View Full Version : The Necromancer's Lab. (Treasure Hunt/Closed)

07-16-07, 04:29 PM
((Moderator note: Gol'bron Quest/Church of Ethereal Sway Quest. Takes place sometime after the events of here; The Endles (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=5938)
and here; Reestablishing what was lost. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=5803)

The Gol'Bron's territory expanded now. Where once stood an encampment with a few small structures and several tents now stood a small town. Some of the original Red Hand structures still stood to this day withstanding the test of time. The original Red Hand members built their land well. Somewhere lurked the secrets of the Pandemonium's Fist. Currently, leaders of the Gol'bron attempted to establish the location of the Pandemonium's Fist from the original members of the Red Hand. Such information lost in the sands of time, a memory just like the ancient Ithermoss now became. Some members of the Gol'bron wanted to rebuild the glory days of the original Power Group. Other's didn't care much. The boy, the young Immortal named Lorenor V'halkulus was one of those members. Trapped forever in a paradoxical loop, the boy seemed like a curse on the very existence of Althanas.

Night after night, the boy trained with the Monks of the Order, allies to the Gol'bron and most of the constructive organizations of Althanas. Lorenor progressed greatly in the past few moons after months of holding himself back at the calling of some other force. Night after night, the boy eagerly waited for the next step in his path to something he called The Glory. Maybe what he sought was a philosopher's stone of sorts. A fool's quest with no end in sight. Still though, it compelled the boy to seek adventure and challenge himself to accomplish greater deeds. Somewhere on the brink of insanity and lawful evil, the boy worked to complete his own goals. Nodding towards some of the workers of the Gol'bron, Lorenor already fulfilled most of his tasks for the night. Hearing about a caravan heading out towards Salvar the next night, Lorenor decided it was appropriate to go to one of the main tents and investigate the matter further.

07-16-07, 09:41 PM
Salvar? Wasn't that the place that people called a frozen hell and the humans there were cold hearted monsters that made their fellow man their playthings and worked them in the snow until they froze to death.

Okay, sorry for the Hyperbole. But really Salvar isn't the nicest place in Althanas. It is really cold and they did have slaves as their number one import since they couldn't beat Alerar in the trade of minerals and metals so I am kind of right.

But even then I decided to go to Salvar. Somehow it might have been some silly move but really; I grew in Haidia and that's no sweet spring day and what could be so bad about the humans. Well the thing was I had heard that there was lots of adventure there and who better to claim the treasures than myself.

Having decided I found the perfect way over there, a Caravan running out the port on the mainland to Salvar where I could find my adventure. Of coarse there was a few things I would need, like coats and the like but it wasn't that cold and I could get some from the merchants in the caravan.

It would be a noisy trip with all kinds of animals and the most common were angry and shaggy mules that could take the cold of Salvar. All I could do was hope that the trip would be safe and quick and reach my goal when the real adventure would mean riches.

07-17-07, 10:21 AM
((What we spoke about on AIM will be provided to us by the Merchant's caravan okay dude? So don't sweat it))

Seeing the group of wagons already entering the Gol'bron territory, the boy seemed surprise at how efficient the check-points in their territories were. He noted that everyone did the jobs assigned to them so now it was high time he contributed something to the group besides a financial donation given to power group's coffers earlier in the month. Running his hand through his tightly cropped dread locks (They ended at approximately waist length) the boy moved towards the caravan and one of the members of the group approached him noting the symbols of The Gol'bron on his cloak. Lorenor wore all leather now, a leather duster jacket, a black shirt, and a leather cloak. The outfit was baggy so it could improve his movement in stealthy and dexterous tasks. A gruff man of Salvarian origins nodded to Lorenor and the boy nodded back.

No longer acting on his own, the boy knew he had to keep the Gol'bron motives and rules at heart at all time. Out the corner of his eyes he saw a familiar form hitch a ride on one of the wagons and smiled. If she was up to no good then perhaps he could convince her to join him in the current job he was going to undertake. In the meantime, he showed the man an official parchment from the Church of Ethereal Sway. The man went wide-eyed and nodded immediately offering Lorenor whatever accommodation that the man could. The boy nodded gracefully. Though a servant (Currently at least anyway) of N'jal, that didn't mean the boy had to be rude. He shook the man's hand and hid the official parchment in his packs moving towards the position he saw Tyria sneak off into. Entering her wagon, the boy looked for her noting that this was one of the supply wagons.

After sometime, the caravan prepared itself to embark on a few day's journey to Salvar.

07-17-07, 10:34 PM
Hey I wasn't sneaking in to steal the food! I just needed some time alone and the supply wagon was the best, covered and left alone, the guards didn't worry about people in the convoy but just those that were outside and I was allowed in for some with a bit of fuss and begging from a few heads and have to keep an eye open and help with some labor since it was hard to find basic laborers to go to Salvar and they were desperate enough to take a girl along.

And being the odd one out meant I had to take an occasional ribbing, nothing bad, just the kind of joke like tying my tail to the wagon or filling an empty barrel with rocks before making me load it. I had to take the silly abuse in stride though I couldn't hep but get sick of it.

So instead I went to the supply wagon to be alone and think a little. Just needed a break and maybe a snack. I was feeling a little hungry but taking food without permission was not going to get me in good with the people. At least they couldn't throw me in the ocean where I couldn't swim back to land.

So I ended up sitting on soft bag of flour and was thinking and almost ready to doze off but then someone entered.

"Oh!, Hey! Hi! I was just checking to see if everything's secure and ready to go." I jumped up and blushed with a nervous smile and a tail whipping behind. The man was one I didn't notice and that probably would mean that I was screwed.

Until I saw who it was.

"Lorey?" I asked seeing his face and recognizing it from one of my first adventure in Haidia. He looked pretty bad back then in nothing but rags but now he was sporting well made leather. Perhaps he was working on a rags to riches story and was just on a stop before Silks. "Hey, do you think that you can't tell anyone. I'm not stealin' anything but if they get the idea I was being lazy I might not be able to live it down." I felt a little more at ease with a familiar face even if it was an enigmatic one. "So you going to Salvar too?" I asked wondering if this strange man was going to be my ticket to adventure as well.

07-17-07, 11:15 PM
"Sit down." The young immortal commanded quickly. Though he wasn't a superior officer to her, he knew the girl still had quite a bit of hardening up in her personality to do. Sitting in front of her in the wagon he nodded off towards some unseen people and closed the entry curtains behind his person. The boy eyed Tyria for a moment. He found her as attractive then as he found her now, truly a blessing in disguise. The Endless guided him to her person once more and the boy was not one to deny blessings in disguise.

"I'm not here to rat you out. I'm here to offer you work."

The boy said as the caravan started suddenly moving northward to Salvar. Feeling the sensation of the wagon moving around him, the boy felt his person shake a little bit. He contained the feeling well however. The intensive training of the Monks of the Order, hardened the boy greatly. Out the corners of his eyes, Lorenor saw the thick hide coats that the man outside mentioned. He assumed that it was one of the Gol'bron representatives to Salvar. I'm glad that I joined this outfit now, they will be a great benefit to my plans. The boy eyed Tyria waiting to see how she might respond to his words.

"Besides, I like working with you. You're quite clever. Unlike most. I would prefer having your company since it involves a treasure hunt of sorts anyway."

07-18-07, 09:52 PM
Yeah it probably was a give in that he wouldn't go yelling to the guards that I was hiding in the large storage wagon. Lorenor was strange man but he wasn't a traitor or a lapdog and would keep my secret. I took a seat as my nerves relaxed and my tail twitched away some excess energy as I heard him out.

Another job. That brought a little excitement into my tail, the last adventure with the strange man was one that was well worth it. A smile crossed my face. "Sure I'll take the job!" I was very eager since this man seemed to know all kinds of neat things out there.

I thought the flattery was a little strange, I guess I was a good person to work with and maybe even a little clever but it had an odd feeling to it. Maybe it was just me trying to make something simple into something more but in the end I blushed as I almost forgot that the wagon started moving.

"So umm what's the job?" I asked as my curiosity was perked and I really wanted to know what I would be doing, especially if it had to do with treasure.

07-18-07, 10:18 PM
Lorenor listened to her for a moment, letting her ask her questions. He only knew what the mysterious parchment told him so he decided to be as brief but business-like as possible. The boy carefully thought about the words he wanted to choose for her. Normally uncaring as to what he said to others, around her he wanted to be more careful. He considered Tyria to be an ally more so than any other member of The Gol'bron with few exceptions. The only other people who had such sway on him were perhaps Ranger Nailo, Nocks, and maybe Witchblade. (All though Lorenor currently wasn't aware of Witchblade's enrollment into the Gol'bron)

Lorenor thought about their adventure in Haidia. She'd been a source of logic and remorse where the boy had none. Admittedly striking a natural balance between to polar extremities of himself and the lad named Crum. The boy closed his eyes remembering for a long moment, and then spoke. She'd eagerly followed him then and he was certain that she'd follow him now despite the danger of their current quest.

"In Salvar we are to go to the Cathedral that lurks there. St. Denebriel's Cathedral. A certain individual will meet us there. I am told that we are going to investigate the lab of a Necromancer. There is some object that he stole from the Church. We are to take it back for them and eliminate the Necromancer if possible."

07-21-07, 06:42 PM
"Hmm a necromancer. This should be fun!" I smiled at Lore as my tail cut through the air. It was easy to ignore the thumping and bumping of the wagon going across the rocks when I could think about all the expensive stuff the necromancers have. Magic wands, staffs, talisman and all kinds of magic goods that would fence a pretty penny.

"You know you have me!" I had pretty much decided a long time ago that I would join him. Lorenor might be a hard guy to trust, but I knew better from the last time and there wouldn't be a fifth wheel either.

Well with that settled I decided to take a chance and liberate a piece of jerky from the supplies. I kind of forgot that it might not look good to be eating the food when not at meal time but I just had the urge to nibble something. Pulling the piece in half and offering the other to Lorenor, I sat and ate the piece of meat. I really enjoyed the slight fire it put on the tongue from the spices and I guess my stomach was going to start whining if I didn't.

"Seems funny that we keep meeting." I mentioned in between bites of the jerky. "It's like the fates are playing games with us."

07-21-07, 07:24 PM
Accepting the gift of the jerky, the boy preferred the taste of animal meat to humanoids at anytime of the night. Most importantly, the boy really disliked the tastes of what he liked to called Sapiens, in other words, the humanoids of Althanas besides the ones that seemed darker oriented. For a moment examining the texture of the jerky, the boy imagined what type of animal or monster the meat came from. He took a deep inhale of the meat smelling salts and other spices on it. Judging by the texture, the jerky seemed like it might be days or even weeks old. The boy wanted to laugh.

Still though, he didn't want to be rude to Tyria. Taking a bite of the jerky, his powerful teeth chewed upon the meat with great ease. Feeling the tough texture of the meat he was surprised at how good it tasted. He was also surprised at the fact that he felt hungry. Finishing the tasty jerky, the boy ripped off another piece of the meat and ate that as well. Revealing a voracious appetite, the boy ate until he ate his fill. He handed Tyria a piece of the jerky every so often as well hoping she'd take more. The meat tasted very good to the boy. A bit of honey lurked on its surface as well. At some point the meat was probably roasted. The boy let silence linger for a moment as he felt the weight of the caravan around his person.

Finally he talked after swallowing a piece of the meat.

"Life is a game Tyria. Outside forces play with our destinies but I say the Hell with all of them. We are in control of our own lives. You chose to be in that wagon today and I chose to accept this mission. Though to tell you the truth I like working with you. You are a capable partner. You and I have many similarities." The boy said calmly. He prepared himself a mug of some nearby cider of some sort of fruit. He kept his eyes on Tyria the entire time intoxicated by her scent.

07-21-07, 11:28 PM
Well it seemed that the jerky was a good idea, Lorenor really took to eating the stuff and even gave me a little as well. Figured that I was hungry enough that more jerky would be fine and even some fruit and cider. No one was going to miss it.

"Yeah, a game." I smiled and nodded with Lore's statement. "Guess the best we can do is have as much fun as possible and try not to be too dumb about it!" I swished some of the spicy cider that had the burn of alcohol about it. "Wow this stuff's good. You know it doesn't have that bitter taste that all the other drinks have." I poured some more down my throat and then let out the sound that is the universal language for good drink.

Then it happened, the world had finally taken a noticeable jerk in the climate, after the steady and pleasant downfall, I felt a shiver start at my tail and work it's way up before stopping and my skin tense and filled with goose bumps. "Hey guess it just started to get cold. Maybe we reached the border." I shook a little and grabbed some furs. "I wonder if they'll start to wonder where we are and start weaving some rumors." I giggled as I imagined the tough folk gossiping like children.

"I hope we won't get in trouble. I hear that they make troublemakers walk a ways without boots."

07-22-07, 03:38 PM
North-ward bound now they started passing through a commonly used passageway leading to Knife's Edge at the end of the trip. Traveling through the mountains the bordered along Corone's top-most edge the temperature indeed started to drop. The caravan was roughly 40 wagons deep. Several hundred individuals (All wearing furs of some type by now) manned the caravan following different sets of duties. Present in the security detail lurked a few members of the Corone Rangers. Each of the pilgrims searched Salvar out for various reason. Some fled the Corone's lurking Civil War, others seemed like prospectors of the wilderness, others were criminals escaping the law, and still others returned to Salvar to visit family and friends. Ironically, the boy (Despite a mission from the Cathedral) sat somewhere in the latter group.

Once, many life-times ago, the boy ventured into Salvar and emerged a hero of the local peoples. Having helped to reign in an army and take control of a political situation, the boy vanished before any due claims might be passed onto him. So the boy's house rested without a master. Moving from his position so that he could sit next to Tyria, the boy attempted to wrap his arm about her person seeing that she got cold now. Being a Haidia-born did all kinds of havoc when one entered cold areas. Already seeing steam clouds forming in front of his face, he was thankful for the warmth in the wagon

As far as the wagon went, there was enough ceiling height for the two of them to stand up and not hit their heads against the ceiling. The wagon was a very spacious utility tool at about 50x50. One side of the wagon was filled with large crates containing supplies of all sorts. Near to the two rogues, sat a food stash, and a few barrels of the strange cider. Also several extra hide coats were available for those who needed it. Lorenor took one and wrapped it about his person before moving to Tyria.

Almost immediately, the warmth of the hide began to fill him to the core. He felt for a moment that he was in the intense heat of Haidia's wild caverns, the lawless lands. The boy felt Tyria's warmth as well. That added to his own and he let her words linger in the air between them for a time. He reached for his mug once again and took several more sips of the sweet cider. It might be a few nights before they made it to Knife's Edge. They may as well enjoy the trip the boy thought to himself.

"You do raise a valid point. What did you have in mind?" The boy finally asked her, staring her deep in the eyes with his purple gaze.

07-22-07, 09:48 PM
It was strange to feel Lore come next to me and hold me in that fashion, it was probably for warmth but it seemed gentle and had some other feeling to it; I really enjoyed it too. It was one moment when I could feel someone holding their body close and I can't say how long since I had been held this way, maybe it wasn't since I was a kid.

I couldn't resist the urge to wrap my tail lightly around his leg and smile at Lorenor. He wasn't the handsomest devil in the world but being lightly held was something I really enjoyed. 'just for warmth' I reminded myself with a blush.

Then again it was way too short. I would have preferred riding in the wagon like that all the way to Knife's Edge but we couldn't stay there all day. It was surprising when Lorenor decided to pick out one of the furs for me and even drape it on my shoulder. It's so nice to have someone wanting to do stuff for you.

"Well I really don't know." I replied to Lore's question. It wasn't like there was a lot to do in the caravan in the first place. "Maybe we can do some scouting and explore a little. Maybe even beat them to the city!" I smirked with a good natured mischief that showed how bored I was with the caravan.

07-22-07, 11:50 PM
Closing his eyes and taking in her scent, the boy thought back. He wished he could remember things he'd done in past incarnations of himself. Some of the villagers of the Gol'bron told him all kinds of stories about his past. Some of them were probably just old wives' tales, but others had the subtle ring of truth to them. They said to him once a man named Lorenor went to Salvar and did a great thing for that nation. He held her to him, feeling the pressure of her tail wrapping itself around his calve was an odd sort of thing. He didn't mind it much though, it felt rather pleasant.

Remembering some of the stories he'd heard from Salvar's wilderness he thought that working it alone probably wasn't the most brilliant idea. The wild contained its own dangers, but from the elements, and from local monsters that lurked on the ice-field stalking prey. Lorenor shifted his body weight so that he held his mug in his hand, re-filling it with that cider. She was right about one thing--there wasn't much to do but wait it out. The further North they went, the colder it got until finally, someone activated an artifact inside the wagon to keep anyone (And their supplies) warm.

"I don't think scouting alone is a good idea right now. Once we reach Knife's Edge we need to get ourselves an escort and some hired help probably who knows the way to our destination. Its not advise-able to travel across the snow-field on our own. Especially at night. Some of the predators there are very dangerous. Just as dangerous as the Spider-Magi in Concordia Forest." The boy said and thought about his future as a potential Spider-Magi. The thought made him shiver, or perhaps was it the cold? "Besides we have each other's company. I'm sure there's something we can do to entertain ourselves this entire trip." The boy saw her blush and grinned with a mischief of his own.

07-23-07, 11:20 PM
"I guess you're right." I pouted in disappointment as I heard his warning. The people of the caravan were pretty dull and exploring would be more fun but then again there were always monsters that would eat lone travelers at night.

"So what do you have in mind?" I perked up on the fact that Lorenor had some ideas for fun while we wait for the caravan to arrive at Knife's edge. It was a little bit of hope that kept my heart steeled against the threat of boredom.

Why do humans have to be so dull when they travel. All they really do is walk and talk about the weather and grumble and moan and yell. It's just not too interesting when the hairy mules were better company but at least Lorenor was there and he was someone I could trust. I wagged my tail for bing glad to have a friend along.

07-24-07, 11:00 AM
Feeling the warmth from her person helped the boy out with his own warmth as swell. Soon he started feeling heat but knew it was pointless to take his set of hides off. They felt heavy around his person but with some adjustment he was able to move about with his normal agility. That would be crucial for the battles that awaited them. He noticed that Tyria had a certain comfort zone with him which made the boy feel strange. Was this what it was like to feel happy? The boy wasn't sure but at the presence of the Devil-girl, The Endless sang songs of elation.

That in itself felt like a strange thing. It seemed as if they wanted the boy to partake of Tyria. He looked at her for a long time holding her against his person and feeling her warmth. They still had a few nights of travel left and it might be better for them to get to know one another. The boy stared at her for a while longer feeling his inexperience with the opposite sex. He blushed furiously, his dark skin taking on a slightly lighter complexion. The boy looked down at the floor of the wagon. He wanted to kiss her but was too scared to.

"I'm so very new at these sorts of things. I've never been with anybody before so I don't know what to do." The boy confessed that in an odd sort of gentle voice.

07-26-07, 05:18 PM
It seemed we weren't going to come up with anything to do at the moment. None of our ideas were any good so it threatened to leave us bored until the end. Lorenor was acting nervous and shy for some odd reason.

"What, you never been bored before?" I asked before my brain could think. "Oh, sorry! I um didn't know..." He was thinking more of me than I thought he would. It was a bit um strange but it was the first time someone ever wanted to romance me.

"I guess it's tough to have a date here, not much to do. Well maybe we could kill some time until the city, there we can have plenty of options for something." I smiled and wagged my tail before placing a short kiss on the cheek.

His cheek felt a little chilly but it wasn't very surprising in Salvar and I wondered how such a date would go. Were we really meant for each other? Would we make each other happy? It was hard to say we hardly knew each other.

"Maybe we should just take it easy until then, maybe nap or see what everyone's up to. Knife's Edge isn't too far." I was a little nervous about it, it was my first date too.

07-26-07, 07:05 PM
And suddenly, the boy landed himself a date. Looking up at the canopy of the wagon the boy felt the tension of the moment. The Endless were strangely calm now offering advice of a union in their typical musical way. The boy felt nervous and excited all at the same time. Her being close to his person made him feel warmer, but it was a different sort of warmth.

With a blush to his face once she kissed him on the cheek the boy admired her aggressive nature. He still wasn't used to being romantic around others but liked being himself around her. He didn't have to pretend--not that he ever did pretend. Still, the situation was a pleasant one and she was a capable warrior in her own right. Their adventure with Linden Crum proved that. The boy frowned thinking back to the enemy he made that night.

Quickly pushing his thoughts aside, the boy wanted to focus on the moment at hand. Once they reached Knife's Edge things might heat up for them all. He'd heard Necromancers were quite dangerous and this was a particularly notorious enemy of Salvar.

The boy pulled attempted to pull her close with the intention of letting her rest her head on his chest. He moved his hand to the small of her back, or at least attempted to wanting to massage it. His face went from grim to calm in the span of a few moments. He had no idea what to make of the event so he took another sip of that strange cider, he decided that he liked the juicy cock-tail.

08-10-07, 10:48 PM
It seemed the we were bent on doing nothing. Lore simply held me close and I let him. It was nice to feel his semi-warm body's subtle movements as he caressed me. It was so nice to feel this way as most males never bothered with Charm and I had to loose them or make them not want to come for me.

It felt nice but rather strange to be putting off any sort of work, we were supposed to be working or something like that but we were putting it off. It was also a bit dull being stuck in the wagon and holding each other as I'd have to wait until we reach Knife's Edge before having any fun.

How could these caravan merchants stand this.

"I hope you don't mind but I kinda just want to fall asleep right now. All our other ideas seem to be a bust so I'm going to sleep, maybe you should to." I giggled before I closed my eyes after being so blunt.

I dreamed of blackness with endless eyes, watching and waiting. Everything was so cold and I shivered as they watched my naked form. Being Nude never felt so vulnerable to me before but against these eyes I had to cover myself and wish that I had something, anything to cover and protect myself. I must have whimpered in my sleep.

08-11-07, 02:02 PM
He liked her bluntness. It contrasted his own shyness about the opposite sex and he'd never even thought of a relationship since his return. His life always felt like one that was constantly on the go. It wouldn't do in a relationship where one might settle down. These thoughts haunted the young immortal for a time while she slept in his arms. He held her close to his black heart. He noticed that her sleep was troubled and she whimpered from time to time.

She's probably having nightmares. The boy moved carefully to pour himself another cup of that cider he liked so much. It warmed his body adding to the heat he felt from Tyria. Occasionally, he attempted to rub her belly.

Hoping that might serve to calm her down. Lorenor knew by the time she woke up, they'd arrive at their destination already; Knife's Edge. That's where Lorenor's contact awaited with the rest of the information they needed. For the time being all Lorenor had on his person was some documentation about their target. The Church of Ethereal Sway had many enemies. The Enforcers like Lorenor took care of the problems that the Cathedral couldn't handle on its own. So far, the boy worked his ways up the ranks trying to one day reach the higher echelons of power and influence. A successful assassin by all rights, the boy worked quickly to meet his goals.

Looking down at Tyria while she slept, he went to move a single strand of hair that touched her beautiful face. To the immortal, her beauty was accentuated by a fractured psyche. In some ways, her small size made her that much more attractive to the young immortal. He knew that they shared similar plights since they both were anomalies in their own right. Even though the boy already memorized the documentation so far, he pulled it out again and re-read the letters sent to him from the Church of Ethereal Sway.

His current employers...

************************************************** *****


Jerrod Striker wasn't a native of Salvar. No. Instead he was a criminal wanted in several Nations. His dark skin-tone suggested he might be a native of Fallien. Extreme weather conditions made one wonder how he ended up in Salvar in the first place. A man of medium height and build, the Necromancer stood at 5'6" in height. His build suggested man weighing at roughly 140lbs. He had broad shoulders and a slender waist but wasn't very muscular at all. His trade demanded that he keep his hands free and liberated so he can use the various machines around his twisted laboratory, he appeared more like a mad scientist. The man wore black robes completely covering his person. Leather safety gloves, constantly cleaned, covered both of his hands and kept them from exposure to some of the harmful chemicals in the lab. Jerrod wore square spectacles that hung low on his sharp nose. His hair was a tangled wavy mess cropped low to his skull suggesting a man who rarely combed it. His hair had split ends.

Jerrod had gray colored eyes. His skin-tone was slightly darker than the typical native of Fallien. Atop his robes he wore a safety apron, and on his face, in front of his glasses, stood a large pair of safety goggles. First and foremost, though the man was a Necromancer, he considered his personal safety first. Certain elements of his experimentations required him to wear a complete safety suit. So far he wasn't working on much this day. Deciding to take a break, he went to his servant. The strange GOLEM warrior that he met many moons prior. Wearing his natural body, the Golem stood at approximately ten feet in height, clearly one of the newer generations. He was composed of sleek, well proportion body parts. His CPC visible upon his chest, colored green. The Golem was outfitted for Engineering. Hence, the advanced nature of the machines in the laboratory. The Golem's shell was colored a sort of brown color to contrast against the black of the laboratory.

Outside it was cold, but inside the lab things were hot.

08-17-07, 10:37 PM
I can not recommend falling asleep in a Wagon even if in the arms of a friend. I was even more tired than when I fell asleep and even worse, my back was stiff. Moving was like trying to bend a steel spine but much more painful. Still it was time killed.

And it was worth it for I heard the men of the caravan calling out orders and loading. All the boring time was killed with sleep and dreams, nightmares really but still it was over and went much faster than awake.

I stretched a bit and realized I was still in Lore's Arms and he was still the whole time. "Thanks, um... I think we should get going, they're going to be in here soon." I smiled at the odd man and got off of his lap and swished my tail while rubbing my eyes. "It wouldn't be good if we got caught." I took his hand and quickly went towards the door.

"My my, what do we have here?" A tall and stern man with a poorly shaved face stared me in the eye with his arms crossed like an angry ape. "so that's where you were! Slacking off the whole time."

"Hey! I wasn't slacking off, just keeping rats out of the food. Well now that we're here, I'll take my leave." I waved and stuck my tongue out. Sure I wasn't going to get paid but I had enough and it would be chump change anyways, a beautiful and skilled adventurer could do much better.

Once the man stormed off I grinned at Lorenor. "Finally, we can have some fun. That was really dull."

08-18-07, 12:07 PM
Surprised by the girl's strength, she nearly yanked his arm clean out of the socket! It was all that he could do in order to maintain a grip on his documents from the Church. He needed to keep everything in place so that nothing ended up lost. Such attention to detail made the small warrior an ideal puppet. The sights Lorenor saw were quite different from his native Corone. The moment they crossed the threshold into Salvar territory, the temperature dropped considerably. Lorenor felt grateful for the thick hides keeping most of the cold out of his person. He was also grateful for the thick leather he wore.

Lorenor quickly stuffed his documents into his travel packs, but not before making sure everything was in order. A snow-flurry fell from overhead in a straight line. The cold in this place was biting and Lorenor saw a frost cloud developing before his nose. He saw the town of Dagger's Edge protected by the archaic forced native to Salvar's people.

He hoped to one day gain enough influence within the higher echelons of the Church's power to obtain such knowledge himself. They were on the outskirts of Knife's Edge. Well known as a rogue's city, the boy prepared himself to become more business like. A time to "have fun" might come after they met up with their contact. Lorenor shot a glance quickly towards Tyria, his partner in this mad quest.

"We'll have time." The promise of a reward made Lorenor's heart race as he thought about what Tyria might have in mind for him. "We can explore the town after we've met our contact. We'll only get one shot at doing this right you know? Let's make a good showing of it. The faster we complete this task the higher my employers will pay us. I'll split the money with you fifty/fifty." Lorenor said moving his arm away from the strong girl. He looked down at his thick hide boots kicking at some snow for a moment grateful that they weren't anywhere near the notorious ice region.

The boy looked at the fortifications of the city. He saw a thick wall surrounding the huge town. Warmth generated from the city touched the air around it creating a strange sort of visual illusion. An aurora of energy touching the sky above the town. Lorenor guessed some mysterious power worked at this location to create such an energetic reaction. The aurora had a green, sometimes yellowish hue to it.

Lorenor shivered despite himself. The lights from the town lit everything well and above, Lorenor could see a thick blanket of clouds to block out any potential sunlight. Though, he was thankful that everything was dark anyway outside the town. Night fell everywhere. He looked at the sky for a moment, snow falling on his face and imagined where the Dark Mother's prison might be in the position of the stars. He looked over to the caravan and saw that they were already preparing themselves to continue to head further north.

Outposts lurked out there on the cold, unforgiving land that needed fresh supplies from Radasanth. Lorenor took another look at Tyria and decided once more that she looked incredibly beautiful. He nodded towards her and started walking through the thick snow waving towards the caravan's men once on the way. He was grateful for being an undead, his corpse like body could take a lot of physical abuse without much strain. He walked through the snow, hampered some, but not weighed down. Layers of snow already fell upon his person and he somehow knew that Tyria would follow him into the depths of hell.

Somehow, a strange sort of comfort rested with that fact.

08-18-07, 06:16 PM
Outside was cold and getting even colder as the gray sky would simply grow a darker gray and even when the sun set they wouldn't go black and just keep to an iron gray color. Knife's edge was cold but there was something that the place was famous for and I had an idea...

But business came first and Lore already was offering me a cut down the middle for helping him with his business. It was nice of him, most people wouldn't give half a cut if it was their idea; I know I probably wouldn't. It was tempting to try and squeeze some extra money out of Lore but then again fifty percent would be the best I could hope for with the nicest of guys.

"Alright, so where's this contact?" I asked while following his foot steps. "He better not be some crazy person." I smiled and started to take in the sights and sounds of the snowy city. The place was a city of light and shadow, everywhere was either lit by a lantern or pitch dark. The scent of the place was subdued by the cold and making Knife's Edge on of the best smelling cities in the human world. To think that in summer it probably stank so bad that outsiders would have to hold their noses.

Of coarse there were places that would smell better and I wanted to head to one of them as soon as Business was concluded. Lore would do well to follow me, for he really needs to warm up a bit in more ways than one.

08-21-07, 12:31 AM
Stopping his trek towards the custom's area of Knife's Edge, whatever passed for a custom's area anyway, the boy pushed onwards through the snow. They were still on the outskirts of the city, not quite in the city wall itself. On the bank of snow several tents and small shelters were erected to resupply caravans making their way further North. Lorenor was glad he wasn't joining any of those groups this time. The snow came in from the East.

Making his way through the deep snow took some effort, and the boy fell down a couple of times. He helped himself up each time with great difficulty. Already, snow caked inside his thick hides. Lorenor shivered as he made his way towards the check-point traveling the couple of yards from the caravan's position. He took a glance back at the caravan wishing they were heading back towards Radasanth. For a moment, he wanted to flee from the scene but the thought of reward made him want to persevere.

Soon, after a few more stumbles through the snow, the boy found himself upon the check-point into the city. He looked back once to be sure that Tyria was still with him. The nimble footed lass might fair better than he. He looked up at a man in a small structure with a gate covering a window sized area. The structure was made of some metal that Lorenor couldn't readily identity.

"We've been waiting for you. The Church already told of us of your arrival with the Caravan." A burly Salvar man said. "Just move along and enter the city, try not to fall down too much on the snow." The Salvarn said with a jovial smile. Lorenor nodded and kept going past the check-point area. The young immortal made his way into Knife's Edge, slowly, but surely.

08-24-07, 12:08 PM
The town was rather easy to get into. That silly check point seemed to know Lore and let us through without much a thought. I'm sure it'd be better than to be searched, girls tended to get more thorough and undignified methods of detection. So I was quite relieved that we had little trouble getting in.

Well it was a little odd really that we didn't have much trouble the whole way. I mean even the caravan should have gotten angry for us simply lounging around and eating their food and drink but nothing came of it.

I smiled at Lore and wondered what he was doing to get such a nice treatment. "The Church, eh?They seem to be pretty nice to us. I guess if you were human they'd give you a private carriage with satin seats." I turned a grin. "I hold you to the promise of fifty-fifty."

The nice thing about being in such a cold place was the lack of people at night. Only the guards were out and about, complaining about the cold. I'd complain too but it was the time to find out what this job would entail. "So, which way, partner?" I asked hoping it wouldn't be long.

08-25-07, 01:12 PM
Lorenor didn't seem to notice any special treatment he was getting. He only hitched a ride with that caravan through his Gol'bron connections. The rest of it seemed like pure luck to the creature. Still though it was odd that the check point guy let him through. He noticed that much and looked back at the so called security area. It seemed fairly vacant compared to what passed for security patrol inside Knife's Edge.

For a city where everything and anything went, Knife's Edge seemed well patrolled at all times. The fiefs in charged of Knife's Edge provided enough funds for a decent security force. Somehow, the political situation here reminded Lorenor of Haidia. The guards lazily patrolled while certain things, like slavery, was allowed to go on underneath their very noses. People in the right places were paid off by the various factions of thieves in charged of this area and Lorenor felt a sudden urge to join one of these gangs for even more protection in Salvar. Lorenor already obtained the beginnings of a small fortune but in time that might grow steadily. He always took mercenaries jobs like these.

Lorenor's senses were bombarded by the sights, smells and sounds of Knife's Edge. He was impressed that groups of people were still conducting business even at this strange hour of the day. Looking up, Lorenor was glad that the thick layer of clouds, forever passing overhead, blocked out the sun completely enveloping Salvar in a sort of eternal night. Such a place seemed ideal for one like Lorenor who had to hide from the sun. Remembering where he had to go from a previous visit to Salvar, the boy made his way towards one of the many shady tavern establishments. Even with an artificial control mechanisms in place to keep the snow out, snow covered the floor, several inches thick.

Overtime, Lorenor got used to walking through the thick pile of snow. His legs struggled as he hiked. The buildings in this particular district of Knife's Edge reminded him of Radasanth's Slum District. Architecture in Salvar completely revolved around the desire to stay warm. Buildings were made out of a kind of combination of iron and steel. Kept shaped in a sort of off center cube, each of the buildings housed several floors and several apartments on each floor. A single building might contain several different families living within them. Either permanent or temporary residents.

Knife's Edge had a well placed social structure. A sort of constant tug-of-war for power was in place by the various gangs and sects that controlled most of the power. The local police encouraged such an outlaw mentality but punished those harshly who allowed themselves to get caught. Lorenor found the structure he was looking for, a Tavern called The Gorgon's Eye. He slipped a few times on the way there knowing that Tyria followed. He ignored her reminder about splitting the reward money with her. He already made the promise to his ally, there was no need for a reminder. Though Lorenor was a greedy bastard, he was one who kept his word.

Standing in front of the establishment, he looked upon it for a long moment and waited for Tyria to catch up. "We're here." Lorenor said. He found it strange how comfortable he felt in Salvar. He rarely got lost and seemed to know quite a bit more about the land than he really should. It was almost like he'd been to Salvar in a past life...was that even possible?

Lorenor would find out soon enough.

08-26-07, 11:16 PM
Oh it was so nice to get out of the cold, even if the haven was a dive going by the Gorgon's Eye. The tavern was the kind that hid the stale smell of booze in glasses and booze on the floor and booze in the human enzymes on the floor. But the people who came there didn't mind, it was the smell of comfort that they would soon be to drunk to care about what was going on.

As for the real use for taverns that sophisticated folk use them as a meeting place to discuss things legal and legal unless you get caught. A great use since most people won't listen in or remember or care or figure out what your discussing shouldn't be discussed.

But I wouldn't be part of the discussion. Lore would probably of welcomed my help but I just really felt it best to keep quiet... Unless Lorenor would do something foolish like accept charity work or take a pitiful offer, and that would never happen. Lore was too clever for that.

Well unless he was confronted with a cutie like me.

"Um Lore, I'll get some drinks. You find your man and talk what needs talking." I really wanted to stay out of the way in this part of the deal, nothing stiffens a man's will like ganging up on him.

I smiled, winked playfully and went to the bar. "Umm, mister? I want two of your finest, one for me and a friend."

"Alright little lady, but no complainin' if you can't take it."

"I won't complain, but I won't clean up the mess either." I taunted with swish of my tail while placing some gold down as payment, sipping the mug. "Not bad, though not too strong for a little lady."

I was glad to be warm again and the warm drink helped. I was going to wait and see what Lore was going to do while I held my drink. It was time to just wait and see.

08-27-07, 11:51 AM
Entering the seedy tavern, Lorenor allowed his memories to awash themselves in his mind. They called forward, guiding him from the sea of his consciousness. As if he's done this sort of thing before a million times over again across many life-times, the young immortal simply knew what to do. He followed his powerful instincts and allowed his eyes to scan the crowd. He lowered his hood drawing a few gasps from the gathered patrons and some glances of familiarity. More and more, Lorenor got the feeling he'd been to Salvar before on many different occasions.

Quickly, this journey was becoming a journey for answers. At some point during his observations, Lorenor found the individual he sought. The man waited patiently in a table directly on the Eastern most section of the tavern. He sat closest to a well insulated window. Lorenor adjusted his hide cloak and made his towards the man quickly. He placed a hand upon the table receiving flashes of a previous engagement. Removing his hand, the man looked up at him and smiled. A typical Salvarn man, the lad had well defined check-bones high in nature. A powerful set of eyebrows crowned his intense deep blue eyes. The man had a mane of thick, brown hair. He wore all white to better hide in the snow-field. The man had a thick beard. Without quite knowing why, the young immortal whispered a password. "You are they one they call The Whisper?" Lorenor asked.

The man nodded. "Sit down." The man said. He gestured with a large, powerful hand. Salvarns had well defined foreheads. This specimens' hair ended mid-back and was tied in dirty dread-locks. He spoke in a gruff and deep accent. The accent was made even more noticeable thanks to the particular Knife's Edge dialect. Lorenor nodded and sat down opposite the man staring him in the eyes. "You of course know that the Church will disavow any knowledge of this meeting should you fail or be caught in anyway what so ever. No one will come to rescue you, do you understand this matter?"

Lorenor nodded. "I do Whisper. I was made aware of the negotiation process when I signed the documentation."

"You're the only Assassin we're aware of that's ever signed the entry fee more than once." Whisper said much to Lorenor's surprise. "Once you're done with the mission you know the procedures."

"I am aware." Lorenor said, the thought of the huge pay off much more than he could bare at this moment. "I am to bring the object back to the church should I be victorious." Lorenor pondered this for a moment, his partner went to go get drinks. "The target is a rogue from Fallien correct? Would this not cause political turmoil?" Whisper seemed amused by the question. "You think too much for an Assassin. You should be thinking about the Mission, not matters that the Church worries about. You're still a low ranking Enforcer, don't forget that Lorenor." The man said, comfortable speaking the small warriors' name and looking into those glowing eyes. "You don't have very many privileges. You are still on a need to know basis despite your involvement with us in the past." Lorenor nodded once more to this. A waitress came by, Lorenor waved her off since he eyed Tyria getting them drinks anyway. She politely moved away from their table since Whisper already had a Pitcher of some sort of drink in it already in front of his person. He took a sip of the contents of his mug. "Good drinks in this place if you know the selection well."

"I don't want to talk about drinks, I want to talk about the job." The boy suddenly shot in the general direction of the Salvarn warrior, a hint of annoyance in his voice. He didn't like the political games played with himself and now, Tyria's life. He felt like he'd had this same conversation numerous times with Whisper before. "Get to the point Whisper. I didn't go to the trouble of leaving Corone to come all the way out here on a social visit. You know the importance of my job as well as anyone so cut the crap." The young immortal said not bothering to hide his emotions.

Whisper seemed genuinely taken aback. "My apologies. I was merely trying to make the severity of this situation more pleasant for the both of us. Its not enjoyable for me to send promising Acolytes off to their deaths. I like to try to get to know each of our Assassins before they go off to their errands you know? But you're right I've already wasted too much of your valuable time." Lorenor made it a point to have Whisper replaced. He'd complain to the Cathedral's rulers once the mission was done. "Do you have the documentation for me?" Lorenor snapped, already irritated. Whisper sighed and produced a package handing it to him. "I implore you not to take the mission, he is a Necromancer." Whisper stated.

"I'll deal with that." Lorenor said unable to hide his frustration at this point.

"Very well. You've accepted this job then. You will be paid upon successful return of the Object and the death of the Necromancer. You must bring--"

"What do you take me for!? A damned fool!? I know the bleeding procedure already!" He hit the table hard causing it to shake. He definitely didn't appreciate the incompetence of this man. Lorenor was being thrown towards the fire by the Cathedral and this man was trying to make idle chit-chat. This frustrated the boy to no end. He stood up suddenly as he the table and snatched the package out of the warrior's hand to a look of shock as a response. "I am going to petition for your removal Whisper. Your lack of competence is a stain upon the Cathedral. You've forgotten YOUR place as an informant!" Lorenor yelled knowing he had more weight with the church than the Informant. Many people eyed the argument by now casually, but Lorenor didn't care anymore. He waited for Tyria to return with their drinks. "Do you have the object I was promised at least?"

Whisper quickly produced another package and handed it to Lorenor. With that, he got up and quickly left the tavern not bothering to pay for his drinks, the small warrior would take up that tab as well. Lorenor saw the look of fear in Whisper's eyes after the outburst. Good. Taking several deep breaths, the small warrior took the package with his promised artifact, and placed it in his travel packs. Lorenor eyed Tyria for a moment, frustration etched all over his face. She brought him a sense of comfort. If the Cathedral planned on feeding them to the wolves, they could at least send competent agents.

Dark Temptress
10-16-07, 02:44 PM
It was gently snowing. The kind that slowly drifted down from a grey sky and danced until it hit the ground, covering it in a pristine white. She loved this kind of snow. When the wind never truly blew too hard and the air was just a little warmer for some reason. It was so much nicer than the biting winds and harsh weather that lay outside of Knife’s Edge and the protection that was afforded to the city, so much nicer than the weather around her great estate. Being a native though, one she say she was more than used to the harsh weather of Salvar. There were just times when she wondered what the heat of Fallien would feel like against her pale, porcelain skin, or what the great forest of Concordia would be like to walk under. But those were simple daydream fantasies. One day she would actually visit those places, a day when her father could no longer stop her from visiting those places.

Her father was the main reason she had not graced Knife’s Edge with her presence for so long. He made such journeys as this complicated due to his many questions and though A’rai was very good at manipulating people and lying to them, she wasn’t a master at it. After a long period of questions anyone would be able to see the holes in her stories, the little slip-ups the occasionally happened and the short pauses before her answers as she thought them through. Which was why she loved it when her father went away for long periods of time on business. The estate would be completely under her control. She could come and go as she wished and no one ever questioned her. She could also incite whomever she wanted over to the warmth of her home, and her bed. The servants were all smart enough to keep their mouths shut about the things that went on when her father wasn’t around.

Now was one of those times that he was away. Three months. For three months she would have her freedom for her father was travelling to Fallien and Alerar for some potential trading. While he was gone, he’d charged her with starting to search for a suitor, but she wasn’t even going to waste her time with such a distasteful task. She was going to use and enjoy every minute to it’s fullest however, which meant meeting up with one of her contacts to see if he’d procured anything for her. After all, occult books, demon summoning in particular, were not something one could walk into a local bookstore and request. Meeting up with her contact, Kalan, also required tracking him down and unfortunately the man was being especially elusive today. She did have one other place she knew him to frequent though.

Taverns were nothing new to this seductress, but that didn’t mean she particularly liked this one. The clientele were not the kind of people she regularly associated with, in fact she tried to avoid them. Warriors did make great lovers from time to time, but the men in seedy back water places like this only boasted to be warriors but were usually nothing more than scum and sometimes murderers, even for hire. They were the reason she did not travel alone to Knife’s Edge and instead brought a few of the more competent servants with her, not that they followed her steps. They stayed where they needed to, out of sight.

With her black skirt dragging in the thin layer of snow on the ground, A’rai approached the familiar and worn looking door to the tavern, with it’s grimy and barely see through windows. Expelling a pent up breath that left a trail of mist in the air, she wrapped her black-gloved fingers around the handle and pulled. The first thing she noticed was how dark it was inside, darker than outside, though overcast it was. The second thing to assault her senses was the smell of ale; sweat and tobacco, though not smoke clung to the air. It was imprinted on the very foundation of the building. Should it ever change to something else, it would still smell like alcohol, sweat and smoke. Once inside, the heat caressed her like the welcome touch of a lover.

Holding her head high like the noble she was, A’rai swept her way through the tables as if she were on the dance floor. Her every move graceful and perfectly executed like she had been taught growing up. With the slightest of a smile pulling at the corner of her lips, she pushed the cloak covering her away from her body and over her shoulders, to drape down her back. Then she slipped onto one of the stools at the bar, right beside a man with a thin build and sandy brown hair that badly needed a cut. Not to mention a face that could use with a shave.

“I thought it was customary to offer a lady a drink.”

When the barkeep moved towards her, she waved him away with her hand. Despite the words she had spoken, she would not drink anything from the glasses in this place.

The corners of her lips turned up as the man turned towards her and nearly choked on whatever substance he had been forcing down his throat.


“It’s been a while, Kalan.”

10-16-07, 03:37 PM
((Moderator note: Tyria dropped this quest))

Lorenor realized he was alone when his companion didn't answer to his call. He sighed. He now had to do the Cathedral mission by himself, something he was trying to avoid. It was then that he noticed a powerful scent wafting up his nostrils. Above the scents of booze and smoke, the ghoul detected a powerful feminine scent. A scent of sensuality. Lorenor turned his gaze as he felt the presence rather than actually saw her.

Sticking out like a sore thumb, the woman was out of place with all the ruffians in the group. He observed her actions for a long time. She spoke to a man he never saw before. Her blood flowed through her vessel with the promise of satisfaction. The ghoul shivered with pleasure, not cold. He turned away from A'rai's person for a moment keeping his gaze at the table. He didn't have to stare at her in order to detect her. His senses could do the rest.

She was a woman above all other women he'd ever seen. Porcelain skin, intense gaze, flowing hair shimmering in the low lighting of the tavern. The ghoul closed his eyes as he thought about her. The scent was powerful and almost overwhelming. He wanted to get close to the girl, but he would have to wait for his opportunity. Currently she was engaged in conversation with the man who was her current companion. Anxiety in the air. Lorenor sensed a sort of fear touching the air when A'rai showed up. He pondered eavesdropping on the conversation but decided against it.

The woman seemed formidable and he wanted to gain her trust. He didn't know why. It just seemed like something to do. He needed a companion for his Assassin's mission as he was going to deal with a Necromancer. Lorenor knew he was an Undead and Necromancers oft had their ways with the undead. Lorenor considered the possibility that he was heading to a suicide mission. The ghoul drank from the goblet in front of him feeling a substance that felt heavy and bitter. It smoldered his throat reminding him of what magma might taste like.

Lorenor regretted taking the drink but it relaxed him at the same time. Once the fire passed through his veins and touched his belly, warmth passed through his system. The ghoul thought about what he needed to do next, that was ride out into the snow field and locate the Necromancer's position. He looked at the various documents that Whisper had just given him. His eyes re opened to better study the text within the documents.

Dark Temptress
10-16-07, 04:15 PM
She watched as Kalan cleared his throat and ran his dirty hands down the front of his dirty top coat thinking that it would somehow improve his appearance. It didn’t, but she decided that even mentioning the way he looked would be pointless. The man was not exactly in a position to take care of himself after all. He probably lived in squalor and went from one job to the next barely scraping by but always having just enough coin for the ale in front of him. Perhaps if he put his money to better use besides alcohol, he would not always be like this.

“It certainly has been… my lady.”

A formal greeting from him for once, how nice.

“I-is there something I can do for you, today?”

She hated it when he stuttered. It showed just how nervous her presence made him feel, which it should. He was after all a person beneath her and he should feel privileged that she even chose to associate with him. Then again, there were times when she wondered how some of the members Of Kings and Shadows could think themselves above these mere peasants when they acted worse.

“I was hoping you’d have a few items of interest for me today. After all, it’s been so very long since the last we saw each other…” She ran her gloved finger up his arm as she gave him a coy smile.

His face started to turn a deep red colour; one that spread across his pale skin from his ears across his cheeks and down passed the collar of his shirt. A’rai had never done anything with Kalan before, maybe if he cleaned himself up she would considerate it. After all, he wasn’t that bad looking but he didn’t take care of his body and she wondered if he was even experienced beyond the women he probably paid to share a bed with for a few hours. She liked her men to know what they were doing. She only played with the boys when she wanted something from them.

Once again, his voice faltered. “I-I’m sorry, my lady. But I don’t… I mean, I know it’s been a while.”

She held a hand up to silence him. “No excuses, Kalan, just tell me why.”

“Well, it seems like the man I normally find these…items for you has left Salvar for fear of prosecution from the church.”

The church was really beginning to annoy her.

“I’ve been trying to find other avenues to get these items and did come across something. Apparently there’s some foreigner who has a great wealth of knowledge in the occult, I don’t have much information on him…but I will find out for you.”

Of course he would, she paid him well after all.

“Thank you, Kalan. I will be in touch with you again, soon. I hope you’ll have something for me then.”

Producing a black pouch, A’rai extended her hand and placed it on the counter in front of Kalan. There was more than enough money for him to live comfortably for the next month, perhaps two if he let it stretch. With one last smile and caress on his arm, she stood and headed towards the door, her boots making the slightest tap tap on the wooden boards as she moved.

10-17-07, 12:49 PM
((Short post))

Completely on an impulse, Lorenor decided that it was best not to allow the girl to leave. He wanted to recruit her to his side. The ghoul saw a potential about the seductress and a darkness that clone to those perfectly formed shoulders. He wanted to get close to her. He felt a desire that stemmed from his greed to get to know the girl. Possibly, he wanted to take her as his own. The ghoul walked over to her after a moment passed.

He couldn't help but overhear the conversation between herself and that man.

"Wait. Dear lady you shouldn't be so quick to leave. An opportunity to obtain some of the things you seek might just be staring at you right in the eyes right now. I have a proposition for you. You seem to be someone of adequate skill and who knows her way around Salvar. I am hoping that I might convince you to come along with me on a task? I'll pay you if you like." Lorenor said boldly trying to muster his confidence just enough so that he could talk to such a beautiful lady.

Dark Temptress
10-19-07, 04:37 PM
A’rai was not usually one to pause and take notice when those talked to who she did not wish to associate with. However, the way in which she was addressed did still her feet for but a moment and then the words that passed through this man’s lips did indeed did fruit of thought to her. He was requesting her help for some task she doubted she could give much help in. She was of a noble birth and whatever skills he saw in her were nothing more than pure manipulation made easy by the lust and greed of men.

Turning to face the…man, A’rai gave him a quick assessment without giving away any of her thoughts on her face. He was dressed in nothing more than rags. They clung to his skin like dead flesh, making him appear much bulkier than he actually was. She could tell by just how thin and frail looking his arms were. But he was disturbing and distasteful to her eyes, not to mention he reeked of death. It was a smell that she would recognize in any place. Most people would think it nothing more than a fetid odour, but she had summoned enough demons to know that, that stench evanesced from them like a perfume. And his skin, it was grey like the skin of a corpse not to mention his eyes they weren’t human, or at least nothing like any human’s eyes she’d ever seen. Just what exactly was this creature? Still, no matter what he was she wondered just what exactly could he have use of her and what did he promise in return. Her services were not for free.

“But, my lord,” She practically purred at him, “what kind of payment could this lady ever lust after, when she has all her needs taken care of.”

He might actually look much better if he dressed himself a little nicer. Not in the pompous, outrageous outfits that some noble men thought fit to wear, but a nice suit with simple lines and a few layers to give him greater girth. He was not her type though, besides the smell that came off of him was not exactly something you could mask. Unless of course it came from those filthy clothes he was wearing.

“Is it not polite for a man to introduce himself when he speaks to a lady and to not be so cryptic.”

A’rai did not have time for games and the proverbial beating around the bush. She wanted to know exactly why he was disturbing her, unless he was nothing more than another brigand intent on stealing whatever money she possessed and perhaps a little more than that.

10-20-07, 12:16 AM
Like some creature from a forsaken abyss, the thing stood there for a moment trying to be quick on his feet. His chest rose up and down steadily with each breath he took. He stared intensely at the girl for a long time as he memorized each detail of her perfect stature. She was a thing of beauty and due to the nature of his greed, lusted for her. Keeping himself under control, he focused on the task at hand. I have to keep her attention if I am to secure her employ. The task that I am performing is far too important to be denied a companion in its completion. This task must be done.

"Dear Lady." The ghoul began. "You truly honor this ancient specter with your humbling response. But you are correct in implying the importance of haste. Forgive me oh lady." He took a gallant bow. "My words will be swift and my proposition daring. What I seek is a companion to help me infiltrate the laboratory of a famous Necromancer 'round these parts. The Necromancer is rumored to own many trinkets and objects of archaic power. I am personally after the Necromancer himself for a reason I cannot divulge. If you were to join me dear lady, the rewards might be rare and powerful artifacts of great archaic origin."

Lorenor said calmly. I hope I've said enough to convince her. The ghoul thought calmly to himself. He doubted his personal ability to sway the girl's heart but he needed help. His previous arrangement abandoned him at the last possible moment due to cowardice. He knew he couldn't afford to be wrong twice. Lorenor looked around the tavern briefly seeing the various pairs of eyes staring out of shifty eye corners. Lorenor felt lecherous eyes upon his person as ears hungrily overheard their conversation like jackals in the darkness. The ghoul felt anxiety at the situation as he hoped beyond hope that she would take his bait and he could be on his way. "I can also pay you for your time." The ghoul offered as a last ditch effort to secure her companionship.

Dark Temptress
10-22-07, 11:42 AM
Twice now he had mentioned paying here and yet still he was being cryptic with exactly what he was going to pay her with. Once she had asked and still no answers had slipped passed his lips. He was being too mysterious, she didn’t like it when people dodged her questions and he had yet to even give his name to her. The only thing he was trying to bait her in with was a promise of pay, but she had no use for his money. Could he not see the way she was dressed, money was of no issue to her. The idea that this Necromancer he needed her help with had apparent artefacts did intrigue her. A’rai needed more occult information and her contacts were not being able to provide it for her. But what exactly were these trinkets to her? She knew not how to use them or what powers they may possess. She was nothing more than a seductress who practiced demon hunting.
She turned her gaze away from his form as brushed it across the tavern. The tables, stained and falling apart, the worn floors, rotting and decaying slowly from within themselves like the patrons who slowly killed their bodies with alcohol. Their eyes were observing them, hungrily, as if waiting for some opportunity she did not see. This was why she hated places like this.

She was growing wary of this place and annoyed with him. He was playing on her words and thinking himself coy, but she used words as weapons. He did not have such an ability within him. He was too much a wraith of a man.

Without showing her growing irritation she addressed him once more, “Do not be coy with me. I do not have time for this. Play not with your words and tell me what it is you want of me for surely no money you could have within your possession would be enough to pay me. Do I look like I need it?” The words were harsher than the tone spoken in.

A’rai was beginning to grow uncomfortable in the tavern. There were too many people taking notice of her and too many ears straining within the growing silence for her liking.

“I take my leave…”

Her eyes were not on him when she said this, but those who listened in on their conversation. If he truly did have need of her, he could follow her outside.

Turning from him in a flurry of black material, the seductress quickened her step and left the uncomfortable warmth of the tavern for the cold outside.

10-22-07, 09:21 PM
Impulsively, the ghoul took her invitation and followed her outside. The matters he needed her for were much too sensitive for the riff-raff of the Tavern to hear. When they were outside Lorenor continued to press her. His words, so far, had little sway on the seductress and he was hoping to bait her with something. Anything. I'm not purposefully trying her patience, its just there's only so much I can reveal about the matter at hand. I don't want her to think this is some sort of elaborate hoax so I'll have to improvise with her. She seems like someone who is wealthy. However, I highly doubt she keeps her purse with her. She seems like she hurries way too much for that.

Lorenor was learning a great deal by observing the maiden before him. Once he was outside he looked at her carefully and dropped the front he'd put up for himself. "I'm going to be straight forward now that we're alone. I need your help to infiltrate the lair of a famous Necromancer of these parts. He's a ways off from Knife's Edge. We would have to go on Wolf-Back or some other means of travel. I can pay you 400Gold out of my own pocket to accompany me. You can keep whatever Artifacts you find that interest you. A Necromancers' laboratory is bound to have some interesting things all around it." Lorenor said keeping himself calm. He was certain that she didn't have 400 Gold on her person.

He could at least pay her for her services.

Dark Temptress
10-24-07, 06:40 PM
Four hundred Gold pieces to help him infiltrate a Necromancer’s laboratory. Did he think she was suicidal or just plain stupid? A’rai was not a warrior, she was a noble and though she did not always act like one, she did not prance around pretending to be some great fighter. There wasn’t even a single weapon upon her person. Just where did he get the idea that she could help him with such a task? Surely, hiring a mercenary would be much better suited. Besides, the money was nothing to her. She mad more money than he could ever dream of, and the paltry amount he was offering her was less than what she spent on a single dress.

“I do believe those eyes of yours deceive you, I am not a warrior and I do not have a death wish.” She was tired of dancing around with words and he was not helping her. “I’m afraid that I cannot help you with this task, what you seek is something beyond my ability and your ability to pay me. I do not risk my life for others.”

With nothing more needing to be said, the seductress turned and began walking away from the strange man.

10-24-07, 07:34 PM
((Change of plan, I got a partner to complete this with.))

Lorenor's jaw literally dropped to the ground. He couldn't believe what he'd just witnessed. She's willing to pass up that kind of money? Unthinkable! Even if her family IS wealthy, she certainly doesn't have money with her. I guess I have no choice but to do this task alone now. Lorenor was angry at the way things were turning out. The snow danced about his person making the moment somehow colder than it really was. Lorenor watched the seductress for a time until she became a tiny dot on the horizon. We'll meet again another time.

He walked in the opposite direction heading towards the riding wolves' stables as he prepared himself to venture out into the ocean of snow. He'd been rejected and that hurt the ghoul deeply. He couldn't believe someone would turn down such sums of money. He shook his head as he walked towards the Wolves' stables. Lorenor paid for his wolf and a guide through the snow preparing for the long trip ahead. He didn't like the idea that he was going to be virtually alone, but for the most part he kept himself busy with the business at hand of readying his wolf.

12-15-07, 07:38 PM
This week was turning out to be pretty amazing. One minute he had been searching for some rare plant life when all of a sudden some random group of thieves decided they wanted to try and score a quick meal out of his wallet. Of course Dino was not going to allow that to happen, and would have had fun taking care of the group, and even more experimenting on them. Unfortunately, things turned out a bit different. He found himself and the thieves here, in this frozen over place. He learned quickly that they had some how ended up a few months in the past, and seeing as the 'lost boys' were in no way willing to cooperate with him, he spent the last couple of days in deep research.

Genbu was still back in the future (and yes, Dino had to stop and think about how weird that sounded every time it crossed his mind) and was probably sleeping, the lazy bum. With little else to do at this point, Dino decided to do some exploring. Being here was probably bad enough for history, so finding something that may have already been taken in his time would be useful if he ever got back. There was always the possibility that this was just a different time line or dimension, so finding something might have no effect on his world, but then again it was not like he really gave a damn.

He had already eaten, a good amount that would even keep his hunger silent for a while. He had also decided it was best to hide his face to if he ever did make it back to his time, none would recognize him from now, it would probably work out best this way, there was no need to make enemies of people who would grow to be much more powerful during his time. He decided he would get one of the riding wolves he had heard so much about and try to cover more ground. It would probably not be as spacious as Genbu, but maybe some what faster. He had already acquired clothing for the freezing conditions, though he would be able to fair well enough by raising his body heat a few degrees. Dino came to the stables, noticing a familiar face, if not a bit different from his most current, or rather, would be current sitting of the creature.

12-15-07, 11:32 PM
A strange scent touched Lorenor's nostrils. He sniffed it in carefully and looked in Dino's general direction. With his glowing eyes narrowed for a moment the ghoul decided that Dino might be more willing to go out on an expedition to the frozen tundra with him. Letting the stable boy take the job over of preparing the riding wolf, Lorenor approached Dino with hope in his black heart. Many people have already come and gone why should this one be any different? I sense something about him though. The stable was filled with trained wolves of various sizes and weight types. The smell of wolf filled the air, but Lorenor was able to discern the scents within a certain circumference of his sensory grid.

The stranger's scent didn't quite smell like Salvar should. It smelled like Scara Brae smelled. Bits of Corone were mixed in as well. This stranger doesn't hail from Salvar at all, does he? Maybe he won't be so quick to abandon a decent paying job. I'll try my luck hiring him. Lorenor observed that Dino was looking at him. Walking over to the stranger, Lorenor decided it was best to introduce himself. "Hey there. I'm Lorenor. I couldn't help noticing that you were staring at me. I'll be right to the point. I have a job that I think you might be suited for. I can pay you five hundred gold out of my pocket for an expedition out into the tundra. There is a Necromancer out there that is of great interest to me. If you could accompany during the trip, I'd appreciate that. I could use an able bodied warrior by my side. This Necromancer is causing trouble for the locals. I was hired to turn him in if at all possible. What do you say?"

Lorenor said and extended his hand out towards the youth. He waited for the young man's response.

12-15-07, 11:59 PM
"Oh no you got it all wrong, I am no warrior..." Dino said with a nervous smile, though this would not be apparent due the the clothing he had covering the lower half of his face. It was Lorenor after all, though Dino had little doubt that it had not been. This could prove some what tricky, but he did need the money, and like he had decided before, he did not care about the time continuum. "But I guess I do not have any other plans, or a rich enough pocket to turn down such a well paying job." A Necromancers laboratory sounded interesting enough any ways. Though the dead or other wise were not exactly his preferred subjects, those cryptic lunatics always had the best toys at their disposal, so it wouldn't hurt to check the place out.

"I do have a question or two though if you don't mind me asking." Dino said his tone a bit more serious. He had deepened his voice after a slight cough and a bit of a sneeze. He knew Lorenor's keen senses well enough and thought it best that if he ever figured out how to travel back and forth through time and could harness that power, then he would rather have people not recognize him. He was not able to change his appearance, and his hair was some what of a trouble, but the snow had covered enough so as it seemed to be pure white, that and most of it was hidden under his clothing.

"What exactly is it that you plan to do with the Necromancer, and how is he bothering the locals? And while I am on the subject, who exactly hired you for this job if you do not mind me asking?" He had hoped that the questions would give him enough time to come up with an alias for himself. He was horrible with names, and he wanted something that would be useful from the point on as he obviously couldn't use his real name. Time travel was a tricky art, he knew that much, and he was not going to exploit knowledge of such an ability with so many power hungry psychos running around Althanas, especially knowledge that he truthfully did not have.

12-16-07, 12:24 AM
Hearing some well placed questions momentarily put Lorenor off guard. He thought about the answers and considered them very carefully. He was going to divulge information critical to his mission so he needed to be quite selective about what he was going to say next. With a cold draft entering the stable, the ghoul looked to the doors for a moment, eager to get on his way. Then, he returned his gaze to the young man before him. At least he's not a braggart which is good. I could definitely use a fellow like him. What do I do? Do I tell him the whole truth?

With mixed feelings about the situation, he decided to go straight out and say the whole situation at hand. "He's bringing people back from the dead. People who ought to stay dead. Now normally I don't involve myself in such scandals, but his activities caught the eye of my employer. I work for...Damn what do I tell him?...a client who wishes to remain anonymous. Its part of my contract with them. Sorry I can't say much more than that. But I can say this...I intend to kill the Necromancer."

12-16-07, 12:37 AM
"Good enough for me." Dino had to admit, his response to Lorenor's answers surprised even himself. It was obvious in his tone that he did not care at all about what Lorenor had said and the speed at which he responded, it would fool any one who was listening, well Dino liked to believe. It seemed he was playing this new role rather well, though he still felt like he was acting a bit to much like his own self, that and he had yet to come up with a name for this new identity of his.

"If you don't mind, I would like to use the necromancers instruments after we are done with this job. I promise I will not be brining any dead back to life, but his knowledge may be useful in my own work. I am uh......currently working on something for a wealthy Lord, and any thing this necromancer of yours may have in his possession could be useful to my cause. Of course if you have any problems with this, then I understand." His tone was a bit more polite this time around, maybe even a bit to polite for the way he had spoken earlier, but he had also increased his sneezing, so it was possible that the ghoul would just believe him to be getting over a slight cold.

12-16-07, 01:18 PM
With the contract settled, Lorenor nodded to himself. It was a breath of fresh air to see someone willing to take on any job like himself. Thinking about the lad's request for a moment, it seemed like a fair deal. Lorenor was planning on looting the Laboratory himself so why not split the rewards? He was sure there would be objects that were useless to him anyway. Anything Thayne-related is mine though. He wanted to voice that out loud but decided against it as it would reveal too much about the mission. He desired to keep things as simple as possible. After all, he was ready to assassinate a public figure.

"Fair enough. Whatever is not useful to me that catches your interest is yours. By the way, here is your gold. I can give you half now and half when we complete the job." That seemed like a fair way of doing things. Removing an empty pouch from his travel packs, Lorenor quickly removed the gold from its secret location on his person. He used steady hands to ensure that nobody saw where he was removing the gold from. He was constantly weary of thieves. Placing all 250 gold in the pouch, Lorenor handed it to Dino and waited for the man to take it. "Here you go. By the way, what's your name?" Lorenor was curious as to what identity the stranger would give himself.

12-16-07, 03:01 PM
"Aeos works fine." It seemed to fit well enough, and was not to horrible sounding, not that it mattered since he had already spoken. The now known as Aeos, took the pouch of gold. He didn't care if he got the rest of it later, this amount would do well enough for him. He, Dino or maybe Aeos was/were not a greedy man/men. This was turning out to be a little harder then Dino had planned. From this point on he decided he would be known only as Aeos, and that would fix the problem.

Now that Dino or rather Aeos, had become victorious in his little identity struggle, it was time to head out. "Well then Sir Lorenor, where do we head out from here?" The wind nipped at his skin a bit, bringing to Aeos attention the need to raise his body heat, and easy enough feat thanks to Dino's abilities. He couldn't wait to see what this necromancer had tucked away in that hide out of his.

12-16-07, 05:01 PM
((Use of bunnying to get us to the place quicker. Feel free to bunny Lorenor as you need to bro))

"Very Aeos it is then. Pleasure to meet you. Now we head out on wolf back understand? The trip out to the ice fields are a bit harsh but we should be able to make it with the guide I hired earlier."

Now they were a party of three. Lorenor considered that he had better odds of winning now that he had some companions. All though when it came down to it, Lorenor coudl just bite the Necromancer and call it a night. And he could too! The Church was asking for proof of his kill so he had to make sure to bring the Necromancer's head back. It's funny. He was being asked to kill someone when he didn't even know their name. Not even the locals were willing to divulge the name of the Necromancer. Only a select few new such a thing and they weren't talking so Lorenor wasn't caring.

Carefully mounting the big wolf's saddle, their guide joined them. He was a man named Urngh Orthex. A typical Salvarn, the man wore all white to blend into the snow. His hides were white as well which was probably the furs of some native monster Lorenor hadn't seen yet. Lorenor nodded to Urngh. The man was a veteran Tundra Ranger. Lorenor admired the talents of the man. It was clear that he knew the region well. Urngh was heavily scarred, his skin was very thick, and he wore a thick brown beard. It was covered with a gray scarf. He placed his hood atop his head, crowning it, and prepared his weapons.

"All ready sirs?"

Feeling the weight of the riding beast underneath him, the ghoul took a moment to get used to riding again. He was already familiar with riding horses, and wolf-riding was a similar art. Grabbing the reigns in his hand, Lorenor turned to his newly hired partner. "All right then, we're off shall we? After you Urngh." Giving a swift swish of the reigns, the ghoul signaled to his wolf that it was time to go. It was a gray furred riding beast named Slurge. Lorenor took an immediate liking to the wolf.

Heading outside, the beasts quickly moved forward. They moved their massive, muscular forms through the snow with great skill. Within a matter of moments we were outside of the city walls. A snow storm touched the very air around us and visibility was zero. However, Lorenor's keen senses allowed the ghoul to see through the snow and use all five of his sensing capabilities. He narrowed his eyes against the harsh snow and adjusted his hood so that the snow wasn't getting in his face as much. Thankfully, the hood surrounded Lorenor's head tightly.

Riding through the tundra was a dangerous prospect. Many monsters lurked above the surface and below the surface, but their skilled guide new the safest of routes to use. They were heading out to the Necromancer's hide-out on the tundra. Lorenor heard Urngh say that the caverns were about two miles out from Knife's Edge. The ride itself wasn't that hard, but it took about three hours to arrive.

Lorenor noticed that they were coming up on a mountainous region now. A group of small mountains jutted up from the ice, probably ocean mounts. He guessed the portions of the structures were greater beneath the surface of the ice where thousands of tons of water lurked beneath them. As well as all the sea-faring marine biology of Salvar. An area outside a large cavern entrance was cleared. Strange structures that were clearly magitech devices were placed strategically around the area in front of the cavern.

Seeing several riding wolves herding outside the cavern, Lorenor frowned.

They weren't alone. This is going to complicate matters. Urngh guided them forward to the front of the cave. Lorenor noticed that there were approximately ten of the strange magitech devices. Apparently, they were producing heat and drawing moisture from the many sources of water around them all. Once they were within walking range of the cavern entrance, the ghoul noticed that there didn't seem to be any security. On the outside at least.

"This is where I wait outside. You go take care of your business. I don't want any parts of what you're about to do."

The Salvarn said and Lorenor couldn't blame the man. Sliding off of his riding wolf, Lorenor checked his inventory carefully. Once he was certain that he he had everything with him, he waited for Aeos and looked upon the boy calmly. "When you're ready we'll go in." Snow drifted upon them from every possible direction. Urngh nodded to Lorenor and went off to go to a fishing hole, or perhaps hunting on his own. His riding wolf, named Xacks, was left to fend for himself for the time being. Lorenor waited for Aeos. He was shin-deep in snow.

12-16-07, 07:31 PM
Aeos had enjoyed the ride, of course he had no idea what he was doing, but he found it exciting none the less. He watched Lorenor and their guide who's name he had forgotten, and simply emulated their movements which seemed to work out well enough. He had wanted to ask about the breed of wolf as they could be useful to Dino's research, but he did not want to seem rude by asking the man his name even though they had been introduced by Lorenor not to long ago. That along with the realization that Aeos was not Dino, and there for would have no need for such information made him decline any questions that popped into his mind, no matter how much Dino hated it.

The thought of asking the wolves themselves had crossed his mind. Dzal, the wolf he was ridding he found pretty hilarious, as the three spoke to each other through the trip. He eventually decided against speaking to them. Dino could speak to animals, but Aeos could not. Aeos found the vast whiteness of snow and ice beautiful, taking the time to soak in the frozen tundra.

Lost in the never ending snow, Aeos found Dzal coming to a stop. He looked forward to see that they had reached their destination, and that the guide was not going to come with them, which did not bother him at all. He watched as Lorenor checked over himself, probably making sure he had not dropped anything. Aeos did the same, finding everything in the appropriate place to Dino's liking as he dismounted Dzal, petting him gently with a friendly smile. Aeos could feel the warmth of his fur.

Turning to Lorenor, he nodded. "Alright then, lets find your necromancer friend and finish this job." Aeos said, looking around the outside of the cave for any traps or possibly an ambush. It seemed safe enough, so Aeos decided not to worry for now. "So how strong do you think this guy is, I mean he doesn't have like some secret army tucked away down here does he?"

12-17-07, 12:35 PM
"This is my first time at this location. I've never had a chance to scout this area out so I don't know what sorts of secrets he'll have at his disposal. We just have to find out. All I know is that the locals were telling me he commands great powers of Necromancy. He was trained by a man who calls himself Morian. I have no idea who Morian is. We're finding everything out as we go Aeos. I'll protect you from any dangers we might face."

Even from myself. Lorenor thought to himself as he started to walk towards the cavern. He was eager to get out of the cold. A powerful breeze was picking up causing his cloak and hide to flutter in the wind. Lorenor brought his hide tighter to his person, keeping himself as warm as he possibly could muster. The Endless wrapped itself around his person. This provided an extra layer of warmth to the ghoul but he could still feel the chill of the arctic north lands. Lorenor could taste the wastelands of Berevar in the arctic chills and longed to explore the outer territories of Althanas. It was possible to find new secrets by exploring the wild lands.

In a lot of ways, Salvar and Berevar were just like his native Concordia Forest. Nodding towards Aeos, he decided it was time to get this party moving. Walking towards the cavern, he allowed the darkness of the cave to engulf him. The immediate interior of the mountainous structure was a plain old granite cavern. The walls of the cavern descended into the ground and were covered with a thin sheet of snow. Everything here seems to be covered with a thin sheet of snow.

The caverns resembled the Underdark in Corone. Lorenor walked about a foot into the cave and paused. He was waiting for Aeos to catch up. Letting his senses run amok, the ghoul sensed tiny critters moving about in the walls all around him. The roof of the cavern was many yards high and they had plenty of room to walk around in them. A series of colored growth clung to the walls of the cavern adding a series of bio-organic lights. Lorenor had the sudden disheartening thought that the cavern went underground for many miles on end. He had no idea where to go.

"Great this place could go on forever."

Looking into his personal travel packs, Lorenor pulled out some chalk and some parchment. He recently acquired these instruments during his stay at Knife's Edge. He prepared a basic map of the place marking the entrance of the cavern at the top of the page. Having no idea where to go, he decided to trust his instincts and move forward into the cavern. So far, there was no sign that this place was the living quarters of a Necromancer. The only tell-tale signs were the strange artifacts standing just outside the cavern and the wolves that were already there.

"Aeos, let's head forward down this cavern. I don't want us to get lost down here so I'm making a map as we go. Feel free to take whatever interests you."

12-17-07, 02:20 PM
Aeos followed after Lorenor into the cave. It was already obvious they were at a disadvantage, having no knowledge about their opponent, or their surroundings. Things were defiantly not in their favor. Dino could feel himself getting a bit hungry, but he could hold out for some time, it had been a good idea to eat before he decided to head out, but getting something to bring along on the trip would have been a lot smarter.

It was a good thing that Lorenor would be tracing their steps, but that would only help them on their way back, and like he had mentioned before these cavern could go on for miles. "If we wonder around aimlessly, we will only waste time trying to find this guy and eventually get lost." Aeos spoke to Lorenor as he thought. It was one of Dino's habits, but he couldn't suppress the need to vocalize his ideas. "The more time we spend hanging around, the more time we give this Necromancer to learn of our arrival I mean this is his hide out after all, sooner or later he will know we are here."

There was a way he could try and find this Necromancer, but it was risky. First of all, he would be unconscious for a while, leaving Lorenor to find for both of them by himself. While he had little doubt Lorenor could do this, there were also a few other draw backs. He would not be able to sense the undead if any where close which was more then likely, and there was a pretty good chance that there were other living creatures living down here, which he probably would not be able to distinguish between human until he saw it with his own eyes. Whats more, the more time he spent searching, the more time he would need to recover, that and if there were any spirits searching for a body to possess, Lorenor might be in some trouble.

"Alright I have a plan." Aeos had decided. It was the only way they had to find this guy before he found them, if he had not done so already. "Its risky, but I need you to watch over my body. You can move it, but try not to go to far from this tunnel, if it forks off, just try to hold your ground till I get back."

He really didn't like the idea of just leaving his body around in some unexplored place, even if Lorenor was the one protecting it, he was not the same Lorenor Dino had known, and logic told him that he would be weaker then his Lorenor as well. Closing his eyes, Aeos hit the floor, his body left in a death like state. Aeos was a little curious if a necromancer would be able to take control of his body, he had never really thought about it, but it was to late for that now. His spirit had left his body, a majority of it any ways. This was the power of the Hypo Essenza.

Normally Dino had used this to control an object for a short period of time, his own version of telekinesis, though with out all the potential, and none of the brain power. It was a lot more strenuous however, but it worked a lot better for Dino's needs, and now it was working for Aeos' needs as well. He was able to extend his spiritual energy out, reaching for any living creature. He had passed one or two, but they were to faint to be anything near the size of a human, something smaller. It was funny though, because they seemed to be emitting from just beneath the ice.

He eventually found something, a large collection of spiritual energy. He had taken more time then expected, but it he would be alright after a few minutes of rest. As he slowly began to retreat back to his body, he passed near where he had felt the faint spiritual energies. There had been multiple sources, but now he only felt one, and this was growing much stronger as it broke through the ice, jumping into the air and then bashing through the floor again. It was tunneling toward Lorenor and his body, and their were defiantly more.

12-17-07, 03:29 PM
Lorenor nodded as he heard Aeos' simple request. Sitting down near the the position of the body, the ghoul closed his eyes for a moment and sat in deep meditation. Sensing something strange happening with the boy's body Lorenor suddenly saw the material residue of a powerful spiritual resonance tearing upwards from the Aeos' body. Seeing the strange hallucination more than actually interacting with it, Lorenor stood up at the awesome sight. Aeos contained an incredible amount of spiritual energy. The residue touched the flowing air, sending off sparkles of light. He guessed that this was some form of astral projection he'd heard the Monks of Ai'bron talking about before.

The Monks knew many secrets of the spirit and elemental Chi. Could Aeos be a Monk in disguise? No, he doesn't fight like one. Lorenor knew that the Monks were expert warriors. They had a distinct way of fighting that was unique to their sect.

He put his thoughts in the back of his mind and returned to guard duty. After a moment, he saw that the spiritual resonance went to some deeper part of the cavern for a long while. Many minutes passed whilst Aeos was in the strange state he was in. After approximately ten minutes passed, Lorenor started to feel worried about his companion. Then, at the last possible moment, he sensed the spiritual resonance returning. Lorenor looked at it as it rejoined with his sleeping body.

Thinking about the kind of concentration it would require to do such an act, the ghoul developed a deep respect of Aeos. The spiritual resonance hung in the air. Lorenor had a suddenly intense feeling of danger twisting his gut as he stared in the general direction of a strange noise. Down. A presence was coming up beneath the tunnel, boring through the earth.

Suddenly, rocks came crashing upwards as a muscular form came up from underneath them. It was merely several paces ahead of them. At the same time, several others of these forms came up behind the first one. The creatures were small and had a pale-pink but thick hide. Their faces were those of a beetles. Their eyes were attached to long stalks sticking out of either side of their flat head. They had hyper developed nostrils that sniffed at the air for the meal before them. Their face was scrunched together and had all sorts of bony protrusions sticking out of them, probably used to stab at victims before they ate a meal. The creatures hissed at Lorenor, who immediately drew his sword. The threat was coming from these monsters who were drawn to the spiritual residue. The beasts were built low to the ground and had muscular, stump-like legs. Layers of thick body fat wrapped around the skeletal structure of the beast. Overall, the beasts looked like tiny nightmares. The things hissed in a strange clicking like sound. They lunged and Lorenor was prepared to meet them in combat. They dug through the earth with a drill like structure on their head, and powerful claws that were probably as tough as steel. Lorenor didn't want to find out just how sharp they were.

All five of the beasts attacked suddenly as a group...

12-18-07, 02:48 PM
He awoke. It had taken some time for him to fully return to his body, but he had made it, and had spent a lot less energy then he thought, something that surprised Aeos. There were millions of possibilities as to how this could have happened, but he did not have time to think about it as the creatures he had sensed before had beat him to Lorenor, and were already on the attack. Just his luck. One jumped into the air, much like when Aeos had felt their presence on the way back, keeping its body steady as it went into a dive. Aeos rolled out of the way just before the creature came crashing down, ice and rock exploding from the newly formed tunnel.

It was obvious they could not fight them, their hides were to strong to make any immediate damage unless Lorenor had some powerful magic with him, but even then, they were out numbered, and these creatures were not exactly the easiest things to hit. Aeos looked over to his associate who had already drawn his sword, and had slashed at one of the beast as it slid toward him on the ice. He was able to cut through some what, sending it spiraling off but it was not long before the creature began to burrow underground, waiting for a chance to strike. "We need to get out of here, we don't have time for this!" Aeos called out to Lorenor who nodded in agreement.

The problem was how were they going to escape these guys. As he was thinking, another one shot up from underneath, Aeos sensing the tremor a bit to late as he began to fall backward. Another was coming toward him, he could feel it, but there was no way in hell he was going to end up as some snack. Extending his leg out he placed his left foot just on the creatures under belly, rolling to the opposite side just as the second creature appeared, rocketing into the air. Using his hands to push him up, Aeos agility came into play as he used the first creature as a shield, tossing it to the second while it prepared to dive.

"Now!" Aeos called out to Lorenor as he got back up, running down the tunnel he had sensed what he believed to be the Necromancer. They had wasted to much time, way to much time dealing with these things. One was hurt by Lorenor, another possibly if their claws were strong enough to rip through each other which would make sense seeing as most any creature fought over food or something else. There were at least three following them now as Aeos looked back to see Lorenor just behind him, one of the creatures at the entrance of the tunnel, diving down into the ground.

"Hey, seeing as these things are so hell bent on getting us, and we have seen what kind of destruction they can do, how about giving your necromancer friend a welcoming present?" Aeos smiled as he lead the way. This was really just away to get out of fighting a bunch of undead, he hated those things. No pulse, no brain, no use, thats how he saw them and unless they were originally some rare species that he could get samples from, he stuck to that.

12-18-07, 05:00 PM
Swinging his weapon skillfully, Lorenor managed to take one of them. With a squeal that was high pitched, the creature skidded off towards the wall.

He heard Aeos's call. Another of the creatures made the mistake of lunging towards Lorenor with one of those death-defying leaps. The ghoul reacted by hustling towards the left, carefully evading the creature's attack. He turned around on his heels, sending the sword at the side of the beast. A moment later, he heard another high-pitched shrieking sound. The creature was cleanly sawed in half by his plynt sword. But Aeos was right, they were wasting too much time with this battle.

We have to move, damn! Already, the creatures were calling other such creatures as back up. Lorenor quickly moved towards his friend's position, juking and jiving any of the monsters that came too close to him. They were tough and fast, but they couldn't change directions once they committed themselves to a forward movement. This gave Lorenor and Aeos the advantage over them. Slashing at another of the fiends, the ghoul secretly wondered why anyone would pay such a price to resurrect loved ones!

I guess people do crazy things when it comes to letting go of those that they love. I don't understand it. These monsters are dangerous, why go through all that trouble? The depths of the cave probably contained much more dangerous monsters if these were the forward predators. Another lunged towards Lorenor when he finally caught up with Aeos. It met up with Lorenor's blade and was also severely wounded. Those creatures that were injured sat in corners, licking at their wounds and eventually faded off into the earth by tunneling back down where they came from. Potentially to die off alone, like elephants.

Running ahead, Lorenor stuck to the rear of the duo. His eyes were locked on the road ahead as they ran. "That sounds like a perfectly keen idea if they keep on chasing us like this, bastards are determined to make a meal out of us!" The beasts were quick and a few of them managed to catch up and give chase. Lorenor cut down another one that came too close, but kept up an even pace in his sprint. The ghoul didn't want to tire himself out too quickly and he wanted a big batch of these beasties on his ass when they arrived at the laboratory of the Necromancer.

"Aeos! Did you find out where we're supposed to go?! I can fend these things off but not forever!"

As he ran he was making mental calculations of how far they'd gone in...hopefully that would be enough to prevent them from getting lost.

12-18-07, 07:40 PM
"Don't worry, I have this path mapped out." He said, as the tunnel came to a split. Aeos halted, grabbing on to Lorenor to keep him from moving as well. He did want to bring a couple of these things with them to set havoc upon the necromancer, but that would only work if they could make it that far first, and there were simply to many behind them. "Stand still, don't move or breath until I tell you to." This had been his first time Salvar, but in the future he had planned to visit and had gotten a bit of information on a few creatures that lived dwell with in the caves. Earlier he just so happened to notice one of the signs that it was near.

"Run!" Aeos rushed down one of the caverns just as half a dozen of the creatures jumped into the air. He turned to make sure Lorenor had gotten out of the way in time when he saw it, the large mass of fur and teeth came through the ceiling, trapping the beetle creatures in its jaws as a purple ooze fell from its mouth, eating away at anything it came in contact with. Seeing Lorenor was alright, they continued through the cave. He could still sense them following, but they were far enough behind to make a difference, a few catching up once or twice, but Lorenor took care of them easily enough with his blade.

He could feel more coming, and was beginning to wonder how they were going to survive it if these things out numbered them and the Necromancers forces, or better yet, how they were going to escape if they over powered the undead he had at his disposal. "Maybe this plan wasn't to well thought out, but i guess its to late for that." It was not like they had a choice either, the only thing they could have done was try and lose them down another, but who knew where they would end up then, or if they could even get away then. They would have to get rid of this guy fast and get out, Aeos just hoped there was enough time to grab anything of use.

12-18-07, 09:33 PM
Keeping his cool was just part of the act. The ghoul stepped lively until he was ordered to stop moving by his young acquaintance. Stopping immediately, the ghoul wasn't ashamed of accepting help where he needed it. He stopped, close to Aeos' position. He let his senses pick up what he normally couldn't otherwise, using the strange form of sensory grid to his advantage. Then, he caught it!

A large beast containing a powerful oder careened through the passageway from the deeper portion of the cavern. It didn't discriminate its meal between friend and foe. Lorenor saw the sheer size of the beast and his eyes went completely wide with a strange sort of calm terror. He wondered if his Plynt longsword could pierce the hide of such a magnificent beast. However, before he could consider anything too brazen, the ghoul was ordered to run. Trusting the better form of valor to escape, Lorenor hauled ass out of there. He took a single glance back at the huge beast and got to see the massive form of the body. It had a long tail that swirled from side to side with every movement it made. Many legs were attached to the ceiling. A powerful maw came crashing down upon the diggers beneath it. Some were immediately turned into lunch.

Others managed to avoid the large predator with their greater speed and agility. It was survival of the fittest at its finest. Lorenor couldn't help but smile at the strange and interesting ecosystem within the cavern. He wanted to explore further into the cavern system, but it would have to wait for another time. He was on the clock!

Moving quickly, the ghoul followed Aeos to a separate section of the cavern causing a commotion as he bolted. The small warrior instinctively took swipes at the nearest of the drillers as they came too close for comfort.

He suddenly saw a large, man-made chamber dug into the earth. Lorenor ran towards the chamber for it contained a brilliant light fueled by magitech sources and that same bio-lighting. Running at a steady pace, Lorenor continued to swing his sword at different angles when the creatures came in too close. In this fashion, he'd taken out ten more of the critters. But dozens more were coming at them fast.

"That's enough!" Someone suddenly yelled. "Only inexperienced travelers are foolish enough to draw the attention of the beasties in this cavern." The voice continued. With a mysterious gesture of his hand, a powerful archaic residue passed across the air. It traveled towards the beasties that were running towards Lorenor and Aeos. They suddenly stopped their forward movement. Lorenor turned to look at what was happening. They looked around with an expression of terror and shrieked very loudly. Almost immediately, they dug into the earth and vanished underground. The big creature, when coming across the archaic substance, sniffed at the air and immediately hissed at something only it could see. Lorenor kept his grip on his sword just in case, ready to pounce if the need arose. However, the big monster suddenly took a previously hidden passageway and fled from the current tunnel. It moved deeper underground. Once Lorenor sensed that the threat was gone, he turned his attention on his target. "Let's go inside, its much safer in here. You two are obviously green with all the noise you've made since you wandered in around these parts."

"You can say that. I take it you're the Necromancer?"

He was a handsome man. Standing at approximately half past six heads, the man had raven black flowing hair that was like a mane. It ended at his lower back. The man wore a flamboyant red and black set of very thick robes, contrary to the harsh gray lighting in the cavern. The bio organic life forms in the cavern, namely the moss, gave off a soft green hue that drastically conflicted against the Magi's choice of attire. His robe had a hood built into the hem at the top. The whole get up was embroidered. He had Raiaeran cheekbones. But his eyes suggested that he'd traveled to many lands. He might be one of those Half-Elves. Better be cautious. Who knows what type of powers he might have. He waved his hand in a grand gesture.

"I take it you're another customer?" He chuckled. "My, if I would have known that Necromancy could be so profitable, I would've visited Morian long ago."

Morian? Why did that name feel so familiar? The ghoul blinked for a fe moments as the Necromancer started blabbing on this and that. He didn't like the Necromancer one bit. More importantly, the man kept staring at Lorenor in a strange sort of way. "Do I know you from somewhere?" The Necromancer asked. "Probably not." Lorenor responded. "All though I've heard a lot about you." Lorenor kept his weapon at the ready. He turned to stare at Aeos for a moment. "But yeah, let's go inside it IS much safer." Lorenor said. After that, the Necromancer nodded. "By the way. My name is Argus. Argus Lightfeather. I run this humble business here." He chuckled at that. The bastard really did consider himself a tradesman. Lorenor wanted to kill him right then, but the ghoul needed to play this next part of the game smooth. They entered the lab gaining access to the Necromancer's domain.

Inside, the lab was an advanced working environment. Compared to the outside world, the lab was exceedingly warm. Warm enough to be able to slip out of the hides comfortably without feeling the frigid effects of Salvar's endless winter. Lorenor removed his hides and saw that there were several people inside the structure. There was a light blue glow to the inside of the large chamber. It had been dug out aeons ago by natural forces. Several natural columns of earth and rock kept the ceiling high and stable. Lorenor spotted some stalactites and stalagmites growing on either side of the room, some cases were parallel to one another.

Machines that Lorenor had never seen before were placed in the large chamber at various intervals. There was also a grand library that held many books, including the Necromancer's own precious research. Lorenor knew he wanted to get his hands on that research. Following the Necromancer, Argus was greeted by several of his "clients" wishing to be reunited with lost loved ones. The entire sight disgusted him. Being an Undead himself, he didn't like the idea that someone could control his life. Argus was too dangerous a person to be kept alive. Looking back to Aeos, the ghoul prepared himself to complete the task at hand.

"So what are you here for? You wish me to bring back a client?"

"Not at all, Necromancer. I am here to end your life!"

Lorenor was tired of the charade. All of that would end, now. Time to die, Argus! Gathering up John Mattis' sword, the small warrior prepared to fight the Necromancer in a battle to the death. People screamed in terror as they saw what was about to happen and fled from the scene...

"You fool!"

12-19-07, 12:22 PM
It seemed that they were safe, at least for now. The man who was quickly identified as the necromancer had some how frightened the Salvarian diggers, and the larger beast by which Aeos had yet to name. Seeing as they were out of harms way, and had arrived at their destination, he paid little attention to what the man had to say, simply looking around as Lorenor spoke with him. The glowing moss was an effective light source, not to bright as to disturb the wild life, but enough for the human eye to see.

The necromancer mentioned his work being profitable, which made Aeos wonder what it was he was exactly doing down here. If he had customers, then it was probably more then just creating hoards of undead. Though Dino did not like the thought of brining the dead back to life, at least as mindless corpses, he respected necromancers as fellow scientists, and this one seemed to have found something interesting enough if someone wanted him killed for his studies. Even so, the thought of profit from his research and never crossed Dino's mind, but now that it had well, it put a smirk across his face.

He introduced himself as Argus Lightfeather, not a name one would expect from a necromancer, but from Dino's experience this man did not carry himself as one. Entering his laboratory he was surprised to see something far from the cryptic domain that had been expected. The alias of Aeos would still be in play, but the scientist Dino was going to have to tag in for a bit.

Many people were already inside, who he figured were the clients mentioned earlier. This Lightfeather really did have a business going on down here, his work space and equipment looked very useful, and for a necromancer he did not hold that bone yard mentality. He was a true businessman, and it was a shame that he would have to die so soon. It was then when Lorenor had lost his cool. Something had obviously upset him, enough to go charging at the Necromancer full swing. Personally, he would have taken care of it a bit more discreet. he would have to talk to Lorenor about that later on, but for now he was to gather as much information as he could.

As the soon to be former clients of the soon to be dead necromancer Argus Lightfeather rushed out of the room, Aeos wondered exactly how they had made it all the way down here by themselves. If they felt safe enough to rush out on their own, then maybe they knew a passage a lot safer the the one Lorenor and himself had taken. He could worry about that later as he began to search through the lab. He found a few pieces of technology, more then likely components of a few things that were set up in the place, maybe what ever was keeping it so warm in here, or something else. He also found a few research notes, and a few samples that would really come in handy. The samples were placed into a small box after being wrapped in cloth, all the while Lorenor and the Necromancer battling it out, a few undead joining into the mix, but none seemed to bother him as of yet.

He found a few books that sparked his interest, and a few that he could have cared less about, one of such was on the Thayne. "So Lorenor, anything here you might want? A friend of mine could use some of these notes, a bit of minor technology, one book on this N'jal character, lets see what else?" As Aeos looked through the shelves, more undead began to enter, this time a few coming after him as Lightfeather realized what he was doing. Aeos moved on the offensive before they could, increasing the bone mass around his knuckles and severing the nerves so as the bone tore through his skin. It would hurt like hell later on, but for now his fist was a deadly weapon, uppercutting a reanimated corpse, the small pillars of bone ripping through its chest and neck before connecting with its chin, piercing through the dead tissue.

The rest were dispatched in a similar manor, though Aeos decided to have a bit more fun, breaking a few body parts before leaving the crippled bodies to themselves. He wasn't sure if he could exactly kill an undead, but he doubted the would be bothering him for a while. He went through the rest of the lab, searching for anything he could find, eventually coming across a small pouch of what seemed like jewelry. Normally he would have figured it useless, but Aeos figured he could always use the money. Stashing them away on his person, he began to search for a sack in which he could put all of the items in, realizing it would be hell to carry everything out of here by hand if those diggers decided to show up again.

12-19-07, 02:45 PM
The Necromancer was caught completely off guard by Lorenor's attack. He'd only have time to summon a small cadre of undead warriors before placing attention back to the battle at hand. That was his first big mistake. The ghoul thought as he lunged forward and took a powerful swing of his sword. A moment later, the Necromancer grunted in pain and fell on the floor, gasping in agony. Lorenor's sword clipped the man's chest and sliced it cleanly open with a deadly looking incision. His robes were also torn open. The Necromancer clawed at the floor and backed away from Lorenor. He was clearly a coward.

"W-wait! I know who you are. Back down, Lorenor, please! We are old allies. Would you betray an ally?"

Argus suddenly revealed that he knew Lorenor's name. The ghoul hesitated his attack for a brief moment. "How do you know my name?" This is going to be a problem. He knows of my past. What the Hell am I going to do? I can't betray the Cathedral, I'm on a job now! Damn! The ghoul was clearly conflicted and lowered his weapon for just a moment. Zombies showed up and were preparing for attack, but Argus waved them off for a moment.

"You attacked me first, I called them in self defense." Point. "Listen, Lorenor. We were both students of Morian, a powerful Necromancer from a land called Antioch. We were friends. You're working for that damned St. Denebriel's Cathedral now aren't you? They are cowards Lorenor. They are just using you. Morian can offer you greater power and greater secrets. I could train you myself in the arts of Necromancer. Please don't kill me! I know that you're a follower of N'Jal. I have something important go give to you that was entrusted to me. What do you say Lorenor? Join me, come with me and we can get rid of that damned Cathedral together!"

Lorenor listened to the crazy man's plea. Clenching his fists tightly around his swords hilt, he felt truly at a loss for words. The man spoke a logic that appealed to his greed. Did this man really know him? The ghoul closed his eyes and thought about Lord Sorahn in the Red Hand. He also thought about the Justice Lev Testhan. They were both skilled leaders that he served under. What should I do?

"You're thinking about it aren't you Lorenor? I can see it in your eyes. I'm willing to forgive this minor injury if you can just let me live. I'll give you all the secrets that the church denies you. What do you say Lorenor? Come with me!"

He extended his hand towards Lorenor. The ghoul felt his grip on his weapon relaxing. For a moment, he actually pondered betraying the Cathedral and destroying all the hard work he'd strove to accomplish. What will happen to me if I choose to betray the church? Will they declare me an enemy as well? You know they will Lorenor. This is not an option. You're on mission, you must see this to the end. "I am afraid not Argus. Your time here has come to end."

Lorenor raised up his sword.

"Wait! I'm a follower of N'Jal!"


Lorenor was truly angry by his statement. He insults me by attempting to appeal to my beliefs. What a coward this man is. I despise him! Lorenor swung his sword without thinking. A moment later, the Necromancer screamed in agony as he was decapitated and ultimately killed. The head flowed upward in the air with a splatter of fresh blood and it landed on the ground nearby with a roll. The Necromancer's face was one of complete shock. Lorenor walked over to the head and wrapped it in a bundle, knowing that he needed proof for the Cathedral that he'd gotten the kill.

Placing the head in his travel packs, Lorenor went to work on the confused zombies. A few moments later, they were all down. Lorenor was frustrated, angry, and genuinely hurt by the Necromancer's insult.

Walking over to the Necromancer's notes, the ghoul cleaned his sword off as he caught up with Aeos. "Save some loot for me." The ghoul said, and then something called to him. A book. A powerful book. Written by the hands of N'Jal herself, Lorenor walked over to the text and saw that it was in a pile of other research bundles that Aeos took a clear interest in. Nearby to the text was a book about the Thaynehood. Lorenor took the book, and the N'Jalian text. The text had a strange etched into the cover in a menacing grin. The book gave off a powerful archaic residue. He took the two books and placed it in his inventory to study them later. After that he found some texts, hand written, about the individual named Morian. There were also maps and charts to a place called Antioch. Lorenor took these as well as they seemed quite important to him. Argus mentioned Morian more than once. Now was the time for looting.

"See anything you like Aeos?" Lorenor moved to where some strange artifacts were kept and found something that caught his eye...

12-22-07, 02:31 AM
Lorenors business with the necromancer was ended swiftly. Lightfeather and been a simple pushover, not even capable of making a last ditch effort to save himself other then cowering in fear. Needless to say, all respect once held for the man had been lost. "I would have had a bit more fun with him, but thats just me." the words rolled off his tongue with out him thinking. That was defiantly Dino talking. This hidden identity thing was turning out to be much more difficult then originally believed, and he could only hope Lorenor had not heard his little out burst.

Hearing Argus shouting out the name N'jal, (he had refereed to himself as a follower, which seemed to bring a response from Lorenor though not the one the necromancer had wished for) Aeos decided to toss the book with the others he had pulled down. Having finished his looting, he began to search through the books, three or four at a time as he jotted down little tidbits of information from each one.

There was little point in lugging them around, especially if it turned out most of the information was useless to his own research, anything that took up a lot of space he simply ripped from the book, seeing as its owner would not miss the six or seven pages that were carefully folded and placed inside the small note book.

Lorenor, now finished with his mission was ready to join Aeos on his looting spree. "I think I am all done here, so once you are ready I believe we can get going." There hadn't really been much for him to get a hold on, just the samples, and the items he had found, but other then that, nothing that peaked his interest.

He aimlessly walked around the laboratory, admiring the set up and the number of corpses that littered the floor, including the freshly decapitated Argus Lightfeather. "I wonder if the smell of fresh blood will draw any creatures near." It was a possibility, but chances were Argus had taken such precautions to keep any hungry creatures away, seeing as he surrounded himself with corpses.

12-22-07, 02:37 PM
Though he wanted to loot the lab further, the ghoul decided against that. He was still on the clock for the church and they would tolerate no failure on his behalf. They would declare him an enemy if he abandoned his initial mission so he couldn't get too carried away. Letting his companion loot whatever he wanted to, the ghoul prepared himself for the long journey back. He gathered basic food stuffs from a kitchen area, some jerky and other meats, and refilled his water skins. It was necessary to resupply with basic implements of travelling. He found something else that did interest him.

Tools used for blacksmithing that he didn't have at his disposal back in the town of Ithermoss, Lorenor grabbed what he needed and placed the tools into his travel packs. Well supplied now, Lorenor moved back to Argus' corpse. He pondered relieving the man of his robes. Deciding against that, he found one more thing that interested him. Argus wore an amulet and a ring. Taking both of these things off his person, he could see a faint glow of archaic power upon the amulet and the ring. They were done here. There was nothing else of interest to the ghoul or the endless. "We're going Aeos."


Thankfully, the trip outside was virtually uneventful. Lorenor walked knowing that Aeos would follow him when he was ready. The creatures were kept at bay by Argus' magicks and never approached the duo again. It seemed that the Diggers and the huge, nameless beast, were denizens of the deeper area of the caverns. Lorenor continued to walk without saying much feeling his supplies heavy. He'd placed the Amulet upon his person, and the ring as well, successfully equipping them both. In turn, they reacted by glowing in a strange glow. Lorenor would have a chance to test them both later on.

Waiting outside by the wolves now, he saw Urnhg waiting for them. "Are you ready to head back?" He asked. Lorenor nodded. "We're just waiting for my friend and then we can get back to Knife's Edge."

"Did you succeed in your job?"

"Aye. It was a success. St. Denebriel guided my sword." Lorenor said and simply waited for Aeos. The thick hides were wrapped around his person once again. An intense whiteout started about an hour or thrice earlier. Lorenor felt the biting cold and was grateful for the thick hides around his person. He thought about what Argus said about Morian. Who was Morian? What was Morian? A part of Lorenor needed to investigate this revelation as soon as he could. Somehow, he was certain the matter was connected to this mysterious land called Antioch.

"Are you all right Lorenor? You look paler than usual."

"I'm just thinking about my next Adventure thats all."

"You Church types are always on the go. In my youth, I wanted to join the Cathedral as well."

"Why don't you? You'd be great."

"I'm a wolf-rider Lorenor. That's my place in the scheme of things."

"St. Denebriel teaches us that we make our own place in this world. You've carved yourself just one possibility in the scheme of things. There are many roads you can take."

"I don't want a lecture."

"It's not lecture. It's the truth."

Urngh didn't respond to that...I gotcha, convert!

"The Cathedral awaits you with open arms Urngh." And the journey home awaited Lorenor...

12-25-07, 04:46 PM
This whole tripped had caused Dino to be much more active then he had expected, his metabolism of course speeding up with his increased activity, brining his ravaging hunger back to the surface. "I really need to find a way around this." He sighed to himself finishing off any food Lorenor had not already packed up with him. It wasn't much, at least not for him, but it would keep him for a while, though not to long he hoped. He decided to look over the jewelry he had found while waiting for Lorenor, finding a few rings with peculiar symbols on them.

"We're going Aeos."

He put everything back, hidden on his body as he followed Lorenor through the tunnels. They had found no threats on their trip up, making him wonder if Lightfeathers clients had made it out safely, or if they had simply fed the beasts thats would have attacked Lorenor and himself. It mattered not, as they were now at the entrance of the tunnel, Lorenor speaking with their guide.

Aeos simply ignored their conversation, climbing onto the back of Dzal the wolf with little difficulty. "Lets get going before something else decides to attack us, we would be at a great disadvantage in this terrain and temperature." He called out to Lorenor, though he probably already realized that it never hurt to share information.

12-26-07, 06:49 PM
Through the howling breeze, the ghoul managed to just barely make out Aeos' words. Nodding towards his companion solemnly, he walked over to his riding wolf and watched Urngh do the same thing. Sitting on the saddle of the beast of burden, Lorenor took his reigns casually. He waited for Urngh to prepare to guide them out of the area. The return trip to Knife's Edge would be a crucial endeavor for Lorenor. Moving his wolf towards Aeos' position, Lorenor conversed with the other for a long moment.

"You did well back there. Here is the rest of your gold." Lorenor said plainly as he handed Aeos the 250 gold that he'd promised making it five hundred total. Once the transaction was taken care of, Lorenor kept his gaze on the path before him as he prepared himself to confront the Cathedral Agents on a job well done. Lorenor was getting better at these jobs and getting more lucrative jobs to boot. He'd worked his way up. He'd have to keep the book of N'Jal a secret because he knew he could be excommunicated from the church. "I hope St. Denebriel will allow me to work with you again." Lorenor said casually as he watched Urngh ready himself for the trip ahead.

((Small use of bunnying))

After parting ways with Aeos, the two moved in different directions. Lorenor needed to secure his payment from the Church, furthermore, he needed to complete the mission at hand. Walking up the Cathedral steps, Lorenor entered the ancient building. He was already being waited for. Several robed individuals guided Lorenor to the Justices' Chamber. Currently residing in a gothic like room that was well decorated with fineries, Lev Testhan greeted Lorenor with an informal nod.

"Is the deed complete?" Were the only words spoken.

"Aye sir. I have the head along with some trinkets I chose to keep just in case the head alone wasn't enough."

"Show me."

Lorenor removed Argus Lightfeathers' head from his inventory and placed it on the decorate liviol desk that sat in front of the Justice. His eyes went wide as he smelled the scent that flowed from the sack. Opening up the sack quickly, Lev gasped for a quick moment. "That's him all right. That's another job well done." Lev snapped his fingers for a moment and grinned widely. "By St. Denebriel you shall be handsomely rewarded." Several moments later a robed individual entered the room and bowed towards Lev. Lev nodded back towards the individual. A package exchanged hands and the individual left quickly after the transaction. Lev stood up and handed the package over to Lorenor who took it in his hands. "I hope this will be sufficient. One thousand gold in there for you. I don't have the next job set up for you yet but keep your ears to the ground. I'm sure something will come up soon enough for a man of your talents."

"Very well Maester."

Maester was a term used to describe the Arbiters and the Justice. It was a term of great endearment and respect. Lev chuckled. "I am glad that this land has suited you well. There is a matter we need to discuss however. I am sure you are aware of the rising tensions between the Cathedral and the crown worn on Iorlan Rahaxea's head..."

"I am aware."

"Good. I want you to gather the Red Hand for a special operation that we're going to be taking care of quite soon. This operation will be a special job that requires your unique talents."

"I understand. I am sure that Lord Sorahn will allow involvement of the Red Hand."

"Well done Lorenor. Now, we must talk."

The End.

((Note I would like this to be a prelude quest to the FQ))


001--500 gold deducted from my account and moved to Aeos for payment of the job.

002--First book of N'Jal. A mysterious tome written by the followers of N'Jal that is part of a three book series. The book has many incantations, rituals, and rites written by the followers of N'Jal for the followers of N'Jal. To obtain the secrets stored within the text, followers must first learn how to decipher the N'Jallian text stored within. The book is extremely valuable and not sellable. The text is a masterwork volume written in human blood and made from human flesh. ((Props to Evil Dead right there))

003--Antioch tomes and documents. Including a work that has maps leading to the region of Antioch. Mentions a Necromancer named Morian. Some rituals and rites recorded from the time of Argus' training with Morian lurk within.

004--Argus' Necklace. A necklace made out of pure gold that is enchanted with the markings of a Necromancer. Thrice a day, Lorenor may use the powers of the amulet to call a Zombie familiar. The Zombie counts as a weak enemy with basic statistical data. However, since it is summoned from Lorenor himself the zombie retains some of the characteristics from the would be Necromancer. It is able to bit and pass on the zombie disease to individuals that it comes across. The individuals must be living and must be some sort of humanoid in nature. The control Lorenor has over the zombie is minute to say the least but will one day grow with time and studies. Eventually, he will be able to summon powerful zombie warriors to his aide.
Masterwork in quality.((Not sellable))

005--Argus' Ring. Also enchanted with a spell. The ring allows Lorenor to fly for a brief amount of time. He can only use this ring once per thread for the time being. Flying in this fashion exerts Lorenor a lot and drains considerable energy. The more weight he has on his person, the more rapidly he is drained as well. It is a gold ring that is well encrusted in the center with a magnificent piece in the middle made of obsidian jewels. Masterwork jewelry in quality.((Not sellable))

01-18-08, 05:41 PM
They left shortly after Lorenor handed him the rest of the gold, something he had to admit he had forgotten all about. The combined amount would do nicely to fill his barren pockets.

This little trip of his did not turn out to bad. He was able to meet Lorenor again, or prior this time around. It really didn't matter what the current situation was, he was not to far back so waiting would not really hurt him. The one good thing he had gotten out of this were the trinkets he had liberated form Lightfeathers' underground get away. His work as Aeos had turned out quite well. Who knew, maybe if he ever ended up getting thrown back in time or need to stay low the alias could come in handy.

Lorenor had gone off to finish whatever business he had to attend to and Dino could careless for the time being. He needed to get some where else, he hated staying in one place for to long with nothing to do, and pretty much anything worth doing qualified as nothing after an adventure like that.

He was about to see if he could get something to eat around here when he was hit by a bright flash of light. He snarled under his breath, not to happy that this was happening all over again.


001- Defective barriar ring, tarnished and slightly rusted, though its magical power is still intact, the ring does not work properly. Any barriers created are just as fragile as glas, but incredibly resilant from within, making them perfect for containment. The ring however is only capable of creating 3 inchs in diameter orbs. The orbs are also capable of being moved through the ring bearers will. There is no limit to how many can be made.

002- Azrael Project. Lightfeathers notes on a number of tests regarding manipulations of Undead bodies through ancient arcane means. Not all the notes were present but many have pointed to the possibility that Argus was not the only one to be studying into this. Dozens of formulas and symbols as well as records of a number of tests regarding the project are present, though most are not complete and have either ended in failure or undesired results.

003- Samples of creatures found within the Salvarian icelands. Unfortunatly most of the samples were destroyed most likely in the fight against Argus Lightfeather and only one remains. The sample is of the large beast Argus managaged to frighten off upon their meeting. The samples could help Dino to create an acidic substanc similar to the creatures saliva.

004- Dimensional Warp. Dino has found the ability to locate small holes in the fabric of time and cross through them under. These leaps through time are totally out of Dino's control and he is incapable of sensing them until after they have already opened by which point he would probably already be hurled trapt. The time frame for which these take place is random, possibly spaning from a few minutes to a couple of weeks. At the moment, can not be used during a quests.

Call me J
01-23-08, 02:10 PM
This quest ended up being one in which, for a variety of reasons, was essentially carried by Lorenor. While other people’s contributions were important parts of the thread, this thread really lived and died by what Lorenor did.

Total Score- 56.5

• STORY ~ 14/30

Continuity (5) ~ This thread was one of those threads where the introduction had me scratching my head. Lorenor, you generally show a lot of continuity, but sometimes, you don’t do a good job of making sure that you’re telling me the important parts of your history. While telling me about Lorenor’s ambivalence to the Gol’bron was nice, it was hard to understand why he was going on the mission. Conversely, I really liked the way you worked Antioch into this quest.

Setting (5) ~ The bigger problems in this thread really emerged from a lack of emphasis by many of the quest’s participants. Lorenor acknowledged setting periodically, but Dark Temptress was the only other one that really did a good job.

Pacing (4) ~ This thread didn’t really seem to go anywhere for very long periods of time. The entire part with Dark Temptress seemed unnecessary.

• CHARACTER ~ 16.5/30

Dialogue (5) ~ My one real comment is for Daggertail. Make sure that you watch to see that dialogue resembles the way a character would speak, considering the setting and circumstances.

Action (5) ~ A lot of the action in the quest was questionable, especially in terms of the way that Lorenor seemed to introduce himself to the majority of characters. Also, while I understand that you needed to continue the quest without Daggertail, the way in which she was dismissed from the quest was very illogical. Another thing I would like to add is how impressed I was with Sweet_Oblivion’s considerations about what his character would and would not know. This sort of attention to detail is quite rare, and it is good to see.

Persona (6.5) ~ In my opinion, this was the strongest area of the non-writing aspects of thread, both by Lorenor and the supporting characters, including Dark Temptress.


Mechanics (6) ~ This varied a great deal based on the writer.

Technique (6) ~ Lorenor, I feel that you used considerably less imagery this time than you do normally.

Clarity (7) ~ Lorenor, you need to do a better job at times at making sure that what you think ends up on paper in a way that others can interpret it effectively. Sometimes, it seems like you’re trying to get a lot of ideas on paper, and they all come out at the same time in a way that backfires on their effectiveness.

• Wild Card (7) ~ I’m pleased to see the efforts that were put forward in this quest to see it through the end. Because I feel the score suffered a bit in other categories due to the constant comings and goings of people, I wanted to add points here to make up for that.

Mutant Lorenor gains 2955 EXP and 847-500= 347 GP and his spoils. However, the flight ring is somewhat vague. I would like you to talk to an RoG mod about the exact specifics for it. If a judge feels that you have used it to powergame, they reserve the right to penalize you for it.
Daggertail gains 635 EXP and 367 GP
Dark Temptress gains 375 EXP and 141 GP
Sweet_Oblivion gains 608 EXP and 339 + 500= 839 GP

01-23-08, 02:19 PM
EXP/GP added!