View Full Version : Adventures of Momo, a potential ongoing comic

06-09-07, 07:13 AM
The last 4 hours are all a blur to me and my eyes sting, i'm not sure i've blinked in the last two. I just started playing around on my tablet, and it became something much more than i ever intended. And now it's 5:00 AM. Anyways, I haven't drawn in a while, so this was refreshing.

Momo turned out to look a little younger than I imagined but oh well. Messy screen tones >.< sorry, it's late... err early. If i continue this... I need to have Momo's first encounter be instead the place labeled 'REST'. It'll actually be a inn/restraunt/tavern for travelers passing through this nasty dry area. I'd like for Momo to meet up with someone I've written with before, but Momo's always up for making new friends. However, if you give me permission to use your character in this, if i coninue it, keep two things in mind. 1.) I may not use your character right away because it just may not fit 2.) I'll do my best to depict them how you imagine them, but it won't be perfect. I'll definately follow strict orders in character design, but as for how they fit into the comic itself you'll have to grant me creative liscense.

Anyways, enjoy. *passes out*


06-09-07, 11:47 AM
Looks pretty solid so far. Lookin forward to the next edition :P

You can use Ziggy if you like, or any of my other characters. W/e you want ^^

06-09-07, 11:56 AM
nice art^^ I really like the idea.

I would be honored if you used Ki. I know I haven't adventured with you but someday we might and I would enjoy it whether or not you use Ki but I"m an art whore and would love for Ki to have a part, even if it's just a cameo

Artifex Felicis
06-09-07, 12:17 PM
I just want a picture =P

Still, looks good, but I'll hold more comments off until I see more. Glad to see you're still doing stuff though.

06-09-07, 12:55 PM
Feel free to use and abuse Elijah as you see fit!

Just... please don't kill him! I'm not ready to make another character yet!

Corvus MacCallum
06-09-07, 01:58 PM
Popped me request in when I saw this but yea commenting, for one thing its nice to see some well flushed out backgrounds, known many artists that just skimp and its a really soft style, nice, simple and clear.

Plus once I get a few quests thinned out will hopefully be questing with once I unsolo Knocks.

Screen Name
06-09-07, 02:11 PM
This private detective is yours to hire (that means you may use me if you like).

06-09-07, 06:54 PM
Awe... No one volunteered to be in my comic T-T. Good work so far, keep it up. My only complaint is the variance in shades. The content inside the frames are much lighter than the text and character's hair. I don't know if it's been inked or not, but if you're looking into inking, buy a nib pen and a dipping well of India ink or Acrylic Ink (I use the latter). Practice with it for a bit, but in the end it will do wonders!

06-09-07, 07:14 PM
Awe... No one volunteered to be in my comic T-T.

well I think people guessed you had a plot and didn't want Althanas characters in it. Though I volunteer Ki for yours too^^.

Artifex Felicis
06-09-07, 07:21 PM
well I think people guessed you had a plot and didn't want Althanas characters in it. Though I volunteer Ki for yours too^^.

Same with Leon if you want him. Also, I want more pages Momo!

06-09-07, 08:30 PM
Ki will fit in perfectly as one of Isabelle's clan members. I'll work her into the storyline if that's ok with you. ^.^

06-09-07, 08:37 PM

that's fine with me^^ I like the idea of her being used in someone's work like that.

06-09-07, 08:42 PM
thanks for your encouragement and volunteerings (?) guys. I have an idea for where i'm going to take this. Also, sorry jack, but try to keep yoru story planning in YOUR art thread so you don't spam mine. :p

06-09-07, 08:57 PM
Gotcha, I expect you to be a good rival and keep me on my feet!

06-15-07, 03:28 AM
Here's page two. I've made a great discovery doing this. I SUCK at screen toning. but i'll get better with practice. So bear with me, tones may change on characters( ie. momo's hair color) I just have to read some more manga to get an idea. So please don't critique my screen toning. I know what's wrong with it, all that is going to fix it is practice. Anyways, page two, next page will be the first cameo.


Corvus MacCallum
06-15-07, 07:53 AM
Only thing to comment on is don't forget the cardinal rules, in general the highest speech bubble is read first.

06-15-07, 01:32 PM
wowzaz. only the second page and im already dying to know what happens next ^^

and yes, as corvus said, highest bubbles are read first.

06-15-07, 01:45 PM
I hope the guy gets what's coming to him

hopefully it's something special and not just a slap to the face^^

06-15-07, 02:15 PM
I'm gonna' go ahead and agree with the first line of Ziggy's post

06-16-07, 03:44 AM
Great artwork, and feel free to use Banda at any time, it wouldn't matter to me how you use him! Hope to see more of it

06-17-07, 05:05 AM
:3 Do you happen to use Psychobob's screentones? Cause his/hers are really good quality ones.

xD Toning takes a hella lot of practice.

06-17-07, 09:57 PM
I doodled MOmo a while back, I finally colored it. It's not my best coloring job but i was feeling lazy.


06-17-07, 09:59 PM
oh, i really like it, you did a really good job. Shes sooo cute^^

06-17-07, 10:25 PM
lol yes she is! ill have to incorporate that into our thread, given Zig's reputation and all ;]