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06-23-07, 08:45 PM
Banda walked through the bazaar, whistling a tune. He was unusually happy this time around, because he wasn't dirt broke. After doing some work around Althanas, the mercenary finally was able to grab some gold, and some pretty little items. What made him particularly happy was the ring he was going to sell in the Bazaar.

He acquired the ring while working for the Grander's Order. He was riding back to Erebus after a good day's work when he and Zerith had stopped to hand over the reigns to the extra horses to their partners. Banda had checked the saddlebag to find a few items, and in it he found the ring, concealed in the left pocket.

It would be a shame for the ring not to go to a happy couple... A chill went down Banda's spine. Could he have killed a married man? WIth children possibly? His face went pale, he didn't feel very good about it. No, he couldn't have been, if he was, he would have been wearing it, not stuffing it into the saddlebag, who knows? I'm sure the men don't use the same horses everyday. WIth this, Banda was reassured he hadn't done anything vile in the past.

He entered a nice looking jewelery shop, and walked over to the counter. He placed the ring gently on the counter, "This ring here is made of silver, and the gemstone inside it is Sapphire. I'm looking to sell it, for how much would you be willing to buy it from me?" Banda twiddled his thumbs, and waited for the shopkeep to declare his offer.

06-24-07, 03:06 PM
Business sure is pickin' up nowadays...

A feline merchantess eyed the young stud entering her store, glancing him up and down even before he managed to fully set foot into her shop. Her business partner, a fairly burly Neko for her species, was tending the cashier when the young man had entered and addressed his wish.

Too bad most aren't lookin' to buy stuff from me.

"Well, let's see what we have here, young sir." Kisha purred as she pushed passed her rather clumsy associate, carefully plucked the delicate ring from the counter and crutinizing every inch of the handiwork against the dim light shining through the curtained walls.

My, my...

"A fine piece of jewelry you have there, young sir. I hope you did not have to kill anyone to get this?" She grinned, playing with the silver ring as she watched her customer's expressions. "Either way, our store is willing to buy this from you at a price of... oh, 400. Would that be fine for you, sir~?"

06-24-07, 03:13 PM
Banda didn't know much about jewelry, and the gold the shop keep was offering seemed good enough, plus her topic of conversation was giving Banda a few doubts of his morality, "Sounds good to me."

06-24-07, 03:47 PM
Well, he's rather compliant...

"Well, I believe that settles our deal." The feline maiden plopped a bag of coins on the table, whilst her other hand landed close to the silver ring in question. "Here is a pouch of 400 gold pieces. It's been nice doing business with you."

((OOC: That about concludes it, if you have no other needs to address. I'll make the final post after your exit and the transaction will be considered officially completed.))

06-24-07, 04:07 PM
Banda grabbed the pouch, "Thank you very much, I'll see you around." Banda waved goodbye to the shopkeep, and her chubby assistant and left the shop, whistling. And I hope that ring goes to someone in need of a wedding band. Yep, he was unusually happy today.

((I'm done))

06-25-07, 04:51 AM
"Ya sure it's worth that much, Kisha?"

The rotund feline asked his partner as the young soldier left, wondering if it was really that expensive.

"I reckoned we can get as much as 600 pieces for this beauty." The sly merchantess grinned, watching sunlight dance against the clear blue stone within the silver band. "After all, business is business."

((Transaction Completed.

Banda loses the Sapphire Ring in exchange for 400 GP. 100 EXP received for good IC interaction.))