View Full Version : Sad News For Old Wrestling Fans - Chris Benoit

06-26-07, 05:45 PM
Since some of you are/were wrestling fans from several years ago, I figured you might want to know about this story, which seems to be spreading out in the media like wildfire:

A real tragedy all-around, especially since you never would've thought this guy would snap all of a sudden.


06-26-07, 07:49 PM
I always respected Benoit, he was a really talented wrestler. I wish the media would stop making crap up and let the truth come out after a REAL investigation is conducted about his death. Right now the media is just running with the violent nature of the story. I hope that eventually the true perps behind this heinous crime are discovered and Benoit's good name is cleared.

My he and his family rest in peace.

06-26-07, 08:44 PM
RIP, Rabid Wolverine

I went to a SmackDown! even in Syracuse a few years back... That dude could put on one hell of a show.

He will be missed.

06-26-07, 09:03 PM
Wow, one of the few wrestlers I actually recognize, back in the days when I was hopelessly addicted to those PSX/N64 wrestling games. I always liked him. And he was Canadian, too. :(

06-27-07, 11:47 AM
And he was Canadian, too. :(

Yeah, and we still didn't hold that against him, either.

06-27-07, 12:01 PM
Want to see something incredibly tasteless? Tell me what's wrong about this web page:


Falcon Darkflight
06-28-07, 03:05 AM
"Oh, look, a marketing opportunity."

Something along those lines, Santh?

I heard about this story the other day, and I wasn't sure what to make of it. I think now I know. That's really awful news, I used to be very much into CB.