View Full Version : What's Your Favorite Alcoholic Drink?

06-28-07, 08:36 PM
A pretty straight-up thread: What is your favorite alcoholic drink? Is it a cocktail, a beer, a fine wine? Why do you like it?

thorn aldsmith
06-28-07, 08:53 PM
i can't drink anymore, but when i could it was a sub-marine pint called a dr.pepper it was great it tasted just like dr. pepper and you had to down it! mmmm happy days

06-28-07, 09:07 PM
I've had Mojito's, Sangria, Long Island Iced tea, hurricane's, hummingbirds...and all kinds of other drink's, but I must say the best one I've ever had and my most favorite by far.

The Screwdriver.

It's easy to make and it's somewhat good for you if you use enough O.J and it's good if your cheap and don't like to spend money on hard liquor. Just buy some cheap vodka and a carton of OJ and you have a party.

06-28-07, 09:38 PM
I don't drink.

No clue why I posted, either...

Skie and Avery
06-28-07, 09:52 PM
Beer - Miller Lite

Liquor - Whiskey, on the rocks or in a Whiskey Sunrise, or Jose Cuervo Gold, on the rocks.

06-28-07, 10:11 PM
Jose Quervo has a new one out there...I think it's Jose Quervo Black. I haven't tried it yet, but from what I gather it's supposed to be like henessy...or something like that I haven't heard much about it because it's expensive too.

06-28-07, 10:34 PM
Not extremely fond of the taste of beer or wine, but Bailey's Irish Creme is tasty.

I'm really hard-core.

Burly Knuckles
06-29-07, 08:34 AM
Irish Car Bomb. Good ol' shot of half Bailey's/half Jamesons dropped in a half pint of Guiness and slammed. Can't beat it. ;)

06-29-07, 09:28 AM
I've started taking a liking to Black Lemonades. From what I can guess, it's lemonade spiked with Jack. There may be food coloring added as well, but since it doesn't stain your mouth, my guess is that the color's all natural, (baby). I'm somewhat partial to a good Amaretto Sour, too.

And, of course, if I'm not feeling fancy, a good vodka and cranberry juice or jack and coke always works wonders.

06-29-07, 09:40 AM
Nothing, I don't drink alcohol.

06-29-07, 11:29 AM
Irish Car Bomb. Good ol' shot of half Bailey's/half Jamesons dropped in a half pint of Guiness and slammed. Can't beat it. ;)

Damn straight skippy, that shite's amazing.

I drink WAAAAYYY too much, most of was what brought about my character Garwocket... heh.

Anyway... I'll drink whatever beer, doesn't matter to me much. My favorites are Blue Moon and Killian's (I love my some Irish Red).

Mostly I drink liquor though, since I'm hardcore like that. I'll drink anything: jack 'n coke, rum 'n coke, anything Irish-esque, Smirnoff Vodka, straight tequila, Tequila Sunrise, Sex on the Beach (both of which are really good), screwdrivers, but lately I've been pounding down Vanilla Coke and Malibu Coconut Rum.

Like I said, I drink too much... but I'm half Irish, half Norse... so it's how I do. Heh

Skie and Avery
06-29-07, 02:59 PM
Lately I've been drinkng alot of Root Beer Schnapps and cake. It doesn't matter what kind of cake, because it ends up tasting like rootbeer, and I put so much booze over the cake it liquifies it. But liquor brings down my blood sugar and cake brings it up so this is my version of being responsible and taking care of myself. Man, that sounds really good right now....

06-30-07, 02:32 PM
Hmm, I have a lot of drinks, depending on my mood.

Beer - Keiths... nothing better than a pint of Alexander Keiths

Cocktails - Sex on the Beach! Though I do love Margaritas as well, are those cocktails? o.O

Wine - Two Oceans... hmm... wine. I love wine... only white though.

06-30-07, 03:43 PM
Wine and fruit cordial, all the way.

Pinot Gras, Chardonnay, you name it.

When I get the chance and actually feel like it, anyways. Other than that, I just sip a few glasses of Pineapple Cordial once every two or three months. Alcoholic drinks of this caliber in my country is hard to come by on a regular basis. ;)

Slayer of the Rot
06-30-07, 03:55 PM
Anything as long as it's not straight rum. I have no preference to beer; I'll drink pretty much anything and everything.

07-01-07, 12:27 AM
Irish Car Bomb. Good ol' shot of half Bailey's/half Jamesons dropped in a half pint of Guiness and slammed. Can't beat it. ;)

AMEN my brother.

Car Bombs are hella fun.

I love Guiness as a by product, but I also have some fun with the Captain, I like Tattoo his dark rum.

I am also a fan of blowjobs. Now, this drink may seem fruity (probably is) but I had no idea it was that hard, and my first time with it I was drinking GLASSES of it...

1/3 Baileys
1/3 Butterscotch Schnapps
1/3 Malibu Coconut Rum

07-01-07, 12:49 AM
I like drinks that are so heavily mixed that I can't taste the alcohol.

Cyrus the virus
07-01-07, 03:27 PM
I like beer and shots of tequila, wooha!

Beer-wise, if I'm feeling rich, I like Newcastle Brown Ale. Otherwise anything non-American and non-Heineken is good for me.

With Liquor, I'll drink just about anything except for Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum and any kind of Vodka.

07-02-07, 12:45 AM
I'm obviously not as cultured as some others in this thread...

Kentucky Deluxe. It's cheap, and it does the trick. Get a big enough bottle of that, and you'll wake up the next morning in the corner of your bedroom, wondering why your keyboard smells like vomit.
