View Full Version : The Mithranduil

07-03-07, 10:04 AM
The Mithranduil (Formerly The Order of Dratmos)


The Mithranduil is a group of the warriors and adventurers of Althanas. While some tend to believe that the power these individuals have belong to those that buy their services, the members of this group think differently. Instead, The They believe that that they are the ones that really hold the power. They choose were to align themselves with and what they put their skills towards. In short, it’s mostly an adventurer’s or mercenary guild. However, the highest bidder doesn’t necessarily get to borrow their skills, but rather to whom they choose to work for.

The Mithranduil don’t just accept those that can wield a weapon either. As long as you consider yourself and warrior, knight, adventurer, mercenary or someone that may end up fighting for what they believe in or for what they stand for you’re welcome to join the Order. Just be prepared that they’re the ones that sometimes risk their lives and may eventually be hired to help fight in a war.

To some, The Mithranduil is an army of warriors that feel like they have nowhere else to go. If that’s the case, they The Mithranduil hopes to show Althanas that these people are worth much more than what most people think.


Membership into The Mithranduil is open to anyone that expresses interest in joining. Although the initation process hasn’t been decided yet, the idea of holding a small tournament is being considered. If this does happen, all participants will be initiated just for competing. If this does not happen or if someone joins after the group has obtained a few members, newcomers will be initiated by means of fighting against a member of the organization in the Citadel. This is just so that The Mithranduil can evaluate the ability of the initiate and find a suitable place for him in their ranks.


While there is no officially base at this moment in time. Recents news is that the founder is currently searching for place that The Mithranduil can call home. Rumor has it that they will soon acquire a fortress in Akashima, or perhaps an estate in Salvar or Moriah.


The leadership of The Mithranduil will be comprised of four individuals alongside the founder. These five will meet regularly and make the important decisions such as where to assign new recruits, purchasing food and water, diplomatic negotiations and which contracts The Mithranduil will accept. Each of the five is given the privilege to have a title of their choosing and each one is head of a division of the group. The Divisions have yet to been named, but it’s clear that each one will be geared towards the different methods the members work. For example, one division will be for those that use an arsenal of magic, while another will be for stealth and assassination. From there, each one of the five will decide which rank to give to those in his division and will give promotions as he/she sees fit.

The ranks are as follows, keep in mind names are likely to change.

The Five (Individual ‘names’ will vary)

Code of Conduct:

1. Under no circumstance is one member to kill another unless the two of them are either competing in a tournament or fighting in the Citadel. In these two cases The Mithranduil encourages the members to fight their hardest. That way they can receive construction criticism from their opponent and learn where they can improve.
2. If there is a dispute between members outside of a tournament or the Citadel, it will be taken care of in the means of a one on one fight. However, the fighters are given wooden weapons and killing the opponent is strictly prohibited. To ensure there are no ‘accidents’, the match will be witnessed by a group of fellow members.
3. While members are allowed to be a part of other institutions, Loyalty is important to The Mithranduil. Therefore, if a member is part of another group that goes to war against the group he/she must come to The Mithranduil’s defense. If the individual chooses to side with the other group, he/she will be thrown out of The Mithranduil and be shown no mercy in the coming battle.
4. All private meetings between members of The Mithranduil are to be kept private. If you take a top-secret mission given to you by the group, there’s a reason it’s a secret.
5. Respect others. We’re all here to have fun afterall.


Founder: Zerith Dracosius (Zerith)


Amaril Torrun
Asuka Murakama (Asukastrikes)
Banda Utako (Streak101)
Bane Flaresto (Falcon Darkflight)
Jasmine Aurora Matrino (Jasmine)
2LT Maverick Wyfind (Wyfind)

Alright, the OD is back under a new name and once again open to anyone interested in joining. Once a few people decided to give this PG a shot, I'll add a few mission/quest ideas for anyone interested and obtain membership that way.

Also, I'm opening a few spots for anyone who wants to do a Citadel match against me. I'll probably only accept two people at a time, but it's another way to become a member.

Thirdly, I'm looking for a partner to challenge the Prahna’dyuta in Fallien. More specificly, I'm have my eyes set on challenging the champion of Vita. So whoever teams up with me will also become an automatic member of The Mithranduil.

Amaril Torrun
07-03-07, 10:23 AM
This group seems exactly like something Amaril would want to join. He tends to keep to himself but does lot's of mercenary work, as long as it doesn't involve harming innocent people.

07-05-07, 02:14 AM
The Z-Man isn't on much nowadays due to making time for his family. But, nonetheless, he is still around.

Throw my name into the hat, Zerith. I'm up for hire since the Grander's Order ain't breathin' no more. *Kicks that darn Raelyse in the shin*

And if you're looking for someone to take on the Fallien Fighting Grounds, I'm available... in a month or two, depending on stuff in Raven's life.

07-05-07, 08:50 AM
Yeah, Sorry. I''ve been on plently but I haven't had much time to sit down and do some writing. It seems every time I try to, my wife needs me to help with Arianna. I don't mind it really. It's just a matter of establishing something like "Z's writing time."

Anyways, you're both in. I'll add you both to the roster.

07-06-07, 12:50 AM
I said i was joining before wasn't i? Count me in Z-Man, I'll tag along to Fallien if you don't mind the fact that i'm a little inactive due to internet issues, and four....very young....very annoying game guide breaking, new album scratching, handheld greasing younger cousins. But I'm fixing that...

In other words, I'm your man :D

EDIT: Here's an idea, if you wake up in the middle of the night due to baby issues, once the problem has been dealt with try going back to sleep, if you can't quietly go to your computer and write just a little of some quest or battle your working on for five minutes, that way baby Arianna is nice and cozy in her crib sleeping, and the Z-Man can get some writing done without disturbing her.

Least thats what I would do

Falcon Darkflight
07-17-07, 08:32 AM
If this PG gets active...the Z-man has my services.

07-18-07, 01:31 AM
part of the slowness to get active is due to Z's new duties as a parent. i'm sure once he gets a schedule of sorts worked out, he'll be back to his normal active self ^_^

07-18-07, 03:20 AM
Yeah, I'm really sorry about coming and going like a phantom. But like Jasmine mentioned, I'm tackling the role of a parent. I'm also preparing to start a new job on Monday.

Anyways, you three are all approved. I will add you to the roster when I'm awake later today.

Falcon Darkflight
07-18-07, 05:21 AM
I figured you'd be pretty tied up, and there's no pressure mate. I'll stick around as long as you need me.

Hope being a father is all good ^_^

07-19-07, 01:24 AM
you should get someone to kinda help keep things moving while you're so busy. the end of the grace period is coming up and we have like...nothing...

If you want, I'd be willing to go through and buy some basic defense stuffs and such. You just have to give me the authority since you're the leader and I'm not.

07-19-07, 03:16 AM
I had planned that once we get enough people. I would hold nominations to find the 4 people what will basicly lead the 'divisions'. That way, when one person is away, the other four can continue to lead the PG.

Also, I'm allowing Secretary Extrodinare handle the purchase for the Mithranduil. This includes obtaining defenses before our immunity is up.

07-19-07, 04:25 PM
So... on a side note...

What's going to happen as first order of the day? Or are we waiting for more people to join up first?

07-24-07, 11:17 PM
*cough*cough* Me, Bane, and Jasmine havent been added to the roster*cough*cough*

07-25-07, 12:28 AM
Don't worry about it so much Streak. I have everyone on the roster for the Mithranduil's private records. Z prolly just hasn't had the time (and presence of mind) to edit the first post. Relax, man, it's not THAT big a deal. ~_^

07-25-07, 02:35 AM
Did it really look like i said it that way? I'm sorry then, it's 3:35 AM over here and I can't think straight

Falcon Darkflight
07-25-07, 03:24 AM
((Edit: I did a bad thing. I posted without putting my brain into "drive".))

Just to clarify: are we likely to be having initiations as individuals?

If so, perhaps I can be of some help. Here's my suggestion: allow me, Asuka and Streak to do a three-man IC initiation. We'll do the majority of the groundwork and just have Zerith / Jasmine do a few IC posts that acknowledge us as members. That way, nobody is over-committing, there's no pressure on Zerith or Jasmine to get a million things done at once and it kills three birds with one stone.

What do you think guys? If you like it, I can cook up a couple of ideas and share them like cheap pizza at a stoner's party.

The main objective here is to get us all in.

07-25-07, 10:09 AM
Falcon, go for it. If you can come up with an idea for the quest, just pm either myself or Jasmine with the details. For reference, it will take place after my quest 'Somewhere out there,' just because that is the quest where we obtain out base.

Also, I'm still looking for a partner to challenge the champion of the Vari in Fallien. It's the horseback one.

...on a side note. Anyone here interested on trying a 'survival-horror' type quest in the future?

Falcon Darkflight
07-25-07, 10:51 AM
Z, bring Bane with you to challenge the champion of Vari. I've been so bored recently i've wanted to blow out the back of my skull.

07-25-07, 11:28 AM

I'm up for what is indicated in this vid.

Falcon Darkflight
07-25-07, 11:38 AM
A triple kill headshot on Halo. That's inspiring. :)

07-29-07, 04:28 PM
I am interested in joining the ranks of the Mithranduil.

07-30-07, 10:21 PM
Zerith is pretty busy, but I'm pretty sure he won't turn you down! ^__^

so let me be the first to say welcome. ^__^

07-31-07, 12:22 AM

07-31-07, 12:41 AM
Awesome, do you guys want to battle?

07-31-07, 01:26 AM
As Jasmine said, you're more than welcome to join us. Welcome to the Mithranduil.

I'm sorry I haven't be active guys, starting a new jobs is always a big thing.

Oh, and Jasmine. Arianna is already able to hold her own head up now. Just thought I'd give you an update.

07-31-07, 01:53 AM
Thank you for accepting me, I've added it onto my profile. :D

07-31-07, 04:43 AM
Oh, and Jasmine. Arianna is already able to hold her own head up now. Just thought I'd give you an update.

awwwww!! that's so awesome! i got to spend a lot of time in the babyroom at my work today (daycare) and thus got to spend a good deal of time with my favorite baby, who'd moving to the other end of the state. today was her last day ;_;