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06-11-07, 09:15 PM
As some of you may or may not know, our little Zerith is married. Well, for the passed nine months his wife, who also happens to be my best friend, has been carrying around a little hellraiser in the making. :p

Not anymore!

At 1:50am today, Becky gave birth to Arianna Skye McKay, a 7lbs 8 ounce little bundle of devil wrapped in a cute blanket and topped off with Becky's cute little button nose! She also makes Becky's face right before she gets upset and starts crying. It's really kind of cute. :p

I'll have pictures soon, I need to get them off Shirley, Becky's mom, first. ^^

So, everybody go 'awww' now. :D

06-11-07, 09:36 PM
^_^ Second Althanas baby of 2007.

06-11-07, 09:57 PM

06-11-07, 10:33 PM
I think babies should be kept in the soundproof room. Not all the time, though. Just until they're like old enough to go to school. :P

Yes, I don't like babies. They all look the same and they're not cute or pretty. And they most definitely don't make me go 'awww'. Come on, who agrees with me? :cool:

06-11-07, 10:38 PM
*jumps up and down enthusiastically*

Ohh, ohh, me!

I hate children, not just babies. My mom tried to make me hold Arianna and I nearly ran out of the room. I don't care if she wasn't making any noise, I didn't want to touch it!

But, could you at least be happy for Matt and Becky? They seem all excited and happy to finally have Arianna.

06-11-07, 10:38 PM
congrats to the Parents and good luck^^

Hope the girl grows up to be a great person.

06-11-07, 10:39 PM
Wow, and I thought I was alone in this world in regards to undying hatred of babies up until they're capable of speaking and comprehending the English language...

06-11-07, 10:40 PM
Lol, thanks for letting Althanas know about my new daughter. I hope she meets your satisfaction when you saw her today Wichblade.

But yeah, Yesterday was a long day for me. My wife's water broke at 11:30am, induction started at 3:30, labor started at 5:30. Arianna would have been born around 10pm but she wasn't in the right position. So at 1am they doctors started to perform a C-Section.

My poor daughter had a massive bruise on her head. Thankfully it has already gone down tremendously.

Anyways, sorry to everyone for not writing anything lately. Now you can kinda see why.

06-11-07, 10:43 PM
I don't particularly think newborns are cute...

But I love babies and little kids. Yeah, they're messy, noisy, and annoying...but they're also cute and eager to learn.

06-11-07, 10:43 PM
Met my expectations?

It's a baby... I have no expectations other than it... do baby things, whatever they are. >.> I was just glad it didn't cry and that my mom eventually stopped trying to make me hold it! >.<

06-11-07, 10:44 PM
But, could you at least be happy for Matt and Becky? They seem all excited and happy to finally have Arianna.Mayhap I could. The thing is, the new parents are always so excited about their babies that when you talk to them, it's expected from you to be just as excited. They're always: "Oooh, isn't he/she cute? Look at his little fingers. Look at the clever look in his eyes. He has his mother's chin. Don't you think he/she's cute? Do you want to hold him? Do you want to pet him?". And frankly, it gets annoying after the first kid or two in the family.

By this I mean no ill will to Zerith and his wife and their little mongrel. By all means, be happy and have a dozen more. I just generally don't get excited over such things no more then I get excited over death nowadays.

06-11-07, 10:44 PM
Don't worry about it, Matt (I think that's your name!)!

And babies are cute despite their constant cries and wails!

06-11-07, 10:45 PM
Lol, thanks for letting Althanas know about my new daughter. I hope she meets your satisfaction when you saw her today Wichblade.

But yeah, Yesterday was a long day for me. My wife's water broke at 11:30am, induction started at 3:30, labor started at 5:30. Arianna would have been born around 10pm but she wasn't in the right position. So at 1am they doctors started to perform a C-Section.

My poor daughter had a massive bruise on her head. Thankfully it has already gone down tremendously.

Anyways, sorry to everyone for not writing anything lately. Now you can kinda see why.

oh dang, she might end up like me^^

and no worries, raising a kid is hard work, so you might be posting too much but once you're able to juggle around the time things will be good.

06-11-07, 10:45 PM
Lol, true. I still feel akward holding her.

Too bad you didn't get that camo outfit. We'll get it eventually :)

06-11-07, 10:46 PM
o.O Letho, you have officially depressed this thread that was supposed to be happy and cheerful!

EDIT - I totally should have bought that camo outfit! But my mom was all like 'no, you have to buy it something pink' PINK! I hate pink! >.<

06-11-07, 10:46 PM
Grats dude.

I remember you....never really talked a whole lot....but I remember you being a cool guy, heh.

Best wishes to you and your new family. :)

06-11-07, 10:47 PM
Witchy, Letho and whoever else! You are simply foolish to think that babies are not cute!

I know his baby is cute!

06-11-07, 10:48 PM
yay! baby arianna is here! congrats matt! and i want piccies darn it!

06-11-07, 10:49 PM
Babies are reminders of what we will become after we've aged away into the background of society.

Only cuter. XD

I'm sure anyone as good looking as the artist from Heroes must have a kick ass kid, lol.

Edit: At least that's who his avatar looks like to me....no glasses on right now....so it could be a blonde fat woman for all I know. XD

06-11-07, 10:50 PM
I'm not gonna say thing like 'oh, isn't she cute!" or "do you want to hold her, you know you do".

As a guy who has had no experience with baby's. I'm happy, but terrified I'll do something bad everytime I'm around her. I probably looked extremely uncomfortable picking her up and holding her.

EDIT: And we'll see if Letho will like her after he sees her wearing her Germany soccer onesie (or whatever it is).

06-11-07, 10:52 PM
You most likely did. I know I held my newborn cousin like a football the first time I touched a baby. Unless you've had the proper experience, it's natural to grab the baby like its made of fresh falling snow.

Just don't drop her if she gurgles. XD

06-11-07, 10:53 PM
Well, you did seem extremely cautious, but you'll get better at it with time. It's not something that you're just born knowing how to do, your parents are supposed to show you.

And Emma, I dont think just Matt and Becky's baby isn't cute, in fact I never said that. I said I don't like babies or children. Probably because I have no maternal instincts.

Artifex Felicis
06-11-07, 10:53 PM
I feel SO young right now.

Still, congrats on your little old woman from the womb. Have fun raising her, and I expect her on Althanas or something like that when she's old enough.

06-11-07, 11:02 PM
I addressed the fact that you think all babies are ugly, Megan! Re-read it and you'll see. ;)

Either way, it's blasphemy to think that! And yeah, when I was holding my little cousin I felt like I had to treat him like a ceramic bowl worth trillions of dollars. It came to me pretty quickly after a lot of holding though.

06-11-07, 11:21 PM

Would that classify as a sutible 'Aww' substitue? O.o

Congrats to the new mother and father...or old...whatever the case may be. I don't follow this kind of stuff usually...

Cyrus the virus
06-11-07, 11:29 PM
I don't hold babies until they're old enough that they can sit on my arm, above my hip. Just don't trust myself, despite the fact that I never drop anything.

Anyway, congrats to them! Guess they're gone from Althanas for a long time :(:(

06-11-07, 11:34 PM
Didn't you hit yourself while twirling a drumstick once? :p

Cyrus the virus
06-11-07, 11:35 PM
You horrible woman!

You're not supposed to make that kind of thing public >=(

06-11-07, 11:42 PM
Pft, Gone? I won't be gone, I'll probably still be around as much as I am now.

Of course that's bad news to those who want me gone, whoever they are. If they even exist.

The Valkyrie
06-12-07, 10:50 AM
Congrats you --- and I promise babies are nowhere near as fragile as everyone thinks. Look at what they went through to get here! Anyways, don't make her wear pink, she'll grow up to hate it profusely like me. Pics soon please! Oh and don't blink --- she'll be a big ugly three year old with an attitude before you know it. I'd give anything if mine were that little once more!

Aryr de Morte
06-12-07, 10:53 AM
Want this magic lamp? *holds out magic lamp*

I'd be careful though, the genie is Cyrus!

Cyrus the virus
06-12-07, 01:54 PM
You keep our inside jokes on AIM, or I'll start sharing things too :p


06-12-07, 02:03 PM
congratulations! just remember to put something padded over all sharp corners lol! my little cousin wacked her head on them a few times, which is probably why she is the way she is.

06-12-07, 07:34 PM
Becky is already covering Arianna in pink, so it won't be long until she starts hating the colour. I wanted to buy her some camo stuff, but my mom said I couldn't do that because if the baby is a girl that immediately takes away all other colour options but pink, yellow, white and purple apparently. >.> I think that is silly.

06-13-07, 03:25 AM
*shrug* my favorite color is blue, therefore my kids when i eventually have any, will wear blue no matter what their gender... the girls will just a cute little bow to go on their head ^_^

and to reiterate previous posts and IM.... Pics!! Soon!! the sooner the better!!

06-13-07, 06:22 AM
Give her blue clothes!

Or I'll buy them for you! Once I finally have a valid credit card!

And congratulations! I already want to see little Arianna already!

And congratulations on making me write all my sentences with exclamation marks, too!


Death's Nephew
06-15-07, 12:31 AM
We want pictures damnit! XD

06-15-07, 07:57 AM
lol, I'll talk to Matt soon and see if I can get some. I've been busy and I'm sure he's been busy as well. :p

06-15-07, 10:26 AM
It's just a matter of finding the USB cord for my mother-in-law's camera. Once we find that, we'll be able to post pics.

06-19-07, 08:06 AM
Hehe, and I remember the first time I met Becky officially after she mentioned she was dating my brother. My first words to her were, "I'm going to be an uncle!" Now, I can live up to that statement. :P Gratz again on little Arianna.

Anyways, this is my first time posting pics up, so if the links don't show and stuff, please don't kill me. I get enough torture from my mistress. I didn't upload many yet onto my comp, so please enjoy the ones I've got for now.

Matt (Zerith) holding Arianna (http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a125/MySoCalledDemise/Pictures001.jpg)
The McKay family (From left to right; Matt, Becky, and Arianna) (http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a125/MySoCalledDemise/Pictures002.jpg)
Arianna Skye McKay (http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a125/MySoCalledDemise/Pictures003.jpg)
Arianna Skye McKay, Take 2 (http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a125/MySoCalledDemise/Pictures004.jpg)
Nick (Lisean) holding Arianna (http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a125/MySoCalledDemise/Pictures005.jpg)

06-19-07, 09:52 AM
Good stuff! Looks like you're a natural Zerith!

Max Dirks
06-19-07, 11:05 AM
Thank God the kid looks like her mother!

Congrats fools.

06-19-07, 11:27 AM

It's true, but she does totally look like Becky. She got Matt's long fingers though.

06-20-07, 01:17 AM

So cyute, Nya~!

06-23-07, 12:58 AM
Babies are reminders of what we will become after we've aged away into the background of society.

Only cuter. XD

I'm sure anyone as good looking as the artist from Heroes must have a kick ass kid, lol.

Edit: At least that's who his avatar looks like to me....no glasses on right now....so it could be a blonde fat woman for all I know. XD

I know where he got that avy from! (Felt like saying that :p)

Aaanyways, congratulations! I particularly don't mind babies, but think their annoying. Happens when you have three younger siblings. Be careful with her, because from what i know, two bonks on a babies head, and they grow up to be mood swinging, easily aggravated teenagers who curse a lot....

At least that's how my brother turned out.

GOOD LUCK! You'll need it, definently, you'll get the hang of it though. again, GOOD LUCK!

06-23-07, 03:03 AM
awwwww she's so adorable! i wish i was there so i could ask to hold her ;_; congratulations once again! and i want MORE piccies!! there is no such thing as having too many piccies up for peoples to look at (namely myself, but whatever :P)

06-23-07, 06:26 AM
I've seen the picture from Zerith's avvy on the cover of a romance novel in Wal-Mart.

And she's cute for a newborn. She doesn't look like shes been hit in the face with a shovel as much as they usually do, but it's a look they grow out of when they hit the toddler years. Like Vikki says, shell be a toddler before you know it, walking, climbing, pulling things down on top of herself, sticking things in the electrical sockets, putting whatever she can find in her mouth. Ah, the hazardous years.

Good luck.


07-22-07, 08:20 PM
You asked for more Pictures, here they are ^_^

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v326/Sagers/Arianna/02320020.jpg here she looks like a popple and they have they same facial expression lol


Proud Daddy


watching Tv

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v326/Sagers/Arianna/02320016.jpg look how big she got

07-22-07, 08:21 PM
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v326/Sagers/Arianna/02320003.jpg and the crazy bruise & goose egg just after she was born (my wife never saw it until this picture lol)

07-22-07, 08:34 PM
awwww she's so adorable! wish i could be there... *pouts*

Moonlit Raven
07-22-07, 08:54 PM
She's so cute! I want one!

Skie and Avery
07-22-07, 09:25 PM
n.n It's a good thing she looks like her mom. She's adorable.

07-23-07, 09:39 AM

*Heart melts*

07-23-07, 11:51 AM
lol, Matt that wasn't a very nice picture of Becky. :p I love that they have relatively the same expression on their faces though, it's pretty cute. But definitely not flatering on Becky.

07-23-07, 10:47 PM
Well I explained the reason why it's up there today.

But I might as well give the fun fact to to everyone. I didn't actually post those pics. Becky did, she picked them out, added the comments and posted them.

But I asked her to do it. Gotta let Althanas know how we're doing afterall.

09-27-07, 10:38 AM
New pictures of Arianna: 2 months old




Zook Murnig
09-27-07, 10:43 AM
Gah! My Kaleigh has competition! Good luck, and may the best baby win.

Opening Title
09-27-07, 01:04 PM
Aww, belated congratulations! They're both such cuties!!

09-27-07, 05:51 PM
I want a baby... u__________u

yeah right, like it wasnt enough for me to get trough taking care of my cousins They Love me! But the feeling aint mutual >_>

Anywho I would go aww if I had some Pictures!

EDIT:Oh nvm, My browser is to slow... awwwww

Stuffed Fury
09-27-07, 06:24 PM
Personally, I don't like babies. Nor do I like young'uns. I'm easily annoyed by them.

09-29-07, 01:15 AM
awwwwww she's as bald as i was! ^_^ such a cutie...only makes me want one of my own even more