View Full Version : Time

06-24-07, 11:36 PM
I have one burning question about this RP.. How is time measured IC? There are RP's that, over the course of a week, cover only one day. And then there are RP's that in the course of a few days can cover nearly twice that.

My only reason for asking this is because of the Bazaar and a peculiar auction I found, where I found an egg meant to hatch and mature in one year but only be as strong as advertised in ten

What is the widely accepted method of keeping time? (And please, fluid/liquid/soggy time does not help me if I don't know how to keep track of a set time frame for a single RP.)

The Archer
06-24-07, 11:49 PM
generally you keep time in an RP as measured within the thread. Put your threads in a timeline, space the time out as you like it, and then you have your chronology and the pacing of your time.

06-25-07, 01:05 AM
Wait, What? I mean in one single thread.. like an item that takes days to create in the Bazaar, or a potion that takes three days to ferment in a quest. What about that?

06-25-07, 01:08 AM
You can time skip over those two or three days. Linger in town, camp out, etc.

In a year, you could prob find a thing or three to do, though.

06-25-07, 03:06 AM
Yeah, that would be my mistake. :p

As Althanas does not keep strict rules on how time passes, it is up to the players to mention their actions and the passage of time within their own posts. Therefore, as suggestions had been made above, you can merely time-skip to the point two-three days after your request, so long as you provide logical IC reasoning for it and what happened (or didn't happen) in between.

06-25-07, 02:33 PM
So if you're still confused, the message is, "Be as vague as possible at all times."


Time here is about as crucial as time spent in Limbo. I had friends doing threads where their characters were 20 years older. So yea, I think the best thing to do would be to make a thread where ten years pass and then you get teleported somehow back to the present. Bam, new older pet and you back with all of us!

Go go creativity! Oh and make sure its a good thread, cuz the judge could say something like "During the travel back through time the pet suffered a side effect of the magic/technology and regressed back to a newborn."

So yea, make sure its a kick ass thread, haha.

07-03-07, 11:04 PM
So if you're still confused, the message is, "Be as vague as possible at all times."

I love how vaguely specific that is..

Annnywho, I'm gonna just...stab..myself...in the foot...... OW! Ok.. Now to edit posts, because I read this AFTER I posted.. stupid..non-interweb-access-trip-to-Europe-thing....:mad: