View Full Version : Heart of Darkness: To Claim a Sapphire (continued)

03-26-06, 12:14 AM
((This is closed the people know who they are. We are picking up from where we left off pre-Crash. For some reason I can't attach things, so if you wish to read the posts pertaining to how they got to where they are, shoot me a PM and I will gladly send it to you. Sorry for the delay and inconvenience of not having all the posts for those that have actually been reading this.))

"I'm sorry for getting you into this Rainee. We'll probably be taken out of here soon, so hang in there."

She made her words sound as encouraging as she could. Inwardly though, she doubted that Rainee would be taken with her. Likely as not, Montego would leave Rainee in the dungeon where he would have easy access to her to make sure Jasmine did as he wanted.

Unable to stand or sit still, Jas paced back and forth in the tiny cell agitatedly. Her mind was racing in wonderment at what Lord Montego's first reaction to facing her would be. The more she thought about the traitor, the angrier she became. Her sapphire eyes turned first a light amythest, then darkened as her anger grew.

She stopped her pacing as the echoes of Lord Montego's passage reached her ears. She moved over to the bars and peered as far as she could down the hall. She couldn't see him yet, but she was certain that the only other person that would be coming down to see her would be the hated Montego.

"Rainee, if you get the chance, I want you to flee this place. There is nothing we can do against Montego if we are weaponless."

04-24-06, 02:41 AM
((RPing as Lord Montego, as requested by Jasmine))

What a stroke of luck

A large, impenerable shadow moved across the lifeless granite walls followed by three armed guards, their steel plate armours clashing noisily as they made their way downwards to the dungeon. His silver hair shone dimly under the numerous torches lining the spiraling stairway. His physique hidden under layers upon layers of dark satin laced with gold and silver trims. Atop his silver mop, an elegant golden crown glimmered in the blazing torchlight.

What a stroke of incredible luck. The Fates must be on my side. He chuckled, thinking of all the fun the little princess would be giving him. It's been too long since he had last seen her, ever since the dawn of his reign over this lush kingdom of Moriah. Yes, this kingdom. This castle! This throne! Mine!

But it couldn't be his, not just yet. Not with the little princess, the Heir to the Sapphire Throne, still happily wandering around his kingdom. Not while she was still alive.

The echoing granite stairwell quickly gave way to a large cobblestone hall, its walls lined with ever-burning orange flames and putrid rotting stench. If it was not to meet his important guests the stocky man would never ever set foot into this damned hole. The man eyed the length of the dungeon warily and, attempting to keep his regal looks from breaking to the unwelcoming rathole, he strode towards the only prison cell with guards standing at the ready. The morbid remains of a long-gone statesman shifted inside an unoccupied cell as the Ruler of Moriah trudged past, its head cocking sideways just as the visitor's eyes caught the unearthly movement.

His guards immediately flanked their ruler and trained their spears at the dead body while the startled man leapt a full foot straight into the air with a yelp. Everything seemed to freeze in time as the dead man slowly shifted, dropping his rotten head followed by a family of frightened rats scurrying out from his stomach.

Dumbstruck and greatly embarassed by his blunder, the Regent took his frustration out on an unlucky escort's head. "You oaf! It's only a bunch of rats! There's no need to cause a ruckus over this!"

The sullen guard merely bowed, knowing too well never to argue with his lord, and with trained obedience returned to his position behind the silver-hair man.

"Come. We mustn't keep our guests waiting." The dark ruler eagerly strode towards the guarded cell, wanting no more surprises to be jumping out at him ever again.

"Ah, why hello, princess. " The old man crooned with a satisfied smirk. "It's so nice of you to visit an old friend of the family like me. I'm so sorry I couldn't find you a more suitable room in such short notice, but I do hope you're enjoying your stay." He lifted his head up and laughed, the ominous voice bouncing off the worn cobblestone walls. Ahh, yes. I've got you now, my elusive girl. You're not going to get away from me a second time.

"Oh, where are my manners." The man feinted a wave and touched the hilt of his golden sword lightly with his right hand. He stared straight into her deep azure eyes, lusting ecstatically for her blood. "I hope you still remember me, Lord Montego, Ruler of Moriah?"

08-16-06, 03:40 AM
(For future reference Seth was not terribly powerful back when this began, in the interest of keeping the balance this ( profile shall be used.)

"William hurry up, the cart is leaving soon and its your head if Montego finds you not at your post!"

William tried to hurry as he drunkenly made his way towards the cart, his gate easily shambling as he made his way past an alleyway. The only problem was, William was not as resilient as the man in said alleyway. As he moved by it, he was pulled into it before He truly came to realize that drinking had its consequences. A knife was drawn across his throat before he slumped to the ground. The result being he died before he even had a chance to shout out.

"Stupid fool, drink to much lose your predatory edge," Seth muttered as he began to take off the guard’s armor. It was a simple breastplate and helmet combo that would work admirably as he pulled off the helmet. Pulling back his robes to reveal stark white hair he carefully pulled the helmet on to conceal the most notable quality about him before he moved to the breastplate. Using his satchel to deposit his daggers he grinned as he shrugged his shoulders and took off the cloak. Grabbing the now long dead William’s spear he said softly, "Almost fits right, just a bit bigger, good thing I guess, room to maneuver in."

His goal achieved he could only smile as he moved out shambling a bit now and then to give the illusion of drink. One of the guards shouted out to him to hurry as the cart was held up waiting for him. Shambling a bit faster he pretended to stumble to give the illusion of drink making the other guards laugh in derision as they patted him on the shoulders. Seth only groaned as he closed his eyes and tilted his head forward to hide his face. The other guards merely left him alone to deal with his drinking problem.

As the cart made its way to the castle Seth smirked inwardly as he thought to himself, That's right, laugh it up, I'll be the one you never expected soon enough...

08-18-06, 12:57 AM
((Just confirming that I did ask AsukaStrikes to take over the part of Lord Montego as the original person has stepped down))

Jasmine glared openly at the older man that stood before her, just on the other side of the bars. He was just exactly as she remembered him, tall, elegantly dressed in dark colors, and enough pride to fill the oceans from here all the way to Salvar. Her eyes glittered darkly in rigidly controlled anger, flashing to a deep purple in an instant.

“How could I forget the man that murdered my uncle before my very eyes? How could I forget the man that threatened to do the same or worse if I didn’t do what he wanted? How could I forget you, Montego, usurper of the Sapphire Throne, traitor to the crown?”

Her voice was cold. She had learned long ago how to control her facial features and voice to keep from showing her true emotions. Right now, she was livid and wished dearly that her sword or at the least a knife was in her hands. From here, she doubted even Montego could avoid being hit if she threw one of her knives at him.

“You would not be so cocky if I had my sword, or even a knife close to hand. I’ve learned a great deal in the years that I’ve been gone. Release my friend, Rainee. She came along only to keep me company,” she shot a look to Rainee then to tell her to keep silent then continued, “Release her at once, my Lord and much as I hate to do it, I will not be as much trouble as one would normally think.”

At the start, Rainee was going to do anything she could to help Jasmine take control back from the traitor that stood before them. Now, Jasmine knew that her friend’s presence would only be a hindrance. Of course, if Seth Dahlios had not betrayed them on the ship, they would not be in a filthy, damp dungeon at the mercy of Lord Montego. She turned to Rainee, her face a picture of regret as she addressed her friend.

“Please, don’t be mad at me, Rainee. I have to do it this way. He would likely only leave you in the dungeon anyway. If he will release you, please take that chance and get away. Seth is probably still around here somewhere, though I wouldn’t trust him any further than I could throw him.”

She tried to hide the bitterness in her voice as she mentioned Seth. It was his fault she was in this dungeon. His fault that she was having to change the plans she had made for how she was going to dispose of Montego. His fault, that Rainee was in a cold, wet dungeon. Steeling herself, she turned back to Montego.

“Well? Do we have a deal? You release Rainee, and I will not cause as much trouble for you as I first intended.”

At least, not in the way I first intended.

09-01-06, 01:14 PM
Montego nearly could not contain his amusement when the little princess glared back at him with those lovely dull eyes. The very sight of the once-royally lady stuck in a smelly old cell pleased him to no ends. His pretentious smirk widened as Jasmine tried to barter her friend's way out of there and the dark ruler simply scoffed at her "plea."

"Release... her?" Lord Montego leaned forward as if trying to hear those words a little better. "You mean, you want me to release an abomination like that out in the streets in exchange for your word?! HA! Hahahahaha! Silly girl!" The silver-hair noble arched back and roared in laughter, prompting uneasy chuckles from his guards. These trained men knew better than to disagree with their lord unless they had "die painfully slow" waiting next on their list of things to do. "It seems you don't know you're in no position to barter with me, princess. You're in the palm of my hand and I can do as I please!"

Yes, that right... You're just so helpless without your crown, aren't you? He grinned and backed away from the grimy bars, the distinct rusty stench starting to irritate his nose. He did not like to come down here often and only if it was truly necessary to gloat upon his captives. Seeing the Princess so vulnerable, however, was well worth it.

"Ahem. Well, pardon my rather random outburst, your highness, but I do believe I have some business I must attend to at the moment." He spoke with a sly grin, clearly mocking the princess and her friend. "I am so, so sorry, but I must leave you here for the time being. I shall come back again to bring you elsewhere more... comfortable. Farewell, Princess Jasmine."

I shall have more fun in store for you later, O great heir to the Sapphire Throne. Soon, you will no longer be that itchy thorn in my side. And finally... I shall rule Moriah!

The vain ruler left his captives there in the cellar while he walked away, his maniacal laughter echoing through the damp stone dungeon. It would not be long until the next shift of soldiers would be arriving inside the castle gates. Montego had been waiting for this shipment of new recruits for weeks and his plan would need every single one of them. He simply could not let watching his hard-caught captives hinder the progress of overthrowing the remaining High Lords of Moriah.

Yesss... And then... NO ONE CAN STOP ME!!!

09-06-06, 02:08 AM
Jasmine watched as the usurper left, her eyes still glittering deep amethyst. Once he was out of both ear and eye shot, she slumped against the bars. She knew Montego’s vulgar reputation and did not want to know what he deemed a more “comfortable” place. Trying to keep up a brave face, she smiled encouragingly at Rainee, not really feeling like talking right now.

I guess I’ll just have to play it by ear now and hope for a miracle...


Elsewhere in the city, a black coach, with the insignia of a rearing lion lacquered in gold on its doors, made its way through the busy streets of Nadai. Inside it carried one man, dressed elegantly in black and red silks. His shoulder-length brown hair was pulled back into a ponytail at the nape of his neck, held there with a strip of black satin. On the seat across from him lay two daggers and a longsword. The weapons did not belong to him as of yet. He hoped that Lord Montego would award him the fine blades as a reward for his part in Jasmine’s capture. Blue-grey eyes danced in the handsome face as he thought about what else Lord Montego might reward him with. Certainly, the rest of the High Lords that were holding out against the rumors of Jasmine’s demise would give in now that she was a prisoner.

The young lord’s smile never left his face as the coach pulled through the palace gates and up the long driveway to the main entrance. While he waited for the footman to open the door, he collected Jasmine’s weaponry, eager to hand them over to his lord. Like many young fools, he had been taken in by Lord Montego’s smooth words and show of power. He was absolutely certain that nothing could stop the traitorous lord, and thus Lord Montego was not truly a traitor. Instead, he was something more of a revolutionary and Lord Rabek intended to be on the winning side.

Once the door was open, he stepped out gracefully and entered the main hallway of the Royal Palace. The hallway was easily 200, perhaps even 300 feet high and arched at the very top. It was very wide, almost as wide as a ballroom. Three balconies overlooked the hall. At the far end, three grand staircases with red carpet covering them, swept out and up to the second level. One went straight ahead, the other two led to the left and to the right. Lord Rabek walked straight on, taking the steps two at a time in his haste. He had been in the Palace many times and his eyes passed over the many expensive collections that lined the hall, held in protective glass cases. Richly embroidered tapestries hung at regular intervals on each wall. Some depicting battle scenes, others were merely pictures of a previous king or queen or a great hero.

At the top of the staircase, Rabek came to a pair of thick double door. A guard stood at each, spear slanted at exactly the same angle across their chest. They looked almost like statues, but Rabek knew they could move nearly as fast as lightning when they chose to do so. No one would get inside those doors unless they were bidden to enter.

“Is my Lord Montego within?”

The guard on the left regarded Rabek curiously for a moment before answering, “No, he is going about personal business today. Shall I show you to your usual quarters? His Lordship has said he will see no one else today.”

“No, no... I can find it on my own. Thank you. Please inform his Lordship that I have arrived and bring further proof of a prisoner’s identity.”

Turning on his heel, he strode away. In truth, he should have had a guide, but he would not accept one now after having turned away without. Doing such would make him look the fool and he could not abide that. Besides, he had never really gotten a good look at the palace. It would be nice to wander around aimlessly should his memory fail him in locating his rooms.

09-13-06, 01:42 AM
Seth grinned as he moved about through the castle. His movements refined as he followed the guards to his post. Given keys to the dungeons he was told to begin patrolling if he knew what was best for him. Putting the key ring on his belt he moved about purposefully, spear held at the ready as he moved about the corridors. His movements soon took him within view of the prisoners.

The guard merely looked up at Seth as he said, "Shift change already?"

Using his ability to mimic voices he smirked as he said in an approximation of William's voice, "Yeah, you're relieved, I'll watch the captives."

The guard nodded as he moved off, leaving Seth alone in the cell. He longed to plunge the spear into the back of the guard, to hear the gurgle of blood. He wanted to spray the red gore across the walls in a vent for his anger towards the damnable captain and his crew. However there was something far more important. He had to make this as legitimate as possible.

Soon after the guard left Seth reached up and pulled off the helmet, white hair moving to hide his face as he grinned sadistically. Placing it on the chair so as to not make noise he did the same with the breastplate, before his leather vest and cloak adorned his shoulders once more. Pulling the hood up he knew full well he was about to be watched by the entirety of the prisoner's, but cared not a wit. Reaching into the bag he soon produced the entire goal of the trip, a planting of evidence sure to damn the pirate captain and his crew.

He then moved to Jasmine's cell and spoke, "I don't do this for anyone but myself, princess. He betrayed me, and I will make sure he hangs." He then placed the key in the lock and tried to turn it before he sighed pulled the key out and moved onto the next one. That too failed as he still had five keys to go. Having placed his dagger belt once again about his hips he kept checking the door to make sure he would not be caught in the act.

09-23-06, 11:13 PM
It could not have been more than five, perhaps ten minutes since Lord Montego had left them when the last person Jasmine ever expected to see again appeared at the cell door. She stared in open amazement as he tried a key, only half listening to what he said to her. Amazement soon changed to suspicion when she recalled exactly that it was his fault she was here in the first place.

“Why should I trust you? You betrayed me as well, remember? I wouldn’t even be in here if you hadn’t betrayed me and nearly killed the best friend I ever had before leaving Moriah.”

She could not keep a cold edge of anger out of her voice as she addressed him, still hardly believing that he was actually there and freeing them. She turned away from him and toward her friend, Rainee. “Rainee, I want you to go with Seth. I’m not leaving this palace until I’ve found and dealt with Montego. I know you wanted to help me, but I have to do this alone. Please, don’t be mad at me, okay?

Rainee nodded and moved over by the door, eager to be out of the dank cell. Jasmine watched Seth anxiously now, wishing he’d find which key it was soon in case someone came to check on her again.

Lord Rabek wandered aimlessly through the upper halls and galleries of the royal palace. Unknowingly, he had wandered into the areas where the royal family would have their apartments. The carpet here was deep, rich green, edged in gold. It was a sign of Montego’s increasing power that he was able to change the carpeting before being crowned king. The carpet should still have been blue and silver, the previous king’s house colors, but change was coming even in the smallest of things. Tapestries depicting glorious scenes from Moriah’s history adorned the white-plastered stone walls. Small stands of expensive wood stood against the walls at regular intervals, some with flowers in fancy vases, others with busts of past kings or queens. None however, depicted the previous king, Odan. Apparently Lord Montego did not want to be reminded of his treachery in gaining his power.

Every now and then, he passed large sets of double doors made of a wood he did not recognize. It was obviously imported, but he didn’t really care. The oaken doors were polished until they gleamed, even if no one lived in the rooms they led to. None had guards, and all looked as if they had not been opened in weeks.

Turning a corner, Lord Rabek found himself on a veranda that overlooked the palace gardens. Ornately carved wood benches lined the balustrade. He stopped to gaze over the garden. Flowers bloomed everywhere in the summer sun. Well-groomed paths meandered around flowering bushes and artfully sculpted marble fountains. No path was straight, seeming to take the easiest path around each sculpture or flower bed. He could even see a few gardeners attending to trees that had been trimmed to represent various animals or weeding a flower bed here and there. A slow smile spread over his face. Soon he would have free access to that beauty. Montego had promised that he could live in the palace. It would only take the proof of Jasmine’s capture and death to persuade that last three or four high lords to crown Lord Montego as king.

((Bunnying of Rainee approved by her owner))

09-24-06, 04:56 AM
Well, now that the brat is in the palm of my hand... Montego grinned with glee, unable to force himself to a light chuckle as his escort guards gave each other nervous glances. It's only a matter of time before I will be the rightful ruler of this kingdom!

Aromatic scent flowing through the halls greeted his senses as the small group emerged from the stairwell leading into the dungeon, lifting the vain lord's spirits. The smell of rose, lavender and other exotic flowers always made him feel like he's on top of the world and no one can interrupted his plans and desires. The dark lord smiled and took in a full lung of air... Only to realize there was also another scent he was not so familiar with.

Or... had he smelled something like this before? He was sure it was a flower... A small, white flower that...

"JORDAN!" Lord Montego hollered at the top of his lungs, causing the two guards behind him to frantically cover their ears in surprise. It was not often their lord was in a bad mood, but when he does get in a bad mood there was a good chance someone would be losing their limbs - luckier if they end up with a lost head instead.

Erratic footfalls preceeded the butler's presence and within minutes the thin old man was standing before Montego, drips of sweat trailling down the side of his head.

"What is the meaning of this, Jordan?! Did I not tell you to never bring this flower into this palace?! Of all people, Jordan, of all the people who should know!" Montego grabbed a handful of the white-petal flowers and shoved it in the butler's face, knocking over the turquoise vase in the process. The ceramic bounced against the heavy carpet once before landing the wrong way and shattered across the green carpeting, spilling its contents into the fabric.

"Get rid of these despicable flowers, Jordan!" The dark-robed ruler turned away and marched off in another direction, ignoring the sighs of relief from his three subjects. Jordan himself thanked his lucky stars as if it was his own mother for his Lordship not beheading him right then and there, the Jasmine flowers lying limp in his hands.

"Oh, and one more thing." Montego paused, startling the butler for a second. "That vase and the cleaning cost will be coming from your salary this month. Carry on."

With a sigh, Jordan headed towards the nearest opened window and tossed the crushed bouquet out into the courtyard. Now, he was not sure if he was as lucky as he first believed.

The vain lord continued his march down the corridors lined with tapestries and marble statuettes on his way to the throne room. He felt he needed to lighten a bit more and sitting on the throne - soon to be rightfully his - would certainly lift his spirits up. Of course, there were other ways like bringing in a village girl to his private chambers for some fun, but the man was feeling too lazy for something physically demanding as such.

"Ah, Lord Rabek, is it?" Montego paused for a moment as he spotted a familiar figure by the veranda overlooking the garden. The distinct satin robe and well-kept hair could belong to no one else. "What a surprise. I did not know you were coming to stay today."

Lord Rabek turned around with a start and saw the silver-haired ruler, clad in his usual dark robe and a vain smirk on his weathered face. The young lord took a few steps towards the soon-to-be King but paused a few feet away, giving his lordship a humble bow. The young lord was certain this revolutionist would win this battle and with the proof of the Princess' death, he was only hastening the inevitable. Still, one must always be careful around someone as dangerous as Montego.

“M-m-my Lord, it is good to see you. I was just asking after you and was told you would not be seeing anyone else today. I do not mean to impose, but I have brought further proof of the identity of a certain female prisoner. Proof that the Council will believe unanimously.”

Keeping his eyes from meeting Montego, the smooth-faced young lordling presented Montego with Jasmine’s sword and daggers on one knee. The finely wrought steel flashed in the sunlight coming across the garden. It was unmistakable as the sword of a noble. The silver thread embroidered into the fine black leather around the hilt proved that if nothing else. One more thing set this blade apart from others though. A difference hardly anyone ever noticed and Jasmine certainly never made mention of: etched into the blade, just above the hilt was the insignia of house Matrino. This would prove that the sword belonged to Jasmine.

Gazing down at the marble floor of the veranda, Rabek wondered how much longer Montego would be before he took the sword and allowed him to rise. He was unused to kneeling to anyone and the marble floor was very hard on his knee.

“If you wish it, I will withdraw until a better time.”

Feeling the weight being lifted from his hands, the young lord gazed up at his lordship and was greeted with a sinister smile.

"I'm fine with that, Lord Rabek. Things will go well with the proof you have brought." The dark ruler spoke with a sly grin, hinting at something dark that both people knew well what it meant. "Anyway, I must be off now. I have some business to attend to at the moment. Good day."

The Dark Lord then head for the throne room, leaving the young aristocrat to spend the day in peace. He was not in a mood to speak light-heartedly at the moment - there were too many things going on at once and he needed to keep his calm. Also, Montego still did not entirely trust this young lord, though it appeared that Rabek posed no immediate threat to his power. After all, Rabek was to have free access to the castle after Montego was declared Emperor of Moriah. That was enough of a deal that would draw anyone in to his fold.

Before him, a grand staircase rose up from the center of the palace, opening into the throne room behind twin gigantic doors. He left his two escorts outside to guard the room while he languished within, alone and isolated from the outside where his plans began to take shape.

"Soon, the Council will be at my mercy once I bring them proof of the dead princess..." The dark ruler stopped short of the throne, admiring its regal golden sheen and deep sapphire dye. Sparkling deep blue gems glistened in the afternoon sunlight shining in from the gigantic windows overlooking the royal garden. Soon, this auspicious throne will belong to him alone along with the rest of this rich nation.

"And if they refused..." Walking towards the throne, the vain lord took a moment to turn around and let his black robes billow over the auspicious throne, visualizing the bowed heads of the stubborn Council at his feet. "I will simply crush them with my troops! That will show them not to oppose the Might of Emperor Montego!"

Gripping the dark leather hilt tight in his hand, the Dark Lord then let out a crazed laughter that shook the very hall, echoing through the twin scarlet doors and into the halls leading to the rest of the castle. Just outside, the two guards eyed each other nervously, thinking what they had done in their life to deserve such a terrifying duty of escorting this madman.

10-27-06, 04:19 AM
"Why should you trust me? Because frankly I'm all you got princess, your kingdom as you so loving put it would rather see you hung from the nearest tree. In this world of strange bedfellows we're allies, if only to satisfy a promise I made to the esteemed captain who turned on us both," Seth snapped as he finally jammed the right key into the lock. It had to be, for he had tried every other one.

As he roughly pulled open the gate he continued, "But don't think I'm doing this out of the kindness of my heart. As always there is no true form of altruism, I'm getting that bastard of a captain back for throwing me ass over tea kettle off his ship without so much as a copper." He let the words linger in the air before he reached into his pack. Chuckling maliciously he tossed the hat with the peacock feathers directly next to the princess as he said, "Now if you'll excuse me I have a castle to escape, I doubt they'll be quite so courteous as you have been."

With those words he turned to leave before he heard the order for Rainee to follow him. A malevolent snicker leaving his lips as he sneered, turning back to her, "I sincerely hope that was a joke. I would just as soon kill the cat than let her pussy foot about me. I don't think you quite remembered the ship, but if you want a refresher course I can of course oblige..."

(Excuse the rust I'm knocking it off with a hammer...)

10-28-06, 02:05 AM
(Forgive the rust. I haven't played as Rainee in a long time. Been concentrating too much on Sivi XD)

Rainee shivered heavily, her white cat ears were flattened against her soft, blue hair. She hated being stuck in a cell, it was too much an enclosed space. It came with her nature of being a cat, she wanted freedom, she wanted to be able to move about at any pace she wanted. She didn't want to be a captive prisoner. Staring at the back of the guard, she almost hissed involuntarily, but before she could their was the sound of a hurried conversation. Before she knew it, the dark back of the guard was replaced with another one. Their outfits were the same, the same silver helmet the same breastplate, however, their was something strange about this guard.

The cat-girl's small little nose wrinkled as the metallic scent caught her nostrils. It was a smell she recognized, the smell of someone being tortured, someone being killed. Whether the smell was new or it was old, it didn't matter. This guard didn't seem like a true guard. Her silver eyes looked at the guard's back, her suspicious looks were confirmed, when this guard begin to undress. The white hair came first, then next came the robe to hide his appearance. Rainee could feel her stomach twist into a fluttered mass of urgent butterflies.

He was here again, the man who had tortured her back on the boat, who had sold her and Jasmine to those damn pirates. A soft growl escaped her lips as she heard Seth's retort to Jasmine's words. Firmly shaking her head she said between thin lips "I’d rather follow the devil to hell, then follow you Seth Dahlios!" Rising to her full petite height, she scampered out of the opened cell and continued "Your a monster Seth, despite the fact that Jasmine wants me to follow you, I'd rather look for my own way out!" Narrowing her eyes at him she finished "I still haven't forgotten what you did to me back their on the boat!"

She then turned to look at the darkened corridor, she could smell that this was a prison, it was dark, dreary and the atmosphere was extremely cold. However, the cat-girl had gone through worse, if she could survive the loss of her family, and the discovery that she had another that was also gone, she could get out of some arrogant noble's castle. Looking away at Seth and at Jasmine, the gentle cat-girl said softly "If your going to stay...be careful Jasmine..I don't want to see anyone else who I’m close with or who is a friend...die again..." She then turned with a whip of her tail to head out, however, before she did she shouted over her shoulder "Dahlios, you on the other hand, can go rot in hell. You deserve nothing less!"

(Once more forgive the rust!)

11-26-06, 02:57 AM
Jasmine glared scornfully at Seth as she stepped out of the cell. While she was grateful that he had decided to free them, she could still not shake her hatred of him after what he’d done on the ship. Her friends had nearly died under his torture and that was unforgivable.

“If you harm so much as one hair on Rainee, I will personally hunt you down and kill you myself.”

Leaving Seth to his own amusements, she hurried after Rainee. The cat-girl would not know her way out of the palace. The least Jasmine could do after getting her friend involved, was to get her safely out of the palace. Catching up to her friend, she put her hand on her shoulder.

“Slow down! You’ll need the energy for running if any guards loyal to Montego see us. Listen, you don’t really have to go if you don’t want to. This is my battle, and I will understand if you don’t really want to be involved now that you’ve seen what kind of man Montego is.”

As they walked, she talked in a low voice, keeping an eye out for guards, Montego, or anyone that might report that she’s free. As they climbed the steps leading out of the dungeons, bright tapestries on the walls began to become more frequent. The floor changed from being ordinary paving stone to polished marble. It was very quiet inside the palace. Not even a mouse could have made a noise unnoticed.

“Alright, Rainee, this is where you have to make your decision. If you take this left and go all the way to the end, then take a right, you’ll be in the main entryway of the Palace. From there you should be able to see the main doors. I will not force or ask you to come with me. I can’t do that knowing how strong Montego is and how strong his hold on the guards is.”

Giving her friend one last hug, Jasmine crept off down the hall to the right. She knew her home quite well. The only trick would be to find a weapon and then find Montego before he discovered that she was missing from the dungeons. Hopefully, she would be able to find a lone guard somewhere that would still be loyal to the royal family and help her get a weapon and find Montego.


Lord Rabek waited until Lord Montego had gone to pull a silken kerchief from his pocket. Beads of sweat dotted his forehead. Talking with Montego always made him nervous, but he was glad to find that he had done well in giving Lord Montego Jasmine's sword. He had been afraid that Montego would find it too presumptious for him to bring it himself, instead of just sending it with one of the guards.

He took a few deep breaths to steady himself, then tucked the kerchief away. In control of himself once again, he strode off down the hall after Montego, but did not follow him all the way to the Throne Room. Instead, he turned off down a hall he had not seen before that had several interesting paintings on the walls.

12-15-06, 01:09 AM
Rainee's eyes bulged at the gorgeous lovely coloring in front of her. She had been raised in simply, homey surroundings. Nothing had been to regal, nothing polished to a shine until you could see your face in it. Blinking as she stared at what seemed to be an antique vase, she was just thinking if she could fit into it, when her friend’s voice reached her ears. Blinking as she tore her eyes away from the vase's pretty golden coloring and its pattern of stars and moons. Looking into her friend's lovely blue eyes, she nods as she murmurs "Thank you for the directions Jasmine......" Biting her lower lip gently, she chewed on it for a few moments as she contemplated what to tell Jasmine. However, before she could even finish another sentence, she found herself enveloped in a warm, gentle hug. Hearing Jasmine say that she couldn't put the young cat-girl in any more danger, she was released from the hug, and watched as Jasmine crept off and into the hall on the right.

Blinking as she watched the tail of Jasmine's hair disappear, Rainee started to take a step forward. Some part of her, deep in heart wanted to make sure that the gentle, sweet princess was safe. However, her foot halted swiftly as she bit her lip. The cat-girl had already gone through so much pain....first, their was her torture at the hands of Seth Dahlios, then their was that damp, decrepit jail cell. Then their was the teasing and taunting of the guards, about her strange bright blue hair, her white fluffy cat-ears, and the tail that twitched contiously as Rainee was literally going psycho from being imprisoned....

Meowing softly as her ears flattened against her soft blue hair, she sighed as she shook her head. "I can't.....I can't put myself in any more danger...." Turning away from the direction the princess had gone in she murmurs softly as she heads left "I’m sorry princess...but now your on your own. I would help, but I can't risk myself anymore for you....I've...done all I could..." She said shaking her head in affirmation. Her strides became more confident as her sorrow for not helping the princess slowly dimmed down.

Looking around as she slowly crept through the gorgeously decorated palace, the cat-girl was lucky. All the guards seemed to be gone, as if they were all whisked away on some important official duty. As Rainee reached the palace exit, she turned around to stare into the vast interior that lay before her, in a soft warm voice she murmurs "Dear Jasmine....princess of this castle...I hope you succeed and overcome the toils and troubles that this foul Lord Montego has put you and your people through...' She then turned and pushed the doors open with a loud creak....walking out into the warm sunshine, she stretched and purred beneath its rays. Now was not the time to worry over a friend, she was sure Jasmine would be fine. As she moved to leave Jasmine's home nation, her heart was light. She was going to head back home, to try and find more information about what had happened to her own family. Once she knew what had happened, she would do what was necessary to quiet her own heart and to make sure that her family(If they were alive) was alright....

12-15-06, 02:53 AM
Seth snorted as he looked at the hat upon the ground. His white hair covered his eyes as he spoke softly, "The fools walk into a viper's den. I didn't even get to see Logan again, it’s a pity, I would have enjoyed gutting him." He then turned with a snicker as he left the cell area. Using his knowledge of the area, as limited as it was he snuck out a widow on the first floor, meant to let the light in making the palace brighter as he moved cautiously about the palace grounds.

His moves were quick and arrogant, as he made his way through the compound only stopping when he reached the wall. Sighing as he moved along the wall in the shadows he reached a nearby tree. Upon pulling himself up it he remained there looking at the castle. He wasn't sure what his role that night was, but he knew one thing, there was no form of altruism in his actions today. It brought a smile to his lips as he pondered it. If the kingdom was rescued, it would be all his fault, and Jasmine would forever be in his debt. The thought amused him to say the least.

Hopping over the wall he reached the other side before he said softly, "Never forget who you owe your debt to Princess, one day I will come to claim it."

With those words Seth Dahlios slipped into the shadows of the night. No longer a man, but a monster who had condemned more lives to die that night. The very thought of it was amusing. There was no sense of right in that night. Not when at its very heart lay a demon who had only been fickly serving the wench of a Princess. Laughter was reported to be heard on the main road that night as a madman made his way to port, and returned to Corone, ready to propagate more vicious crimes against humanity.

12-21-06, 06:04 AM
One day, Princess... I will come to claim what should rightfully be mine...

The brooding words fell in hushed silence as Montego reveled at the thought of finally seizing power over Moriah, the land and throne that should be rightfully his with the death of the stubborn King. But, no... Princess Jasmine was still alive and he could not do so...

All because of a little brat who didn't know her place...

The dark ruler's face creased with anger as his fingers dug into the Sapphire Throne's delicate arm rest, yet failing to even as much leave a dent on its surface. Frustration ripped at his mind to the point of breaking, the patronizing tones he had received from the Council of Lords still echoing through his mind as if mocking his powers. True, that by right and by law, The Princess was to ascend to the throne should her father pass away. Well, he was a rather impatient man and did not want to grow too old before the old King finally died.

He wanted control of Moriah. And he wanted it now.

"Just you wait, Princess! I'll have this kingdom in my fist just yet!" Montego muttered in a fit of rage, bounding off the throne with his hand still wrapped around Lord Rabek's "proof."

The metallic scabbard clattered noisily against his leg just as he was about to storm out of the room and the Dark Lord paused as the solid echo reached his ears, as if under a mesmerizing spell. His eyes wandered from the blood-hue doors to his hand, seeing the silvery sword glisten lively in the late afternoon sunlight. He touched the finely chiseled casing and, with a swift flick of his hand, slid the blade out in one fluid motion. The sharp, melodic ring hung still in the air before finally leaving merely its phantom presence in the mad man's ears.

Yes... His eyes scrutinized the sword's majestic sheen as he held it above his head, almost feeling power ooze out from the previous King's royal blade. This will serve to be even harder proof... Indisputable proof...

That Princess Jasmine is dead.

A blast of wind announced the Dark Lord's presence as he exited the Throne Room, startling the anxious guards from their post of terror. His heavy footfalls pounded against the walls and reverberated through the palace halls from the front gates to the cellars.

"You two!" He roared, nearly knocking the nervous guards off their feet with merely his voice. "Call the Council of Lords together for a meeting right now! Have them meet me in the Meeting Hall!"

The two guards stared at each other awkwardly, thinking about the best way to best send news to the eight Lords as well as avoiding having their heads removed on the spot. Knowing that it would take at least almost a half hour for the news to get out and call the Council of Lords together, they decided to make haste and get out with the command while they still have heads to think.

With the awkward clattering of steel joint plates and frantic footfalls disappearing with the dwindling light, the silver-hair ruler decided it was time to "create" the indisputable proof.

He knew the palace well as if it was the back of his foot, especially the smelly old dungeon as he had been down there often enough to retrieve his "broken in" personal servants. Their numbers started to dwindle with each one who decided to jump off the palace walls, but the man knew he could always find more in the smaller homes near the edge of the kingdom. Village girls were quite easier to tame than the well-educated brats from the Capital.

The Dark Lord's solid footsteps pounded noisily against the roughened stone steps as he made his way down into the dungeon, the air turning frigid with each step he took yet the man shrugged it off as if the vengeful tendrils were merely flies. However, as he reached the final step and sent the jail guard a stern, commanding look, he realized they were only the remains of what once was a person.

A helmet... A breastplate and some other gears a normal soldier of his should be wearing...

His boots stomped through the empty cellar and realized what had happened.

In front of him, in the very cell his sacrificial lamb was supposed to be meekly awaiting her destiny ...Laid a gaudy scarlet hat adorned with brightly-colored peacock feathers.

Indescribable rage flared from within his chest and tore head first through his throat in a blood-curling roar, sending a wave of hatred and terror rushing through the castle with such ferocity rivaling that of the gods.

Almost immediately, Montego's hired swords and recruited men crowded through the entrance of the castle, nearly tripping over each other as they shoved their way through the rather spacious main hall. The sudden appearance of their lord halted them in their tracks, many feeling their innards melt merely by looking into his blood-shot eyes.

"Find that prisoner by the name of Jasmine! Scour the halls and break into every room! Don't leave any doors unchecked or any halls unsearched! I want her found before she can escape!"

Invigorated by their ruler's command, the company of one hundred marched pass Montego in columns of two and spread their way through the maze-like halls of the castle like an army of fire ants. Montego remained at the front hall, his eyes glaring red-hot at the trick that had been pulled on him.

I swear, young girl! When I'm through with you... You would be pleading for Death himself to sweep you away! As for that double-dealing pirate...

Crushing the hat in his hand, the enraged Dark Lord stomped away for his armory. The "Traitor" would have to wait - It was high time he finally disposed of this little nuisance that refused to die.

03-26-07, 02:40 AM
Jasmine moved carefully down the halls. She could hear the jingling of armor as soldiers moved at a trot through the halls. She wasn’t sure anymore how she was going to accomplish her goal. At the moment, it looked like things were going to be pretty tough. However, she would not give up and run away again. She was determined that this time, she would stand and fight Montego, even if it meant her death.

Not far from where she moved stealthily through the halls, a young soldier made his way slowly through the halls. He had been a Captain in the King’s Guard before Lord Montego’s treachery, but now, he had been demoted to an ordinary footsoldier. Why usurper had not had him killed was still a mystery to the young man, but he was very thankful for it. He had heard the orders to find Jasmine and bring her to Montego, but if he found her, he had no intentions of following those orders. If it really was her, then maybe, with his help, she would be able to dispose of the traitor and ascend her throne. As he rounded a corner, he saw a flash of black and blue. Remembering the princess’s hair was black, he turned toward the flash.

Ahead of him, Jasmine darted into a small room. It was empty except for a small bed, dresser and wash stand. It was obviously a room for a low-ranking servant. She had not realized she had strayed into the servants’ quarters, but at the moment it didn’t matter. No sooner had she closed the door behind her than she heard someone jiggling the handle. Looking hastily around, she found that the only hiding place was under the bed. Unfortunately, the space under it was too small for her to slip into. Trusting to luck, she hid behind the door, hoping to be able to catch the person by surprise.

The door opened and the former captain hastily closed it behind him. At first he did not see the princess, but then spun around just in time to catch her fists. “Your Highness! Stop! I’m here to help you!” Catching hold of her wrists, he spun her around so that his arms wrapped around her, holding her still. “Just stop and listen for a minute. My name is Matthew Taren. I was a Captain in your uncle’s guard and I’ve been praying that you were still alive since the day you disappeared. Montego demoted me when I would not give an oath of fealty. Why he did not have me killed, I don’t know. What I do know, is that you have a small chance of defeating him, but not if you keep hiding from him. There are still enough Lords on the Council that are holding back, believing the rumors that you are still alive. They won’t continue to do so for long. Now, are you calmed down enough I can let you go?” At her impatient nod, he released her, then bowed down on one knee, “Please, forgive my actions, Highness, but there was no other way.”

“You’re forgiven, stand Captain. If what you say is true, how am I going to rid Moriah of Montego? He has all my weaponry and I am not foolish enough to try to defeat him with my magic alone.”

“A sword is easy enough to aquire, Highness. What is not so easy, is getting him to a place where you can defeat him. He is never seen alone. He always has a guard comprised of men who are devoted to the money he is paying them. Once they are taken care of though, he will likely be open to just about anything.”

“Good, in that case, I need a sword and I need to be able to talk to those guards. Mercenaries are easily taken care of. All you have to do is out-pay their current employer. Tell them that they will be paid triple whatever Montego is paying if they will stand down when I challenge him. Then tell the traitor that I am waiting for him in the throne room. Any questions?”

“No ma’am! Here, you can have my sword. It’s just a plain soldier’s sword, but it will work.” He answered as he removed his sword belt and handed it to the princess. “I think I know where they are at. Good luck, your Highness.”

Jasmine nodded and buckled the sword around her waist, then carefully slipped out into the hall. She headed toward the throne room, taking the most direct routes she knew. In a short time, she arrived and entered. There were no guards on the doors at the moment, since everyone was out looking for her. Smiling somewhat smugly, she drew the sword and sat down on the Sapphire Throne. She made herself quite comfortable and laid the bare steel across her lap, waiting patiently.

Meanwhile, Captain Taren made his way in the direction he had last seen Montego. Soon enough he caught up to the lord and his guard. Beckoning to the guards, he spoke with them briefly, out of hearing of Lord Montego. The three nodded together and shook hands, then he approached the lord himself, “Lord Montego, I have found the prisoner. She is awaiting you in the throne room.”

05-03-07, 11:35 AM
It's about time I kill her off for good...

"Good work, soldier! Go tell Captain Eires to gather the troops and bar all exits until further orders! No one is allowed to exit the palace until I say so! Now move!"

Barking orders to anyone and everyone he met, the dark lord thundered through the regal halls towards the throne room. Clad in his dark battle armor and flowing midnight cloak, Montego ripped through the tension in the air as soldiers and mercenaries colliding against each other in their efforts to make way for their leader. The man was about to gain absolute power and no one among the ranks dared to be scratched into this blacklist. For no death would be found there, but even more pain than what death could give.

"And if the Council gets here before I come back, tell them to go wait in the Meeting Hall and nowhere else!" Montego growled as he made his way passed a squad of palace guards, not caring whether Captain Eires was there to received the command or not. Either way, the orders would make its way to him and the Dark Lord was certain the Captain would not falter. Montego's new pet had too many things riding on his mind to disobey his one and only "lord" already.

The velvet-lined halls roared with clattering steel plates, Montego's loyal footment pouring into the walkways leading to and from the Throne Room. Lined shoulder to shoulder, the human barricades stood at the ready as their ruler marched forward, a feral scowl weaving its hatred across the man's visage. His hand-picked bodyguards followed suit, armed to the teeth as they always were.

And when the human convoy arrived, the dark-robed man blasted open the twin doors with the push of his gauntlet hands and stepped all to eagerly into the sacred ground.

That was when he saw her, the devil that had been haunting his future of becoming the greatest emperor that all of Moriah would know. Seated all too comfortably in his Sapphire Throne. Wearing that smug grin on her face. Carelessly laying that sword across her lap frail, petite lap.

Did she really think she could stand a chance against the Almighty Ruler Emeror Montego?

"Princess Jasmine..." The Dark Lord let out a sarcastic grin, marching slowly down the long strip of carpet while keeping a keen eye on the princess and her hands. As the twin doors closed behind him, Montego's devilish smirk widened until one could see the razor-like canines reflecting in the dying rays of twilight. "It's so nice to see you so..."

The man paused, his eyes glaring upwards but never leaving her face. He stepped forward a few more paces, making his way across the great expanse of the room. Raising his hands out to the side, the cape behind him flared in the windless room momentarily before hanging limp from his bulky shoulders like folded wings of night. The Silver Sword hung at his side, glowing in stark contrast to its wielder's attire.


His malicious grin only widened further.

05-04-07, 05:18 PM
While she waited for Montego’s arrival, the princess looked around the throne room. The last time she had been here, it was richly decorated with paintings and sculptures in niches in the wall. Tapestries had once covered the stone walls that were now bare. In fact the only thing that remained as it had been during her uncle’s reign, was the Sapphire Throne itself in all its glory.

The Sapphire Throne was a large seat, but not large enough for two people. The cushions were made of a dark blue cloth and made to be soft, but not too soft. The person sitting in it would be comfortable for several hours, yet would not find themself wanting to curl up in it and go to sleep. Over her head, at the top of the tall back, Dark wood paneling left a space tall enough for decorative etching. A crown encircling a large sapphire was etched in the exact center with scrollwork along the edges. The legs of the throne were made of the same dark wood and were also embellished with scrollwork.

At the unmistakable sound of armor-clad soldiers echoed in the Throne Room, Jasmine looked up expectantly. The time to reclaim what was hers and save her dying land was finally at hand. She stayed exactly as he was while he approached and spoke. Only then did she take hold of the sword lying across her lap and stand, pointing it unwaveringly, at the traitor’s chest.

“That is far enough, Lord Montego, don’t take another step.” She spoke these words quietly, so only the man directly in front of her could hear, then she raised her voice so all present could hear her words clearly. What she was about to say would make her queen of Moriah. Usually, tradition required that the King’s Council be there to hear it, but all she needed for it to be legal was an audience. Fortunately, the soldiers filling the room filled that requirement.

“I am Princess Jasmine Aurora Matrino. By right of birth, I now assume my place as Queen. As Queen, I pledge myself to upholding the law of Moriah. I pledge myself to be the caretaker of my people, to right the wrongs that have been laid upon them over the last five years to the best of my ability, and to see justice done to those that would oppress my people.”

A few of the guards in the room that knew what she was saying immediately dropped to one knee in reverence, but Jasmine was not paying attention to them. Her attention was focused on the man before her. The man who had taken away everything she had known and loved. Jasmine glanced out of the corner of her eye and noted that now the soldiers that were already bowed, were pulling on their comrades to do the same. Returning her focus to Montego, she spoke in the same loud, clear voice.

“Lord Oricius Montego, you are hereby declared traitor to the Sapphire Throne. Thus, you are stripped of all titles, lands, and properties. They are now the property of the Throne. The law states that all traitors and their accomplices are to be executed, however, I am not without mercy. All who will forswear their oaths of fealty to the traitor, will be given a full pardon, providing they were not a part of the assassination of my uncle, Odan Kamasha, the previous king. All who wish to forswear their previous oaths will have one week to come before me. Now, I will pronounce judgement on Oricius Montego. For the crimes of conspiring against the throne, the assassination of the previous king, and conspiring to kill the heir to said throne and all supporters of said heir, you are herby sentenced to death. Do you, the accused, have anything to say in your defense?”

07-04-07, 09:49 AM
((Bunny approved by Jasmine))

The nerve-!

"Such bold... declarations, your highness." Forcibly keeping the intruding emotions in check, Montego cracked a sheepish grin and glanced at his loyal dogs with spears from the corners of his eyes. "But by what power are your judgments grounded on?"

The dark lord wanted to spit on that young girl's face for the insult she was giving him. She, a mere child barely breaking away from her teen years, had the nerve to pass judgment on the Mightiest Ruler of Moriah?


The Hells would freeze over before she would be powerful enough to pass judgment on him!

"The only thing I'll be saying to you, missy!" Montego hissed, a mere flick of his wrist and the silver blade flashed vibrantly from its scabbard and at the ready. Shining in the dying amber rays, the Cloaked Lord charged forward with only one intention.

This would be the day Jasmine Aurora Matrino dies. And the first day he can be rightfully declared Emperor of Moriah.

"En garde!"

Swords flashed and echoed as the two figures clashed against one another under the light of the shining half-moon. One shadow belonged to the young heir, the true ruler of the people who loved her family. Another, much larger and moving with the ferocity of a bloodhound during a hunt, was the demonic figure of her usurper.

-Clink-! Zing!

Swords sang through the night as the bodyguards watched on, interest in defending their hired master dwindled at the promise of even more wealth should the young monarch arise the victor. Merely leaning against the barren walls and whispering among themselves, placing bets on how badly beaten the young girl would get before succumbing to the onslaught of the much larger man.

Crack-! Slash!

"I'm going to enjoy killing you, Princess."

Montego hissed as they battled, his eyes brimming with satisfaction and lust as the two dancers of death moved about the room. "Just like I did to your father and mother."


His malicious grinned only widened even further when the Princess gasped, crashing the silver blade into Jasmine's own weapon and sending her sliding towards a wall.

"You heard me." The man charged again, parrying away a swordtip meant for his face and slammed the back of his gauntlets into his prey's stomach. He knew she was no match for a man like him. "I killed them. Took all day with it, too. You're father really was a brave man-" Seeing the sword come again, Montego merely ducked out of its way and proceeded to counter with a strike of his own, tearing a hole in Princess Jasmine's dress. "Stupid, but brave. He tried to fight me, too, to protect Maria."

Breaking away from their dance with death, Montego twirled the blade skillfully in his right hand and shot a condescending glance at the weary Princess. "But, as you can see, it didn't work. And your mother... Ah, she was such a beautiful thing... Beautiful in bed, too, as I would say. 'Tis really a shame she chose your father over me, or else she would still be alive today had she made the wiser choice."

The Dark Lord rushed forward while the young monarch was still shocked upon learning the truth to her parents' death and whipped the sword in quick succession, slicing away clothing and flesh of the young princess before driving her into the wall next to the throne with a powerful left straight.

Grinning darkly as the prey struggled to retaliate, Montego arrogantly pointed the silver sword which once belonged to the previous ruler of Moriah at the now helpless princess. The demonic smile could not have been any more clear.

"Tis a pity, isn't it? To die by your father's very own sword."

The sword in Montego's hand, streaked with crimson liquid of life along its sorrowful blade, flashed forward towards its target - the neck of its previous master's child.

08-04-07, 09:22 PM
The battle had been tough. Jasmine had barely been able to keep the keen edge of the sword away from her flesh. However, she had persevered, using her youth to its fullest. Quick though Montego was, he was also much older than she was. She made only one mistake and that was letting her opponent’s words get to her. Had she ignored everything he said, she would not be in this situation, pinned helpless against the wall. Glaring up at him, she spoke not a word and showed no fear. Her side burned and sent shockwaves of pain throughout her body with every movement in her struggle to break free. It was hopeless though. She was not strong enough and too tired to get away on her own.

Seeing his Queen in danger, Captain Taren sprang into action. Drawing the knife he kept at his belt, he let fly, aiming for between the usurper’s shoulders. Though it missed its intended mark, the dagger still sank to the hilt in the lord’s lower back. As he recoiled in surprised pain, Jasmine took the opportunity to make one final attack. Drawing up all her strength, she formed a large ball of blue fire and shoved it against her attacker’s chest. The fine clothes ignited almost immediately. The older lord beat at his clothes, frantically trying to put out the flames before they consumed him.

Jasmine picked up her fallen sword. The one that had belonged to her father before her. Pressing her left hand to her bleeding side, she half-stumbled to be in front of Montego. Just as he got the last of the flames extinguished, she raised the sword and slashed at his face.

“That’s for my father,” she grated, hatred filling her voice as she raised the blade, now covered in Montego’s blood as well as her own. “This,” she continued, slashing again from the other direction, “is for my mother. And this,” she continued brokenly, “this is for me. For all the sadness you’ve caused, for orphaning me, for taking away everything that I ever loved or held dear.”

With that last word, she pushed the double-edged steel sword through his chest up to the hilt and let go. The many soldiers around the room looked on, some in shock at what they’re eyes were seeing. None said a word though as they waited to see if the small woman had actually done it.

10-01-07, 03:09 AM
Montego choked.

D... Dirty rat!

The once arrogant lord of Moriah now laid flat against the cold stone floor with a knife pricking at the back of his lungs while a sword towered above through his heart. He could not feel his face nor the grievious wounds sustained. He could not feel his legs, the lower half of his body already numb from the loss of vital life-sustaining liquids seeping through his skin. He could not feel his lips, twisted in a ghastly frown only surpassed by that of his visage.

He could not feel the raging fire of vengeance nor wrath which had been burning vividly in his heart. What was left were ashes and ember, the remains of his former strength and pride to which he held so dear.

All because of a toothpick in his back and a mouse with a stick.

How... How could this have gone so wrong...

Montego lamented with every breath he had left, sputtering pink bubbles from his split face and through the rip in his chest. He was so close to achieving what he had began so many years ago... So close he could almost taste the young girl's flesh against his teeth. So close he could almost feel the weight of all the riches in the land flow up and consume him in a whirlwind of gold and silver. So close he could almost feel the raging flames of judgment eating away the remaining Council of Lords who had opposed him through all those years.

So close... So close...

Hushed murmurs of the mercenaries lining both sides of the room turned into dreaded silence as they witnessed their former employer turn on his side, the cross-shaped laceration literally pulling apart the already enraged scowl of the fallen Lord of Moriah. The Dark Lord, bathed in his own blood, roared at the heel of his vanquisher with pink-stained teeth and crimson fluids flowing from his eyes. A gauntlet hand rose from the pool of red, inching in laborous gasps of its owner towards the heels of the young black-hair princess. Fire danced in the beast's eyes, seemingly fueled by the stream of red which flowed from within.

Wretched girl... I... cannot... die!!!

And as the bloody fingers came forward to grasp the maiden's robes, the flames turned to ashes and the beast went away quietly with the setting sun. With the echoes of his fallen form, the the sound of metal through flesh reverberated in the silent breeze. The billowing black cape swept aside by the wind, the previous King's Sword stood high above the carcass of the Beast in triumphant glory.

Lord Montego was no more.

((No EXP or GP Spoils))

10-07-07, 08:06 PM
Jasmine stared at the corpse at her feet. She had done it. Despite that he was obviously a better swordfighter than her, stronger and perhaps a bit faster, she had beaten him. She wobbled on her feet, barely keeping her balance as she held a hand tightly to the gash in her side. Blood seeped around her fingers, barely slowed by their presence. Grimacing in pain, she turned to face the soldiers and mercenaries gathered in the throne room.

“He is dead.”

Scarcely had the words left her mouth, than she started to fall to her knees. Quick as lightning, Captain Taren rushed forward to catch the falling figure. He wrapped an arm around her waist and lifted her to her feet.

“Presenting her Majesty, Queen Jasmine Matrino of Moriah,” he proclaimed loudly, “Long live the Queen!”

To jumbled shouts of the same, Taren eased her down to the floor. Several other household servants rushed forward while most of the soldiers and mercenaries quietly filed out of the room. Jasmine looked up at them, trying to speak, but her voice was barely above a whisper as she neared unconsciousness.

“He did it...he killed them...mother...father...he...killed...”

At the last, her eyes closed and the queen slipped into unconsciousness. Sure that she was dying, Taren sent for a healer to be brought immediately. A young servant boy bobbed a bow to the Captain and raced off as fast as his legs would carry him.

“We have to get her to a more comfortable place where the healer will be able to work. A few of you go ahead of me and prepare a bed for her. Not the royal apartments, one of the spare rooms. We wouldn’t want to ruin the royal apartments with blood. Fredrick and Tobias, you two clean the queen’s sword and my dagger, then remove the body from this room and get the area cleaned up.”

Done with giving orders, Captain Taren bent and picked Jasmine up in his arms, cradling her carefully so as not to agitate the wound in her side.

((NOTE: The remainder of this thread is being carried out as a solo. many, many, many thanks to AsukaStrikes for playing the villain for me.))

10-07-07, 08:49 PM
Ten minutes later, a woman with long red hair and flashing green eyes entered the room. She wore the robes of a healer and carried a satchel of herbs and poultices. Ignoring the servants and and Captain Taren, she went straight to her patient. Pulling a knife from her belt, she deftly cut away a large portion of Jasmine’s dress and carefully pulled the blood-soaked material away from the wound.

“I don’t like this,” she muttered to herself, then turned to face the servants. “I need hot water, a lot of it, and lots of towels. I have to get this clean, hop to it!”

The servants dashed away, one to the kitchen to get the water, two to a linen closet. In short order, all three returned with their supplies.

“Good, good, now stay out of my way, unless I tell you otherwise.”

Taking a towel, she dipped it in the water and gently began cleaning the wound. Jasmine moaned and shifted at the touch of the cloth, causing the healer to snap at Captain Taren to hold her still. Muttering to herself, the woman worked diligently. A quarter of an hour later, she knotted the last stitch and with a little help from Captain Taren, put a bandage. The cut, though smooth, was long. It stretched from the bottom of her shoulder blade to go diagonally across her ribs and ended in the center of her body, just below the bottom ribs. After washing her hands, the healer instructed that Jasmine be made comfortable.

“I have done all that I can do. She has lost a great deal of blood. That is something I can’t fix. She needs to stay in bed for at least a week, resting.”

“She will live then?” asked Captain Taren.

“I can’t be certain, Captain. As I said, she lost a great deal of blood. Whether or not she lives now is solely up to her body and will power. Now, I have other patients that I need to tend to, so good day.”

Gathering her healer’s bag, she quietly left the room. Captain Taren removed Jasmine’s boots and pulled a bed cover over her. She seemed to struggle to breath and Taren offered up a silent prayer to the gods that she would make it. Moriah needed her rightful queen.

Days passed and still the queen lay in bed, unmoving. Captain Taren began to doubt that his queen would recover. On the fourth day, Jasmine slowly opened her eyes and looked around her.

“Captain Taren?”

“Yes, your Majesty, I’m here. Rest, you have a deep wound, but it seems to be healing well. How are you feeling?”

“Weak and in pain. What happened?”

“Well, after your battle with Montego, you passed out from the loss of blood. We got a healer and she fixed you up. It’s been four days now, we were beginning to think you might still die. It is wonderful to see you awake, Majesty.”

Jasmine tried to nod and soon drifted back to sleep. This time, her breathing was a little steadier. Day by day she grew stronger and the nation took hope in that their queen would survive her ordeal with the traitorous Lord Montego.

Several days later, Jasmine reclined in bed. Pillows had been arranged to allow her to sit up partially, but not completely. The spare room that had been used as a sick room has been rearranged to allow Jasmine to begin accomplishing her queenly duties. First on the list had been the locating of loyal noble families and deciding which of those among Montego’s previous supporters had been coerced into doing such. She also set about rewriting the tax laws Montego had written and arranged for a large amount of money to be given back to the people. She was a very busy woman.

Over the course of the next month, Jasmine set into motion many things that would help her country heal itself, but she longed to wander the world. Try as she might, she could find no one suitable to leave the throne. One month after her defeat of Montego, a tall man came to visit. He told no one who he was, but insisted that the Queen would want to see him. Eventually, Jasmine called for him to stand before her. To her amazement, Eric, the adopted brother she had long thought dead, was standing before her. Overjoyed, the two spent a great deal of time together catching up. In the end, Jasmine convinced Eric to ascend the throne.

At the end of three months, Jasmine descended from the Sapphire Throne and placed her brother, Eric Matrino, in her place. Free now to do as she wished again, Jasmine quietly gathered her belongings and set off into the world again with promises to keep in touch.

((Spoils: no specific items.))

11-12-07, 07:02 PM

Continuity: - 6 I know that this thread is a continuation from something that happened pre-crash, however that doesn’t mean you can’t recap the reader on what exactly happened in the thread up to date. It’s your job as the writer to keep the read informed and not in the dark. I had a one up because, Jasmine, you sent me extra information, but the reader didn’t get that. All you guys had to do was give brief or long explanations in your introduction posts in this quest and it would have completely solved that issue instead of throwing the reader into some dungeon scene where they have little to no idea as to what is going on.

The storyline I enjoyed. Princess reclaiming her stolen thrown has been done a few times over but, heck, it’s still enjoyable and the characters made this interesting. The bad guy, written by Asuka was just great. His maniacal, outrageous behaviour was somehow just so fitting even if it was totally over the top. The ending was something I particularly liked. It was a battle, but not made out to be an epic battle. In fact, Jasmine would have lost if not for the intervention of Taren.

Setting: - 4 The setting came and went in large chunks, I found. Some of you, in particular Jasmine, really went all out in describing the surroundings, while others like Dissinger just didn’t seem to put very much effort into it. Asuka did a very nice job and keeping things constant when playing as the evil Dark Lord, making sure to adds bits and pieces of the setting into every post. Jasmine, you didn’t always do this and sometimes just having a gigantic paragraph describing things isn’t always that great either. Try breaking it up a little, your character isn’t going to notice things all at once so write them as she notices them.

And though most people don’t consider this setting, other characters in the story really do become like a setting from another writer’s perspective. Rainee is mentioned numerous times in the cell scene by both Jasmine, Seth and Montego, however she is not even described until post 11. To the reader she is nothing more than a dark figure that’s just doing nothing. You need to describe things for the reader, it’s your job to make them see the world that you’re envisioning and they can’t do that unless you described it to them.

Pacing: - 6 Due to the way this thread started and the lack of information given to the reader on the previous events, the pacing was a little screwed up in the beginning. It was hard to into the characters and events while being left in the dark, but once that was over it kind of smoothed itself down a bit. It was a lot smoother, though having both Rainee and Seth leave the quest didn’t help much. Seth’s was a little more explainable and made sense, while Rainee’s didn’t seem to fit. You’ll hear more about that in action and persona though.

The ending was good, not extremely climactic, but I still enjoyed it. Especially the part where Jasmine cut up Montego before she finally dispatched him. After that though, you kind of rush through the next three months of her life probably to get the quest over a done with. Some interaction with her long lost brother would have been nice to see, especially since she was giving the throne to him and an explanation on how he wasn’t dead could always help.


Dialogue: - 7 I really enjoyed the dialogue from Montego. He’s a rather cliché character but was played in a way where the writer knew this and actually benefited from it. Dialogue from the other characters was good too, always have to love Seth and his cynical behaviour. Jasmine, there were only a few times that something really struck me with your dialogue, most of being from NPC’s that perhaps you just didn’t have a good handle over personality wise. One was from Taren when he ordered a bed to be made but not the royal chambers because he didn’t want to get blood all over the place. The man thinks Jasmine is dying, would he really care that much about some blood?

Action: - 5 Here’s a good question, he wants her dead, how come Montego doesn’t just kill Jasmine when he initially goes to see her in the jail? That just kind of struck me as odd, especially since he didn’t seem to have any reason to keep her alive. Then there was Rainee. She only showed up for a few posts in this half of the story and then just kind of vanished. I get the fact that she’d been through a lot and was needing to kind of look after herself, but her friend is going off to fight for her crown and the future of her country and well, she just walks away. The explanation is quick and made easy, saying she just can’t put herself in any more danger and then leaves, leaving the reader staring at the computer screen going ‘huh?’

Jasmine’s actions were a little strange as well. Seth tortures her best friend and then when he comes back to plant some evidence she wants Rainee to go with him! I know it’s an rp and you’re using the easy way out, but what character in their right mind would do something like that? He’s an evil, maniacal bastard, stop thinking of knowing the writer and start thinking of knowing the characters and what they’re like. Would you really want your best friend in real life to hang out with someone who tortured them? And speaking of Seth, I know he’s a little on the madman side, but breaking out Jasmine and Rainee just so he can plant some evidence and leave? Seems a little convenient.

Persona: - 6 Persona just really ties into a lot of the actions that I have mentioned above. Sometimes they felt a little out of character or perhaps just a little off. Seth is a strange one, I know this, but would he really free a princess and her best friend whom he’d helped put in such a situation for the sake of framing some pirate? I did really like the part where he mentions she owes him a favour now though. Is it also within Rainee’s personality to just leave her friend to the evil plots of someone who’s clearly killed her uncle and later found out to have killed her parents? Or was that writer intervention just looking for a way out of the quest?

The personality of Montego was really well done though. Asuka, you did a great job conveying him as some mad, psychotic and delusional old man.

Writing Style

Mechanics: - 5 I’m sure you guys have heard it all before when it comes to re-reading your posts so I’m not even going to bother. I noticed throughout pretty much everyone’s writing little mistakes here and there. Jasmine and NekoPrincess, you both need to watch out for repetition. If you use the same word more than twice in one post, especially in one paragraph, the reader will notice and become rather annoyed with that word. Watch your tenses, there were a few times when something was in the present tense was it needed to be past and of course spelling not to mention grammar.

Technique: - 6 Everyone in the thread seemed to have a nicely developed hold on their writing style, though Dissinger really came off as quite rusty. Having read other things written by you, Pat, I definitely know this was not your best though you did try. NekoPrincess also came off as a bit rusty with the character and thus affecting the technique as well.

Clarity: - 7 The mechanics really affected the clarity here and there a few times. I didn’t find myself re-reading the same paragraph over and over again, but of course the wrong tense can throw the reader off. Just be careful and watch out for things like that.

Wild Card: - 6 I really wish you guys had given a brief explanation at the beginning giving the reader the information they would need to completely understand this quest. I had the information in my reach only because Jasmine sent it to me, but I score threads like a reader would. Still, it was an enjoyable read.

Total: 58


Jasmine receives 1,200 experience and 300 GP
Seth Dahlios receives 1,600 experience and 200 GP
Neko Princess receives 700 experience and 200 GP


Asuka, after waking up from the strangest dream in which you were some crazed, diabolical madman intent on taking over some throne in a land you’ve never even heard of. You sit up, intent on splashing some very cold water on your face. After all, that was just weird. Especially the part where you died! Must have been all that Lavinian Ale you drank. But as you throw the covers off something heavy clonks to the floor. Curious and slightly confused at the same time, you lean over the side of the bed and grab the rather big bundle. Resting it in front of you, you begin untying the strings holding the leather in place, as you throw back the final flap of material your breath catches in your throat.

Before you in a finely crafted blade made from Prevalida, it’s slightly blue tint standing out in the lingering shadows of the morning. The entire length of the sword from tip to tip is three feet and four inches. The blade of the sword is plain, but well made nonetheless. It travels straight down from the pommel to the end, growing ever so slightly wider towards the end until it peaks into a round point. Flipping the sword over, you realize the blade is not as plain as you first thought. Written on the other side are two simple words: Sweet Dreams.