View Full Version : A Guide to Synthesizing

06-18-07, 11:34 AM
Using skills in magic as well as the forge, the Synthesis combines two or more materials together to make something unique. This can add attributes to weapons and armour as well as create something completely new. Items that can be created here cannot be found anywhere else on Althanas and special requests may be given, but it’s your responsibility to find the appropriate materials to make the item. However, as combining items together can be rather unstable the outcome may not be exactly what was intended, in fact it could turn into a complete disaster. Special requests come with the warning that nothing may come of them.

How to Synthesize:

Synthesising is relatively simple. All one has to do is bring in the requested materials and any employee at the shop can craft the item. If there is a special item you would like to request you can of course ask the Shop Owner and she will let you know the appropriate material necessary for such a thing, but a warning must be made. Synthesizing is, luck, skill and magic, the outcome may not always be what is intended.

The materials needed to craft items can be picked up in quests. You may of course acquire more than one item at a time as they are small and usually have no other purpose except for synthesizing. Just remember to request them as a spoil at the end of your quest.

A Material Guide:

All materials needed to create the starting items within the shop will be listed here with their locations.

Purified Water
· Water suitable for drinking.

Snow bugs
· These round balls of puffy white fur can be found hiding underneath rocks in the grasslands area between Talmhaidh and Luthmor.

· Donnalaich has a large waterfall in the Cearnaigh Criostal, many minerals and crystals can be found in the cave behind the falls. But which one to pick…?

Red Dragon scale
· The Draconians have an abundance of dragon scales in almost every colour. You’ll have to either be very nice or very sneaky to get one off them. Also, make sure you get the right colour or you could get a completely different result than what you wanted.

Satarn Leaves
· A relatively large tree that one will most likely have to climb up in order to obtain the leaves. You’ll know it’s a Satarn tree because the leaves are grouped together in threes, are slim and spiky and they tend to have a sticky residue to them. The tree is found in Luthmor.

Ithica Leaves
· An Ithica tree is much smaller than a Satarn and easily recognizable for though its leaves are nothing special looking, the entire tree is covered in small spikes. Watch your fingers!

Feorih Flowers
· These flowers can be found in the swamps of Fiorair. They grow on the Feorih vine that craw up and down the trees in areas close to the water.

Derah Root
· A Derah is a fern plant that grows around areas of water in Luthmor. To tell the different between the other ferns growing in the forest, the Derah has a large black flower in the centre of its mass.

Algora Tongue
· There’s no easy way to tell you this, but you have to hunt down an Algora, kill it and then cut out its tongue. I’d say cut out its tongue without killing it but your hand might not survive. There’s some information on the Algora in the Beastiary.

Porion Moss
· This usually grows on rocks, though sometimes trees. It is found most readily in the ruins spread throughout all of Dheathain, not just Luthmor. But seeing as you’re already there looking for other ingredients to make the healing potion, you might as well grab it. Porion moss is usually a deep red colour, sometimes brown.

· I’m rather certain this can be found at different merchant posts in Talmhaidh, as Garlic is not a native plant to Dheathain.

· There’s a cute little creature in Luthmor called the Dias that when threatened puffs itself up into a mean ball of quills. It might actually be best to find these along the forest floor than get them from the animal, or you may be picking them out of your hands.

Ice Shards
· I’m sure any Fae and some Draconians could create a few ice shards for you. You just have to hope they won’t melt before you make it back to the shop.

· One should be able to pick this up as any shop either in its raw form or as some kind of jewellery.

· The Neamh Mountains tends to have a variety of raw metals running through its cave system, but then you might have to deal with dragons and dragon tamers. Perhaps it’s best to just buy some at a local bazaar.

· Like Plynt, this could probably be picked up in the Neamh Mountains, but it might be safer to buy some at a local bazaar.

· Do you really have to ask? Any Bazaar carries lengths of leather and I’m sure you can find raw leather at a clothing shop as well.

· These can be found pretty much anywhere in Dheathain once dusk hits.

Mana Dust
· A kind of powder that comes off the wings of the Fae, extremely powerful in the works of magic. Perhaps if you ask…

Crystallized Vortex
· These can be found in the ruins of The Ancients.

Crystallized Black Hole
· These can be found in the ruins of The Ancients.

· There are plenty of birds lurking in the swamp of Fiorair and also in the forests of Luthmor. I wonder what would happen if you tried using a variety of different feathers…