View Full Version : Movin' On Up

06-11-07, 10:37 AM
The Links, are original items. Not updates.

Level 2 updates in orange and green.

Name: Komosatuo Isachi Satuo
Age: Unknown. Moves like a mature male between the ages of eighteen and twenty-three.
Height: About 5'10"
Weight: Appears weight about 170.
Gender: Most likely male, no one really knows.
Eye Color: Pale Gray
Hair Color: Unknown, could be bald.

Occupation: Professional Ninja of the Seventh Clan of the Horachi’Lykn Ninja. Also a freelance Mercenary.

Appearance: Komosatuo is garbed in traditional Horachi’Lykn Ninja clothing, a full piece suit comprised of twin layered, interwoven black silk, that both allows for quick, light movements, while still providing the wearer with a minor amount of protection from the elements and glazing attacks. The suit comes up to form a half hood over his head, leaving the face fully exposed, and also forms a tough sole where normally shoes, or sandals would be worn. The suit also possesses numerous hidden pouches across the person, all of which are very cleverly hidden so that none save one on his left thigh, are visible. Over his exposed face Komosatuo wears a black scarf, which is constructed of the same material as his suit, that is long enough to wrap completely around his head multiple times, but still keeps his eyes exposed. The remainder of the sash hangs down to about the middle of his back, is noticeably uneven. The index, middle finger and thumbs of his suit are half-cut (half the finger is missing) allowing for easy grip on most surfaces.

Recent purchases at the local bazaar have brought into his possession a pair of black linen pants and two strips of the same material, thirty six inches in length and an inch wide. These are wrapped around his forearms.

Personality: Dangerously quiet and strongly to himself, Komosatuo trusts no one and will rarely ask for a favor. He has no known friends, and if he does, they are secrets even to those themselves. He is a coiled spring, ready to release, and all it normally takes is one wrong move, or action, or word to unleash his strange inner rage.

Armor: Aside from his one piece suit, he wears a thin padded vest of leather armor underneath. This doesn’t hinder his movement and is not noticeable unless closely examined. The armor provides him with minimal protection against thrusting attacks and arrows. It provides a good rating of protection against slashes or glancing attacks.

Weaponry: On his person, hidden within the many pouches, are the following items.

6 five pointed throwing stars (http://www.karatedepot.com/catalog/images/items/wp-ni-004.jpg), made of steel. Shuriken is their common name.

8 seven & 1/4 inch throwing knives (http://www.karatedepot.com/catalog/images/items/wp-ni-31.jpg) made of iron.

12 three inch fish darts (http://www.karatedepot.com/catalog/images/items/wp-ni-05.jpg), made of iron. These are small darts normally thrown in bunches of three or four and each have a four inch red or yellow tassel attach to the ends. These don’t hinder its flight, but do add stability.

1 thirty-two & ½ inch Horachi’Lykn Ninja Sword (http://www.karatedepot.com/catalog/images/items/sw-ni-10.jpg), made of folded steel. This is normally worn within a special pouch on his back, that holds his sheath in such a way, that only the hilt of his weapon is visible. The hilt is painted black, and is wrapped in roughed leather.


Sword/Unarmed Techniques: Being that he is a level 1, Komosatuo will only be able to use two of the following techniques.

Swaying Moonflower: A very, very common technique used within the ranks of the Horachi’Lykn. So common in fact, that it is considered by most to be a rookie technique, although almost all would tell you that they’ve used at least once or twice that day, because it works almost without fail each time. The Swaying Moonflower is generally a defensive technique, but combined with such techniques as the Rolling Thundercloud, or the Swinging Monkey Fist, the Swaying Moonflower can become very deadly. The technique begins when the Ninja clears his thoughts completely and enters deep into his minds personal solitude and focuses all his energy, his Lykn (Explained later), into his keys sense, hearing. This normally takes about a half second, depending on the situation, but because of the severe training of the Horachi’Lykn, this is almost always achieved in the said time. Once the solitude has been attained the Ninja performs a series of three moves to complete the technique, all within a very, very short time (another second and a half, due to intense training again) and they go as such:

Hy’Cha: Simply lifting their sword up in front of them.

Hy’Chi: Bringing their legs close together, lifting up onto the balls of their feet slightly, and laying their sword flat against their chest, the blade pointing up.

Hy’Kah’Ni: This is the final move, executed just before the attack can connect with the ninja, is simply that the ninja, using his increased sense of hearing, ducks, twists, jumps, or steps out of the way of the attack and it is in this final stage of the Swaying Moonflower that other techniques can be used.

Swaying Moonflower is the only technique he is able to use now. This technique can be used only twice in battle, as focusing all of a Ninja’s Lykn drains half of their fighting strength. A second execution would almost be fatal, unless the Ninja is well rested before the battle. This can be used multiple times during a quest, depending on how long it is.

He may now use the Swaying Moonflower technique three times in a battle.

Rolling Thundercloud: A twirling attack/technique that is normally executed when jumping during the final stage of the Swaying Moonflower. Possesses enough strength, should the Ninja be armed, to severe an unarmored human, or creatures, head or other extremity that happens to be there. Can break bones should they be unarmed. Is also used to reach normally unattainable heights by focusing all the Ninja’s Lykn into their legs and strength. Obtained. Can be used once in a battle.

Swinging Monkey Fist: A spinning attack/technique that is normally executed when ducking during the final stage of the Swaying Moonflower. Possesses enough strength, should the Ninja be armed, to severe an unarmored human, or creatures, legs or other extremity that happens to be there. Can break bones should they be unarmed. Is also used as a dodging technique, when being fired at by arrows or other propelled object by focusing all the Ninja’s Lykn into his sight and hearing. Not yet obtained. Obtainable at level 3.

Cascading Waterfall Over Cliff: A controlled fall/landing technique. The Ninja focuses all of his Lykn into his legs and lower torso. The result is a soft and very quiet landing that only results in minor bruising in the legs and feet. Successful landings normally occur between heights of ten feet and twenty feet. Anything below can be achieved quietly and smoothly without this technique, although risk of injury is greater, and anything over twenty feet is still unattainable by a level 0 at this time. Not yet obtained. Obtainable at level 3.

Boulder Rolling Down Hill: A controlled roll/landing/attack technique. This technique is one that doesn’t use a lot, if any, of a Ninja’s Lykn but it does require a practiced hand and the slightest miscalculation could result in disaster. A basic tuck and roll maneuver but extended to beyond just a simple single roll. A practiced Ninja could extend the roll for lengths up to two hundred yards, without suffering any injury save a slightly sore back and shoulders. The attack portion of this technique does require some Lykn as it requires a deeper level of concentration, as the Ninja has to know when to come out of the roll in order to attack. Aware. Possibility of successful attack attempt, 1 in 13. Possibility of successful rolling landing attempt, 1 in 5.

Casing: As described in this battle, here is the link and a quoted synapses of the technique. Quote:
Originally Posted by Komosatuo Casing.' Or storage of a small amount of reserve Lykn into the body of one who just suffered the fate of experience death, or near death. The 'Casing' was permanent and would forever remind the bearer of his mistake in life, but that was not what it was for. Should the bearer face death again the 'Casing' would crack, releasing the Lykn it stored into the bearer's body, instantly closing any exterior wounds, sealing blood in the body and preventing death, if only for a short time. It did nothing for interior bleeding but did increase the healing process of the body, granting a small chance should that happen. Because it was permanent, the 'Casing' could be restored if ever used, but it would render the bearer into a seemingly unhealthy state of deep sleep for two days time. They would wake as thought nothing had ailed them and if their body still pained, they would only have to divert their Lykn slightly to finish the task that the 'Casing' started. It was the final gift of the Horachi'Lykn, before attaining full atonement into the clan, and one that the boy had some how skipped out on.

The Casing is used or activated when a carrying individual is in a near death situation. Meaning their last breath, their last heart beat. It is triggered as a final defense mechanism from the brain and acts instantaneously. The result is a rapid healing process of all external wounds, closing them to the point of scabbing. This does not mean they are completely healed, just sealed to prevent further blood loss. Because of the fact that internal wounds could lead to internal bleeding and even death, the Casing also accelerates the healing process of torn blood vessels and internal organs. The result is being bed ridden in a deep, coma like sleep, for two whole 24 hour days and when they awaken they feel as though they've been healing for some weeks. Including the soreness, itchiness, likeliness to re-open all the wounds and all of that.

The Casing can be used more than once, it is a permanent, refillable life saving technique granted as a final step to becoming a Horachi'Lykn Ninja. Once used however, the Casing requires three whole additional days following the first two (Five total) to refill. This is to ensure that the carrying person doesn't do anything stupid between those times, granting them time to heal and possibly learn exactly why it was that they died.

Wind Whistles Through the Reeds: Wind Whistles Through the Reeds is a disarm technique that has seen use throughout the Seventh clan of the Horachi‘Lykn ninja for generations. Simple in design, but difficult in mastery, the technique is taught at all the lower levels, but usually isn‘t fully mastered until Journeyman Advanced Level 5, or sometimes even Lesser Master Level 7. As of right now, Komosatuo, in his Acolyte Journeyman Level 2 status, has a 1 in 17 chance of disarming a charging opponent. This chance increases up to 1 in 10 chance with an opponent who is standing completely still. The technique works by the use of any blunt object on the ninja. Be it the hilt of a knife, sword, a closed fist or anything else. The ninja then takes that blunt object and strikes at the hand or hands holding the weapon. This technique can be used at least twice in a battle, depending on the length and an undetermined times in a quest.

Sword Mastery: With his recent graduation to a second level ninja, Komosatuo‘s sword mastery skills have been increased to the Acolyte Journeyman Level 2 stage. He knows how to use a sword well enough, but when pressed by a advanced swordsman, he will falter and possibly loose. He can now perform an attack maneuver called Wind Whistles Through the Reeds. This will be discussed in the Skills section. This will increase as he gains levels.

Levels of Horachi’Lykn Sword Mastery:

Awareness – No training, novice prodigy
Beginning/Beginner – Two months training
Novice – Additional Four months
Acolyte Novice Level 1 – Additional Six months
Acolyte Journeyman Level 2 – Additional Eight Months
Acolyte Master Journeyman Level 3 – Additional Year
Journeyman Level 4 – Additional Year and Six months
Journeyman Advanced Level 5 – Additional Two years and Two months
Journeyman Graduate Level 6 – Additional Three Years
Lesser Master Level 7 – Additional Two Years and Eight Months, Defeat Current Lesser Master in Non-Death Duel
Master Level 8 – Additional Two Years and Four Months, Defeat Current Master in Non-Death Duel
Greater Master Level 9 – Additional Two Years, Defeat Current Greater Master in Non-Death Duel
Grand Master Level 10 – Additional Two Years, Defeat Current Grand Master in Non-Death Duel

Throwing Mastery: Because he is a level 2, this technique is reduced to the Acolyte Journeyman Level 2 stage. He can hit almost all large and slow targets, and has a greater chance at hitting a faster moving target, such as a running human. These chances are 1 in 3 for a large target, I.e an orc or other similarly sized creature. 1 in 4 for a human and steady on down the line. The chances decrease as the size decreases.

Levels of Horachi'Lykn Throwing Mastery:

The same as the Sword, only you don't have to defeat the Master Ranks.

Ninja Reflexes: With his recent graduation to a second level ninja, Komosatuo‘s ninja reflexes have increased to the Acolyte Journeyman Level 2 stage. He doesn’t possess the superior reflexes of a high level ninja, but as his levels increase, so with his reflexes. He does possess however, more advanced reflexes than that of a normal, in shape twenty year old human male.

Wall Jump/Flip/Run: With his recent graduation to a second level ninja, Komosatuo‘s running and jumping capabilities have increased to a slightly above average level. He can perform a significantly better than what a normal, in shape twenty year old human male can do when it comes to running up or on walls, jumping onto and off them, and flipping around.

Ninja Sight/Smell/Touch/Hearing/Taste: With his recent graduation to a second level ninja, Komosatuo’s senses have increased to an above average level. He possess better senses than that of a normal, in shape twenty year old human male.

Lykn: The life force of all living things on Althanas, and unfortunately, known and used by only a select few. The Ninja. Much like the Chi (or however it’s spelled) of the Chinese, or Japanese, the Lykn of the Horachi’Lykn is utilized to grant their Ninja the ability to perform inhuman feats of great strength, speed, cunning, accuracy, or just about anything out of the ordinary for a normal human. The use of a Ninja’s Lykn however, comes with a cost, for every time a Ninja uses his Lykn he will drain a portion of his strength. For it requires great mental and physical discipline to do such, and if used to often in one sitting, it will very likely leave a Ninja weak and exhausted. It is taught within to ranks of the Horachi’Lykn that a Ninja is only to use his Lykn when in great need, or in a fight he knows he will not win under normal circumstances.

Items: His throwing weapons, his sword, his suit, his sash and a few pieces of gold.

History: No-one really knows where Komosatuo came from, no one really cared. After he slaughtered three Horachi’Lykn Ninja unarmed when they attempted to stop him from entering their grounds, and without the assistance of his Lykn, no one dared ask. Instead they reasoned with him, then took him as one of their own, taught him their ways, their forms, their beliefs and their customs. This happened nearly fifteen years prior to his re-emergence into the Althanas ‘public.’ This would suggest, that he is perhaps older than he acts, for he was no more than eight years old when he first appeared within the Horachi’Lykn compound.

During these fifteen years Komosatuo spoke to almost no one, except perhaps his mentor, teacher and possibly, his only known friend, Ymotaqota. Even then it was only in acknowledgment of a command or request, nothing more, nothing less. He learned fast, very fast, and soon was amongst the advanced students of the Horachi’Lykn, and he was not even two years at the compound. It took an average of six years to complete the beginning stages at the compound. This left him with many enemies at the compound, mainly with the other students, even a few teachers. This did not deter him however, though at times it did stall him, but only just. There were quite a few unknown deaths at the compound in the following years, almost all of which had publicly proclaimed themselves envious of Komosatuo. No-one dared to point the finger though, lest they bring upon themselves the same fate shared by their dead peers and teachers. After the twelfth death, no one tried again and Komosatuo continued his training.

Ten years later, nearly half the time it took a ‘normal’ student, Komosatuo graduated and was allowed to leave the compound as he see fit, to venture into the rest of the world. His teachers beset upon him three rules however, he must never reveal where the compound was, that if he was to be hired as a mercenary, not to mention the compound, and if the Horachi’Lykn were to go to war, he was to join them, no matter what.

He did not leave immediately however, and stayed near to the compound, performing mediocre police duties in the nearby villages, for near on three years. The call of the outside world called to him though, and one night he simply disappeared. The Horachi’Lykn knew he had left, they saw everything, but no one else knew where he went, when he left, or much less why. Like a silent specter he was simply just gone; no one has seen him since and everyone is wondering when it is he will return.

Five Horachi'Lykn Ninja Teachers:

Name: Kiomata'Ly Aqota Ymotaqota
Age: 72
Eye Color: Pale Blue
Hair Color: Dark Brown with Wings of White at His Temples
NPC Level: 16
Character Level: 7

Occupation: Grand Master and former Swordplay tutor of Komosatuo.

Character Status: Unusable save in quests, and even then he is a non-combatant NPC until a higher level is gained by Komosatuo. He is however a very superb teacher and will take any opportunity to teach Komosatuo. (This means frequent updates)

Physical Apperance: Unless he told you, you would never guess that his man was pushing past seven decades of life. He is as spry as a tumbler in a traveling circus, but doesn't make a point of letting this known. People tell an old man more things then they do an old man who still moves as though in the prime of his life.

He possess a sort of great, wiry strength as well as an unmatched stamina. He can fight and continue fighting, as strongly as ever, for hours past what normal men would consider exhaustion.

Equipment: Standard Horachi'Lykn field equipment. See Komosatuo's breakdown. Only because he is a grand master, his are constructed of Damascus and his sword is made of Delyn.

Personality: An Old Man. He may be a ninja but this doesn't mean he can't care. He is the father of three, the grandfather of seven and a great-grandfather of two. He will show compassion and caring when he needs too but push him to far and he will tell you exactly what it means to be the Grand Master of the Seventh Clan.

Brief Break Down of Abilities:

Advanced Lykn Control: He can use his multiple times, for hours on end before tiring.

Advanced Sword Play: He's a grand master, although he is still considered young for this rank. The last grand master was 113 years of age and took seven hours to defeat.

Brief History: Too much to tell, not enough space to tell it. We will start from where he entered the story of Komosatuo.

He knew, from the moment that the boy entered to compound, that he was destined for great things. Still holding rank at Acolyte Journeyman Level 2, the fifty-four year old ninja was beginning to feel the pull of age on his bones. He hated it; hated it even more that his father was the Grand Master and rubbed it in his face that he was a worthless child, a reject, a failure. He hated that!

So, despite all the warnings and cautions about taking in the newest member of the Seventh Clan, he took it upon himself to train the boy personally. For fifteen years the boy learned, and learned fast. He had never seen such advanced learning ability as this boy, this prodigy. He was beginning to see himself presenting the next Grand Master to his clan, at the youngest age yet. But, like all good things, as most old men were prone to realize sooner or later, his dreams were shattered when the boy suddenly disappeared.

It had been three years since the boys graduation and during that time he found the courage enough to stand up to his father and surprised everyone, including himself, when he actually won the duel. The boys disappearance had come as such a shock to the former tutor that, despite his new found glory and power, quickly assemble four of his most trusted students and set out to find the renegade.

And this was where, six months later, he finally caught up with the boy but not to bring him back, six months of tail him had told him that a life at the compound was no longer for him, but instead to endow the final gift of the ninja, and further the boys education until he saw fit.


Names: Yokoisumi -;;- Rianai -;;- Joriu -;;- Xiosle
Ages: 45 -;;- 39 -;;- 36 -;;- 29
Eye Colors: Emerald Green -;;- Dark Brown -;;- Pale Gray, Almost White -;;- Ocean Blue
Hair Colors: Light Brown -;;- Black -;;- Pale Yellow -;;- Brown
NPC Levels: 12 -;;- 10 -;;- 9 -;;- 5
Character Levels: 5 -;;- 4 -;;- 3 -;;- 1

Occupations Journeymen Advanced Level 5; Scout Master -;;- Journeyman Level 4, Sharpshooter -;;- Acolyte Master Journeyman, Sneaker -;;- Acolyte Novice, Standard Ninja

Yokoisumi - Because he is a scout he carries only a small amount of weapons and wears little armor. He has : The Horachi'Lykn Standard Issue Sword, made of steel. Three Fish Darts, Two Throwing Knives and Two Throwing Stars. In attaion he carries a small hand held crossbow with ten steel tipped bolts. Wears only a leather vest beneath his suit, instead of a jerkin.

Rianai - Because he is a sharpshooter he only carries three weapons. A Horachi'Lykn Standard Issue Sword, a Yew composite bow and a light weight crossbow, made of oak. Carries in a narrow quiver on his back, 25 cyprus arrows tipped with armor piercing arrow heads. In an even smaller quiver on his right hip he carries 20 hollow steel shaft crossbow bolts, tipped with armor piercing heads. An even thinner leather vest, to reduce tension in his arms and chest when firing a bow, hidden beneath his suit.

Joriu - A rare breed of Ninja (which is ironic), Joriu has taken upon himself to become a 'sneaker.' Although all ninjas are trained in the art of assassination, few actually take up the form as a stable career. The Sneaker, is a master. Carrying only two weapons on his person, the Standard Issue Horachi'Lykn Sword and a very long, very thin bladed knife, as well as not wearing any armor, the sneaker is a master at stealth.

Xiosle - Same equipment as Komosatuo, and armor.


Yokoisumi: Slow to joke but even slower to anger, the massive form that is Yokoisumi is, at heart, a gentle beast. Pressed to hard however, the beast will awaken and an almost animalistic rage settles over him. Very little can stop him in this stage, save out right death of either him, or the person who angered him.

Rianai: Quiet and reserved, as most sharpshooters are, Rianai only comes to his true light when amongst his closest friends; a knock out comedian who quips at everything and can get you to laugh at even the most inopportune moments.

Joriu: Even quieter than Rianai he rarely speaks at all, and even then, only to ask for a small favor, in the least amount of words possible. He is easy to be around though, as his silence isn't because of his hatred or loathing for others, he's just quiet, as his skill requires him to be.

Xiosle: Talkative, almost to the point of getting him pounded physically by his four other companions, Xiosle makes up for comic acts when Rianai isn't around. Somewhat of a klutz but with a surprising amount of luck, Xiosle is exactly what his rank dictates him as. A novice Ninja who is still learning the ropes but shows great promise in the future.

Brief History:

Each coming to the compound at the age of 15 they have all progressed as most would expect them too. Some slower than others, some quicker. In all their years though, none had anticipated that they would have to leave the compound, some still in the beginning stages of their training, and hunt for some prodigy run away. They never voiced these questions though and they follow their grand master with the utmost loyalty, even to the death should he ask it.

But that still doesn’t rest the questions burning at the back of their minds.

06-11-07, 09:21 PM
Remember, Ninja, when walking through a melon patch, don't adjust your sandals.

In other words, you are Approverized!