View Full Version : Transformers!

Shadow Reaper
06-28-07, 08:06 AM
Okies.. I gotta babble a bit n well yeah.

Not sure if anyone on here's interested, but ah well.

Must sell the Transformers movie!
It's a Goooood movie! It is it is it is!
Been waaaay too psyched about seeing it since I found out about it like two years ago, and then found out they were actively actually going forwards and making it a year ago, and then was following it quite closely.. And well. Out today and straight after college went straight to the movies n saw it and like.. Wow.

Sure, they don't look like the original G1 blocky robots, Optimus Prime has a flame paint job, Megatron's -not- well.. He's an alien spaceship when transformed n such. But gosh, watching them move you really don't want them to be those big blocky robots. There is -no- way they could of moved like they do if they had to contend with such large metal platings.

Anyways, I don't want to spoil anything. The movie's not out for another week in America yet and what not.

Just have to say. It's good.. It's like reeeally good.
It's a toy line.. giant monster robots that battle it out for.. some generic good guy vs bad guy reason. So not really expecting a good story, good acting.. good well, anything except the CGI robots. And I gotta say, I was really happily surprised to find that it's all good!

The story's good, the characters are good with actual personalities (for the most part), the action's good.. the other scenes are good.. It's just all good, yessir and well.. yeah.

You want a good action movie that'll entertain you for uh.. two hours I think it is, with explosions, giant robots, a hot chick, etc. Well. Go see!

And no, it's not made for lil kiddies. M rating's rather deserved with a spattering of swearing, the whole things dying factor, a couple of sexual references(jokey bits).. and well the whole teen boy theme of it n such.
Yup, utterly a boys movie! Still, I loved it. N it's really good and people should all go see it, yes!

I'd say more, but like I said, I don't want to spoil anything for others.

So yeah.. Okay.. done. Go see it! Yes! Be happily surprised like I was n be psyched about seeing the robots in disguise!