View Full Version : Althanas

thorn aldsmith
06-17-07, 12:38 AM
Just a quick question, the area we are in is called Althanas but is that like saying the area most of you are from is America, or is Althanas the world like the Earth?

06-17-07, 12:45 AM
Althanas is a world, like Mars or the Earth.

The 'mainland' including Raiaera, Alerar, and Salvar are one continent.

Corone, Dheathain, Fallien and Scara Brae are all islands off the mainland.

I hope that's all correct.

thorn aldsmith
06-17-07, 12:47 AM
thats wicked thanks im gonna have to re-name my first solo story then cos it was gonna be "Finding Althanas"