View Full Version : Is there a bug?

Amaril Torrun
06-13-07, 06:12 PM
I'm trying to send a judging request for a citadel battle, but it won't let me click submit. Anyone know anything about that?

06-13-07, 09:15 PM
I've not heard of this issue before. What do you mean that it won't let you click submit? Is the button grayed out?

Try logging out and back in again to see if this fixes your issue. I'll work on seeing if it's something on the back end in the meantime.

Cyrus the virus
06-13-07, 09:18 PM
If the button teleports downward, not allowing you to click it, it'll still be selected. So if the button teleports, just hit enter and the form should go through.

It's like that when I do it.

Amaril Torrun
06-13-07, 10:52 PM
Cyrus, you nailed it. It was doing that at my girlfriend's house, but I just tried it at mine and it worked. Wish I would have pressed enter earlier. Then it might've gotten judged faster.

Thanks for the help.

Cyrus the virus
06-14-07, 01:26 AM
No problem at all. Very strange how it only does that in selective places, huh? No biggie as long as you know how to deal with it, I guess.