View Full Version : Waking up... (open)

07-16-07, 11:16 PM
"Wake up, Le Prince Gothique. It is time for you to fulfill your destiny and to change the very world itself. You must learn about the world and understand your emotions if you wish to survive throughout the journey to your fate… Remember your past if you must; for only you hold the memory of the 'key' to changing the world.

…I will come to you, my love. Once you actually need me, I shall come...

You must find your kingdom, and once again become the Gothic Prince… Awaken your senses and relive your past, Le Prince Gothique, for you are the last savior.

I will always watch over you, my love...The day is beginning and now you must wake…"

"Huh...who was that?" I questioned.

The light was shining in an old stained glass window upon the hard floor of which I had awoken upon covered in a light blanket. My senses recoiled as the light struck my vision.

After a minute of looking around, I asked myself just where was I? I lightly moved the blanket aside and pushed myself up off of the floor. A mirror caught my view and I stood infront of it, slowly realizing just whom was looking back. It all was very new to me, but yet so oddly familiar. I had gray lether pants loosly on, held up due to two sheaths, and a sturdy pair of blackened boots that seemed to have wear on them. After looking around the room for near ten seconds, I noticed a dark blue linen shirt on the ground. Moments later the shirt was strangling me in my attempt to put it on. Struggling around a little bit, finally I had the garnment on properly.

Looking down back to where the blanket was, I noticed an object on the floor.

Suddenly the door knocked!!

Silas Kilam
07-18-07, 09:02 PM
Silas was about to put the key in the lock when he heard something going on inside and decided to knock on the door before he opened it. this had happened before. he was given the key to a room, told what it was, and someone was in there before him.

"Hello, is anyone in there?" he asked, worried for plenty of reasons. "I'm sorry to intrude if you are not wanting company, I was told this was a vacant room."
he knocked several more times, then his worry for the other person began to overtake him.

"Are you all right?" he called in. there was no response. he asked again, then again. but he finnally couldn't stand it any more. he put his room key into the lock and opened the door, praying that he wasn't intruding on something.

06-02-09, 03:54 PM
This thread has been sitting since before the beginning of this year (2009). Since no response has been made to create activity I am going to be moving this. If you would like it to be reopened please feel free to PM myself or another admin and they will be able to move it for you back to the Peaceful Promenade.