View Full Version : When did you first come to Althanas?

04-20-06, 11:28 PM
Althanas has been around for a long time, but when did you make your first visit here? Vote now in our first official poll and notify others of your seniority!

04-20-06, 11:32 PM
I remember a lot of our current high levels being in lower numbers, and the first FQ, which I participated in.

I'm old and need meds and good Healthcare.

Lavinian Pride
04-20-06, 11:33 PM
I remember the last LCC man that was a long time ago...

Cyrus the virus
04-20-06, 11:47 PM
Back when it was the IV.

Would be cool if the other person who voted that could, you know, say who they are. Lame.

And yes, I know how to find out. :p

04-20-06, 11:49 PM
I joined Althanas in February 2002, shortly after the creation of Tanthanas (which happened in December 2001, I believe.) I never saw the IV. From what I've heard of it, I can't say I regret it, haha. But Frank told Madison about Althanas and Madison told me about it, so I joined.

I participated in the first Serenti (our first tournament ever) if that helps.

04-20-06, 11:54 PM
Would be cool if the other person who voted that could, you know, say who they are. Lame.

And yes, I know how to find out. :p
Everyone can find out, goof. The poll results are open :p

In any case, that uncommented vote was mine. I, too, joined in the earliest version of the site back on AllRPG. I believe I may have even joined in day, like, 2 or 3 of its existence. I'm way too veteran for my own good.

The Barbarian
04-20-06, 11:55 PM
I came right before the second major crash when the site was blue. I had just registered and a few days later, noticed the site down.

I still remember who approved me, lol. Valentina. She was crazy, lol. But an amazing writer.

My friend Zero, Zero Hunter at the time, led me here. Pretty cool place I gotta say. :D

Edit: Aww crap, lol. I checked the wrong selection, hahaha.

04-21-06, 12:01 AM
It was either fall or winter of 2001; I keep thinking it was in September, but I think that's just because I link the beginning of high school, 9/11 and starting Althanas all together in my head, since they all happened about the same time.

04-21-06, 12:02 AM
In any case, that uncommented vote was mine. I, too, joined in the earliest version of the site back on AllRPG. I believe I may have even joined in day, like, 2 or 3 of its existence. I'm way too veteran for my own good.

What was your account? I had no idea you'd been around that long...

04-21-06, 12:08 AM
What was your account? I had no idea you'd been around that long...
I believe it was still Serilliant even back then. Though I wasn't terribly active and really didn't start participating IC until Tanthanas and did not participate regularly until I became a part of the staff shortly before the blue form came to life.

04-21-06, 12:20 AM
It was driving me crazy so I looked it up. Tanthalas was announced as a separate board on the Interactive Village forum on October 20th, 2001. Just to put that in perspective for all of you. I must have come on the forum in about November, 2001, then.

Falcon Darkflight
04-21-06, 02:28 AM
I am proud to say I was one of the IV'ers of old. Allbeit undeveloped, I remember those such as Slick Fox, Cyrus (of course), ISOS (Lin in his 'Theta Cannon' era), Pike, Lance, Ganondorf, Riotblade ect ect...this story is six years in the making, brothers and sisters.

And of course, the first Althanas member and my best friend, Fallen Angel. Yup. I know him in the real world, in fact I live up the road from him. For those who don't know him, he was an awesome roleplayer (who eventually killed ISOS I believe) and is now a university grade writer.

Cyrus the virus
04-21-06, 02:31 AM
Pike is the only one that I don't remember, or barely remember. Too bad age has made it so I'll never enjoy RPing like I did back then.

Falcon Darkflight
04-21-06, 02:54 AM
He led the original Red Dragon clan for a short while before:

a) I took over
b) The Legion of Oblivion destroyed us the first time
c) Cyrick finished the job

I've since seen him only once, on Allsquare, but i'm guessing character development wasn't his thing. And you're right, there was an element in it where it wasn't really "planned" like a story but played more like an RPG at the time. At least for me.

Ayithe Solete
04-21-06, 03:11 AM
Although i have been around for a long time, i never sat down in althanas for ages. I used to just read what Falcon showed me as i was on similar sites else where while this all built up. All my accounts in those days were minor and not recognised. Although i can remember right from the beginning with Falcon just wasn't invovled lol.

Falcon Darkflight
04-21-06, 03:13 AM
Roleplaying: The Dave Era.

Cyrus the virus
04-21-06, 03:42 AM
Ahaha. Slick and I merged DBZ-style to make a super-dragon and destroy your entire clan. Good times. Hahahaha.

04-21-06, 04:38 AM
IVer, w00t!

Falcon Darkflight
04-21-06, 04:52 AM
Yeah, good times. Luc Kraus may not have been your character at the time but Canen was mine. Count on me kicking your ass for that one...you owe me a new HQ, asshole ;)

Were you an IV'er, Raelyse?

04-21-06, 04:52 AM
bahumut wannabe, the worse nickname ever. I was 13!

Falcon Darkflight
04-21-06, 04:54 AM
I remember you. Heh.

I remember back in my n00b days when I thought I could summon Bahamut Zero against ISOS. Let's put it this way: I learnt the rules real quick after that simply poor display of n00bishness and it hasn't happened since...

04-21-06, 05:47 AM
I've been here since before the first major crash. 2-3 years, I would say.

Sigh, I'm a semi-oldie.

04-21-06, 06:01 AM
bahumut wannabe, the worse nickname ever. I was 13!

Bahumut Wannabe. Good times!

My screen name was Scorpion, but my character was called Ryushi. I have a Geocities site somewhere which has loads of peoples avatars loaded onto it. I don't know why. I was 13 too.

04-21-06, 06:42 AM
Hmm... Two and something years now, so I guess unlike some of the natives here, I'm a part of the newer wave. I'm not sure whether that puts me before or after the first major crash, but I think I remember the site being down for some time so I clicked before.

04-21-06, 06:49 AM
I joined in January or February of 02, right before they decided to use experience and not just give out levels for good quests.

Falcon Darkflight
04-21-06, 07:11 AM
I was 14 going on 15 when I first started this. I'm 20 in 19 days.

Scary. Where does time go?

04-21-06, 08:07 AM
I was here when it was Tan and that lasted about a week then bam it crashed then was blue.

Falcon Darkflight
04-21-06, 08:35 AM
Bluethalas. I wish we could have the original Althanas skin back, it rocked.

04-21-06, 08:56 AM
I've been here since April/May of 2003... heh. That's a long time I suppose...

Max Dirks
04-21-06, 09:32 AM
Ugh, I joined a few days before Frank (just a coincidence).

My first battle was against Devon and I was declared the winner.

I made Dirks about a month later, making him one of the longest running characters on Althanas.

04-21-06, 09:33 AM
Though it is unnecessary to mention with all the Theta Cannon references going around, I was around (and ran/originated) the IV. Man that place sucked... but sucked in a good way... but not in the sexual good way.

In any event, you know you're really old if you remember the "Cannon" having earlier greek letters.

I remember shooting Falcon. That was the best rules enforcement system ever. Don't break the rules or I will break the rules on you way worse than you did. What are the rules? Don't ask or I'll break the rules on you.

You know you love me, Matt.

Falcon Darkflight
04-21-06, 10:09 AM
Yes. I particularly loathed you at some select points in time, and eventually grew to just hate your character instead. Some of your writing had me reading for hours on end, especially Mephisto's JDA journals, and that was one of the things I liked about you. As for the Theta Cannon, served me right for being a newbie with no concept of roleplaying at the time, eh? I really would like to have an opportunity to get a piece of you in the LCC though.

I hope when Gideon killed ISOS (in a sense), he did it in a manner that would have made the IV proud.

Storm Veritas
04-21-06, 10:50 AM

I'm a baby here. Except for the detail that I'm the oldest guy outside of Godhand.

I was originally a GUAer, and while I still like and respect a lot of people there, I can't access the place (and can't imagine enjoying it again if I could). Came here with the fall of one of their boards, recruited by the now-gone Anubis / Daedric, who was ushered in by Shyam.

Thinking about it now, I think I've been here merely one full year now. Seems a lot longer, with two crashes, down time, and lots of drama, but I don't think it has been. Is this possible? Could it be two years?

I have f*cking brain damage.

Falcon Darkflight
04-21-06, 10:52 AM
Seriously? I could have sworn you had been here for at least two and a half? I'm sure of it...

04-21-06, 10:57 AM
meh i have not really been dedicated to althanas ... my bad

but i was around for the old IV ... yeah that far back

Falcon Darkflight
04-21-06, 10:59 AM

04-21-06, 11:14 AM
I started late March '02, about 3 months after the actual creation of Tanthanas. For those with memory failure I can recall with certainty that the first registrations were Isis, Matt, and another admin from back then on Dec. 29 and 30, 2001. I believe, if the stories told me are correct, that there was something for Althanas on the IV very briefly before the seperate tan forum was introduced.

Anyways... Started late March, was modded late in April, and here I am now. It's been a long time. Redrick brought me here to get involved with the Alerar/Raieara storyline him and Elrundir were working on. Aside from a very few select people I think I have one of the five longest running single characters to. Damn shame I'm on the pace of a level a year, heh.

Falcon Darkflight
04-21-06, 11:21 AM
I started late March '02, about 3 months after the actual creation of Tanthanas. For those with memory failure I can recall with certainty that the first registrations were Isis, Matt, and another admin from back then on Dec. 29 and 30, 2001. I believe, if the stories told me are correct, that there was something for Althanas on the IV very briefly before the seperate tan forum was introduced.

Anyways... Started late March, was modded late in April, and here I am now. It's been a long time. Redrick brought me here to get involved with the Alerar/Raieara storyline him and Elrundir were working on. Aside from a very few select people I think I have one of the five longest running single characters to. Damn shame I'm on the pace of a level a year, heh.

Actually, I believe Fallen Angel was Althanas 'Member' number 1.

04-21-06, 11:23 AM
Holy crap, I found it (http://www.geocities.com/dragonfang_666/avatars.html). See what you recognise, old school AllRPGers. It looks like it was made by a five year old. :)

04-21-06, 11:34 AM
Actually, I believe Fallen Angel was Althanas 'Member' number 1.

Could very possible be the name I couldn't recall.

04-21-06, 11:42 AM
Holy crap, I found it (http://www.geocities.com/dragonfang_666/avatars.html). See what you recognise, old school AllRPGers. It looks like it was made by a five year old. :)

Man you are so not cool.

EDIT: Hahahaha, it has a link to Ochroma. Man that site sucked.

Teutonic Knight
04-21-06, 12:48 PM
I was started here 4 years ago during In the first tan iteration. It seems longer than that though. I remember my first battle with Lengendary Frog it was so long ago and I was terrible and I'am still terrible.

04-21-06, 12:53 PM
God, I've only been here since late July of '05. Makes me a friggin' toddler compared to the rest of you. I'm not telling who my earlier characters were, and anyone who does tell shall fall under pain of death.

Falcon Darkflight
04-21-06, 01:56 PM
Possibly. He doesn't like to be associated with ALthanas though, due to some domestic issues with Matt. Still, not my place.

04-21-06, 02:11 PM
I was here before the most recent crash but was not very active and not very well known. I was just another name in the members list. I think my first time roleplaying was on Allsquare with Raslin (Ayithe) and Falcon. I think ive grown quite a bit since then. If anyone else was on Allsquare say something, hopefully ill remember your or vice versa.

Swing It
04-21-06, 03:31 PM
I came here for the first time when i was in 7th grade, 5 years ago. Man....

04-21-06, 04:40 PM
well the firsttime i joined was when everything was orange/tan, when i was 14. I won't say my name because I sucked a lot. I've been on since, thought for part of the time I wasn't very active.

04-21-06, 08:57 PM
Ahh... tan-thanas.... good times... I guess that kinda makes me an oldbie. Wow... I don't feel like an oldbie next to all these people who have been around forever and are awesome.

I guess it could be that I never write anything... Yeah that might be it.

04-21-06, 09:11 PM
I joined back in January or February of '05, I think. All thanks to Rikah's shameless plugging on deviantART.

Zieg dil' Tulfried
04-21-06, 11:32 PM
2002, I believe just a bit after Thoracis. I remember that my very first character was shot down by Max Dirks for being a ripoff of a character from the Death Gate Cycle. It made me so mad, I was only like 13 or 14 back then. Ahh... I was modded by the end of that year or the beginning of the next, working as a Bazaar mod. I then took over the bazaar, and somewhere in that timeframe Haidia became a reality. Then I left... and came back after like a month or less. Worked as a judge, then became the lovable admin you see today. All in five years.

Swing It
04-21-06, 11:42 PM
Yeah back when I started, I was 12 and...there were three main powergroups. The Red Hand, The Bandit Brotherhood, and.....uh...the tecnology guys.....i dont remember the name. But yeah. No one will remember my first account but it was Matoran. Infact, my last battle with that guy was with Unseen. That was before he had his 15 minutes. :P

Horizon's End
04-22-06, 12:28 AM
I think I must have come not too long after the shift to BlueThanas mark 1 though I'm not sure. I think it was around November or October 2002, does that make sense? I forget sometimes.

04-22-06, 02:16 AM
I'm relatively new, checking in at about the same time as Yamihara and Redeemer/Forsaken/that-suavish-lord-individual/the-guy-who-shall-set-me-under-pain-of-death-before-felling-me, around late May of '05. ^_^o Which, apparently, puts me in the minority. So, to all of you who joined in the days of tan-thanas, enjoy your plurality!

04-22-06, 05:11 PM
If this was the Italian parliamentary election, we Tanthalasians would totally have a contrived majority created by recently passed electoral laws.

04-22-06, 05:30 PM
I didn't read all of the options when I voted as Poetra. ^_^;

04-22-06, 05:38 PM
Like I said, last time the LCC was around, so was I. I remember Level 0 Zephyriah.

I remember a time when Yari was dead and Tye was level 0.

I remember a time when Letho had a Dragon Ball Z avatar and roleplayed with my brother the first time.

I remember when Grim137 was level 0, and Ran with BlightTail. When Scars was still Lysander and was cleaning house in the LCC. Oak and Steel...

When Thoracis was Level 4 and fighting alongside a still then vampiric Wolfetrappe...

Before Jess decided to disappear from the boards for the third time.

When Hashi was the muse...what was her name....jesus was a bazaar mod...helped make Fallien...

When Andy was A level 0 with a broken plasma gun...

When Damon Kaosi was still a snot nosed punk and level 0 (looks like not much has changed eh? ;))

I also remember slaying two dragons...Jesus it was three, two on Diss and one with LP...though to be fair Damon helped wiht one and Nightsangel with the other...

I have more dragon bone than I know what to do with...

The Grey Braves War and how Zero Hunter basically destroyed the tower in a poison the well tactic....

Man, has it been 2-3 years already?

04-22-06, 05:46 PM
...what was her name....jesus was a bazaar mod...helped make Fallien...Starska or something like that maybe? The chick with one arm and one eye. I think she helped make Fallien, but I could be wrong.

Lavinian Pride
04-22-06, 05:50 PM
That was her second account, she had yet another that was a bazaar mod...

Swing It
04-22-06, 09:54 PM
Dude I friggin remember when Yari was only like lvl 1 and i remember that one Frog guy, w/e his name was, who was like lvl 9 er something. some huge number, idk.

Yari Rafanas
04-22-06, 09:56 PM
Tan site, back sometime in 2002. I know I created my livejournal after joining Althanas, as Raelyse was the one to drop me an invite, so sometime before October 2002.

Believe it or not.

And ignore my insane amount of experience, which was gathered throughout highschool when I had no life.

EDIT: Oh yes, Hybrid Frog and his brother were the epitome of powergamers on Althanas. I believe one of them -did- make it to level 9 before the crash.

Well, I have been addicted to the greatest Role-Playing forums ever (the only ones i have ever visited) Althanas!

Usually i will Roleplay as Yari Rafanas and use his l33t B4ndit skillz to whoop on some losers but I have been using the Psycho Tiger Vigilante Tinundra!

My only dissapointment with Althanas is Pyra's inactivity lately... she is slowing down my quest :(

Its so fun playing as a loonie...

Posted the second of october, 2002.

04-22-06, 10:13 PM
Hybrid was certainly a powergamer. He must have completed at least 90-100 some battles. Even if they scored mostly 50's that was alot. He could surely score higher, but he was usually in 8-9 threads at once, all the time.

I remember judging Damon's second ToW battle when he was level 2 and making the comment that he was going to be the next big "star" on Althanas. I remember judging one of Yari's first ever battles. Helping Logan out alot when he first started... Oh, how the time has passed.

Yari Rafanas
04-22-06, 10:21 PM
Actually, you did judge my very first battle against one of Sei's retarded characters. I re-used that battleground in one of my returns to Althanas.

Max Dirks
04-22-06, 10:28 PM
I remember judging Damon's second ToW battle when he was level 2 and making the comment that he was going to be the next big "star" on Althanas.You know what's sad? I remember saying the exact same thing about Thoracis after his first battle in the original LCC. Ah, where has the time gone?

Yari Rafanas
04-22-06, 10:32 PM
If you ask me, the time's gone down the shitter. :P

04-22-06, 11:55 PM
Apparently I was in the first FQ too.

Double Heh. The two other main characters in the FQ are as good as gone. That makes Kade the Hero of Althanas. xD Well, that only comes into effect if Redrick didn't lie about me, Raevyrn and Calintz being main characters.

And that was from myLJ (http://kogmaniac.livejournal.com/2002/09/17/) in September '02.

Sighter Tnailog
04-23-06, 12:04 AM
Ah, recollection. Adam has it right...I joined in Tanthanas, February 2002. Didn't take long to become a mod back in those days.

I started Althanas' first TRUE power group, The Purifiers. We reigned supreme for a while, won a Clan War, then went inactive and got knocked over by Thoracis' Grand Army. Ah, nature red in tooth and claw.

Yari Rafanas
04-23-06, 12:09 AM
Dude, but I pimped it in the Facade and then became famous with my Bandit Brotherhood. I pwn you, Madison.

04-23-06, 12:12 AM
Ice Reavers v. Facade was the best clan war ever. Though Red Hand v. Bazaar was pretty hot, too. Don't see anything that epic anymore, for some reason.

Yari Rafanas
04-23-06, 12:20 AM
Hell yeah, any clan war where Hybrid Frog and myself get a score of 100 is obviously EPIC!

Sighter Tnailog
04-23-06, 01:37 AM
Ice Reavers vs. Facade? Please. Just because it has a lot of sloppy writers making scores in multiples of 10 doesn't make it EPIC. And, speaking as a sloppy writer, I have room to talk.

04-23-06, 08:18 AM
When Scars was still Lysander and was cleaning house in the LCC. Oak and Steel...

Before we were stopped by a demon and a pint-sized Manda.

I remember admining Cesirae with Sajad. I remember Sajad!

And M.I.S.T. He was my first ever battle on Althanas, and I was his. He beat me by a point. I was sad.

If only we could get those guys back. All of the kick ass old school people.

04-23-06, 08:20 AM
Don't forget me slut. You named Kade, remember?

04-23-06, 10:30 AM
I was here around the same time as Culix - May 2005. So I'm now a year older and Murakama crossed swords with legends like Letho and Zieg.

I wonder where Gild is, though... we need to get The Chosen resurrected.

04-23-06, 11:34 AM
I thought TGA vs. Purifiers was good cause it had individual battles plus a Gisela battle between Madison and I that was borderlining on powergaming because of the immense force of our armies. There was song magic crippling units and dwarven priests ripping the ground from beneath the Dome of Purity... Fun stuff. Plus Dirks and Ithy put up what was the highest scoring battle of the time. Ithy beat him 93-92 I think? That was good stuff. The sheer magnitude of the names involved in that was incredible.

Don't forget me slut. You named Kade, remember?

Speaking of sluts, how about Maxine Dirkal or whatever her name was. HAHA!

Yari Rafanas
04-23-06, 11:49 AM
Yari's first large quest took place with Kade, Maxine, and Sorjax. Man, that was awesome.

I was so noob back then.

04-23-06, 12:49 PM
Hell yeah, any clan war where Hybrid Frog and myself get a score of 100 is obviously EPIC!

Yeah, I seem to remember that TSS's scoring was invalidated in favor of scores in the 80's range, so SUCK IT.

Yari Rafanas
04-23-06, 12:52 PM
Yeah, I seem to remember that TSS's scoring was invalidated in favor of scores in the 80's range, so SUCK IT.

Yeah, but the noobies didn't know that. :'(

04-23-06, 01:13 PM
Hahaha uh it was just a joke everyone, that didn't happen.

None So Blind
04-23-06, 08:09 PM
May 2002, Tanthanas for me

04-24-06, 05:00 AM
All these new people come, but they're actually old people! What drama!

Torin Reahkari
04-24-06, 10:59 AM
October of '03, I think. About 6 months before the first crash.

04-24-06, 11:12 AM
Holy crap, I found it (http://www.geocities.com/dragonfang_666/avatars.html). See what you recognise, old school AllRPGers. It looks like it was made by a five year old. :)

That archive of avatars is highly incomplete for ONE REASON.

Oh, forget the attachment. Here's the real deal:


Silence Sei
04-24-06, 11:59 AM
I'm old school. Way back in IV biatches.

04-24-06, 12:05 PM
October of '03, I think. About 6 months before the first crash.

Dude... I fought you with my character Anarchy and you were called Nightmare then... that was a goofy battle.

04-24-06, 12:26 PM
Tan site.

Swing It
04-24-06, 06:35 PM
The Facade! That was it. The 3rd group er w/e. That was back when u actually had to DO something to get into a powergroup or have a certain score. Nowadays its like " We are SO desperate for members that you can just come inside and pick up a free decoder ring!! :D!!!! ".........-_-

Torin Reahkari
04-24-06, 07:08 PM
Dude... I fought you with my character Anarchy and you were called Nightmare then... that was a goofy battle.

That it was...old man. ;)

04-24-06, 10:36 PM
I'm old enough to remember when Torin over there was Taze. Only just old enough, but that still takes me back to Althanas' first blue itteration. I'm a newbie compared to the oldbies and and oldbie compared to the newbies. I just don't fit in anywhere!

Artifex Felicis
04-25-06, 05:49 AM
I think I ended up comeing about a month or so before Damon did, give or take. Enough time for me to make an ass of myself a few times anyway. And around the start of the finals between Yari and Itermoss in the Serenti I belive.

04-25-06, 01:15 PM
I think I ended up comeing about a month or so before Damon did, give or take. Enough time for me to make an ass of myself a few times anyway. And around the start of the finals between Yari and Itermoss in the Serenti I belive.

I think you'd had one battle judged when I first came. You were the illustrious BlackHole at the time, a character followed only by the equally illustrious gbaman.

04-25-06, 05:10 PM
Tan site, possibly before that, although I wasn't an active member.

04-26-06, 06:15 PM

Fen Rirbal
04-29-06, 04:13 PM
First blue site, about three years ago. Haven't been very active for almost two.

Uukan Kimari
04-29-06, 11:02 PM
I was here since the IV.

AH21 convinced me to join Althanas.

04-29-06, 11:04 PM
AH21... bringing you multiple characters for the first time. Wonderful.

Uukan Kimari
04-29-06, 11:12 PM
I feel forgotten. I blame Shadowwalker, since he was never cool.

04-30-06, 02:35 AM
Um, when it opened.

Tanthanas (which happened in December 2001, I believe.)

We started working on it in October of 2001, and had enough material to open the forum to new posting on January 2, 2002.

I joined in January or February of 02, right before they decided to use experience

EXP I think was mid-February 2002, yeah.

I started late March '02, about 3 months after the actual creation of Tanthanas. For those with memory failure I can recall with certainty that the first registrations were Isis, Matt, and another admin from back then on Dec. 29 and 30, 2001. I believe, if the stories told me are correct, that there was something for Althanas on the IV very briefly before the seperate tan forum was introduced.

The other admin and co-creator of Althanas was Ashleigh (Valkyrie), who I believe no longer posts here. We also had some input from 2-3 others...although I can't remember who they are anymore.

Actually, I believe Fallen Angel was Althanas 'Member' number 1.

That's not possible. ;) Technically Pepper was, since he programmed the forum. I don't even remember who Fallen Angel was, though.

I think I must have come not too long after the shift to BlueThanas mark 1 though I'm not sure. I think it was around November or October 2002, does that make sense?

That sounds right, although I thought we had the tan forum a bit longer than that.

Before Jess decided to disappear from the boards for the third time.

She finds World of Warcraft to be THAT enjoyable, it seems.

06-10-06, 12:52 AM
Let's see. I think I either started on IV or tan. Can't really recall. I remember the likes of Blake and Treslizn and we started up the Ice Reavers. The Ice Reavers had a HQ for some time and eventually lost to The Facade, I believe. After that, I reg'd another character, Neo Natiku, who, with the help of MaxDirks and Hawke (two most excellent RPers) conjured up Malice. Ashiakin was in there somewhere too. =P

I also believe I finished third in the first Serenti tournament behind Hawke and Dirks. But yeah, I remember a lot of regulars like Kylin, AH21, Hybrid, Thoracis, etc.

06-10-06, 01:39 AM
Tan-thanas, back in the spring or early summer of '02 with my character Ryan Kale.

I remember Falco, getting into arguments with Hybrid....and then just feeling dumber for the whole thing, and I definately remember some very awesome arenas dreamed up by Logan and myself

11-27-06, 12:24 PM
I was after the blue iteration and before the site...crashed?! Wait, what have I missed!? *hides in a corner*

11-27-06, 12:41 PM
Reply to Seth Rahl: Oh, so much... :P

Check out the News section! :D

11-27-06, 02:02 PM
I remember fighting Serilliant in tanthanas. I slit his throat over a huge pit of flowing lava.

I remember fighting Damon in the ToW, when he was Level 2, and I think that it was Thoracis that judged it.

I remember fighting Zeph in the same tourney, on a rope brigde, and losing.

I remember all the crashes.

I also remember my first battle with this character. I got his head cleaved in two by Dan the Destroyer. :-D

Eliad Drilken
03-05-07, 07:25 AM
I was on Allrpg way back with IV... but never Rp'ed on the IV... When Althanas finally opened I joined it then... It was fun and I made a few friends... not many of which I see here now... unless they have new characters...I just rejoined... my old characters must have "Died" with the previous crashes.

Foresaken By War
03-05-07, 08:01 AM
I was there when it was still on Allrpg... but then we moved and it was the tan edition and i loved it still...... Those were the days... MAKE ME FEEL OLD FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!

08-26-07, 07:37 PM
Uh... yesterday.

08-27-07, 11:49 PM
There was a major crash? O_o

08-28-07, 06:06 AM
Well~ Just for your information, there had been three major crashes so far.

The first was in 2003, methinks. That was back on Tanthanas. Then there was the 2004 Crash on OldThanas and the latest being The January 2005 Crash.

Don't worry, there won't be a Fourth. Any more than a Trilogy and you know it gets old. :p

((I was here just before the 2004 Crash and lived through the latest one, so I could be wrong with the years it happened.))