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06-18-07, 11:41 AM
Synthesis Items

These are the current items that the Synthesis Shop contains. Remember that it needs help from the players in order to grow.

Fire Crystal – Increases the users strength with fire magic and can also add slight resistance to fire when combined with clothing or other materials.
· Items required – Crystal, Red Dragon scale (using a different Dragon’s scale may result in a different type of crystal)

Ice Bomb – Releases five large icicles at an enemy
· Items required – Snow bug, Quills, Ice shards, Plynt

Dragon Cloth – Fire resistant clothing. Does not protect against heat, can withstand direct contact from flames for up to ten minutes, after that it will catch fire. Can be tailored into a shirt or pants, both will required twice the material as will a cloak or trench coat.
· Items required – Leather (Other clothing materials may be used, however the effect may change) Fire Crystal, Mana dust.

Never-ending Rucksack – No matter how many items you put in this rucksack it’ll never fill up. The weight never increases passed ten pounds either.
· Items required – crystallized vortex or black hole, leather, feather
Word of caution! Don’t climb in yourself.

Wound be Gone! – Ingested, this quickly travels through the blood stream healing any injuries it comes across. Leaving most people feeling better than before they were injured. Minor injuries heal in moments, medium wounds can take up to an hour and serious injuries take at least an hour depending on the severity. In the case of mortal wounds, drink two bottles and hope for the best, if possible get the person to a healer.

For external injuries, the potion is most effective when applied to the injury, usually by soaking a cloth in the liquid. Same healing times apply. For mortal external wounds, one vial should be used externally while another should be ingested for best results. Once again, getting the person to a healer is the safest way to go.
· Items required – leaves from the Ithica and Satarn trees, roots from the Derah bush, Porion moss and the tongue of an Algora. One batch makes three potions!

Escape Talisman – Don’t you just hate it when you spend hours and hours traversing that dangerous and trap ridden dungeon or ruin only to get what you want and have to walk all the way back out? Well, look no further Tomb Raiders and adventurers! Breaking this crystal will automatically teleport you and anyone else in the immediately vicinity back to the beginning of the dungeon, ruin or cave. Please be careful though, for it will teleport the monsters and beasts that are around you as well.
· Items required – crystallized vortex or black hole, Dehlar, a leather string approx. 12 inches long.
Warning, only effective 95% of the time! Not responsible for the other 5% and wherever it takes you.

Vampire Repellent – Tired of waking up with puncture marks on your neck and not knowing where you got them? Keep those pesky vampires away with the new and improved Vampire Repellent, now 20% more effective! This liquid is meant to be applied as perfume and is most effective around the neck and wrist areas. It gives off a nice gentle smell to most races, however vampires detest it.
· Items required – purified water, garlic, silver, 2 fireflies, 3 blue Feoirh flowers

Red Crystal Whelping – How many of you have always wanted to have a pet dragon? Well, how about a nice substitute that not only has a nasty bite but is sparkly too! These crystal companions are not only the most loyal pet you’ll ever have—besides that dog your parents got you when you were a kid—but will sacrifice itself for you guaranteed! Should you find yourself overwhelmed by enemies, your little friend will run into the middle of the group and explode. This will send crystal shards flying in all directions. Poor little fella…
· 2 fire crystals, red dragon scale, mana dust

Cooling Crystal Amulet – This protective charm makes the wearer feel as if the temperature is 10 degrees cooler than it actually is. Great for those hot muggy days in the swamp. Protects against heat stroke. Does not protect against fire or sunburn.
· Ice shard, snow bug, silver, mana dust