View Full Version : Good lawd, is this a forum?

07-07-07, 12:54 AM
Yeah, I'm new here. I've been dragged here against my own will by some psycho person who just joined as well. D:

I don't know who the other person is known as now. Is it Rusty? Anyway, give that psycho her props for bringing me here. Gosh-darned psycho! *thumbs up*

But yeah, I'm your local nublet. Hi to you all. x]

07-07-07, 12:59 AM
Hi, and welcome to Althanas.

We like newbies, we eat them for breakfast.

Bleh. Witchblade's indoctrination has begun to set in.

07-07-07, 01:03 AM
I should bite you for calling me psycho -_-

Anyway me and Linus just joined this site I'm hoping to find some peace at(aka RP fun) and I'm currently working on my profile.^^

07-07-07, 01:05 AM
Welcome to the both of you! I know you'll enjoy writing here, and if you need anything don't hestiate to ask.

07-07-07, 01:07 AM
yay two newbies for the price of one!

hihi and welcome

*brings a big double sized plate of cookies and conks out cold*

07-07-07, 01:09 AM
Yeah, we joined here by mere fate. If you guys would call it that. >_>

I call it mere luck, or more precisely, due to our previous board encountering root admin wars, board deletions, other threats, and some crap like that. RPs were deleted too. Gosh, FEP is so fail. ;_;

I'd go further into details, but I'll probably get sicced by some of those crazy lunatics from over there... there. Yeah, there. Don't want them to come here and start hating on me. D:

Haha, nothing like being a nublet after sticking to one site for about a year or two now. xD

At Rusty: Bite me? I DAAAARE YOU. :P

07-07-07, 02:27 AM
Welcome welcome, I'm new too, let us stick together, against the plague that is cookies. XD

07-07-07, 05:05 AM

07-07-07, 09:56 AM
Welcome! I'm new as well. And from what I have garnered the baked goods are not to be trusted.

07-07-07, 11:23 AM
Hi, hi!

Welcome to Althanas! Please keep your arms and legs inside the forum at all times or they may be removed by rabid, zombified characters. Do not feed the following people: Atzar Kellon, Letho, Santhalas, Artifex Felicis, Karuka Tida and Daggertail/Reiko for they may become dependent on you afterwards and are hard to get rid of. Any screams you may now be experiencing are the sounds of dying characters. Do not be alarmed for they shall be revived in new and inventive ways the following thread. Have a nice day. ^^

*brings an extra large platter of cookies for the both of you, which is good! But some of the cookies are poisonous, which is bad...*

07-07-07, 11:24 AM
cookies are so yesterday. Anyone that still uses them is so out of date.

* Brings out a giant 50 Gallon tub of fresh home churned Ice Cream.

I made it by hand. Its vanilla. I have Chocolate, Strawberry, and Caramel Toppings. I have sprinkles, Chocolate chips, Cool whip and Waffle Cones. Who wants Icecream?

07-07-07, 11:53 AM
I call it mere luck, or more precisely, due to our previous board encountering root admin wars, board deletions, other threats, and some crap like that. RPs were deleted too. Gosh, FEP is so fail. ;_;

That's awful. I always wonder what enters into people's minds to do something like that. It's so petty.

07-07-07, 12:10 PM
That's awful. I always wonder what enters into people's minds to do something like that. It's so petty.

The answer is simple-Power.
Somehow it make some people crazy when they have power upon others. Sad but true.

07-07-07, 06:11 PM
sucks about your old forum, but welcome to Althanas!

Hope I get to Kick your as- I mean, have a good quest and/or battle with you! ^^;

07-07-07, 08:05 PM
That's awful. I always wonder what enters into people's minds to do something like that. It's so petty.

Oh, trust me, all of events I posted here weren't the only things that happened. As a result, the board seperated into two. Both boards were in an uproar. We had members at one board causing trouble to the other and to Exxeh, who was in the middle of all the trouble that had happened to our board. We also lost our domain.

Near the end of all that trouble, Exxeh set up password confirmations to all of our previous domains. So any content and stuff that belonged to the site (GFX, Site/Forum GFX, and other things) would require a password. To be honest, everywhere we went, we had an annoying popup window asking for a password. It took like, 2-3 days for that to be fixed.

Our board was known for being full of immaturity, staff overhauls, staff problems, board deletions, and a ton of other notorious stuff. It all unraveled this past week, however. And to think I have been the one cleaning up the mess there, makes me quite unhappy of how the tides had turned there. x[

07-07-07, 08:13 PM
Althanas is better than that. First amendment and all that jazz.

Plus most of our members are sensible enough not to be stupid.

Moonlit Raven
07-08-07, 03:15 AM
Welcome to Althanas! Please keep your hands and arms to yourself. If you see anything disturbing, well, try to come up with something equally disturbing.

Skie and Avery
07-08-07, 05:11 AM
cookies are so yesterday. Anyone that still uses them is so out of date.

* Brings out a giant 50 Gallon tub of fresh home churned Ice Cream.

I made it by hand. Its vanilla. I have Chocolate, Strawberry, and Caramel Toppings. I have sprinkles, Chocolate chips, Cool whip and Waffle Cones. Who wants Icecream?

Screw the choices of the Xos. I know how to make rock salt ice cream. It's delicious, like the souls of the damned.

07-08-07, 07:39 AM
I'll make sure to take a bite or two on their shin if they want to cause trouble here! ;)

Anyways, welcome! Once your profiles have been approved, feel free to begin role-playing in any forum you feel comfortable with. Asides from the OOC boards, unless it's more for humorous results. :p

And don't forget to spend your 300 GP Line of Credit at the Bazaar near you! Extra props for IC interaction! Plus, don't be afraid of the Bazaar Kitties. We don't bite, we just nibble.

...Err, make that one Bazaar Kitty for now. :p

Nyan Nya~! :D