View Full Version : Who Would Win In A Fight?

06-21-07, 11:30 PM
This thread is pretty popular over at AllRPG, so I figured I'd post it here for you all to enjoy also.

The game is simple: Pick 2 members of Althanas, and then the next poster decides which of those two would win in a fight. That poster then makes their own match-up, and the process continues on.

I'll start:

Serilliant vs. Cyrus the Virus

06-21-07, 11:32 PM
Serilliant, because that man can write one hell of a fight, or any thread for that matter... But Cyrus would probably rip him apart IC'ly.

Santhalas vs. Zephyriah (for all you oldies)

06-21-07, 11:57 PM

Santhalas would end up disappearing for a while, only to reappear and comment on how they could make the battle better and more fun. Zeph, meanwhile, would've died from health issues brought on by his old age.

Leopold v. Godhand

06-22-07, 12:28 AM
HAHHA! Old age... I miss Zeph...

Leopold, another on the writing. Though godhand would probably destroy him IC'ly again...

Lucien vs Raelyse.

06-22-07, 12:52 AM

But I'll go with Lucien.

Raelyse would make one post, lose interest, and not post again.

H'mm...who to pit against each other...

None So Blind v. Slayer of the Rot

Mage Hunter
06-22-07, 04:58 AM
None so Blind because Dan can't beat Manda, and especially not when its Ghuan.

Heres a good one...

Dissinger vs. Thoracis

Storm Veritas
06-22-07, 06:01 AM

I think that Thoracis may have more raw talent, but Dissinger is much more prolific. Both Seth and Sarah are very strong IC (although not as strong as Thoracis), and Thor would not keep up with the posting rate.

Damon Kaosi v. Yari Rafanas

06-22-07, 07:40 AM
Damon vs. Yari?!

...Wow. I'd say Yari win IC, because Damon IC is now just a shell of himself and in a kid's body no less. Taking Writing Style into account... Phew. It could go both ways.

But judging from activity, we would be waiting for the end for a long time. :p


Mage Hunter vs Spirit Hunters

06-22-07, 09:00 AM
Mage Hunter. Too much experience, even if most of it's with a different character. Also, as Storm said, he's very active. IC, I don't know enough about Spirit Hunters to call that one.

Karuka Tida vs. Massacre

06-22-07, 09:06 AM

Cyrus kills Karuka in real life so that Emma wins her match. He stashes the body in a dumpster, the stench eventually alerting nearby hobos to a fresh meal. These homeless people, however, die for unknown reasons. Eventually, all these deaths are linked back to Cyrus, and in turn, Emma, and Santh makes the call that Karuka has won by default. She takes solace in this fact, despite being a half eaten corpse.

06-22-07, 09:10 AM
You are one sick individual.

And you forgot your matchup. I shall take it from you.

INDK vs. Storm Veritas

06-22-07, 11:31 AM
Heh, another hard one... Umm... I'd have to go with INDK on this one, only because his writing is amazing... not saying Storms isnt, but it would be either a tie or someone would win by maybe a point, if even that.

Another old one, don't take into consideration activity...

Unseen vs Dirks.

06-22-07, 08:51 PM
If we took activity into consideration, they would both lose. However, if they actually wrote, I think Dirks would win. Unseen has his share of tricks, but Dirks has got a gun. And even Unseen can't outrun a bullet.

Ashiakin vs. Thoracis

06-22-07, 09:25 PM

I haven't seen Tharacis in a while^^ but Ashi pops in from time to time and does some RPing and he's also tough both physically and magically while Thor is just magic.

The Valkyrie Vs. Ira (Witchy's Fallien character)

06-22-07, 09:32 PM

There's such an outpouring by Althanas members who want the two authors to write a lesbian thread, ending in S/M, between the two characters. Both authors are reluctant at first, wanting to keep the integrity of their characters in tact. That is until the whole of heterosexual men on Althanas pool their money on pay pal and end up giving both Vickie and Megan 2,000 dollars a piece.

Needless to say, The Valkyrie is on top during the "battle," but Ira gets in a few good "hits."

Slayer of the Rot v. Letho

06-22-07, 09:47 PM
I think OOCly, Letho would win.

ICly, it depends on where the battle is placed. If it's in neutral territory...it would depend on how many hits Slayer could get in and how many Letho could get in.

Aryr de Morte v. Yamihara

Mage Hunter
06-23-07, 06:57 AM
Very close, but I would have to say Yami takes it only cause the character has a bit more natural feel.

Dissinger vs. Letho round 2 (Letho won round one, but there was no official judgment given)

06-23-07, 07:12 AM
OOC, Letho takes it. Sorry, Pat, you're fun to write with, but I've caught fewer grammatical errors out of Letho than out of you, and that's what wins him this round.

IC...you hex the hell outta him, he beats the crap out of you, and you both go home to your respective women with a lot of damage to explain.

It's early and I can't think of combatants. Pick them for me.

06-23-07, 07:45 AM
Here's a real duel of young magic-wielding people.

Karuka Tida vs. Atzar Kellon

06-23-07, 09:58 AM
Unless I can drop a coconut or something on his head with Jara, Atzar wins this one. My spells take too long to cast. -_-

I swear, in order for this chick to be effective in combat, she needs range and time, and preferably the element of surprise. Or a mop. She seems to like hitting people with mops.

But she dislikes violence.

OOC, it'd be close, too.

Anyway, let's get some melee.

Padre (The Cinderella Man) v. Christina Bredith.

06-23-07, 12:35 PM
Aren't those two played by the same person? If they are, then OOCly, it's a tie I guess.

ICly, I would say Padre would win, simply put, the man's got cojones.

This one is from two inactive characters and one of them just got reincarnated 0_o

Kaiser Vs. Canen

06-23-07, 12:37 PM
hahaha, no. Cinderella man is Letho, Christina Bredrith is Elrudir...

I'd say Canen, but not sure with the new characters or whatever...

Rajani vs Ithermoss (battle of the economic type, lol)

06-23-07, 12:54 PM
Ithy would rip Raj's face off!

If either of them posted IC once in a while.

Let's see...

Storm Veritas v. Cyrus the Virus

06-23-07, 01:30 PM
OOCly, Storm wins. His writing style is somewhat more refined then Cy's. ICly, however, Cyrus has the advantage. But Storm is hard to kill and the man has a way of finding a way out of difficult situations. It depends on the arena, I guess, but if you take several different scenarios, Cyrus would probably win in more of them.

Sarah Dahlios vs. Rheawien... because they never had a real cat fight that didn't happen between the bedsheets.

06-23-07, 01:58 PM
I'm gonna go with Rheawien, providing she actually manages to not be seduced by Sarah.

Ira vs. Malagen...just because I think it'd be interesting to see what both writers would think.

06-23-07, 02:09 PM
Tie. Total tie.

They beat the crap out of each other, and the OOC score is either the same or within a point or two either way.

Let's go with a couple of new sailor characters!

Raziel v. Siren

06-23-07, 02:18 PM
Siren? I don't know much about either character, unfortunately... I guess it would depend on who's the better fighter..

Ira (sorry) vs. Osato. The person that can sense and see souls verses the one without a soul...

06-23-07, 03:30 PM

The soul-lessness would give her a brief 'wtf?' but then she'd pick up the pace and start whaling on you.

OOC victory depends on who's more on their game. But probably Ira.

The one I had was stupid.

Let's go for one that really IS the same person!

Cyrus the Virus v. Izvilvin.

06-23-07, 06:09 PM
Cyrus will win.

Deep within the cavernous and uncharted depths of Matt's mind, an internal struggle of epic proportions occurs between his two creative forces, the drow and the mage. Though it is fierce, the thread actually becomes poorly written because Matt has taken to drinking and massive drug use to quell the voices in his head telling him to assassinate this or fireball that. He ends up in a mental facility, thanks to Canada's free health care, but his last post was with his Cyrus account. The judge calls it that way and we all enjoy a period of time Althanas will forever know as the, "I wasn't called a douche age."

Lorenor v. Rheawien

06-23-07, 06:45 PM

From what I've read of Lorenore and Letho, Letho has the better sense of writing style AND a better grasp on the mechanics of the English language.

And I'm pretty sure IC Rhea could pound on Lorenore, too. But I haven't seen him post anything other than like twice about a month ago.

Blind characters:

Seraphima v. Nadia

For reference, Sara has a dog, a walking stick, mildly enhanced senses, and a light-up ability. Nadia has a scythe, some mild offensive/defensive magic, and an ability to get a bit of a mental image of where things are placed.

06-23-07, 08:55 PM
Nadia, the dog comes after her and she uses her scythe and mental imagery to slice it's head off. She then uses her magic to destroy Sera.


Amaril Torrun Vs. Shenjara

Amaril : Ice darts half-dragon weakness to fire

Shenjara: Magic, Knows lots of fire spells, very clumsy

06-26-07, 09:51 PM
I'd have to go with Shenjara, but not before she burns most of her own hair off.

Siren, the hottest sailor in Althanas Vs. Orun, the half-Orc who's green, and therefore awesome.

Artifex Felicis
06-26-07, 10:17 PM
Orun, cause he's an ORC! Woo. Go Orcs! They be green and fuzzy. That, and Siren annoys me for some reason.

and are a bit more prepared for fighting then most other species or races.

Asiaken versus Findelfin.

You know who they are >_<

06-26-07, 10:19 PM

They both vanish mid-fight, and when they come back, they forget about it.

H'mm...a battle of culinary types!

Krugor v. Christoph

06-26-07, 10:31 PM
The Battle of the Althanas Chefs!!! In the kitchen, I think Krugor wins because he has like a book of magic cooking. In fighting, the advantage goes to Christoph. It all depends on the venue!

Valentina Snow vs. Godhand

06-26-07, 11:52 PM

I've read both profiles, and I'm willing to bet he would rip Valentina in half while she tried to eat him. :rolleyes:

Lye vs. Izvilivin.

06-27-07, 12:22 AM
Izvilvin. Don't exactly sure why, bout I can just picture Izvilvin kicking some serious ass.

Witchblade vs. Valentina Snow.

06-27-07, 12:30 AM
I'm gonna say Witchblade. I haven't seen Valentina make more than a couple of IC posts (in a solo) since her so-called comeback, and from what I've heard, she doesn't really do open quests.

Meaning Witchy would post, Valentina wouldn't, and there you have it, folks, to the chick that shows up go the spoils.

And now for something kind of different:

Seth Dahlios v. Rakh ((Dissinger v. Ithermoss))

06-27-07, 12:32 AM
Witchblade, because she's made of win and awesome, and that's that.

Seraphima Vs. Azza (Orphans)

Artifex Felicis
06-27-07, 05:57 AM
Azza, mostly due to the fact she isn't blind, and winning that fight would be more like who could eat more lemon cake in the end. Not exactly an epic swashbuckling adventure there. Though, If dogs were involved, then the balance might swing a different way.

Rahk versus Zieg

06-27-07, 08:11 AM
Rakh. Gargoyles are cooler (and more original) than demons. Even if they post about once a month... combined...

Khariss Sevrath vs. Rajani Aishwara

06-27-07, 10:36 AM
Ya really askin' for it, aye?

Raj wins, because the Peregrine starts shooting cannons onto the battlefield whist the leader runs for cover. Khariss, however, still got hit when he tried to hide behind his PG mercenaries. Can you say "Cannon Fodder"? ;)

OOC, Raj could win for elaborate writing. Khariss would win because his writing style is more compact. :p


Raven Adventwings vs. Leon Timyon!

Burly Knuckles
06-27-07, 10:55 AM
Kitty vs. Kitty, I have to give it to Leon. The skill with yarn would hypnotize Raven into a lull before there was a pounce of doom!

(OOC, I think it'd be very close, too much to call, though I still probably lean slightly towards Artifex.)

Diadem vs. Izvilvin

06-27-07, 11:04 AM
Diadem being Findelfin, I reckon. I think Izzy has a physical advantage, but Finny can equalize that with song magic. It's a battle between a straightforward fighter and one with some finesse. I'd bet on the latter.

Reiko vs. Lucien... because I think neither was mentioned yet.

06-27-07, 11:24 AM
Reiko wins, hands down. No one can defeat the one and only Nine-Tail Ronin of Althanas!

OOC and IC. ;)

Yamihara Asuka vs. Murakama Asuka

[/shameless plug]

06-27-07, 11:33 AM
Which one's the mean one? Murakama, I think? Yeah. She'd kick the shit out of her more docile counterpart.

I hope. Don't hurt me if I'm wrong.

Atzar's Zirkan vs. Witchblade's Daegun

06-27-07, 11:37 AM
Daegun for sure! Cause, dragons just kick ass that way. Even baby ones. That and it's cute, Atzar would be a heartless bastard if he killed it.

EDIT :: After re-reading the post, and getting slapped in a reply post...my answer still stands. Daegun would win, if not from just cute luck. :p

Komosatuo vs Sorahn

((lolz :: Spoiler :: I lose...wewt))

06-27-07, 11:43 AM
(Zirkan is a pygmy dragon; that was the reason for the matchup)

OOC, Sorahn probably - if I remember, he beat you anyway. IC... probably Sorahn again, even though ninjas can be badass in the right situations.

Raelyse vs. Ashiakin

06-27-07, 12:27 PM
I'm going with Ashiakin on this one, but that's if they both post regularly.

If nobody posts, Raelyse will come in during the last 48 hours and steal the win.

Letho vs. Izvilvin

06-27-07, 01:25 PM
Neither! Christina would come in first and stop them from fighting. >_>;;

But seriously, tough to say. I would say Letho, since he's one bad-ass mo' fo', but that probably wouldn't give Izzy enough credit. I still think Letho would edge out a win just barely through experience and being built like a rock or something. But it would be a close one, since he doesn't have his like super special awesome ultra special sexy powers anymore, I believe.

Santhalas vs. Serilliant!

06-27-07, 06:17 PM

Santhalas loses interest in the fight when a number of revealing photographs of himself in the buff, sweating to the oldies, comes in the mail, addressed from Brian Cavner himself. Serilliant pleads innocent to the OOC charges, and with an expanded bank account, is declared the winner.

Letho v. Vorin (before I smote his ass)

Artifex Felicis
06-27-07, 06:24 PM
Sarrylent, simply because I know how he can write. Though, Santh could always be a big bully and make the mod give the win to him ^^;

EDIT: Crap, misssed it. Vorin, simply because Vorin would be enough of a bastard to seduce Myrhia and have her kill him. OOCly though, I'm not sure.

Yari Rafanas versus Seth Dahlios

Skie and Avery
06-27-07, 07:49 PM
Yari Rafanas would win OOC. Seth IC.

Devon dan Sabriel vs. Thoracis Rakarth

06-28-07, 01:26 AM
Yeah I have to agree with Manda, we did this before, though Yari DID win ICly. Stupid spear went through my back, and I almost got the bastard back for a draw...

Thoracis, despite Devon having KILLED a god with his normal STEEL sword (never believed in upgrades, thought they were stupid or something like that) Thoracis commands tremendous power over ice. Even Ed himself admitted he accidentally got away with too much. However, in terms of writing, I'll give Thoracis the edge, Devon is rusty and hasn't been seen in ages.

Seth Dahlios vs. Ghuantyr'stra Doafin

Slayer of the Rot
06-28-07, 06:30 AM
Seth just can't win against Ghaun, ICly. Payback's a motherfucker, huh? Ha! OOCly, if Pat whines about it, Manda would stomp his balls until he shut up.

Gild Sorrain vs. Elrundir

06-28-07, 08:49 AM
Elrundir would definitely give him a run for his money, but I think Gild would prevail in the end, both ICly and OOCly. Gild is one of the people that I looked up to from the moment I joined Althahas, and yet one of the people I never had a chance writing with. He was one of the most creative writers I saw on Althanas.

Dark Magus vs. Storm Veritas

Amaril Torrun
06-28-07, 09:05 AM
Storm trounces Magus IC. The OOC scores are almost the same, with Storm coming a point or two on top.

Two retired players:

Yari Rafanas vs. Shadar Logath

07-03-07, 07:44 PM
Yari. Didn't Shadar have a picture of himself in costume, or was that someone else?

I've already made a match-up, so I'll let someone else start a new one.

07-03-07, 08:31 PM
Slayer of the Rot vs. a drunken bum?

07-03-07, 08:34 PM
Is that some sort of philosophical question of a man fighting himself?

07-03-07, 08:42 PM
Eh, its whatever you make it.

Lets see, not too familiar with you new guys...

Slayer of the Rot vs. Wraith?

07-03-07, 08:53 PM
Slayer of the rot, only because I've heard of him more and so think he would win.

Lessee, two really new characters.

Xos Xilanthes Versus Merywyn Ethryon.

OOCly its no contest, because I admit, I couldn't fight my way out of a wet paper bag. But ICly...

Artifex Felicis
07-03-07, 08:57 PM
Xos ICly, simply because Merwyn is much more of a healer or something a bit like that.


Leon Timyon versus Witchblade for the second go around.

07-03-07, 09:20 PM
You've had way too many chances to eat Witchy, Mister Bazaar Kitty. But~ You've only managed a bite. So~ I say this time around she trumps you IC and OOC.

OK~ Something new here.

Anila vs. Poison

07-03-07, 10:41 PM
I don't know Poison's work that well, but she might win. Anila has yet to be broken in well.

Two people that signed up at about the same time! (and came from the same place(s).)

Christoph v. Karuka Tida

07-04-07, 12:00 AM
As much as I fear being hit by a newspaper, I'm going with Christoph for the IC win with a wooden meat tenderizer to the brainpan, but Karuka OOC by 3 points.

Let's see... I could always use a plug, and I'm terribly familiar with anyone else quite yet, soo...

Elijah Morendale vs. Raziel Greyus

07-04-07, 12:06 AM
Raz can beat your skinny butt up IC. OOC, though, he uses present tense for past action, so I'd go with Elijah.

And you weren't supposed to answer that, I was trying to make a point!

Storm Veritas v. Dissinger

07-04-07, 08:54 AM
'Nother matchup between these two?

...No, wait. Had we done one for them?

Eh, nevermind. Why the hell not?

Storm may be able to lay the smackdown on Seth with his quick wit and Electrical Bolts, but the Lavinian Thief is so going to pwn that guy. The writing styles are on-par with one another, so I guess Dissinger would come out the victor by only the barest of margin.

Angel of Light vs. Christina Bredith

EDIT: Gah! I got the name wrong. Rethink your reply, Kitty boy. Or no cookie for you!

Artifex Felicis
07-04-07, 08:58 AM
Christina, simply due to the fact she's a trained soldier, and almost seems born to take care of people like that. OOCly, I'm unfamiliar, but I will learn towards Christina again.

The Edited version! I'm still gonna go with Christina in both, though I will also say the match-up in much closer for both of them.

Hmm. Good matchups.

Godhand vs. Slayer of the Rot

07-04-07, 09:02 AM
*Coughs and nudges the Kitty to see the previous post*

My bad.

Artifex Felicis
07-04-07, 09:16 AM
Bubble you! *goes to edit*

Skie and Avery
07-04-07, 01:00 PM
Godhand would win IC, but if Dan actually put forth effort, he could take Andres OOC. This would be such a great fight to read, if both of these guys were at their form. JC for sure.

Next Matchup: Storm Veritas vs. Max Dirks, with the stipulation that the battle did in fact get finished, so no taking habitual inactivity into account, mmkay?

07-04-07, 10:30 PM
Godhand would win IC, but if Dan actually put forth effort, he could take Andres OOC. This would be such a great fight to read, if both of these guys were at their form. JC for sure.

Next Matchup: Storm Veritas vs. Max Dirks, with the stipulation that the battle did in fact get finished, so no taking habitual inactivity into account, mmkay?

You whore!

The Valkyrie
07-04-07, 10:35 PM
Yes, but she's my whore and I love her. Don't worry I think you could kick Dan's ass, unless he decided to play dirty --- although even then it might be a close call.

Skie and Avery
07-04-07, 10:42 PM
I said you would win IC. Honey, I love you, but you haven't sexed me up recently enough for me to remember how amazing you are OOC.

07-04-07, 10:45 PM
I've had it with both of you. I'm gonna track you down and show you what's what.

Skie and Avery
07-04-07, 10:47 PM
I need to go buy some new lingerie.

The Valkyrie
07-04-07, 10:48 PM
We live relatively close together now --- will you show us both what's what at the same time? Cuz I'll keep insulting you if that's what it takes *waggles eyebrows*. Besides, you know you love me...

07-05-07, 01:24 AM
Whoahoa, you three. Don't forget to send us the videos. ;)

Actually, don't. I'd be too afraid to sleep at night. :p

Storm Veritas vs. Max Dirks

I've seen how they both write and how they play their characters. IC, Storm electrocutes the hell outa Max while the gunslinger shoots him full o' red, bloody holes. In the end, they both die.

OOC, Storm takes it by only a few points. Or so I would think.

Next match-up!

Khalxaen vs Cielalune

07-05-07, 01:53 AM
Battle of cuteness!!!!!!!

I think Ciel would take it, OOC, by a little bit, but IC, I think they'd have to out-cute each other.

Akashiman Nobility:

Yamihara Asuka v. Sakurazuka Anila. If we've already done this one, ignore me.

07-05-07, 10:40 AM
I say Anila. She seems more bad-ass too me. But I'm not to knowledgable about Althanas anymore....I've been on to long a hiatus...

Here's one I'm a bit interested in though, and please don't just say me because you know you love me(^_^):

Shenjara vs. Xos

07-07-07, 04:57 PM
Somone said Thor is all magic and no muscle... that's just silly. Also, for the record, Devon killing Thoracis consisted of Thoracis and his guard riding to the city gates during the Siege of Valinatal during the Alerar-Raieara War, Thoracis challenging Devon to a duel, and Devon commanding every archer on the wall to make it rain arrows on us. It was rather anti-climatic.

I don't know enough about either of the characters above me to comment on that.

07-07-07, 05:08 PM
In character, either could have a good chance of winning. Xos has a larger panel of spells to choose from, but Shenjara might be a bit scrappier. Out of character, Shenjara. She's been around longer and knows how things work better!

Battle of the betrothed. Alaina Varia versus Aiden Darkstorm!

07-07-07, 05:15 PM
In character, either could have a good chance of winning. Xos has a larger panel of spells to choose from, but Shenjara might be a bit scrappier. Out of character, Shenjara. She's been around longer and knows how things work better!

Battle of the betrothed. Alaina Varia versus Aiden Darkstorm!

Fine, if Shenjara is willing, I'll meet her in the Citadel, and we can find out who really would win ICly. Then we can settle that once and for all. Your pair still stands for the next poster.

I warn you though, my first battle shouldn't be an indication of the limits of my technique. There are tricks I did not use, yet.

07-08-07, 01:29 PM
Battle of the betrothed. Alaina Varia versus Aiden Darkstorm!


This seems like it'd be kind've a fun battle:

Koran vs. Saxon

07-08-07, 02:02 PM

Mutant Lorenor vs. Adventwings

07-08-07, 03:53 PM
*flips a coin*

Mutant Lorenor.

The battle of the emo half-breeds: Syneare vs. Stryfus Vlosogglinn!

None So Blind
07-08-07, 04:00 PM
Syn vs. Stryfe? I think Syneare would take this one all the way. She's not more experience at bloodmaging than her male counterpart and probably has a style edge over the new character.

Cyrus the Virus vs. Letho
Magic vs. Might!

07-09-07, 01:28 AM
Syn v. Stryfe...Stryfe's owner writes better than I do, and Syn isn't really a battle type character.

Not that either of them would actually care enough to fight. Syn and Stryfe need to quest, though.

Letho v. Cyrus ...

oooh...OOC this could go either way...IC, too. If Letho could get in close to Cyrus, he'd pound the crap out of Luc, but if he couldn't, Luc would throw fire tornadoes at Letho.

I'll give Letho the slight OOC advantage, though.


Nautical types:

Troy v. Siren

07-09-07, 04:31 AM
Siren. Harpoons, ftw.

Battle of the Black-haired, blue-eyed beauties!
Alaina Varia vs. Lillian Sesthal.
One naive rich girl, vs. one crazy librarian.

Skie and Avery
07-09-07, 04:48 AM
Black haired, blue eyed beauties? That's easy, the two would be locked in mortal combat over who got to bang Aiden for the night, and then Skie dan Sabriel would come and kill them both dead. XD

But seriously, I think that Ataraxis would take it OOC, and IC is a coin toss. I think that Alaina would whoop ass if her family was threatened in any way, but then again the insane fight like animals.

Slayer of the Rot vs. Tshael

07-09-07, 04:50 AM
Dan? Beat Manda? Perish the thought.

Half Vampires.

Elena Alexi Nito (Moonlit Raven) v. Witchblade

07-09-07, 05:40 AM
While Elena would put up a good fight, I think that Witchy has this in both zones. Her style is more refined than Jenn's and Witch is a stronger charrie.

EDIT: And yes, we should do a thread, Karu.

Laurea vs. Findelfin!

Laurea Aeglos
07-09-07, 09:18 AM
Me vs. Findelfin?!? Please. Findelfin would so win this one. I still have to work out the kinks on my girl and Findelfin is a oldie but goodie. He's my idol. :cool:

Shadar vs Taliel Escabre

07-10-07, 10:27 AM
That's old skool, but I think Shadar would take the cake. I <3 him.

Dissinger vs. one of Manda's 30 characters. Preferably the succubus.

07-10-07, 10:36 AM
Well, if one doesn't win, then she can dogpile Dissinger with the other 29. She wins.

Aiko Versus The Barbarian.

07-10-07, 10:38 AM
Unless something happens to the ragbaby, probably the Barbarian.

Let's go with crazy vs. crazy: Aiko vs. Elijah Morendale

Kade Underbough
07-10-07, 10:43 AM
Elijah has more OOC experience with the forum, but ICly, Aiko would burn him alive or have one of those freaky dolls do the job.

The Cinderella Man vs. Storm Veritas

07-10-07, 10:48 AM
Oooooooo...one of the fights of the Althanean Century.

OOC, I say Letho wins by a point IF he's on his A-game all through. If not, Storm takes it by a point.

ICly, I think Storm might be able to smack Padre down.



Battle of the Faithful.

Caduceus Grimaldi (Zook Murnig) v. Karuka Tida.

Storm Veritas
07-10-07, 04:19 PM
Oooooooo...one of the fights of the Althanean Century.

OOC, I say Letho wins by a point IF he's on his A-game all through. If not, Storm takes it by a point.

ICly, I think Storm might be able to smack Padre down.


It's happened several times - check the archives. Always a blast to write with Letho.


Battle of the Faithful.

Caduceus Grimaldi (Zook Murnig) v. Karuka Tida.

That's BRUTAL.

Really hard, but I'm going with Karuka because I'm in a thread with her and want her confidence high.[/copout]

Cyrus v. Dissinger

07-10-07, 04:32 PM
I would have to say Dissinger, he's a higher level, and even though Earthmagic (Geomancy) is a strong element to work with, Hexes and Curses can mess up even the best mages. Plus Dis has something called the Lungpopper, whose name inspires the concept of sudden loss of breathing abilities, though I could be wrong.

hmm. witchblade Versus Karuka Tida.

07-10-07, 04:33 PM
Good battle on both fronts. Cyrus OOC... he's stronger mechanically.

IC, it's a hard call. I'd probably go with Dissinger - Seth just has too many weapons.

EDIT: Blah.

Witch IC... she's just too damned brutal. OOC, it's a tough call. If they were both at their best, I think I'd give it to Karuka in an upset - again, better in terms of mechanics.

Atzar vs. Cyrus

07-10-07, 04:39 PM
I haven't seen your best writing, so I can't call that OOC.

IC...are you ASKING to have your ass handed to you?


Izvilvin v. Letho.

Cyrus the virus
07-10-07, 05:09 PM
I'm very popular suddenly, eh!?

Fun fact: Diss and Luc have fought several times. Seth has won every time. Dissinger has not :p Lungpoppers never play a factor (and they are throwing daggers). It's the Hex Magic.

More fun: Luc's Geomancy isn't limited to Earth at all, though it's included. Geo might mean earth, but Geomancy extends to earthly things. Like water and air.

Continue on, sirs, for I can't answer the current pair up. You'll probably find out, though, in some quest. /plug

07-10-07, 05:19 PM
I'm very popular suddenly, eh!?

Fun fact: Diss and Luc have fought several times. Seth has won every time. Dissinger has not :p Lungpoppers never play a factor (and they are throwing daggers). It's the Hex Magic.

More fun: Luc's Geomancy isn't limited to Earth at all, though it's included. Geo might mean earth, but Geomancy extends to earthly things. Like water and air.

Continue on, sirs, for I can't answer the current pair up. You'll probably find out, though, in some quest. /plug

Lungpoppers are weapon blacked (dyed to not reflect light) Kunai's (traditional throwing weapons used by ninja's and samurai as a utility knife) that Seth bought when I was on my japanophile kick. They serve no other purpose than to distract opponents by making them have to deal with something while I figure out what the hell I'm going to do spell wise. They're often part of a combo attack, because lets face it, Seth is a bastard. He's trying to think a few steps ahead.

And one of these days magey boy, we will fight and I will kick your ass. I beat Shyam once, I can beat you.

Back on topic...

I'd give Letho the edge. He's got a ranged weapon in Lawmaker along with the fact he is still pretty strong. While the drow is still powerful, he just doesn't have the edge in skill and ability. Though I liken this to the 300 pound gorilla vs. the 1 oz fly. Takes a while, but the gorilla only has to connect once.

Io Beauregard
07-10-07, 06:07 PM
I might be in the minority with this one. Iz vs. Letho would be a tough one, but if Cyrus is on his A game all the way through, he might just well pull an upset OOCly. It'll be tough... VERY tough, especially if Letho's on his A game too, but it's possible. I've read a goot lot of Letho's stuff because it's a damn better read than several books I've read, but I've noticed one thing that gives him the competitive advantage. He is an awesome writer and everyone knows that. As a result people playing along side or against him have the tendancy to try and match him. When he utilizes a litereary divice in one post, someone else does the same thing in the next. If Izvilvin uses Letho's writing as an inspiration instead of an influence he might very well win the battle.

ICly, it's not too hard to imagine someone taking Letho down. I bet Luc could, but we're not talking about him. We're talking about Izvilvin. Sheer strength isn't everything. I bet if Cyrus just read his profile closely and scouted out some of his battles he could find some way to have Iz beat Letho resulting in a higher strategy score.

Either way it's extremely close. I just wanted to emphasize that realisticaly there is a snowball's chance in Hell for Cyrus. There isn't for most of us... but there is for Cyrus.

Here's a matchup I'm going to have to ask the senior citizens to jump in on because I read about this guy in the archives.

Redrick v. Elrundir

07-10-07, 08:08 PM
Redrick versus Elrundir would be one of those fights that you would love to read but hate to have to judge. In terms of pure ability Redrick would probably have a slight edge. He is the only person I can recall having two characters in the semifinals of the same tournament and they couldn't have been more drastic in their differences in both character and the style he used with each. Even then the margin between him and Elrundir wouldn't be all that great.

IC Elrundir has a far stronger character, which is where I think the only drawback of the fight would come because even though Elrundir is stronger Redrick is stubborn in that he would never play Mazrith to actually be weaker then anyone.... ever.... the end. That I think would take away from it some.

In every other sense it would be a heavyweight fight. They both know their characters like the back of their hands and are seasoned, excellent writers. If the battle were fought when both were at their peak I would probably say El... if it were fought today I'd have to give it to Redrick.

I'd like to see what people think of some of my favorite writers and oldest friends here on the site....

Sighter vs. Ashiakin


Dirks vs. Ithermoss (happened once but not on their mains)

07-10-07, 08:48 PM
Ashiakin IC, Sighter OOC

Dirks IC, Ithy OOC

In both cases one has the more powerful character, the other has slightly better writing IMHO.

Slayer of the Rot vs Godhand

07-10-07, 09:58 PM
It was done before. Apparently, Godhand would win IC and Dan OOC. Then Godhand said he'd hunt Val and Manda down and use those pheromones of his!~

In my opinion, Godhand takes it IC, because he can lift a whole half a ton more than Dan. Also, he has the Matrix' special effects designer team on his side.

OOC, it's a toss-up, though I might be saying this only because both of them seem to have the resources to hunt me down! Also, I'm an irrecuperable wuss.

Rajani Aishwara vs Chidori Draconid!

07-11-07, 10:15 AM
Whoo, battles between best friends!

Rajani and Chidori are both very good with narration. It's really a toss-up, but I think Raj is going to come out on top due to his greater familiarity with his character. OOC, The Chid Kid will rain down on the Captain of the Peregrine unless the crew got his back. ;)

Random Match-Up!

googlyeyesultra vs sasquatch!

07-11-07, 10:18 AM
Assuming activity from both, googlyeyes OOC. I haven't really read that profile, though, so I don't know who'd win IC.

Darmok v. Jalad! -- just kidding, I'm just irritated with my squabbling parakeets.

Anyway, for realz.

Shadar v. Slayer

Amaril Torrun
07-11-07, 10:32 AM
I'd say Slayer takes the OOC by a few points, just because Shadar will most likely be a bit rusty from such long absences. ICly, I haven't kept up with either character's most recent storylines, but I'd say Slayer would come out on top because he's a bit meaner, despite Shadar's tricky spells.

Up and coming vs. come and gone

The architect vs. Ithermoss

07-11-07, 02:30 PM
Ith would win hands down, and I think it'd be kind've unfair to put Architect in that kind of a position at the moment. Kind've like asking a clever guppy to take on a hungry tiger shark.

Zephyriah vs. Slayer

07-11-07, 06:02 PM
I'd say Zeph OOC, he has some pretty amazing writing when he puts 100% into it.

IC... well thats tough. You've got Zeph with his crazy powers and Slayer with his crazy strenght + massive arsenal... Slayer, I guess, mostly because of the guns.

ok... for those of you who remember :D

Jake Narmolanya vs. Torin Reahkari (sp?)

07-12-07, 09:41 AM
Mmm... Jake. I remembered that guy.

OOC, I say Jake has it in the bag. Torin was getting rusty as of late (last time he was on) and his writing style is getting a little flimsy. IC, Torin could split the kid in half. Doesn't mean he will.

Here's one that would be a fight to see. If only for curiosity's sake.

Valentina Snow vs. Taliel Escabre

07-12-07, 09:46 AM
Wow that's like Bambi versus Godzilla.

poor tails...

I don't think I'd want to get into details.

Now for some samurai babe's with swords that have coo names.

Doji Ki versus Asuka Murakama

forgive the self plug, I'm feeling a little forgotten

07-14-07, 09:37 AM
Don't worry about the self plug. Nobody's even mentioned Z. But then again that's probably because I've been busy with tackling the new job of parenting.

Sorry Raven, but I'm doing with Doji on this one. Though OOC, I think you could steal a win away from Reiko.

Hmm...let's see.

Rheawien vs. Doji Ki.

07-15-07, 09:35 AM
Yeah, this is a fight definitely worth reading. :)

Doji is going to seriously run Rheawien into a corner (unless the arena had no corner to run into) but for the OOC front, I think Reiko might be having it tough. Letho (the writer behind that bitchy elf) is a serious contender and Reiko still has a bit of ground to work on. Who to say the battle's not worth betting on?

OK, and one for the fatherly types. :p

Zerith vs Zook! (Why is it that the people with names beginning with the last letter of the English Alphabet are the first ones to have a family right in the middle of their Althanas career?)

Skie and Avery
07-15-07, 12:29 PM
Zook, because his kid is old enough now that he's getting more sleep than Zerith.

El Battle-O!
Elrundir VS Elwraith

Torin Reahkari
08-14-07, 04:25 AM
Elrundir, hands down.

Max Dirks vs Thoracis

08-14-07, 11:34 AM
I say Thor wins. Only because I haven't seen much recent IC posts from Dirks, although things really could go either way because Dirks did really well in the past.

So, for some new faces on the lot...

Kially Gaith vs. Tailya Thistledown

08-14-07, 11:46 AM
Kially Grath. Its hard to fight an innocent child, which is how Kially would end up winning.

Assuming both were at the exact same level, in a neutral environment where niether had an advantage, who would win, Destrudo, or Slayer of The rot?

08-14-07, 11:51 AM
Slayer. IC and OOC.

Battle of sailors:

Rajani Aishwara v. Siren v. Raziel

08-14-07, 12:01 PM
Rajani, by far. However, seeing that Raziel seems to be improving, he may put up a good fight against Siren IC and OOC.

And now... In honor of the most Widely-Known Internet Phenomena currently in debate...

Troy vs. Komosatuo! :D

*Me disappears back into the Void*

09-17-07, 02:23 PM
...Wut? Pirate vs. Ninja? Raven, how could you?

Ninjas win, by far. OOC and IC.


Alright, let's see...

Seth_Rahl vs. Poseidon

09-17-07, 02:26 PM
Evil. Always.


Nadia (Elijah's imaginary friend--sorry for the self plug) vs. Christoph

09-17-07, 02:39 PM
I'm going to go with, nadia.

Elijah Morendale Versus Asuka Murakama

And in a totally non related setup, Chuck Norris versus himself from an alternate dimension.

09-17-07, 03:52 PM
I'd say a very good match, but with Asuka ultimately emerging victorious. In pain.

There is no alternate dimension. There is only Chuck Norris.

Here's one with names that've never come up before! Who'd win between Monica or Adelia Veritas?

In other words, Icy Catgirl vs Magical Firegirl?

(Edit: Was aware of that, which is why I did this in the first place ^^. Wonder how many didn't know though!)

09-17-07, 04:02 PM
Catgirl, For the Win.

OOC, it's impossible to judge. They're one and the same. *rolls her eyes*

How about this one...?

Ataraxis vs. Taliel Escabre

Mage Hunter
09-23-08, 08:42 PM
Librarian vs. Scribe? Tough one, however we all know Taliel is a lover not a fighter. Ataraxis would win hands down. Unfortunately Tails is also out of practice, I doubt he could, but at his PEAK he might just give Ataraxis a run for her money.

Since I have now officially preformed thread necromancy, lets look at things and...

Tainted Bushido vs. Asuka Strikes!

I Am Zee
09-24-08, 01:07 AM
Hmm...IC I'd say Bushido. Hes got that 'way of the warrior' thing going for him. Plus Asuka has a short temper.

Garwocket vs That Teddy Bear guy that was around for a lil while.

09-25-08, 04:49 AM
This thread is funny.

Torin Reahkari
11-05-08, 06:26 PM
Long time, Jess. I dunno if this thread is dead or not, but I'll toss one up anyways.

Damon Kaosi vs. Yari Rafanas.

11-05-08, 06:30 PM
Garwocket would own, no joke. And Damon IC, Yari and Damon OOC... not a clue.

Rival_of_Logic (a pine tree that lights itself on fire) vs. Kupo!