View Full Version : The Audeamus

Slayer of the Rot
06-20-07, 03:03 PM
The Audeamus

Description: Audeamus is a small organization by most standards; at any given point, the group has at most ten members and an uncertain number of agents. The existence of said organization is certainly not public knowledge; thus far, the name has not been spoken on the lips of anyone in power. The members of Audeamus are all high powered criminals, some of the most wanted and dangerous men (and women) in Althanas. The exact criteria for admission into the group are unknown, but extraordinary fighting ability and ruthlessness seem to be prerequisites. Unique traits (genetic or otherwise) also seem to be a common factor among its members.

For those who would eventually come across information on the organization, members can be spotted by the rings that they wear. No ring is worn on the same finger, and possess an incredible importance to the current leader and founder, though the reason has yet to be addressed. As he has so bluntly put it, "If you lose your arm, return, we will heal it. If you lose your ring, don't stop running."

Purpose: Bluntly enough, to own all that they can see. Kingdoms, people, sources of power. Everything will have a price, even life.

Ranking: Since there only exists ten rings, there can be no more than ten full fledged members at a time. Full membership is always reserved only to the cream of the crop, the highly skilled, the terribly powerful. Criminals of lower power are indeed encouraged to join as agents, and may eventually earn a ring in time.

The Rings:
The purpose and exact origin of the rings is thus unknown, though through the founders own words, they are incredibly important to what Audeamus is. Owning a ring is an incredible privilege amongst the organization, indicating that you are recognized as an equal and have become a member. Each ring holds an unbreakable glass stud of a different color, and within it is inlaid a symbol with specific meaning. These rings seem to react to each different person that wears them, and if they do not stir, it is an indication that the member is not worthy and will be killed on the spot. Finally, no ring is worn on the same finger by any member.

Parting Ways: How a Member Loses (And An Agent Earns) a Ring:
The most obvious way is death. If a member is immediately ressurected upon dying, they may indeed keep the ring, but if a period of more than three days pass and the former member is still a bloated, rotting corpse, the ring will be relinquished by the founder and a new member will be sought out. For an agent to acquire a ring, one of the...simpler methods is to engage a current member and pillage the ring off his or her corpse. This is not always surefire, however, as this may in fact set off the founder's incredibly short temper depending on which member is killed. Another method is your performance on the field; particular ruthlessness and cruelty and a display of exceptional skill may indeed earn an agent a ring.

Rings Taken (Color/Position):
- White, position unknown

+ Dark violet, left middle
+ Red, left ring
+ ?

Rings Reserved (Color/Position):
+ Jade, right pinky
+ Midnight blue, left index

The IC rules to join Audeaumus are strictly reinforced.

1.) Only in special cases may an individual become a member if his or her ability is not quite up to par with expectations. (Beneath Lvl. 2)
2.) An individual must possess a heart blackened with greed or hate. A test may be administered to prove if a person is truly the criminal they boast to be.
3.) An encounter with the current leader of the organization is expressly required in order to join. Without a ring, you are nothing but an ant in Audeamus' eyes.

OOCly, there are no real rules. Killing amongst the group is certainly not disallowed, and the same goes for stealing from other members.

Dan Lagh'ratham

1. Luc Kraus
2. Witchblade
3. Koran Seether
4. Damion Shargath

1. Devil of the Crows
2. Syneare
3. Ekirei
4. A'rei Ngoyu (Apprentice)
5. Sati Sarasvati
6. Sapna Sarasvati
7. Rex Craspbil
8. Komosatuo Isachi Satuo
9. Modrue
10. Kyle Delaney

Cyrus the virus
06-20-07, 04:11 PM
Bit of an announcement:

Audeamus has a treasury of 1200, thanks guys ^_^

Massacre and I are currently doing a thread where we hope to recieve a large ship as a spoil. I suggest that if we recieve this, we use it as our IC base of operations, which makes sense as Audeamus would want to be mobile and avoid lame authorities. We need name ideas for the boat!

I want suggestions for what Luc's ring, which represents Wrath, should do. I can't come up with anything!

Also, if anyone wants to quest, please let me know :) I'm open to anything that would support this PG.

06-20-07, 04:17 PM
A wrathful ring should channel the wearer's destructive powers -- when he is angry. Basically a power amplifier for when Luc is pissed, Mr. I throw tornadoes.

For a ship name, my suggestion is...mmmm...

The Leviathan. In sea-lore, the Leviathan was as destructive as hell, kinda randomly.

Slayer of the Rot
06-20-07, 04:27 PM
Yes, a lot of thanks to everyone who has donated. We've got one hell of a treasury already, it's only a matter of time until we're ripping up some asses in a clan war.

As for the ring, Matt, I just sort of thought of something. Maybe when he's enraged, Luc will turn into a giant construct of a single element of his chopice, and just run around smashing shit. It'll sort of cut off the control of his other elements, but amplify the current element as well as making him a giant ass kicking monster.

As far as the ship name, I already suggested S.S. Lexington Steele's Giant Dong.

Cyrus the virus
06-20-07, 05:07 PM
Hmm, I like the giant-elemental idea more than the augmentation one. But I'm not sure, as that's kind of a transformation and I've tried to stray from that. Plus if I want to add many spells next level I need to not add something so powerful!

I dislike both names!!!!!!!

06-20-07, 05:11 PM
Better think of a name soon. Posting marathon go!

06-20-07, 08:07 PM
All right... well considering I'm the one who came up with the name for the PG, let's see what I can find rather quickly...

Aduro - To set fire to (I dunno, sounded cool)
Audenarde (seems like a name, not a meaning)
Arx, Arcis - Citadel, stronghold...etc
Audentia - Boldness, courage
Ath Cliath - The Ford of Hurdles
Censura - Judgement
Avarice - excessive desire for wealth. Greed.

sorry for all the 'a' names. I'll see if I can find more if no one likes those.

06-20-07, 08:14 PM
I suggested 'Le Morte Noir' before, but now that I think of it, the ship would have an elven name to start, we'd have to rename it ourselves.

For those of you who don't know, Le Morte Noir would be The Black Death. :)

I thought it was cool.

06-20-07, 08:20 PM
I dunno...I think it sounds clunkety.

06-20-07, 08:22 PM
I think this boat business was my idea! Even though Matt wanted to to the thread in the first place. *draws sword*

Suggest something better then! :)

06-20-07, 08:26 PM
*Holds out arm* Cut me, chick, I dare you.

And I suggest: Kayun.

Elvish for "Blade."

Slayer of the Rot
06-20-07, 08:26 PM
I'm leaving the decision of the ship's name up to Massacre and Cyrus, since they are doing all the hard work for it, haha.

I'll be posting in Pressure the Hinges (This Glorious Nightmare) soon. I strongly encourage outside sources to please jump into the thread and have some fun, fighting against us. I made it partially for the PG's activity, and partially for the site's activity. Come on, heroes. prove your god damn worth!

Audeamus members, make sure you have all of your supplies for the Roman orgy.

Rigor Mortis
06-20-07, 08:49 PM
El Corazon Negro

or the elven equivalent of "The Black Heart"

plus, I'm making sure to integrate myself well into this PG with quests with all its members, so send me a PM or IM if you're interested.

Cyrus the virus
06-20-07, 08:50 PM
I like Avarice... Maybe with another part to it, or something. "HAND OF AVARICE!!!"!!!

We have time to figure it out, though, despite the ridiculous speed of Emma and I! We'll come up with something.

06-20-07, 09:33 PM
The Angel of Debauchery?!

The figurehead could be a maiden of the seeeeeea! AKA a mermaid?

06-20-07, 10:18 PM
Wouldn't it be 'La Mort Noire' for Black Death? Unless you weren't going for french?

And I don't know, since we started Latin, why not go with more? Vox Virium, 'The Voice of Power'? It'd be a play on Vox Populi, Vox Dei. Then, there's Vox Vitii, 'The Voice of Crime', but I'm not sure we're openly going to call ourselves criminals. :p

Or since Cy likes Avarice, Avaritia? :D

Cyrus the virus
06-20-07, 10:24 PM
I've never seen the draw in using foreign translations for English phrases/words. I don't find it creative or anything.

Er... No offense to Audeamus :p

I think we should call it the Monkey's Bumbum. That's creative right there.

Blood Sustinance!
Living Sacrifice!
Death Doom Dead Dying!

Slayer of the Rot
06-20-07, 10:31 PM
I've got one.

The Sodomizer.

06-20-07, 11:47 PM
How 'bout The Black Maiden? I think that's pretty cool. You know, catchy. The figurehead is some crazed woman! Arr matey!

The ship's red, how 'bout...

The Blood Maiden

Cyrus the virus
06-20-07, 11:59 PM
Okay, let's vote between:

The Blood Maiden
The Crimson Maiden


06-21-07, 12:12 AM
I like both.

Let's put my vote with "The Crimson Maiden," though.

06-21-07, 12:49 AM
I think the S.S. Harveton Steele (Maybe even just S.S. Ship)would be better. The Crimson Maiden and The Blood Maiden are good names without a doubt, but you have to think about dumb customs agents. What ships will they most likely check? The ones with audacious names that represent evil things, or something that could easily be named after a prominent businessman of another region?

Eighty-five percent of the time, they'd chose the more 'deathly' sounding of the names. But, that's just my opinion. :)

How about The Diamond Blood?

Rigor Mortis
06-21-07, 04:56 AM
I vote for Crimson Maiden as well.

06-21-07, 07:06 AM
See, that's why if you pick names in foreign languages, the officials don't know what they mean. And I did take offence to you and your none english liking names, Cyrus!

*runs off crying as she votes for Crimson Maiden*

06-21-07, 07:14 AM
The Crimson Maiden it is, that's enough votes and I don't want to make Witchy cry anymore. :(

La Fantasque
06-21-07, 07:42 AM
I like The Crimson Maiden, so there goes my vote.

Though if Koran is right, why not give it two names? The real one and the flimsy one!

Rigor Mortis
06-21-07, 07:47 AM
Yeah, like the name to make townsfolk shudder in fear, and the one to help the ship blend.

06-21-07, 07:51 AM
The ship is red.

It ain't gonna blend.

Rigor Mortis
06-21-07, 08:43 AM
haha... red...? Stained with the blood of our victims.


We should name it the Unfortunate Victim.

Cyrus the virus
06-21-07, 04:17 PM
Red because it's made from Liviol wood of the Red Forest. Very much a reflection of Audeamus' coolness, that the ship is made of the most DANGEROUS WOOD EVERS!!!!!

Le Femme Rouge! Ha! Lame. Crimson Maiden isn't an evil name just because it has the word Crimson in it :p At the front of the ship there'll be a statue of a red chick with bodacious ta-ta's, then!

So what are YOU PEOPLE doing to help Audeamus?!?!?!

06-21-07, 04:33 PM
If agents are allowed to come in with little skill, I'm interested in joining up. If I'm reading correct, I think the level restriction was for members (therefore ring-bearers), right?

Beside Massacre's and Cyrus Grand Theft Boat, have their been any other PG quests? Because I just updated/edited my "Looking for Action" thread in the RP Corner with a quest idea that might be right up yall's alley. And it might work as good quest to bring new guys (like myself) into the fold.

06-21-07, 04:53 PM
Ha ha... I would do something besides being in The First Sacrifice but I have so many quests going right now I can barely keep up.

06-21-07, 05:05 PM
Dan and I are starting an Audeamus thread today.

06-21-07, 05:30 PM
The Crimson Maiden it is, then.

Cyrus the virus
06-21-07, 06:38 PM
Hawky, you can consider yourself in and Dan will edit your membership into the first post whenever he signs on. I doubt he'll say no.

As for The First Sacrifice, it's my post! Yay! Time to overcome mobs of villagers with a complete lack of magic, somehow!

06-22-07, 11:37 AM
I'd like to join... hit me up on AIM whenever.

06-22-07, 01:47 PM
What about a ninja?

What about a ninja that has five other ninja's with him when doing quests?


You're own assassian branch...

A miniature army...

Think of the possibilities...


Cyrus the virus
06-22-07, 04:07 PM
Consider yourselves in as agents :D Despite the level suggestion, I wouldn't say Komo is fearsome enough yet to be a full-fledged member >=D We encourage destructive powers, so get some!

Look at me taking initiative!

06-22-07, 10:21 PM
Hey guys,

I mentioned my quest-recruitment "Looking for Action... (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=5806)" earlier. I'm probably gonna run it with two guys not in the PG. I'm interested in running it as a low-level PG quest for Audeamus. Background would be something like a high-up member/agent (NPCed without a name unless someone wants to make a brief cameo ;)) getting some people who he thinks may have talent to help him with a kidnapping. The guys are pretty much pawns, so not much about the group will be divulged (mostly just "I'm from an organization, you don't need to know my name or where I'm from, here's your pay, help us cause mayhem").

I'm planning to have Kyle gain a little bit of attention and that's how he's brought into the folds as an agent (what the other guys do after is up to them). Either way, this gives Audeamus a nice little bargaining chip, a diplomat to be used as extortion for money, or a close friend of someone who we need to do us a favor, or just someone we need to use to make an example of in front of a local authority figure that is threatening to divulge that we exist. We (or me if no one's interested, can decide after).

So... does the above sound alright? Or would you rather me keep our little PG out of it?

And either way, we're still in need of some form of smooth operator, whether he/she is a seductress or a fast talker, anything to get close to a government diplomat.

06-23-07, 10:38 AM
...Or an assassin? O.o lol

Yay~! Cyrus made me an agent of destruction! Wewt. What I can't understand, is why does a ninja needs destructive powers. He is a destructive power.

I dunno.

06-25-07, 10:22 PM
June 24th---V

...I promise, PROMISE to write in Phobias tomorrow...


Also, Matt, let's get our boat!

06-25-07, 10:32 PM
He's also owed me a post in Sand, Sweat, and Blood for a bit now, lol.

06-26-07, 10:50 AM
Yeah, well. That's Dan for ya. :p He's probably just busy getting drunk with Vince or something.

Slayer of the Rot
06-26-07, 11:33 AM
June 24th---V


Also, Matt, let's get our boat!

I lied.

I don't trust Vincent anymore, Witchblade. I'm sure he's a Persian, and I know he's becoming a fucking drunk, and I don't hang with drunks. I like to do my drinking with a large grouping of friends in a loud atmosphere. I don't like drinking by myself anymore. It sucks.

I will get to everything, ASAP. I don't think I have anything to do today, unless I get one of those unexpected phone calls. Phobias takes first priority, though, since it's drawing close to the end and has waited long enough as it is.

06-30-07, 03:42 PM
i might be interested in joining, so long as some threads get started that i can hop on, i really need to jump start this character again.

Slayer of the Rot
07-13-07, 03:32 AM
All right. I realize our activity has been unfortunately a sum of cero recently. Our raid on the Bazaar didn't attract as much attention as I thought it would. I'll post in it soon; we'll each have a volley of two more posts (this and the next) and then retreat with out ill gotten gains.

Synful_blood, I'll get to out horse nabbin' quest as soon as I'm able too. I know you've been waiting for quite some time; I apologize.

I'd like to finally note that all members, all agents; if you have a quest you'd like to do for the benefit of Audeamus, even, perhaps, with a member/agent in Audeamus, please, feel free to do so. You don't have to wait for me; and perhaps in a bit, I'll make a nice little mission board for us. This way, those wanting to do something for the clan, but need that extra little inspirational kick, will indeed have it.

So please, get out there. Commit some robberies, assassinate some nobles, burn down a church. Most importantly, enjoy your evil deeds!

Damion Shargath
07-17-07, 11:59 AM
I'd be interested in joining...

I need something to do, people to kill...on that note - I actually have something where I could integrate you (Dan) incase that would make Damion's connection to this group more logical.

Slayer of the Rot
09-22-07, 03:25 AM
Aw Christ. There was a time when someone said Audeamus on Althanas and the NPC's piddled, but thanks to me, we're not on such a fantastic and grand scale anymore.

I've been getting life's affairs in order lately. Shit, I even just had a Pagoda battle judged. I've felt awfully guilty that I left a good project collect dust, and if most of you have left and ain't coming back, it's fine. I understand.

I got some plans though, that I hope will get us set back on track. Following something I'm writing, Audeamus will be ICly switching hands to an Active NPC account I'll be creating soon. This should be done tomorrow, and while I'm out in the evening, I'll do what I can to think of a quest for a few agents to get in on -- nothing spectalurly grandscale and elaborate, but something to get fresh blood spilt on the ground.

While this is being done, I'd appreciate it if all remaining Members and Aghents post here and tell me if you're sticking with my incompetence. Believe me kids; we'll be rolling in the ashes of the continents in due time.

09-22-07, 10:15 AM
You know I'm always with ya. :p

Agent of Black
09-22-07, 01:57 PM
I was wondering is Nathan could join as an Agent, on account of that's what he is. Despite Slayer's "incompetence."

Viola Darkstalker
09-23-07, 09:07 PM
Recently accepted and willing to do anything. Literally. Once I get rid of this annoying blindness I'll be much better off in the evil department.

Sighter Tnailog
12-08-07, 12:02 AM
Closed by request of the Clan Leader.