View Full Version : Happy Birthday Moonlit Raven!

06-27-07, 03:58 AM
And happy anniversary too, I hear.

May it be a good one...and go a wee bit easy on the booze you told me about. ;)

Artifex Felicis
06-27-07, 06:24 AM
Happy Birthday, may it be a good one and filled with various good things, including bunnies. Because they taste so good.

06-27-07, 07:32 AM
Happy birthday!!!

*hands you a cake of your choice*

Don't worry, it's not poisonous. Hope you have a good time with whomever you're spending your birthday with! Hopefully crazy friends and family. :p

06-27-07, 08:08 AM
Happy birthday and I hope it goes very well^^

06-27-07, 08:11 AM
!yadhtrib yppaH

Rigor Mortis
06-27-07, 09:14 AM
I'm gonna go ahead and give you a warning for that Atzar... Everybody knows you're not supposed to start talking backwards until the afternoon...

Ah well.

Happy B'day Raven, and I wish for you many more.

06-27-07, 10:38 AM
Yeah. Remember to balance Booze with Sugar. Too much of either and you're guaranteed a nasty hangover. :p

Have fun, Nya~!

06-27-07, 11:05 AM
Balance booze with more booze. Birthdays are such a drag anyways, so what's the point of remembering them? :P

Best wishes.

06-27-07, 11:41 AM
Balance booze with more booze. Birthdays are such a drag anyways, so what's the point of remembering them? :P

Best wishes.

Lmao. That's so true. And I don't even drink.

06-27-07, 05:17 PM
I always balance booze with pizza. o.O Don't know why, I just crave it when I drink.

06-27-07, 05:30 PM
Happy birthday and enjoy!

06-27-07, 05:36 PM
Karuka! Argh. I'm going to have to 'talk' to you about beating me to this.

Happy birthday!

Skie and Avery
06-27-07, 07:43 PM
Psh, I'm going to have to talk to both of you. This was supposed to be my responsibility, Jenn being my best friend. *sigh* Stupid 11 hour work days.

Anywho, Happy birthday to MR and Happy 1st wedding anniversary to MR and Twisted Infinitum!

I love the both of you, but we all know I love Jenny best. *smooch!*

Moonlit Raven
06-27-07, 09:01 PM
Thankyou guys. *sniffle* I feel so loved... Okay, enough with being sappy. =) I normally find wine goes really well with ice cream. Besides for dessert I made red wine poached pears. The wine becomes the sauce for the pears and the ice cream. It's yummy!

06-28-07, 10:43 AM
Oh, please... torment me not with your heavenly desserts... *cries*

I need some Chardonnay... or Pinot Noir...

...Oh, fine... I'll just settle for a bottle of cheap Pineapple Cordial...

06-28-07, 12:18 PM
Damn, that sounds really good. I'm coming over to your place next year for your birthday. :p

Moonlit Raven
06-28-07, 09:24 PM
I'm willing to share the recipe. I love to bake and cook. I've got tea cakes in the oven right now.

Skie and Avery
06-28-07, 09:56 PM
Wait, tea cakes in the oven like my sister has tea cakes in the oven???? I'm going to be a godmother!

Moonlit Raven
06-30-07, 05:34 PM
Lol manda. I am not preggerz. I have four more years before I want to start trying for a little monster of my own. For now I'm happy stealing my little brothers kids once in a while.