View Full Version : Happy Birthday, Witchblade!

06-30-07, 04:01 AM
Our favorite cookie-poisoning slaver is now of legal drinking age in the U.S.!

So happy birthday! and let the people on your 'do not feed' list have some cake, too!

*Hands you a birthday cake, which is good! But some parts have been poisoned, which is bad.*

06-30-07, 04:40 AM
So many birthdays, not enough booze. Or redhead hookers.

Regardless, have a good one, Witchy.

06-30-07, 05:03 AM
Happy Birthday Witchblade!

In my experience, drinking lots of water after a binge helps... well, sometimes.

06-30-07, 06:15 AM
Except she lives in Canada and has been drinking for quite some time.

May the slaves give you better than the normal mediocre service.

Artifex Felicis
06-30-07, 08:29 AM
*gives a cookie*

It's my last one...

Cyrus the virus
06-30-07, 01:10 PM
I'm older than Megan? Ha!

Happy Birthday, lady :)

06-30-07, 02:13 PM
Happy birthday Witchy!

Look in your mail for three jars of olives!

Then panic, because it would seem that I know your address.

06-30-07, 02:20 PM
omg! I love olives!

*devours the olives*

wait a minute... you know where I live!? *panics* wait... I have ninjas, I'm safe. ^^

And yes, I am now legal to drink everwhere, bwhahahahaha!!! *coughs* Not that I haven't already been drinking for a while... ahh, yes, good ol' Canadian laws.

Thanks for the birthday wishes, though guys! I've actually been celebrating birthdays straight since the 27th, I know quite a few people born in June. ^^

06-30-07, 03:50 PM
Kcha. You're only a coupla months older than me.

Well, have a good one then. I'd send you a bottle of Chardonnay, but I don't know where you live and I'm pretty much dead broke. :p

I knew I shouldn't have spent all that money on the Evangelion DVD Boxset... *cries*

Moonlit Raven
06-30-07, 05:31 PM
*cries* there are so many people younger than me... :p

Wait, never mind, I love getting older too. I'm looking forward to being a crazy old lady with a billion cats.:cool:

Happy Birthday you Cancer baby! Yay for you being of legal age where ever your go and Canadian too! Have fun, get drunk, hopefully open lots of presents!

06-30-07, 07:13 PM
happy birthday

sorry I don't have anything clever to say.

hope you have fun.

06-30-07, 08:06 PM
Happy birthday, Witchy. May your day be full of hardcore fun, free stuff, and hawt menz to ogle.

I mean, that last one alone is a good birthday right there.

06-30-07, 08:27 PM
Except she lives in Canada and has been drinking for quite some time.

May the slaves give you better than the normal mediocre service.

Better? -sighs- Man.. guess I'll have to give it 110% this time. How can I throw that in a birthday wish? Caps?


-cough- Alright, I'm done. Gonna have to go prepare for that "better than normal mediocre service" gift. (Now, where did I put those cuffs?) >.<

07-01-07, 01:01 AM
I'm so late.. =( Happy Birthday Witchy!!! ((This is teh Manders, by the way.))

07-01-07, 01:12 AM
Only 21? Man you're young.

Happy B-Day Witchy.

07-01-07, 01:44 PM
I'm not young, Santh, you're just old. ^_~

And thanks everyone and Slave, who surprisingly didn't come to dinner last night. o.O

Yeah, had a good time. Did dinner down at my favourite Pub and then tripped back up the mountain to go to Friscos for drinks, closed down the bar, got hit on by the drummer of the band that was playing. It was generally a good night. ^^

07-01-07, 02:00 PM
Wait.. I was invited? o.O

07-01-07, 02:04 PM
Of course you were invited!

I'm pretty sure I told Becky and Matt to tell you to come along if you wanted to. I always invite you to hang out, you just never come. *sadness*

07-01-07, 03:06 PM
They honestly didn't tell me anything, and for the past few days I've been wanting to hang out with ya for awhile. :P Been bored cooped up here, so I've been goin to the mall recently.

I mean c'mon! I found Fatal Frame (the original) for Xbox! hehehe

07-01-07, 09:44 PM
Aww, well that's too bad. I wish you would have come. You could have even come out drinking with us afterwards now that you're legal. Nertz...