View Full Version : An angel returns!

The Barbarian
04-17-06, 04:10 AM
((Link to profile here ( Has all the exp and gold.))

Name: Tyrael Ange

Age: 21

Race: Part Human, part Angel

Hair: Midnight black shoulder length with white streaks

Eyes: Dark glowing sapphire

Gender: male

Height/Weight: 6'9 / 253 lbs


Tyrael is a barbarian. Thus, his body has been trained to be in top physical condition since the very moment he could hold onto anything. He has been raised to be fighter, a warrior, and a mercanary. His deep rich black hair falls freely to his shoulders, sometimes covering his face, revealing only his glowing sapphire eyes through the cracks between the hair. His body is muscle on muscle, but he is still quick even for his size. He no speedy ninja, but he is no lethargic golem either. His handsome face was always the talk of his clan, the girls would always admire from afar, giggling when he might look back at them. But this also created jealousy among the other barbarians, who weren't as big or handsome. Tyrael likes to keep a clean shaven face, but never has to brush his hair, since it is amazingly straight.

He wears an average studded leather vest that covers his upper body, but not his arms, he has brown leather boots that have seen better days, and he wears average cotton pants.

Tyrael now wears scale armor and has delhar arm guards over both his forearms.


Tyrael is a Lothen Barbarian through and through. He loves to fight, but not for the killing. If he must kill, he won't hesitate too, but he never acts without thinking of the potential consequences. Tyrael loves the to learn new ways of fighting and taking on stronger opponents. Although he may look intimidating, he is as kind as a butterfly, but has the temper of a bee. Mess with his friends and you'll pay dearly.

Unfortunately, recent events have shaken the mighty warrior. He now questions his abilities and if he can lives up to everyone's expectations. Supposedly he is the next Kohan, The Savior of the Barbarians, since the Arch Angel Tyrael blooded him when he was but a baby. Now Tyrael is unsure of what he should do...but he knows he can't stay home. He knows he will lose his very soul in the depths of his mind, the darkest parts he is unaware of.....


No one knew when or why the next Kohan would appear, but when the Arch Angel Tyrael came to the married couple who had just given birth to a baby boy, they knew who it was.

"Jorn Ange and Ann Ange..." the angel's voice boomed in their heads, but didn't hurt them, "...the time of the Tohan is upon us...in under a century...the true Tohan will reach his full potential...and engulf your world in his....but the time of the Kohan has also returned...." Tyrael pointed to the wriggling babe in Jorn's arms. The baby didn't cry, but kicked softly and opened its mouth, taking in it's very own breaths of air for the first time. Jorn looked up with fear and pride, a perplexing mix to anyone.

"But....sir...how can he lead our people against this evil? I am but a lowly solider of Lothen...I do not come from any royal blood line at all..." he looked up to meet the face of the beautiful angel. Tyrael floated just above them, all but his wonderous blue eyes hidden from them. His enormous white wings hovered in mid air, uneffected by the growing wind that blew through their modest home.

He smiled with his eyes and spoke once more, " He will lead them into battle against the Tohan and his army...but if he wins...depends on the young one..."

Tyrael put his hand forward and a bright light burst in his open hand. Light fuzzed around his and sizzled with power. Where there was once nothing, now lay a long silver sword, "The young one will use this against his foe....Azurewrath...as he grows stronger...so will this blade...and it will bestow upon him powers he could never achieve alone..."

Tyrael motioned for the sword to go towards Jorn, and the barbarian caught the sword and shuddered with its power. He stared at it with awe and shock....unable to comprehend why his son had been chosen for such a task. "Jorn!" Tyrael boomed his voice so that he would leave with a flashy exit, "Raise your son well!.....He will be a key factor.....in the final battle...."

Tyrael turned to leave but stopped in the middle of his motion, "Oh and one last thing..." he stooped low with a wing, touched the top on the babe's head with a soft feather, and soon it turned blood red. Ann screamed in horror, but Jorn covered her mouth and pointed to the angel. Tyrael was in a bit of pain, his eyes were squinted in concentration and the baby had stopped moving.

Suddenly Tyrael pulled away, and floated in a lazy way, breathing heavily. "Now....it is finished...he is the next Kohan...farewell...." Tyrael dissolved slowly, smiling weakly with his eyes the entire way.

In his mother's arms, the baby began to wriggle again, reaching for his mother's milk.


"Tyrael! Where are you? Tyrael!?"

The whole town couldn't find the huge warrior, which was hard to believe. He was almost seven feet tall, made like a brick wall, and had glowing sapphire eyes.

Not something you can easily miss.

Up on the small mountain above his town, Tyrael sat with his Azurewrath and his battle axe. The grassy cliff, the blue sunny sky, and the puffed slow moving clouds all served a wonderful purpose, the purpose to relax and get away from it all.

But Tyrael couldn't relax, in fact, he was so tightly wound up...he thought he might burst. Only the night before he had been told the origin of his eyes, the purpose of his birth....and why he had been named after the most respected angel in their legends.

He couldn't grasp it all, he didn't want too....He had been happy as a fighter, entering tournaments, whooing the girls, protecting his people from bandits and fighting in distant wars now and then. His Azurewrath had always been there for him, and he knew it would be their in the battles to come.

He layed down, facing the ocean blue sky. He wasn't sure what he should do...go along with the whole thing....or should he abandon his people, and not let them down when he failed to achieve this unimaginable goal of a hero...

”Why me...I don't want to be a hero...a leader....I'm just a warrior....a soldier for my people....HOW CAN I LEAD THEM?!....”

......You will find your way...young one...

Tyrael leapt to his feet and spun around, holding onto his Azurewrath like it was part of his body. He looked to his left, to his right, but saw no one.

Up here...

He snapped his head up and dropped his jaw. Before him stood the Arch Angel Tyrael himself. Tyrael stammered on his words, unable to connect the vowels with the consonants. Finally, after some effort, he managed to say with force, "Why me!? Of all people in the world...of all the mighty Lethon generals and warriors....why me!?!" He took a step forward, summoning courage to his legs.

The angel smiled at him kindly, like a father would. Because young one...you are the Chosen One of Light...and you.....are not alone.... Tyrael's face twisted in confusion, but before he could say anything, the angel continued, Out there your other half, the Chosen One of Darkness....is on his path....for growth....you will find him somehow...and you two will defeat the Tohan...

Tyrael's face morphed into anger, confusion and fear, "BUT WHY ME!!!" The angel's smile faded and sternness took root. That my son....you must find out for yourself.....

Tyrael's arms dropped to his side loosely and he stared at the angel dully...unable to comprehend why he must go out of his perfect life, to fulfill this prophecy he didn't even want.

Here...take this....

The angel pulled of a small golden ring with a tiny diamond in the middle, and tossed it down to Tyrael. The barbarian caught the ring and rolled it between his fingers. He looked up questionably at the angel, as if to say...What's this for?

The angel smiled again with his eyes, It is the Ring of Light...use it to cast away the shadows of doubt and fear...now the rest of your life is up to you....the fate of your realm rests in your hands now...

The angel dissolved away, leaving the prophecy to stand at the edge of the cliff, rolling the ring back and forth between his fingers...

((This will continue in a solo or two person quest))

Tyrael was put to a test by the angel, but after he had passed it, things went wrong. The sorcerer who had helped betrayed them both and banished Lothen from this realm. Now Tyrael must try and locate the wizard to get it back.

He also met two new people on his journies. One being a girl named Brittany, and a half elf named Bryden. He sparred with Bryden to test his skills and won. He saved Brittany from a vampire in the depths of Hadia, and even learned a new ability. Spirit Merge.


Berserker Lv 0:
Tyrael goes into a blood frenzy, killing evertying that stands in his way. He takes no notice of pain and his speed goes up 1.5 that normal. Berserker lasts ten seconds, and he must wait at least fifteen minutes before using it again.

Spirit Sight Lv 0:
Because he is now part angel, he can speak to the dead. He cannot touch or hurt them, and vica versa. As he grows stronger, he will be able to do more than just chat with them.

Spirit Sight Lv 1:
Tyrael can now locate a spirit in a hundred yard radius. If he is searching for them, he can feel their aura and have a fairly good idea of where they are hiding. He can also touch them, and they can to him as well. But if negative enery is used, as an attack for example, nothing happens, on either end.

Weapon Mastery Lv 0:
At his current level, he knows the basics about battle axes, and is a slightly better with swords. As he levels up, he will become more adept and faster with these weapons.

Weapon Mastery Lv 1:
He is better with his sword play now. His arms are stronger than before and he can hold his bastard sword with one hand, but not as easily as if it were his short sword. He has also become a little faster with his battle axe.

Spirit Merge Lv 1:
Tyrael has been granted this by his Ring of Light. He has the power to sync with a willing ghost to boost his strength and speed by 1.7% for a maximum of 5 minutes. Can be used twice per day. ((For quest use only))


Enchantments: If he were full arch angel, he would know every elemental enchantment in the book. But since he is only 1/4, he will learn them as he Azurewrath sees fit. At Lv 0, he knows none yet.

Break Lv 1
The sword grants him the powers of an ox. His strength is doubled, giving him the ability is lift around 1000lbs. The power lasts for five mintues and can be used once per day. It can be used in conjuction with Berserker, but both now only last for 3 mintues. It cannont be used in conjuction with Spirit Merge, for the strain on his body would tear him apart at this level.

Weapons and Armor

Azurewrath: A magical bastard sword created by the Arch Angel Tyrael himself. It is currently as strong as steel and as Tyrael grows stronger, so will the tier level of the blade. It will also bestow upon him special powers, but only once he has achieved the requirements the Azurewrath demands.

The Azurewrath is now the tier of plynt, but still retains its original color.

Studded Leather Vest: Average hard leather, it protects him from rain and snow. It might deflect dull blades and arrows.

He now wears a black scale armor vest, since he traded in his leather vest at the Bazaar. It can deflect some attacks of blades, but not a straight on strike.

He also purchased some delhar arm guards while at the bazaar, also in black.


Ring of Light: The last gift from the angel, whenever Tyrael is in a dark place, he just needs to summon forth the light from the ring and it shoots out a beam of concentrated light about a foot in diameter.

The beam is now three feet in diameter

Cyrus the virus
04-17-06, 04:51 AM
With Spirit Merge, do you literally mean his strength and speed are increased by 1.7% I think you mean 170%, or just 1.7 -_- :p

Just edit that and approval is obtained!

The Barbarian
04-17-06, 04:54 AM

I figured start off weak since he's level 1 and it'll jump higher as the levels go.

Thx for getting this man <(^_^)>

Cyrus the virus
04-17-06, 05:02 AM
I didn't think you'd want a 1.7% boost in anything (practically not a rise at all). Go figure :p
