View Full Version : Velius: Reloaded

04-15-06, 11:22 PM
I FINALLY found a copy of my level 4 profile. =D

Note please: I removed all of the hex magic spells from his repertoire, as I don't want to get caught up in that road again. >.> <.<

Name: Velius Demorio

Age: 134

Height: 5’11

Weight: 174 lbs.

Hair: White/black

Eyes: Blue

Blood Type: AB+

Appearance: A dashing and very good looking elf, his handsome features are well defined. White hair, streaked with black, falls to almost his mid-back, and is perpetually held in a ponytail. A pair of soft blue eyes and striking features works their seductive charms on most women he meets, and while he is not giant in stature, he is not a small man by any means, and is of a solid build. He adorns himself only in classy attire, a black vlince trench coat and black vlince slacks amongst his clothing. He also wears a dark grey long sleeved linen shirt, and an enchanted crimson gentlemen’s vest.


Velius studied many things as a young child. Early on, his interests leaned towards combat skills, wanting to become an impressive fighter, and to show off for the girls. He studied martial arts, especially the art of Kali, becoming quite proficient with the escrima sticks. He also studied the use of the kamas, which are essentially escrima with sickle like blades protruding from the sides at the end of the stick. Also, he studied the elemental mage arts, becoming exceptional at controlling the shadow flames.

However, what really started to interest Velius as he approached adulthood was card manipulation. The fact that people could manipulate cards with such manual dexterity intrigued him, and he quickly immersed himself in books on tricks, flourishes, and advice on handling the cards. When he was thirty years old, Velius set out to make a name for himself in the world. It wasn't long until his name became a household staple. He traveled the lands over, performing shows for whoever would see. His purse quickly filled itself, and everything seemed right in the world. However, people quickly tired of seeing the same old card tricks, and soon no one would come to see his shows anymore.

When his money reserves had nearly depleted themselves, Velius gathered what little he had left and began a trip to Radasanthia, the only land he had yet to visit. As he neared the entrance to Radsanth, a troupe of thieves ambushed him. He proved a formidable opponent for them, but the odds were too heavily stacked against him, and he was eventually overpowered. He woke up some time later in a ditch, aching from head to toe. His money purse was taken, but they had not managed to find his hidden cash reserve of 100 gold pieces, stashed in his trench coat. Also, his weapons had been spared. Velius dusted himself off, and began to head once more towards Radasanth, hoping that he would find more than another mugging within the town walls.

Since first coming to this area of Althanas, Velius has had many adventures. His first was a fight with one Oberon, whom was soon to become his closest friend and confidante. He moved on from Radasanth to Scara Brae, when he also met up with a young man by the name of Torin Reakhari, who preferred to go by the name “Nightmare”. This boy was also soon to become his friend, and one that Velius would later risk his life to save in an epic battle against an army of undead. Soon afterwards, he made his way back to Radasanth, where he and Oberon had a run in with the Hell Reapers, terrible creatures that had slaughtered Oberon’s entire village. Together they dealt with a few of them, but the bulk of their forces were still at large. It was at this time as well that Velius was possessed by a trio of demons, calling themselves “The Three”. They went by the names of Pain, Pleasure, and Panic. They have since become more of a hindrance than a helpful force, constantly distracting him, and causing him to lose his life in a battle against Haruka Arting. Velius also fought in a battle for a harbor, a port town which he was hired to protect, with a detachment of 200 soldiers to accompany him. In the end, both sides suffered great casualties, and Velius had a run in with a mercenary by the name of Tyrion Snow. The two later agreed that it would be in their best interest to not kill each other, and instead agreed to help one another with trying to find a large stash of titanium, which they planned to sell to the highest bidder.

Velius has since given up trying to make it big as a card manipulator, and has devoted most of his time to helping his friends Torin and Oberon…or to trying to make his pockets fatter with his latest get-rich-quick schemes.

Soon after his dance with Tyrion, the magician moved on to bigger and better things…namely, the Lornius Corporate Challenge. Together, he and his partner Oberon put up a decent fight, but were outmatched by a midget demon and a Kindergoyle. A good deal of time later, Velius joined an expedition with Oberon to a far off land called Shokan, in order to conduct trade negotiations. Upon returning, the captain of the boat on which he sailed issued a hit on Velius, angry over the fact that Velius had slept with his wife. The assassin, a beautiful young woman by the name of Aya Windgate, had nearly succeeded in killing him, but soon gave up as Velius laid down a beating with his Shadow Flare.

Nearly a year had passed now, Velius and Aya having grown closer despite their previous differences. A sort of unspoken relationship had developed, though neither of them would admit it if asked. Soon after their escape from a prison in Concordia however, Aya disappeared, leaving no clues as to her whereabouts. Moving on in spite of his broken heart, Velius met up once again with his good friend Oberon, and together they stormed another Hell Reaper base, eventually discovering the Moon Reapers. The Moon Reapers, it seemed, were the ancestors of Oberon, and after a fierce battle with the the Hell Reapers, the Moon Reapers agreed to join forces with the Grey Braves.


Inherent/Racial Traits:

Enhanced Eyesight: As an elf, Velius has exceptionally better vision than a human, in the form of better focus on things at long range, better peripheral vision, and the ability for his eyes to better collect the trace amounts of light when in darkened areas, giving him “night vision” unless in a completely dark area.

Enhanced Hearing: As an elf, Velius’ ears are larger than normal, meaning sounds echo into his eardrums better than the average humans. He is capable of hearing a whisper from up to 25 feet away. On the down side, if someone were to shout in his ears, it would be more likely to damage his hearing than that of a humans.

Acquired Abilities/Skills:

Exceptional Swordsmanship: Velius has been around bladed weapons long enough to be considered somewhat of an authority on them. He can instruct people in the basics and most intermediate teachings of light bladed weaponry if they so wished, provided a thread is made for that express purpose. His skills with the blade are quite exceptional, the katana and short blades(daggers, combat knives and short swords) in particular his area of expertise. He has not quite reached a level of skill where he would feel right in calling himself a master of their techniques, but he is quite deadly with them nonetheless.

Throwing Weapons Prowess: An accomplished card magician, Velius grew up accustomed to throwing his cards with speed, precise aim, and great power. He is capable now of throwing with great power, and his aim is such that he can strike the center of a target three inches in diameter from a distance of 150 feet.

Unarmed Combat: In terms of unarmed combat, Velius considers himself unrivaled. While not patient enough to study in a proper dojo, he has come across means of learning the combat arts through his travels, and has become quite deadly for all intents and purposes. His skill level is equal to that of a black belt, first dan, and his style is a collaboration of what modern martial artists would call Jeet Kun Do, Lua, and Muay Thai.

Agility/Speed (free upgrade #1) the outer layer of Velius’ skin, while completely normal in appearance, is in no way normal by any circumstance. His skin is smoother than normal, akin to a modern biker’s “skin suit” meant for cutting down wind resistance and friction. Due to the fact that his body does not build friction in the same manner as a normal man’s, Velius has developed exceptional speed, agility, dexterity and reflexes. He is now capable of running upwards of 70 miles per hour, and can move at approximately 8 times that of a human male in fit condition, with reflexes and reaction times on par with his speed. His body is also capable of performing many acrobatic feats, and can jump an exceptional height of 25 feet if he so wished. ((Major Upgrade, If you require links I will provide them, otherwise you can check just about every thread I am in, since this is a passive ability and is always active.))

Blink: (Free Ability) Velius is, for short periods of time, able to move at such a high speed as to render him completely invisible to the naked eye. He refers to this as “blinking”, for at one moment he may be somewhere, and then in the blink of an eye he is not. This ability allows Velius to move over short distances (at max 20 feet) without anyone seeing him do so. There are a few drawbacks to this, which will be listed below:

1. He can only travel in straight lines.
2. Once he has started moving, he cannot alter his course in any way. This means if there is something in his path that can trip him up or otherwise interrupt his movement, he will most likely fall.
3. He cannot pass through solid matter. (i.e. A wall.)
4. The amount of pressure this exerts on his body is tremendous, and the friction is enormous. Because of this, he can only use this up to 5 times per battle, or 5 times per page of a quest before he would spontaneously combust.

Spells/Magical Properties:


One of the staples of his arsenal is the spells he has come by in his travels. Born of a combination of shadow and flame, he has dubbed them “shadowmancy” spells, and the fire created by them is of a magical nature. Said fire cannot be doused by water of any sort, only smothered or starved of oxygen. The flames, if left unattended, will dissipate of their own accord within 5 IC minutes, or roughly two-three posts. (Also, just to be more specific…shadow fire can incinerate hides and cloths of low strength, i.e. tanned leather and wool respectively. It can also melt low tier metals, such as steel and below, if held within the base of the flame for long enough. Finally, woods from trakym and below might spontaneously combust if within close enough vicinity, and will ignite if brought within direct contact.)

Shadow Flare: The first spell learned of the elven warrior was the Shadow Flare. A simple spell in nature, Velius need only channel his chaotic energies into his palms, forming a sphere roughly the size of a basketball. The sphere is thrown, traveling at very high speeds before crashing into a immolating whatever it comes in contact with.

Shadow Pillar: Through a dedicated study of his magics, the elf has discovered a new way in which to channel his energies: the Shadow Pillar. By channeling energy into his hands again, then focusing it toward the sky, Velius can summon a pillar of the dark fire to cascade upon the world, traveling quite fast and incinerating whatever lay directly below it. The pillar starts at approximately two feet in diameter, but quickly expands to 10 feet before finishing.

Dragon’s Fury: (Formerly known as Shadow Dragon) A very powerful shadow fire skill, albeit one that exerts a great deal of energy. By summoning his very spirit to strike for him, an aura of shadow fire appears around Velius. Soon after, the flames shoot forward in a low arch in the shape of a serpentine dragon. The dragon itself is approximately 6 feet in diameter, and moves at around 50 miles per hour. This spell can only be used once every few days. Note that after prolonged use of this spell, Velius will no longer faint when this is used only once; now, it requires at least three usages to completely drain him.


Weapons: Velius has come into possession of quite a large number of weapons, which I will list below and provide links for:

-(52) Playing cards with razor sharp steel edges.
-Spiked, thin titanium armor plating covering the shins and tops of his boots
-(1) Titanium quarterstaff concealing two short swords
-(1) Steel katana of elven forge.
-(2) Plynt combat knives, 10” inch blades
-(2) Steel climbing claws and (2) Steel shoe spikes for climbing
-(1) Elkan recurve bow and (43) oak shafted, iron broadhead arrows
-(1) Delhar butterfly knife

Armor: Velius does not believe in wearing “true” armor, as it limits his mobility. Instead, he wears clothing of the best fabrics, enchanted in strength for extra protection.

-Linen clothing, including a dark grey linen shirt and a crimson gentlemen’s vest that is enchanted to the strength of Kevlar.
-Black vlince slacks and black vlince trench coat

04-15-06, 11:24 PM
Alright, then I think you were level 5 weren't you though?

Ask zeig if so I'll let you update in this one...

04-15-06, 11:25 PM
I was level 4 actually... 16,401 xp. I just checked, lol.

04-15-06, 11:28 PM

Oh thats right, you just never could make 5...

Ha ha j/k you'll make it in no time...