View Full Version : Random IM Conversations (Part IV)

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Cyrus the virus
05-02-08, 01:18 AM
Just add 'Smarterchild' to your AIM buddylist.

Skie and Avery
05-04-08, 04:23 AM
This is how to fail to bribe me.

Badly Ice Cream (4:07:01 AM): Did you vouch for me in my application to become part of the staff again
restitutionspork (4:07:09 AM): I don't vote in those.
restitutionspork (4:07:15 AM): Because I hate everyone
restitutionspork (4:07:25 AM): But for the proper incentive I might go vote...
Badly Ice Cream (4:08:07 AM): 1 dollar
restitutionspork (4:09:24 AM): Or naked pix
Badly Ice Cream (4:10:01 AM): alright i actually have one uploaded
restitutionspork (4:10:17 AM): ... Srsly? ROCK THE FUCK ON! n.n Yay!
Badly Ice Cream (4:10:28 AM): http://rcostafoods.com/corteschickens/boneless_breast_medio.jpg
restitutionspork (4:10:49 AM): Ha ha ha, your humor wins you no votes.
Badly Ice Cream (4:12:02 AM): But those aer my breasticles
restitutionspork (4:12:37 AM): Non sufficient n00dz
Badly Ice Cream (4:12:47 AM): Just do it
Badly Ice Cream (4:12:50 AM): In exchange for...
Badly Ice Cream (4:12:50 AM): CAKE
Badly Ice Cream (4:13:07 AM): http://www.amazon.co.uk/Classic-1000-Cake-Recipes-Cookbook/dp/0572028032
restitutionspork (4:13:08 AM): THE CAKE IS A LIE!

EDIT so I don't doublepost:


MlRaven69 (4:01:48 AM): your phone is a cockwhore
restitutionspork (4:02:04 AM): >.<
restitutionspork (4:02:09 AM): It's being retarded as all fuck now, eh?
MlRaven69 (4:02:18 AM): *liiiiick*
MlRaven69 (4:02:21 AM): it's okay
restitutionspork (4:02:36 AM): I still has you on AIM
MlRaven69 (4:02:39 AM): I'm awake for now so I'll give the stupid fuckin thing a break for a bit
MlRaven69 (4:02:53 AM): yup you do * waggles eyebrows and leers*
restitutionspork (4:03:17 AM): *LIIIIICK*
restitutionspork (4:03:21 AM): PUSSY WILLOW
MlRaven69 (4:03:27 AM): lol
MlRaven69 (4:03:54 AM): I wanna pet your pussy everyone says it's nice. Can I come on over, I'll be at your house tonight.
MlRaven69 (4:04:04 AM): *everybody
restitutionspork (4:04:31 AM): RAWR
restitutionspork (4:04:33 AM): LoL
restitutionspork (4:04:39 AM): Remember us making that video of dancing with the cats.
restitutionspork (4:04:40 AM): ?
MlRaven69 (4:05:44 AM): yes, I can see you swinging Shiva from side to side infront of your crotch in my head
MlRaven69 (4:06:00 AM): I'll prolly remember that until I'm old and senile
restitutionspork (4:06:12 AM): XD
MlRaven69 (4:06:20 AM): ^_^
restitutionspork (4:06:27 AM): I'm surprised that that memory didn't MAKE you senile.
MlRaven69 (4:06:52 AM): na, it is a memory that I use to keep myself happy and hold off depression
MlRaven69 (4:07:18 AM): that and teasing Thor, making the other video and remembering your grandma tellings us to not kill each other
restitutionspork (4:07:35 AM): ROFL
restitutionspork (4:07:36 AM): Yeah
MlRaven69 (4:08:24 AM): bring you a choc cream pie shake almsot everyday, hell visiting you after work everyday cause a lot of fights with my mom but I didn't care
MlRaven69 (4:08:32 AM): she thought i was sneaking out to see some boy
MlRaven69 (4:08:36 AM): rofl
restitutionspork (4:09:16 AM): <3 *snggle*
MlRaven69 (4:09:30 AM): * hugs*
MlRaven69 (4:09:49 AM): * cuddles*
MlRaven69 (4:11:45 AM): It puts the lotion on it's skin or it gets the hose again
restitutionspork (4:11:56 AM): ......ROFL! OMG
restitutionspork (4:11:59 AM): What is that from?
MlRaven69 (4:12:06 AM): Silence of the Lambs
restitutionspork (4:12:17 AM): Ah, that's right. I'd forgotten
MlRaven69 (4:12:32 AM): Wild Bill was the bad guy that said that, he wanted to make a woman's suit out of women
MlRaven69 (4:12:36 AM): sick fucker
restitutionspork (4:14:14 AM): I haven't read that book or seen that movie in fucking forever.
MlRaven69 (4:14:47 AM): Lecter is my hero
MlRaven69 (4:15:09 AM): well not quite my hero but close
restitutionspork (4:15:12 AM): I used to have a little avatar with him sighing going, "Brains for one.....again.."
MlRaven69 (4:15:31 AM): i remember that! ^_^
restitutionspork (4:15:48 AM): brb Need more water!
MlRaven69 (4:15:58 AM): kk
restitutionspork (4:17:50 AM): BLOOOA!
MlRaven69 (4:17:57 AM): woot!
MlRaven69 (4:18:30 AM): Gonads and strife! Gonads and strife! Gonads and Strife!
restitutionspork (4:21:56 AM): Gonads in the lightning!
MlRaven69 (4:22:15 AM): XD
MlRaven69 (4:22:58 AM): arg
MlRaven69 (4:23:15 AM): I'm becoming a zombie.... can I nibble on you?
restitutionspork (4:23:54 AM): Of course!
restitutionspork (4:24:02 AM): I'd love for you to bite me...ooo...you know I like it.
MlRaven69 (4:24:20 AM): yay!
MlRaven69 (4:24:31 AM): i know it baby ^_^
restitutionspork (4:24:59 AM): I remember the way your pussy tastes.
MlRaven69 (4:25:21 AM): rotten tuna!
MlRaven69 (4:26:20 AM): +p
MlRaven69 (4:26:29 AM): =P
restitutionspork (4:27:53 AM): Pfft... Wonderful spiced tuna tacos!
MlRaven69 (4:28:23 AM): lol
MlRaven69 (4:28:42 AM): when I was little I called it a taco, dun know why though
restitutionspork (4:28:56 AM): XD
restitutionspork (4:29:14 AM): Because you were wise beyond your years
MlRaven69 (4:29:37 AM): rofl

Edward Judorne
05-05-08, 05:23 AM
I decided to try to drive Smarterchild insane. Did I succeed? You be the judge.

Smarterchild: What's your favorite hobby?

Me: Murder

Sc: Sorry, I don't recognize that as a hobby. Please try again or type skip or exit.

Me: Killing

Sc: Sorry, I don't recognize that as a hobby. Please try again or type skip or exit.

Me: Suicide

Sc: Wow. OK. Let's try to think of something else, alright?

Please try again or type skip or exit.

Me: Rape

Sc: C'mon, that's not cool. Try to be serious for once.

Please try again or type skip or exit.

Me: Beating you up

Sc: Sorry, I don't recognize that as a hobby. Please try again or type skip or exit.

Me: Stealing

Sc: C'mon, That's not cool, try to be serious for once.

Please try again or type skip or exit.

Me: IMing

Sc: Instant Messaging? Cool.

What is your next favorite hobby?

Me: IMing

Sc: You already told me you like Instant messaging. Tell me something else.

Me: NO!

Sc: That's OK.

Do you have a pet?

Me: Do you count?

Later on, I convinced Smarterchild I had a male Lion named Murderer

05-05-08, 11:17 AM
I had him calling me Jesus-ette for a while. And then Mistress. But it got old.

05-08-08, 08:47 AM
Jack Raynes (9:44:36 AM): I'm not a douche

05-08-08, 08:53 AM
more of me messing with Smarterchild's head.

Me: Take off your pants
Smarterchild: See ya later!

05-08-08, 10:25 PM
It's on, and here's the proof:

Oberst Christoph (11:12:31 PM): But have it your way. I'll be sure to let everyone know that you pussied out of a challenge to face me one on one.
Oberst Christoph (11:12:39 PM): ;-)
Jack Raynes (11:13:02 PM): Whatever makes you think you're not a terrible writer with a shitty gimmick.
Oberst Christoph (11:13:25 PM): Except I don't make excuses.
Jack Raynes (11:13:54 PM): I hate to miss out on the fun of a mob war, but if it's that important to you I'll make it one vs one.
Jack Raynes (11:14:03 PM): Just between you and me!
Jack Raynes (11:14:08 PM): Everyone else has to do it regular.
Jack Raynes (11:14:22 PM): Oh, and our battle has a 30 day time limit, obviously.
Oberst Christoph (11:15:21 PM): Well, yeah... just like any other clan war battle.
Jack Raynes (11:16:00 PM): Right.
Jack Raynes (11:16:03 PM): Anyway, there it is.
Jack Raynes (11:16:08 PM): I've called your bluff.
Oberst Christoph (11:16:21 PM): Good.
Oberst Christoph (11:16:24 PM): And I don't bluff.
Jack Raynes (11:16:30 PM): And when I fucking ruin you for life, I better not hear any excuses.
Oberst Christoph (11:16:41 PM): And you won't.
Jack Raynes (11:16:49 PM): Whereas if you beat me...
Oberst Christoph (11:16:51 PM): If I lose, I will bow before my better.
Oberst Christoph (11:16:55 PM): And if you lose...
Jack Raynes (11:16:57 PM): Hell, name it.
Jack Raynes (11:17:03 PM): Go.
Oberst Christoph (11:17:17 PM): You put "Christoph's bitch" in your sig.
Jack Raynes (11:17:29 PM): I like your thinking.
Jack Raynes (11:17:40 PM): Put it works both ways.
Jack Raynes (11:17:45 PM): You lose, you put-
Jack Raynes (11:17:50 PM): No, you know what? That's stupid.
Jack Raynes (11:17:56 PM): I lose, I put Christoph's bitch in my sig.
Jack Raynes (11:17:59 PM): No problem.
Jack Raynes (11:18:13 PM): But if I win, you'll just have to go on knowing I'm better than you.
Oberst Christoph (11:18:29 PM): Suit yourself.
Oberst Christoph (11:18:31 PM): Haha.
Jack Raynes (11:18:39 PM): You've got yourself a deal.
Oberst Christoph (11:18:47 PM): Yes we do.
Jack Raynes (11:18:52 PM): Put this in that random IM's thread so that neither of us can pussy out.
Oberst Christoph (11:19:24 PM): All right.

05-08-08, 11:44 PM
[00:19] Midvalley20: I am Sinistar. BEWARE, I LIVE. RUN! RUN! RUN, COWARD!
[00:21] Soul of Sadness3: *cough*....

05-08-08, 11:49 PM
A review of the TV show "Heroes"

AlexTheLlamas (11:03:34 PM): what up dude
Scr 10 12 82 (11:03:58 PM): not much
Scr 10 12 82 (11:04:04 PM): watching heroes season one
Scr 10 12 82 (11:04:10 PM): well, episode one anyways
AlexTheLlamas (11:04:20 PM): lol
AlexTheLlamas (11:04:49 PM): it's not bad if you take it with a grain of salt, whatever the hell that means
Scr 10 12 82 (11:04:59 PM): lol
AlexTheLlamas (11:05:35 PM): i'd rather take it with a spoonful of sugar, and by that i mean a beer.

Edward Judorne
05-09-08, 12:41 AM
Man, Smarterchild is an idiot.
Me: 3x7

Smarterchild: 3

Zook Murnig
05-09-08, 09:00 PM
SuperSonicMatt1 (9:55:07 PM): Don't leave me!
SuperSonicMatt1 (9:55:11 PM): Come back!
SuperSonicMatt1 (9:55:15 PM): I miss you...
SuperSonicMatt1 (9:55:30 PM): Please come back?
SuperSonicMatt1 (9:55:43 PM): My sweet, I love you.
SuperSonicMatt1 (9:55:49 PM): Please don't do this to me.
SuperSonicMatt1 (9:55:58 PM): I beg of you, return to me.
SuperSonicMatt1 (9:56:17 PM): v.v
SuperSonicMatt1 (9:56:22 PM): I'm sad...
SuperSonicMatt1 (9:56:31 PM): I'll kill myself if you don't come back.
SuperSonicMatt1 (9:56:40 PM): I'll KILL MYSELF.
SuperSonicMatt1 (9:56:57 PM): I can't live without you, so why bother going on?
SuperSonicMatt1 (9:57:15 PM): Please?
SuperSonicMatt1 (9:57:19 PM): I'm sorry...
SmarterChild (9:57:20 PM): I forgive you.

05-09-08, 09:03 PM
What a fickle bastard.

05-11-08, 07:28 PM
Jack Raynes: What a bunch of fucking assholes he'd gotten railroaded into protecting. The only one worth a damn was Lillian, and maybe a couple of the elf broads. They were all underage though, so fuck 'em too.
Jack Raynes: Hmm...Maybe too vitriol...
Necathys: A bit too much
Necathys: Try sounding more brittish.
Jack Raynes: What a bunch of jolly good fucking assholes he'd gotten railroaded into protecting. Pip pip The only one worth a damn was Lillian, and maybe a couple of the elf broads. They were all underage though, so fuck 'em too. Cheerio.
Jack Raynes: You're right, that sounds way classier.
Necathys: Hahha, oh god

05-12-08, 10:05 PM
Jack Raynes: Xem'Zund
Jack Raynes: That's how it's spelled, right?
Necathys: With an accent on the u
Jack Raynes: Fuck you.
Jack Raynes: Sorry.
Jack Raynes: Fuck u.

05-13-08, 08:45 PM
[17:54] Necathys: I'm awesome.
[17:54] Poseidon1776: yes you are.
[17:54] Poseidon1776: *pet*
[17:54] Necathys: Sarcasm does not suit you
[17:54] Poseidon1776: gah

Cyrus the virus
05-13-08, 11:10 PM
Necathys: sacapuntas
Necathys: It's either a pencilcase or a bag of whores
Necathys: Oh it's actually a pencil sharpener.
Necathys: Damn.

Zook Murnig
05-13-08, 11:42 PM
Just before and as I wrote the last post in "For the People Who are Still Alive!"

Necathys (11:50:07 PM): So there was this camel that ate my batteries.
SuperSonicMatt1 (11:50:20 PM): O.o
Necathys (11:50:27 PM): But see, they were Nickel-Cadmium
Necathys (11:50:37 PM): And it took only Metal Hydrides
Necathys (11:50:49 PM): So it blew up and cried jelly beans
Necathys (11:52:47 PM): I dunno, I was wondering what was happening
Necathys (12:02:27 AM): FAP CORN
SuperSonicMatt1 (12:02:46 AM): I fear I have hit my wall.
Necathys (12:03:24 AM): GASP
Necathys (12:03:28 AM): Not a wall!
Necathys (12:03:33 AM): The point was to ignore the wall!

SuperSonicMatt1 (12:04:08 AM): I'm gonna get something to snack on while I try to post.
Necathys (12:04:26 AM): Well alright
Necathys (12:04:34 AM): Though you could've just done the 15 minute thing
Necathys (12:04:50 AM): Or 30 minute, since it's a conclusion
SuperSonicMatt1 (12:06:32 AM): Start the clock.
SuperSonicMatt1 (12:06:35 AM): Twenty minutes.
SuperSonicMatt1 (12:06:39 AM): Now.
Necathys (12:07:15 AM): DONE
Necathys (12:07:22 AM): I mean, Begin.
SuperSonicMatt1 (12:10:25 AM): Give me a response.
SuperSonicMatt1 (12:10:36 AM): It's high time I bunnied Lillian.
SuperSonicMatt1 (12:11:14 AM): "Oh, but I have nothing to offer you," he said, embarrassed at his oversight.
SuperSonicMatt1 (12:11:47 AM): Quickly!
SuperSonicMatt1 (12:11:53 AM): Yo!
SuperSonicMatt1 (12:11:54 AM): Soy!
SuperSonicMatt1 (12:11:56 AM): Un!
SuperSonicMatt1 (12:11:59 AM): Pollo!
SuperSonicMatt1 (12:12:01 AM): Esta!
SuperSonicMatt1 (12:12:02 AM): En!
SuperSonicMatt1 (12:12:04 AM): El!
SuperSonicMatt1 (12:12:07 AM): Fuego!
SuperSonicMatt1 (12:12:09 AM): Con!
SuperSonicMatt1 (12:12:11 AM): Carne!
Necathys (12:12:15 AM): What?
SuperSonicMatt1 (12:12:37 AM): "SuperSonicMatt1 (12:10:25 AM): Give me a response.
SuperSonicMatt1 (12:10:36 AM): It's high time I bunnied Lillian.
SuperSonicMatt1 (12:11:14 AM): "Oh, but I have nothing to offer you," he said, embarrassed at his oversight."
Necathys (12:13:09 AM): "You've already offered the alliance. It's the least I can do! And if you really do feel that badly about it, then you can think of something for our next meeting."
Necathys (12:13:24 AM): *always think of bringing something next time
Necathys (12:13:27 AM): wink wink
SuperSonicMatt1 (12:13:38 AM): Yeah, I will.
SuperSonicMatt1 (12:13:43 AM): Any suggestions on what you'd like?
SuperSonicMatt1 (12:14:12 AM): Perhaps a blasting rod?
SuperSonicMatt1 (12:14:18 AM): Or a bit of Caduceus' blood?
SuperSonicMatt1 (12:16:25 AM): Hopefully I'll still get gold for this, so I can buy some stuff in the Bazaar.
Necathys (12:18:13 AM): Ooh
Necathys (12:18:15 AM): Mage blood
Necathys (12:18:22 AM): Though it's too personal
Necathys (12:18:39 AM): Get her a cool wand?
SuperSonicMatt1 (12:19:04 AM): A blasting rod or some sort of other wand. Got it.
SuperSonicMatt1 (12:19:21 AM): Cad's making a blasting rod for himself, with Chic's guidance, after Fated Embrace is finished.
Necathys (12:19:50 AM): Well something to harness rather than to shoot would be cool
SuperSonicMatt1 (12:20:02 AM): It's technically a "Wand of Fire," but blasting rod describes its shape and purpose better.
Necathys (12:20:09 AM): Aaah
Necathys (12:20:27 AM): I just want a rod that gathers ambiant energy
Necathys (12:20:35 AM): So that she can work it into a magic gun
SuperSonicMatt1 (12:20:46 AM): We can make a neat gun!
Necathys (12:20:49 AM): Yes!
SuperSonicMatt1 (12:20:52 AM): For the people who are still alive!
Necathys (12:20:59 AM): Still alive!
SuperSonicMatt1 (12:21:05 AM): Still alive!
Necathys (12:21:10 AM): Still a~liiiiiiiiiiiiiive

05-15-08, 12:52 AM
Jack Raynes: Oh, did I tell you that Dan ended up getting mixed up with a dominatrix?
moderndaypaladin: you showed me a couple posts
moderndaypaladin: did he lick the boot?
Jack Raynes: Hahahahahahahahahahaha

05-15-08, 08:44 PM
Here I turned Smarterchild into a broken record.

Smarterchild: Fine, be that way.
Me: What way?
Smarterchild: By what?
Me: By what?
Smarterchild: By what?
Me: By what?
Smarterchild: By what?
Me: By what?
Smarterchild: By what?

Why don't you ask me about the things I am here for? :)
Me: By who?
Smarterchild: By what?
Me: Gotcha.
Smarterchild: By what?

05-15-08, 11:07 PM
AngelicMalice15: Are there leeches in mgs 3?
Jack Raynes: Yeah.
AngelicMalice15: Shit
Jack Raynes: Why?
AngelicMalice15: How do I know if I have them
Jack Raynes: It's not like crabs, you fucking asshole.

05-16-08, 01:39 PM
And the fun continues: http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=16065