View Full Version : Journey Ended, New Life Begun (open)

07-01-07, 02:34 PM
As Merywyn entered the tavern she thought, not for the first time, that maybe she had made a mistake. Immidiately she was thrust, full tilt, into one of her father's stories. Like some childhood fantasy world come to life. How different it all was from the small village she had grown up in. Maybe she should have taken the cue of her sisters and just settled down with a nice farm boy.

"Ancients be with me." she mumbled as she made her way in to find herself a table. It took a while, with many excuse me's and pardon's. I'm going to get more bruised here than riding in the back of that horrid wagon she thought.

Finally the young girl found her way to a table and plopped down in the chair, tossing her satchel on the table and letting out a huff of exhaustion. Merywyn pulled at the sticks that were just barely holding her hair in a bun. Auburn hair tumbled down over wide shoulders framing a tired, travel worn face.

When the waitress asked her what she'd like, Merywyn ordered a simple wine and sat back to soak in the surroundings. People of all types milled around, chatting in corners, singing in groups. It truely was like one of her fathers travel stories. He would loved this, she thought.

The wine came and Merywyn drank it thankfully. The last few weeks had been spent in the back of a merchants caravan wagon, sharing space with animal feed, barrells of drink, and other odds and ends. To have her feet on non moving ground and the thought of something other than a bedroll to sleep on, made the girl smile.

It had been an interesting trip. She had so little experience with anything outside of her town that she was eager to experience anything the merchants would allow. She had helped with the deliveries in each place they stopped, helped pack the caravans back up on thier way out. She even made a little coin of her own, selling some basic medicines.

But now she was done with her travel. At least for a little while. She sighed and reached into her satchel pulling out one of the small paper pouches. She opened it up and sprinkled some of the greenish powder into her wine glass. Stirring it will her finger she drank down the rest of the wine. The young girl replaced the pouch, closed her satchel and again looked around the tavern.

"Well then, I wonder where one would find a place to stay for a night around here?" she asked outloud to herself, wondering what would be her next move.

07-01-07, 06:02 PM
"I would advise asking for one of the rooms upstairs." said a man sitting at a nearby table. He wore white robes with black symbols on them, some were those of magic, some were not, and those who knew what they meant, knew they were of science. His nails were kinda long for a man, and his left and right eyes were of diffrent colors, one green, the other blue, they were slitted, like a dragon's. Looking at him, his jaw structure seemed, Draconic, as though an ancestor had been a Dragon. He merely drank water, it was his preferred beverage of choice.

"Are you new to town too?" he asked a moment later.

He got up and joined her.

"My name is xos, and I came, from a place very far away. I'm new in this town as well." he said.

07-01-07, 06:35 PM
"I would advise asking for one of the rooms upstairs." said a man sitting at a nearby table.

Merywyn looked over and saw the man. His odd features and unique eyes startled her at first. She had never seen a man like this. Then again, she had never seen many of the different types of patrons in the tavern. She tried her best to hide her wonder, giving a warm smile and a nod. "Thank you sir." she said politely.

"Are you new to town too?" he asked a moment later.

He got up and joined her.

"My name is xos, and I came, from a place very far away. I'm new in this town as well." he said

Her smile grew as the man sat down at her table. She was glad to have the company, not to mention such interesting company.

"Yes, I am. I just arrived today. I'm from a small village far north." she said, motioning to the waitress for another wine. The effects of the medicine finally calming her nerves and easing her headache, she placed her satchel down on the floor at her feet giving the man a place to lay his glass. "I am Merywyn Ethryon. Nice to meet you Xos." She held out her hand in welcome.

"I must say the journey so far has been interesting." She laughed. "It is so different from the small village I grew up in. I think I've learned more in the last few weeks, than in my whole 23 years prior! Of course that was my motivation, so, so far so good."

Marywyn thanked the waitress as she set the glass of wine on the table. "What brought you here Xos?" She asked, taking a small sip of the dark liquid, and peering over the rim of her glass.

07-01-07, 06:45 PM
"An accident of wild magic. I was browsing an old book out of curiosity, and it contained a special form of teleportation magic that I wasn't quite aware of. It activated by chance, and sent me here. Though, I'm glad it was here and not a demon's belly." Xos said as he shook her hand.

"What brought you into the wide world, and, it looks like you have some questions, about me. Go ahead, I don't mind." Xos said.

07-01-07, 07:33 PM
Merywyn sipped her wine again, looking at the magic user. A book? Brought him by magic? What was this he spoke of? As far as she knew no wind was powerful enough to tranport a full grown man far distances. There was definitely more to these arcane forces than she had experienced.

"What brought you into the wide world, and, it looks like you have some questions, about me. Go ahead, I don't mind." Xos said.

She grinned, sadly at the questions. Wide world, it was definitely that. "Truely it was a quest for knowledge." she said. "I'd reached the limit of my learning at home and decided to branch out into the world. Experience more." Her rounded features softened even more. "My parents were travelers before they settled. I grew up with stories of great and wild things. I wanted to experience them, not just hear about them."

They girl sipped her wine again and stared off. She seemed to be looking across miles instead of just across the room. "My desire to expierence doesn't seem to quell the homesickness though." she sighed. Bringing herself back to the present moment Merywyn looked at the strange man. His reptilian features were captivating.

"You said a book brought you here. I must admit this sounds quite strange." She laughed lightly. "The arcane in the book had to have been quite strong. How was it you came across such a book?"

07-01-07, 07:54 PM
"As even stranger as this is going to sound. My home is beyond the farthest of stars in this universe. I am literally not of this world. I don't quite understand everything myself, but I excel greatly at Science. I have no dount that through my knowledge of Science, and the powers of magic, I will find my path back home. I am fortunate that many things are similar. If I do ever get back home, I hope The University of Science at Kessingale doesn't have me commited. The book was in our library. Magic had existed in my universe at one time, but science defeated it. The book I had read was written by a wise and ancient Archwizard named Merlin. He was undoubtedly, the most powerful mage ever to exist. I was studying it for my college thesis on the practical applications of magic, in an attempt to revive the old powers." Xos said.

He sipped his water.

"Homesickness only fades with time, until one redefines what home is." Xos said.

07-02-07, 02:00 PM
The girl listened to Xos's story, with barely a blink. As she listened to the odd reptilian man tell of his "home beyond the stars" she grinned politely. Does he expect me to believe he is from beyond the realm of ancients? she thought quietly. Surely he is mad.

Yet how much more interesting the company became. She had never been in the presence of a mad man before, and he didn't seem of a dangerous type. She decided to question the man some more.

"So this home of yours, beyond the stars," she began, "Tell me more about it. I mean, how different is it from here? Do you have family there?" Merywyn bent lifting her satchel again. She pulled something out snapped it in half. Finally she held out her hand. In it was a lmedium sized strip of dried meat, dark brown in color, with obvious spices all over it. "Care for some? It's quite good, my father home cured it."

07-02-07, 02:18 PM
The girl listened to Xos's story, with barely a blink. As she listened to the odd reptilian man tell of his "home beyond the stars" she grinned politely. Does he expect me to believe he is from beyond the realm of ancients? she thought quietly. Surely he is mad.

Yet how much more interesting the company became. She had never been in the presence of a mad man before, and he didn't seem of a dangerous type. She decided to question the man some more.

"So this home of yours, beyond the stars," she began, "Tell me more about it. I mean, how different is it from here? Do you have family there?" Merywyn bent lifting her satchel again. She pulled something out snapped it in half. Finally she held out her hand. In it was a lmedium sized strip of dried meat, dark brown in color, with obvious spices all over it. "Care for some? It's quite good, my father home cured it."

"Oh, its a nice enough place. More technology than here, possibly more science, but not as much magic. I'm not used to so much magic being on one place. Its making my skin tingle and itch. I could tell you of the ships we sail among the stars with, or of the Electronic shopping mall, the skyways and the crystal Palace of Zelharin. I could describe the ancient holy Temples of The Omnisource and complex holographic imaging systems, but then, you'd probably assume I was insane or crazy. I have no way to prove I'm right and not insane, Not yet. I need to learn more about this world before I can." Xos said.

He took out an Amulet and popped it open. A little full color photograph was inside. It was not a painting, not the sort anyone could paint anyways.

It showed him and his nine friends, Khalan, Ray, Rose, Quis, Kado, Stella, Chron, Scria and Agrinja. They all seemed like him. 5 men, and five women, all good friends.

"We were in a class of our own. Our Great Great Great great Grandfathers were all dragons. The dragons had to breed with humans to keep their species alive, they were dying out, and it was the only way. So that's why I look partially Draconic. Do you have dragons on this world?" Xos asked.

He took the Jerky and muched on it.

"Mm, tasty." he said with complete sincerity.

06-02-09, 03:53 PM
This thread has been sitting since before the beginning of this year (2009). Since no response has been made to create activity I am going to be moving this. If you would like it to be reopened please feel free to PM myself or another admin and they will be able to move it for you back to the Peaceful Promenade.