amusingly at Reiko*

I'd be more worried about Karuka's lawyers if I were you, Reiko. ;)

So long, Mr. Grim the Blind Vampire. May the Winds be Fair and the Days be Restful.

06-07-07, 12:57 PM
Nah, Raven. The farewell is longer, more complex, and under common domain. No lawyers.

Max Dirks
06-07-07, 02:03 PM
Thus with this thread I ascend to the heavens of the internet among the likes of Yari, Sorjax and others so that I may reappear once a year or so for a tournament and to make a big deal about my grand return only to dissappear into the dark abyss two weeks later.Ah, you are such a prophet. Not one person has been able to resist the temptation of Dirks, ever. You will be no different. Good playing with you.

Catch me on AIM @ EZ150 if you get a chance tonight.