View Full Version : Beast of Burden ((Open))

06-11-07, 12:40 PM
Level 0-1 please.

With Koran's sudden disappearance, Bernard found himself lacking in the department of action. He was what most would call, recently addicted to adrenaline. He needed something to get his blood flowing, his heart racing and his mind forming memories at a blur. He knew of only one true answer to this problem: The Citadel.

It was early on the morning after Koran's abrupt disappearance and Bernard found himself staring in wonder at the massive magnificence that was the Citadel. Golden sheathed roofs and towers, massive stained glass windows glittering in the sunlight to create a blinding wall of white light that caused any man to shield his eyes. Straining to see the top most tip of the highest tower, Bernard soon gave up if only because of the fact that he wanted to see for the rest of his life. All the same, there was an ever present glare in his vision and shaking away those little purple, yellow and green spots was proving impossible. Perhaps when he got inside, things would change.

If anything, there wasn't much of a change at all. Where as outside it was bright and all glarish, inside it was all dark and gloomy shadows. It took him some two minutes to finally get adjusted to the light and when he did, he almost lost what breath he still had. If the outside could be said to be magnificent, than the inside could be said to make the outside seem drab.

Massive statues, life like in their stone skin, surrounded the great meeting hall that opened up just inside the massive doors of the Citadel. Huge golden and silver chandeliers hung from a ceiling that seemed impossibly high. Candles, some probably as thick around as Bernard was tall, stood suspended in the massive chandeliers, casting their light up into massive mirrors hung from the ceiling, reflecting that light to even more mirrors, lighting the massive hall as if it were almost outside, instead of in. Albeit it seemed like it was always an over cast light, as the mirrors didn't do what the outside gold and glass did, softening the light instead of magnifying it. All the same, it left Bernard breathless.

Why are you stalling? You've seen it before. Indeed, three times before. But that had been before he met Koran, and one time afterward but only sketchy details of that time were all that remained, and he hadn't been looking for the details of the building. He had been looking for quick fights and even quicker money. So how is this any different? He shook his head in wonder and cast his head about, searching for the signiture monks that inhabitated the grounds.

With society and the world constantly changing around them, the monks had hard times adjusting to the changes, and it showed at times when there was a drastic change. He hadn't seen any previous changes with the monks, but by the way they were reacting to the most recent change, Civil War in Corone, he could sum up how most of their changes went about. Instead of the simple worn brown robes that the monks wore during more peaceful times, each monk was now dressed in a full suit of half-plate and armed with a longsword and kite shield. Senior monks were marked with silver or gold or platinum enamel on their armor, and the commanding monk was marked with a single gold plume coming from the top of his helm. The looked impressive, but Bernard knew they were a peaceful bunch and wouldn't easily be pushed to violence. Once pushed however, woe to whomever pushed them over the edge.

He chuckled and reached out to catch the attention of the nearest armored monk. "Excuse me kind monk, I'm here for an arena."

The monk, an elderly gentlemen that didn't look at all too out of place in his armor, probably some retired soldier taken to the life of a monk, turned to regard Bernard. His soft blue eyes squinted for a moment at Bernard’s lack of armor and his sword short swords, but he still smiled and removed his helm as a courtesy. "Ahh yes, a young blood. Could use more of your type around here, but that is not of my concern, and it shouldn't be yours. Tell me, what kind of arena would you be looking for?"

Bernard smiled at the mans apparent joke about him being needed around the Citadel. To him it looked like they had more than enough 'young bloods' and wouldn't really be needing any more any time soon. He nodded respectfully to the monk though, for his courtesy joke, and explained the details for his arena.

"A horse track you say? Will you be needing a large audience, or just a small, private one? How about some additional racers, to make it interesting?"

"Large, and loud if you could. The racers are fine, four should suffice. Loud, noisy crowds and tight quarters have a way of making your blood boil."

"Oh, aye. So does combat, but a horse race should do just fine. If you'll follow me, I'll show you where to go. You have your own horse?"

"Huh? Oh, yes. He's tethered up outside. Do you need me to get him?"

The monk waved him off. "Aye, no, you need not worry about that, he'll be there. Just follow me."


Once inside the arena, it had taken about fifteen minutes of more awe inspiring, jaw dropping walking through the Citadel to get there, Bernard looked over his adrenaline filled syringe. It was a massive building, dusty and hot, with a massive crowd cheering on the current racers inside. The roar of their voices shook the dust from the walls in large clouds and Bernard couldn't help but smile.

It was perfect.

A horse neighed behind him and he turned around. "Ah wind, there you are. You ready to win?" Wind, his horse, neighed and shook his head. "Ha ha, I thought so." Slapping the side of his horses neck softly, Bernard went about checking the girth and various straps the comprised of his horses saddle.

Outside the crowds rose to a crescendo as the current racers raced toward the finishing line and the ultimate prize of victory.

It's a horse race. You get a horse (if you don't have on the Citadel will provide with a temporary mount) and you race. The arena is molded after the ancient Circus Maximus of the Imperial Roman Empire, just in case you were wondering. This won't be like a typical horse race of today, but more like the ancient chariot races. Six laps around the track, anything goes. All you need to do is survive, and finish first. When you arrive, post as usual but on your second post you will be granted access to choose one weapon/accessory/armor. These are limited to the following:

A short spear (http://www.trueswords.com/images/prod/c/TS-TRIBALSPEAR_115.jpg).
A trident spear (http://www.sworddemon.com/productimages/bdk/thumb/BK805.jpg).
A six inch lead ball and chain with wooden handle.
A chain net.
A whip with tiny lead stars at the ends.
A conventional horse whip (http://www.torricellapeligna.com/photogallery/Mem12-Fig18Teacher.jpg). (Bad pic, sorry)
A kama (http://www.atlantaokinawankarate.com/kama_l.gif).
A reversed katana (http://www.mwart.com/images/p/Katana_Reverse_Blade_Sword_Katana_2044_1503.jpg).
A shield. (Styling includes Conventional Kite (http://cunnan.sca.org.au/upload/thumb/e/ee/Shieldkite.jpg/150px-Shieldkite.jpg), Roman Legionary (http://www.aurorahistoryboutique.com/products/R000620_L.jpg), Greek Hoplon (http://www.macedonian-heritage.gr/HellenicMacedonia/media/original/b1243b.jpg), Wicker Shield (http://www.e-turchia.com/IMAGES/Calendario_agosto_n._3.jpg))
Left shoulder and arm guard. (Hardened Leather)
Right shoulder and arm guard. (Studded Leather)
A glatiator helm (http://www.by-the-sword.com/acatalog/images/helms/roman_gladiator_helmets/dp6207.jpg). (Iron)

10-02-09, 03:27 PM
This thread has been waiting for over a year. If you would like to complete it, or work on it further, you can PM myself or another staff member and ask for it to be moved. However, till that time, it will be resting in the Citadel Archive forum.
