View Full Version : How Did You Find Althanas?

06-28-07, 08:39 PM
I ask this every once in awhile, because it's fun to sort of find out as new people find the forum, and it's good to help the site advertise better.

So how did you first find out about Althanas? How did you get here? Were you from another PBP board?

thorn aldsmith
06-28-07, 08:45 PM
nope i just stumbled in here not really looking but love it already!

06-28-07, 08:47 PM
nope i just stumbled in here not really looking but love it already!

Well, how did you stumble in here? How did you find the site?

thorn aldsmith
06-28-07, 08:50 PM
er i think it was a google search leading to one of the solos and i read it and thought it was great and i'd wanted to be able write well for a while so i took the opertunity and joined

06-28-07, 09:40 PM
Christoph suggested that we (Omega Dragon Theatre) take one of his quests and turned it into a radio drama... He then suggested on a whim that I joined, and I said "sure why not, i could use the writing practice"

And here I am.

06-28-07, 09:49 PM
I actually asked my cousin (Matt AKA Zieg) one night if he knew of any good play-by-post RPGs (lol no joke). Of course he said "well I'm on this one called Althanas"... and the rest is history.

I had originally been turned on to forum based RPGs when a friend of mine made one. It fell apart but I liked the idea and wanted to see if I could find a bigger, more official one. My google searches and top RPG sites (like the one we're voting in right now) weren't giving me anything I liked, so that's why I just mentioned it to Matt.

Kind of a funny story now that I think about it...

Skie and Avery
06-28-07, 09:50 PM
I went to high school with an old member (Shiny X) and heard him telling someone else about it at school one morning. I was nosy and bored about a week later and amazingly remembered the link for it.

06-28-07, 10:39 PM
I found it on Dogpile while searching for something completely unrelated. The concept of being able write about anything, really, on a site that focuses more on developing writing skills then just "rping" is mucho brilliant.

Artifex Felicis
06-28-07, 10:39 PM
Actually I remember reading it over Rigor Mortis' shoulder about 3 days after he joined. Good stuff. I sucked ass at first.

06-28-07, 11:44 PM
I was a sophmore in high school when Zero (on Crashthanas Zero Hunter) told me about this really cool creative writing site he RPed on. The first thing I read was a short bazaar post he made and I was hooked.

And soon after Oberon was born! XD

06-29-07, 07:16 AM
known about it since it was created way back in the day when it seperated from Allrpg

... i just haven't stuck around for that long

massive absent times ya know

06-29-07, 08:19 AM
Oak/INDK directed me here from GUA.

Amaril Torrun
06-29-07, 08:26 AM
massive absent times ya know

same here :D

I honestly can't remember how I found the site, but I was either looking for RPG sites (not play by post) or just looking around. I DO remember that once I found it, I became obsessed for about a year, getting on at school, staying up all night to read people's stuff, blah blah blah. So when my computer crashed, I tried to stay active at school, but they blocked the site.

Eventually a new computer and I did the same thing, but not nearly as bad. Then I just needed a break. Now I'm back.

06-29-07, 09:47 AM
I was a member in AllRPG and heard Althanas mentioned from time to time and I joined during a time when I had absolutely nothing to do, both my friends went into the military and I was fired from Albertson's.

06-29-07, 09:51 AM
Way back when, I used to work for RPGFan and I would check up on AllRPG every once in a while. I saw that they had an "Interactive Village", which is something I hadn't heard of before, so I decided to look at it.

At first, I wasn't interested. But a couple of weeks later, I thought "heck, why not". I had just finished playing Persona (Playstation... anyone remember that one?) and was kind of inspired to make a character just like Serilliant. So I did and the rest is a very lengthy 27-year-long history on Althanas.

06-29-07, 11:23 AM
How long has this site been running?

06-29-07, 11:23 AM
I joined the same time Unseen did years back, when we were on Allrpg... Ciancth, another oldie, invited me back then. Ranger was my first charry, shortly followed by old versions of Modrue and Seth (who I killed off).

Been stuck ever since, heh

06-29-07, 02:32 PM
I'm getting senile.

It took me a moment to remember how I found this place.

A friend of mine (Christoph here, but he joined Althanas after I did by a little bit) found a tournament on GUA via another roleplaying forum he frequented. He whined at me about not having a decent partner (and saying 'we could clean up, but you probably don't want to, blah blah') until I agreed to partner with him just to shut him up.

So I created an earlier incarnation of Karuka to participate in the tournament there (Tournament of Legends...oh yeah, original name). Anyway, we faced off against Dirks and Zieg round one, lost by juuuuuust barely, but Dirks, Lucien/Vorin/Wraith/about a million other names spent time trying to persuade me to come to Althanas, and I did in January.

And now I just sorta belong here. ^_^

Amaril Torrun
06-29-07, 10:50 PM
How long has this site been running?

Althanas is about 5 and a half years old.

06-29-07, 11:22 PM
That's impressive! ^^ I can see why though.

06-29-07, 11:30 PM
About 3 years ago I was looking for a good Play-by-post RP site, remembered someone on another forum I used to go to said AllRPG had a good one so I went there. From there I clicked the link to Althanas and never looked back.

Amaril Torrun
06-30-07, 07:44 AM
grim, do you remember Fyndergald Weismoon? He had a battle outside of the Citadel with you back when you were both lv 0.

06-30-07, 09:06 AM
No, sorry man. Though if it happened before the first crash, then I simply choose not to remember anything from that time (yes my writting back the was that bad).

Amaril Torrun
06-30-07, 10:20 PM
lol, it was pre-pre-crash

06-30-07, 10:56 PM
I had played on a really tiny play by post forum that a friend directed me to when I was very young. (Barely a teenager.) Later, ACDragonmaster (who I had met on the Megatokyo forum) told me about Althanas. I remembered how cool RPing on the old site had been and decided to try this one.

07-01-07, 11:23 AM
Well I go to the Allrpg forums, and decided to see what the Althanas link was all about.

Since I like writing, and might end up changing my major to it, I was hooked, for the time being anyway.

07-01-07, 11:53 AM
I was stalking someone on the internet and saw a link to this place.

Just kidding.

Actually I was putting in odd search requests to google and following the links seeing where they went. One site had a link to another site, and another and another until a link to Althanas came up. After reading the FAQ I decided to Join. Hadn't read any threads yet, not until after I read the FAQ.

07-06-07, 12:52 PM
I went to high school with an old member (Shiny X) and heard him telling someone else about it at school one morning. I was nosy and bored about a week later and amazingly remembered the link for it.

Whatever happened to that guy?

So I created an earlier incarnation of Karuka to participate in the tournament there (Tournament of Legends...oh yeah, original name). Anyway, we faced off against Dirks and Zieg round one, lost by juuuuuust barely, but Dirks, Lucien/Vorin/Wraith/about a million other names spent time trying to persuade me to come to Althanas, and I did in January.

We might do one of those soon...we'll have to see what happens.

Anyone else?

07-06-07, 01:40 PM
I came to Althanas almost two years ago, I think. Wow. Khalxaen (sp?) and I were both on deviantART, and she kept writing in her DA journal about how awesome Althanas was. I hadn't RPed in a long time, so I was interested, and Khal sent me over this way.

My first character died after like...two months. Fortunately I came back a short while later with a much better one. :)

07-06-07, 06:59 PM
I was recruited by Indecisive- he and I did Trek RP together.

07-07-07, 01:19 AM
I was brought here by Rusty. Yeah, Rusty. She always has something up her sleeve. >_>;

07-08-07, 08:12 AM
@ Empy: Khally-chan brought you over? Haha, and I met her here before seeing her dA page! XD

Stalked the Internet for an online play-by-post RPG after the first one I was in horribly died for unknown reason. Came here two and a half years ago... never regretted it since. :)

07-08-07, 06:52 PM
On GiveUpAlready.com, most of the veteran roleplayers sometimes referred to Althanas as this place where all these incredibly good writers RP at, and kinda where the good RPers from GUA migrate to after a while. SRPC kinda got that rep after it got off the ground, but looking around on Althanas made an impression on me. In the ToL, the people from here were some of the most mature people I'd seen, and it saddens me that it seems the ToL and the way things are carried out there caused a negative reaction amongst the visiting RP populace. Though I'm sure the S&Cers didn't help, either.

So... After losing the will to write on GUA, Tal'Vorn, and that Seregon place (now Worlds Away RP), I drifted over here after Brad (DarkStorm) talked about resurrecting an old character of his here. Kinda complicated to explain, but eh.

I still need to start writing on here. It's just hard. Been too long. >_<

07-12-07, 02:56 AM
On GiveUpAlready.com, most of the veteran roleplayers sometimes referred to Althanas as this place where all these incredibly good writers RP at, and kinda where the good RPers from GUA migrate to after a while. SRPC kinda got that rep after it got off the ground, but looking around on Althanas made an impression on me. In the ToL, the people from here were some of the most mature people I'd seen, and it saddens me that it seems the ToL and the way things are carried out there caused a negative reaction amongst the visiting RP populace. Though I'm sure the S&Cers didn't help, either.

So... After losing the will to write on GUA, Tal'Vorn, and that Seregon place (now Worlds Away RP), I drifted over here after Brad (DarkStorm) talked about resurrecting an old character of his here. Kinda complicated to explain, but eh.

I still need to start writing on here. It's just hard. Been too long. >_<

Wait. You went to GiveUpAlready too?


I wasn't expecting this.

07-12-07, 04:38 PM
Whenever Redrick became Alrerar Writer back in the day he started telling me abouth this "crazy writing game" he had found so I checked it out. I remember I registered then, never did anything for a couple weeks, then I finally got my character approved and didn't do anything again for a couple weeks. During that time the original Serenti was wrapping up, as well as the Mistician (or however it was spelled) and I starting reading some of the battles. In my head I was like, "I can do that..." so I started writing on the forum finally. I ended up sucking in comparison to the things I was reading and it made me want to get better, then Dirks took me under his wing, I got a few decent victories against some of those players I first read, got on the staff, had some abscences but I always find my way back, and here we are now, five years later.

Of Free Will
07-12-07, 04:48 PM
About 5 years ago, Kyle (Ranger, Osato, Dirge) was hanging out at my house and said something along the lines of " dude, check this out. I found this the other day. It's a writing RPG forum. " and im like " A what? "

and the rest is history...

Moonlit Raven
07-13-07, 01:55 AM
I watch my friend do several threads on Althanas before I finally got the balls to submit a char of my own. I've never regretted it. That was five years ago.

Storm Veritas
07-13-07, 05:51 AM
I'm a GUA immigrant, courtesy of Damon Kaosi.

07-13-07, 11:33 AM
I started my forum career (sorta) with GUA. Then I moved to a bunch of other places, and then somehow found my way here.

Anyone remember Young Link? xD

07-14-07, 12:57 AM
Allrpg.com linked me... a long, long, long time ago.