View Full Version : The House of Sora

The Architect
06-17-07, 08:51 PM
The House of Sora is a small, but quickly growing interest group whose aim is to further the progression of world civilization. By far we are not pacifists. Instead we consider ourselves progressive and pragmatic, knowing that peaceful solutions, although preferable, aren’t always attainable goals. That is why we are developing a tactical branch of the House. Althanians of all disciplines are welcome to join.

Seti Dylan founded the House of Sora five years ago as a loose coalition of young engineers, laborers, and ship builders. The word Sora stands for sky, and the organization is named this because its first meeting took place in an old abandoned house in the Windlancer mountains of Scara Brae, where the land met the sky.

Members of the House of Sora quickly became preferred builders for sea and land projects because of their creativity and resourcefulness, but their greatest claim to fame was their business practices. Depending on the project House members would give a 10% - 40% discount in exchange for a tangible piece of the project. For example, when making a merchant fleet for a wealthy noble a House member gave a 10% discount in exchange for one of the ships he was building. This barter exchange guaranteed quality since the builders were building something they themselves would soon use, it created a competitive edge for the young members in a market where seniority was valued, and it gave the House of Sora a fast alternative means of acquiring wealth.

Soon enough the House members, including Seti, branched out into other parts of Althanas. Things were good up until two years ago, when the Forgotten Ones devastated Althanas. Business came to a screeching halt because the clientele was either fighting, running, or dead. The majority of them had to return to Scara Brae and settle for local projects once again as they abandoned their properties in Raiaera, Alerar, Corone, and other places affected by the war. The business side of things was further turned mournful as several members and close friends of the House were killed in Raiaera.

Now Seti Dylan’s new project in Radasanth is poised to expand the House of Sora once again. Alas there is a civil war afoot in Corone, tensions between Raiaera and Alerar are rising, the demon nation of Haide was wiped out over night, and who knows what’s over the horizon for Althanas. That is why the House of Sora is proud to announce that it will be expanding its profile. It is no longer just a coalition of builders and craftsmen, but an organization that works for the progression of civilization by any means necessary.

Just post expressing your desire to be in this group. Post the house title you want, which has to be related to the sky (ex. Luna, Sol, Nimbus). To be accepted you can do one of two things.

Donate fifty gold or...
Play an initiation quest and earn fifty gold towards the House treasury. We’d love to see you do this above all else, which is why we have a list of initiation missions at the bottom of this post

Let us know which one you choose in that initial post. Upon starting the quest or declaring the donation you’ll be given the House of Sora Heirloom. Members are allowed to join other groups with approval. If the group works against our cause then we don’t want you with them. If a group works with our cause give them our calling card!

House of Sora Heirloom
This is given to all members upon admission, a genuine sterling silver chain approximately 25" long. The shield shaped pendant on the end is made of the same material. It has only one feature on it, a silver depiction of the solar eclipse. Since silver is easily enchant able many members have given into the temptation of doing so.

The current membership is listed below, and includes House rank, house title, account name, and character name(if different). As more members join, the structure will change accordingly, but for now it is a simple hierarchal structure.

Patriarch of the House: Seti “Astrophel” Dylan (The Architect)

Ancestors of the House
Ken “Ol’ Sol” Kilpatrick (NPC) (Ship Builder)
Tulmatra “Luna” Methadras (NPC) (Surveyor)
Akhanatin “Aurora” Ra (NPC) (Mason)

Relatives of the House
(This is the starting rank)

06-18-07, 06:28 PM
This looks good. Good luck.

You are approved! As the rules state, 50GP will be taken from your account and a treasury record will be started in the PG subforum.