View Full Version : Searching for a shrine. (open)

06-20-07, 11:59 PM
Nadia walks into 'view' of this new city.. reaching instinctively for her only comfort item, her scythe. With two hands on the weapon she closes her sightless eyes and lets the dominant spirits tell her where to go.. After a few moments' pause, she begins walking slowly, the white staff on her scythe pushing away loose stones as she crosses the threshold, thanking the open gates silently.
Entering a new place like this was unnerving. She needed to spiritually center herself, fast. The sounds and scents that she would normally be noting were drowned out by her focus, in effect blinding her further.

She walks silently and deliberately through the echoing streets of the city, avoiding any possible contact. In a few minutes time, the priestess finds herself drawn towards the temple, the source of her supposed guide. Upon finding the temple, the priestess kneels before the steps up to the entrance, laying her scythe down in front of her, and enters a silent prayer.

Sorry for the short post, these should be getting longer when I get the feel for the city. Or, simply stop happening as I begin favoring the 'Joining' side

06-21-07, 12:55 AM
The ice elf was grateful that the herb she smoked in her pipe was strong enough to overpower the smell of mid day in Scara Brae. The dust in the streets was nearly choking as Mia passed through the crowded streets, the smell of fresh dung made her wince as she meandered down a nearly vacant alleyway. She could sense the eyes of a few dregs follow her, yet she knew that as soon as their eyes fell upon her blades, their minds would change.

It was summer, and as such, the thick blooded elf was only passing through the town, heading back to the cooler climates of Salvar. A slight glisten of sweat was on her brow as she moved along; she reached into her pack, removing a cloth that she tied round her head. The long tails of light cotton flowing behind her as she moved with more resolve to find a place of shelter. Though as always, her feet had a mind of their own, leading her down paths less traveled and places her violet eyes had yet to gaze upon.

She stopped for a moment at an inviting street bar. The locals of which appeared to make it seem reputable, though looks are always deceiving in this world. Brushing aside the overhung cloth she took a quick inventory of the patrons, an old man to her right, just hiding a short sword in his lap. To her right, a young elf, from his tension he was expecting someone.

Mia sat, the tender taking a moment before being ready to take her order.

“Lemonaid,” she spoke softly, with just enough force in her voice to make it clear she was a private person.

He stared at her for a moment before turning; she could feel the eyes of the two men to her side, a shift in the ether was enough to tell her that the old man was laughing internally, while the young elf was laughing with a small sense of puzzlement. Only a moment passed before the glass was set before her, at which point she produced an ornate straw from which she drank the whole of the tall glass in a single draw.

“Sweet and refreshing,” she said with an invigorated sigh, retrieving her straw she set a few copper on the counter before turning, locking eyes with the young elf for a moment before disappearing back into the dusty crowd.

A few blocks later her feet stopped, almost as a surprise to her as she tried to shield her eyes from the sun. The smell of incense and the sound of chanting perked her senses a she turned. The sight of the Temple of Scara Brae was one she had thought of on her prior movements through the town, but other necessities had yet allowed her the curiosity.

But today the dim entrance called to her, not just of her interest, but the simple fact of a way out of the sun.

06-21-07, 01:25 AM
Having found her center, the conversations around her became more clear, and the overwhelming scents of filth brought back unpleasant childhood memories.
Quickly surpressing scent and memory, she focused on what she could hear. There was a ritual of some sort in the temple, she did not recognize the religion, so she decided to suffer the heat in favour of keeping herself out of another church.
Why is it, that I only ever realize where I'm going and what city I'm in, after I've gone too far in -not- to bump into somebody?
She stands and turns, a near invisible tendril of light tracing its way back from Mia's foot into the priestess's own.
In an attempt at looking polite, she holds her scythe behind her, parallel to the ground, and bows, "Greetings". Her voice was warm, but almost painfully formal.
Odd.. I don't feel the stares of passers by like I normally do.. perhaps it is commonplace to have a weapon? In the blink of an eye (namely hers), a surge of light spread out from the ends of the blind human's staff, fading rather quickly, and, oddly enough, having no effect more than twenty feet out
She's armed.. but I'd guess she's not looking for war, given her attire... probably uncomfortably hot..
Nadia thinks for a moment, she'd stalled too long. In an attempt to cover her actions, she offers this other traveler some conversation.. mostly to gain more information on the city "You are familiar with this temple, yes?"

06-21-07, 01:50 AM
It had felt like a small spark, a little tweak in the big toe. Mia stopped, magic was common in these places, but this had caught her attention. It was different from the norm, the paths it worked was new to her. But then her ears perked a little, her attention brought forth to a girl that seemed to mimic her own skin. Then as if hearing a distant gunshot more of the strange magic shot past her, she could feel it was aimed, more or less. Dangerous, not yet, but that didn’t keep Mia from moving to a somewhat defensive position.

Her vision shifted, unfocused from the material as she looked, the ether moving back in around this unusual girl. The old ice elf could almost smell the magic flowing in her as she watched. Checking out the blade that she held in a gesture of both peace, but defense.

Mia’s eyes squinted a little as she listened to this curious lass’ words.

“Fraid not, first time here.” The ice elf spoke softly as she flexed her hand, unsure for the moment of what to do as a plume of dust floated past her.

06-21-07, 02:00 AM
She's been onto me the whole time... why wasn't I keeping tabs on her vitals?

Nadia spins her scythe idly around her left side, twirling it into her right hand and tapping the bladeless end against the ground, leaning the staff against her shoulder "Shame.. I am unfamiliar with the religion practiced inside.. hoped I could ask a passerby for the information.." She bows again, holding the weapon upright "Please, pardon me for bothering you"

Be a good elf girl and stop reading me.. I'm not a book. Ask me what my art is or leave it be.

06-21-07, 12:47 PM
Her hand twitched as this girl moved, reaction from years of dueling. But that was all; the energies were not of attack, merely statement. She sighed and relaxed, the memory of the heat settling back into her muscles.

The human was interesting, but so was the building before her. Mia thought for a moment after her words, but her brow rose sharply as she listened to the words brought to her through the astral. With an amused chuckle she stepped forward, moving past the girl, her aura radiating that she was almost taking it all as a playful challenge.

“I never said I didn’t know entirely nothing about this place,” the elf spoke as she stepped closer, “ I know that it is considered a rather eclectic temple, however for the most part they prefer to worship the goddess Y’edda.”

At just a step past Nadia, she turned her head a little, peering over her glasses and locking eyes with her in a manner to ensure that her message was clear and delivered only to her.

Be a good human girl, and either get used to people reading you, or figure out a way to keep them from it. And is it an art you practice? Or just how you are like me, finding a way to better handle the world that is around us?

06-21-07, 08:37 PM
The sightless eyes didn't lock with the elf's, but the message came across startlingly clear, causing the human to cringe. She wasn't used to telepaths being so direct.. and this one was far more skilled than she had first anticipated...

Ok, so you can read my uppermost thoughts, elf girl. You deserve a truthful reply.. These eyes are mere decoration, so I was trained to harness the light and let it guide me... Perhaps we are more alike than initially perceived.

Nadia turns to face the elf, ignoring the few droplets of sweat on her brow "I am unfamiliar with that deity.." she chuckles," perhaps I would do well to pray elsewhere.." She closes her eyes, taking note of the changes in Mia's blood flow, breathing patterns, and the shifting of her weight.. defensive stance for a moment.. now relaxed.. but her aura seems to say otherwise.. odd

I suggest you not make your challenges so open.
The human girl taps the end of her staff against the ground, the blade catching the light and glaring it into the elf's eyes at an almost unnatural angle
This isn't a walking stick.

"Perhaps you know of a small shrine I could go to?" The transition between mental threats and harmless conversation was annoyingly fast, hinting at the girl's confidence in an assumed superiority. Perhaps this tactic had kept her out of earlier conflict, but it didn't seem to be thought out too well, and would quite likely be regretted later on.

06-22-07, 12:07 AM
Mia watched her in silence before turning to completely face Nadia as she spoke. Both of them were still checking the other on an astral level, searching for the rhyme to the reason. She gave a soft nod in understanding to the mental conversation, sending just a little emotion of understanding out.

A soft sigh escaped the elf as she moved to sit on the steps while Nadia spoke, turning her eyes back just in time to nearly be blinded by the reflection from her scythe blade. The only saving grace was a movement of the facial muscles, pressing her glasses back to their usual place, the dark glass diffusing the light.

Challenges are made every day, general conversation tends to bring up challenges. Though small, most will always try to come up with something to out do the other at a subconscious level. And I know its not a walking stick, it’s a scythe.

Using her sleeve she wiped her brow and neck of sweat, giving a heat induced yawn before continuing the conversation.

“Well, I know of a few smaller road side shrines just north of the city, mostly to this or that deity, or like the one I frequent on my travels, which is devoted to nature spirits.” Mia said softly, wondering how this girl would react.

Her playful demeanor was getting the best of her, while Mia didn’t really want a full out fight on her hands, she was definitely going to see how far she could push.

06-22-07, 03:00 PM
The mention of nature spirits was welcomed warmly, and Nadia shifted so her scythe, which had been supplying shade to its holder, cast a shadow upon both women "Perhaps you could show me this shrine sometime... I think, for the time being, a more effective source of shade is something we both would appreciate."

I see.. perhaps it would be best that I not take such challenges seriously..

This elf girl was starting to wear the priestess down, Nadia couldn't stand the fact that she'd told Mia so much about herself without a reasonable amount of useful information in return
"I noticed a few restaurants on the way here, now that I think of it.. I think a cold drink of some form would aid our conversation."And maybe get you to tell me about yourself for a bit

06-23-07, 11:45 PM
Mia let out a sigh, her headband soaked with sweat. She hesitated for a moment, her body not wanting to move. But with the thought of finding somewhere better she forced it.

“yeah, its only a short walk from town, and its just beautiful at night.” She said as she walked back to Nadia.

Life is to interesting to take things seriously.

She could sense a drain happening to Nadia, making it clear that she was far from being used to such exchanges. Though it was a good thing that it wasn’t very common in every day adventure to have such mentally worked exchanges.

Even though Mia wished there were more.

“Yeah, I know a couple of those restaurants are fairly well known for their cuisine. You want to lead and pick or shall I?” the ice elf spoke, offering her arm” by the way, my name is Mia.”

06-24-07, 12:23 AM
Nadia chuckled before bowing deeply, "My name is Nadia Okenzawa. And I think it'd be best if you led.. I don't know this town too well.. "

She offered her arm, not noticing Mia had done the same just moments ago. It was odd, meeting somebody at complete random, with a mental ability of such strength, and end up going to have a drink with them. No adventure, no quest of grave importance, two abnormal folks just sitting and talking.. Of course, the person was a little flaky, and had probably already forgotten her blindness..
This inner monologue was broken as a much welcomed breeze blew a much unwelcomed stench into her nose, manure. Her face distorted with extreme disgust, and she exhales sharply through her nose to expel the offending scent.

Well, we ought to go soon, it seems the horses all let their meals go at the same time..

06-29-07, 01:33 AM
“Na..dia…” Mia repeated under her breath, trying to commit it to memory. She hesitated for a moment, thinking of where best to seek drink and shade at this hour.

“Oh, I know this lovely little pub just a few blocks from here,” the ice elf blurted out as she took Nadia’a arm in hers, almost dragging the young human along as she moved. The heat forgotten as she led on, down the dusty avenues, her mind trying to remember if it was on the left or right or if it was called the Moldy Kneecap or the Twisted Nipple.

It was on the left and was actually the Moldy Nipple. How she got those mixed up was beyond her cause she should have remembered that the Twisted Kneecap was a bar in Alerar. Either way, the darkness of the entrance was a welcome sight.

“Almost there Nadia….”

07-25-07, 12:16 AM
Nadia nodded, and narrowly missed stepping on the tail of a stray cat. The blind girl hoped that she wouldn't have to relinquish her weapon at the door.. perhaps her being blind would gain sympathy and favour in the eyes of the owners.

I hope they have a good selection of tea...

She followed Mia into the pub, pausing like one would normally upon entering a relatively bright or dim room, but instead of adjusting her sightless eyes to light that would never do her any good, she simply taps her scythe to the ground lightly, a thin wave of almost unnoticable light expanding across the floorboards quickly before returning to its source. This was how she 'saw' things.. a topography map of sorts to give her a reasonable idea as to where she could walk, stand, or sit.

06-13-09, 02:13 PM
This thread has been sitting for a full year. Since no response has been made to create activity I am going to be moving this. If you would like it to be reopened please feel free to PM myself or another admin and they will be able to move it for you back to Scara Brae.