View Full Version : A Day at the Docks

04-16-06, 01:41 PM
The sea breeze was uncharacteristically crisp for the changing of the season. Winter was ending, and it meant a smoother voyage for the ocean traveling fare, and it also meant that the nation's shipbuilders would be showing their latest works. The sale of such navel marvels was sluggish during the colder seasons when the sea became far more difficult to navigate, but the market was ripe on days like today, and Serilliant joined a mass of nobleman interested in acquiring a vessel.

One ship had already tickled his fancy. It was a large galleon, equipped full with canon and siege mortar. Its sails were massive and hull impressively elongated. It seemed strangely excessive, however; a criticism atypical from the lavishly dressed aristocrat. Another sailor was looking at the same ship, and Serilliant found his presence repelling. He excused himself and continued looking.

At a further end was a lonely ship that no one seemed to be interested in. These days, it was the large war galleons that was the hot item. It was this vessel, a smaller carrack, that caught Serilliant's eye. It was four-masted and equipped with a lower forecastle and smaller aftcastle than were typical. He inquired into the peculiarities of the design by asking a passing sailor who looked respectable enough. As it seems, lowering the forecastle allows for a speedier voyage and increased mobility while a more narrow aftcastle decreased the risk of toppling in a strong wind. The sailor had just shook his head, though, as he commented that such modifications would not be worth the risk. More massive superstructures is what should be the focal point, he said, not those silly modifications. He wandered away to look at another galleon, mumbling about novice shipbuilders as he went.

Serilliant wasn't dissuaded, though. The build of the ship was highly interesting. After all, he was merely looking for a transport vessel that could hold a respectable number of passengers and cargo. Save for some roaming gangs of pirates, the Althanian seas were safe enough and protection rarely needed to raise beyond the level of a fairly fortified forecastle. It was the smaller, unprotected caravels that the pirates wanted, not anything that could put up even a modest fight.

Serilliant began to explore the ship more. The forecastle was indeed surprisingly low, a feature even more obvious when standing aboard the vessel. It was constructed almost entirely of oak, and featured an extravagant bowspirit that jutted from the prow like a lance. The entire ship was smaller than was apparently typical, and with the modifications that the sailor had pointed out, apparently unpopular in the eyes of the other customers that day. But Serilliant enjoyed it, cannon-less as it may be.

He dismounted the vessel and searched for the owner of the dock who would be handling all transactions that day. When he found the correct party, he pointed out the ship he had just boarded and asked, "that one there, no one seems to be interested in it. How much are you asking?"

04-29-06, 11:17 PM
(OOC: I'm not entirely sure how much a boat would cost, so I'm going to confirm how much Torin charged for a boat with the BSA and price it with reference to that. Expect a response soon.)

05-07-06, 11:17 AM
(( Can I have a word on this? It's been nearly 3 weeks ))

05-09-06, 06:13 AM
( I've asked both Torin and nekoprince to settle this because I have no idea how much a boat would cost. )

05-09-06, 04:02 PM
((Sorry for how long this took man. I thought I got to it, but I guess I didn't. Go Forgetfulness))

"That thing?" the man said. he scratched his head. There seemed to be a long time since anyone was ever really interested in that ship. Part of it from lack of forifications, another was that most of the people rich enough to buy ships were idiots in some cases. Thirty canons weren't needed to protecht a ship from pirates, a good crew and a speedy ship could do far more. "I belive it was around 10 thousand gold or so, but given how long it's been there, probably close to 6 thousand."