View Full Version : The Judging

The Valkyrie
06-06-07, 07:54 PM
There are two priestesses in each arena who act as judges for the battle. They not only determine the winner or winners of the fight, they also watch for any activity which would warrant disqualification. Eye gouging, biting, concealed or unauthorized weapons, poison in all but excepted cases, all of these things are grounds for disqualification from a battle.

To make the judging of the competition easier, the winner will be decided by the rubric system. A minimum score of 65 must be attained for the characters to even be considered the winning party. On top of that, there is a emphasis on Action and Persona scores, especially how they deal with the NPC's used throughout the thread. High scores do not necessarily need to be obtained here, but a level of effort must be evident.

A score of 65 automatically gains the winner a strand of beads made of sacred Kiramaini glass. Extra strands will be awarded for effort and outstanding performance based on the judges discretion. The beaded bracelets a warrior receives for victory in the (insert strange name here) are status symbols. The more beads a warrior has, the higher status and more respect he/she has earned in Fallien. Also, a warrior who shows these beads to a merchant is eligible to receive certian unique Fallien weaponry in The Merchant's Walkway.