View Full Version : Arin

04-21-06, 08:42 AM
Name: Arin Keitel
Age: 19
Race: Human (Half-Eudaemonian)
Hair: long, dark brown
Eye Color: green
Height: 5’9’’
Weight: 165 lbs

Personality: Outwardly, Arin is a quite normal townsman of Ildereth. He works hard to help his family subsist and he socializes moderately with the other young males of his age. He is of normal physical capabilities, and he is quite clever. He is also, however, much more introspective than most people in Ildereth. He spends more time in solitude when he has the chance, using the time to engage in creative arts such as poetry and drawing. Although does a pretty good job keeping it hidden, he feels emotions rather strongly.

Appearance: Arin is slender and of average height. He used to have short hair as a child, but in his late teenage years he grew his hair long so that it comes halfway down his back. His complexion is fair and his hair is very dark brown (almost black) in color. He has more elegant facial features than most males of Ildereth.

History: Arin is from Idereth, the town that used to be the Provincial Seat of the First Province of the Grand Eudaemonian Empire. Unfortunately, tragedy came upon the Eudaemonians, and they were forced to withdraw support from their provinces. Idereth is now but a shell of what it used to be. Although it is structurally in shambles, however, it is not abandoned. People still live there, facing the challenges of food shortage, lack of resources, and unexplained death.

Arin had a largely unremarkable childhood. He lived in a shabby dwelling on the south side of Idereth with both of his parents and his three siblings. His Eudaemonian father had chosen to stay in Ildereth rather than withdrawing with the Eudaemonians due to a chronic illness he developed while there. Arin had an older brother and sister, he was the third child, and he had one younger brother; the younger brother was also chronically ill. Arin cared about his family and was always on good terms with them, but at the same time, he did have the common “middle child” problem of feeling a bit less important to his parents than his other siblings. After all, his oldest brother was their first born, his sister was the only girl, and his younger brother needed a lot of attention since he was so sick.

Although Arin had no best friend, he had several acquaintances— boys who would stop by his house and invite him to play sports in some of the free moments they had from helping their families. They played not in a park or field, but in a clearing amongst the ruins of some buildings that had fallen into disrepair. The sports equipment was shoddy and they sometimes tripped over debris on the ground, but they made the best of the situation. Arin played with them and was passably sociable, but truthfully he preferred to have some solitude. He would steal away moments when he got the chance to sit by himself and think, or to write poetry and draw. The highlight of his day, however, was if he happened to be lucky enough to run into a girl named Lin. Although he was of no great consequence to her, he cared for her very deeply. The brief moments he spent with her were much more precious to him than all of the time he spent with his acquaintances or siblings. However, he was too shy to let her know of his feelings.

Soon after Lin turned nineteen, her mother suddenly died. To Arin’s dismay, he found Lin packing to leave Idereth the next morning. He couldn’t dissuade her from leaving, and his heart sunk as he saw her walk away. For the rest of the day, he sulked and worried. An internal battle waged in his head. Part of him wanted to run after Lin, and either talk her into staying or tell her that he would go with her. The other part of him, however, was too timid to face her and finally reveal his feelings. At last, when Arin decided that he would go after Lin, it was evening. Logically, too much time had elapsed, and Lin was far away from the town by then. Arin was too emotional to be thinking clearly when he ran out of Ildereth and into the adjacent woods, looking for Lin. It was this mistake that would run Arin into a situation in which he became embraced…



Cause: In Arin’s case vampirism is not a mystical curse but a mundane disease. It is, however, a highly unique one. The origin of the infectious agent is unclear, but it seems unlikely to have naturally evolved. The main reason for this is that the virus itself is exceptionally weak. It is not airborne or carried in any fluid except blood. When placed into the body of a healthy individual, the blood is diluted and the immune system can swiftly eradicate the pathogen. The only way vampirism can be contracted is for it to be introduced into the body of someone who is nearly dead, usually drained of all blood by the infecting vampire.

Vampirism as a disease is a progressive ailment. It has several aspects which become more pronounced as the infection progresses.

-Death: A neonate vampire can be killed in the same ways any human can, with a single exception. He will no longer age.

-Feeding: A neonate vampire is not required to feed on blood, normal food can still provide sustenance. It will, however, feel hollow in the stomach and the longer the vampire goes without drinking blood the more he will crave it. The need presents itself as strange urge at first and eventually progresses to an insatiable thirst over the course of about a month. Drinking blood does have beneficial effects. It temporarily ameliorates the disadvantages of the disease, which for a neonate makes him regain a blush of health and tolerate the unpleasantness of light.

-Sunlight: A neonate vampire finds the light of the sun unpleasant but not particularly harmful. His newly pale skin is apt to burn, but no more so than any other fair-skinned individual. The body’s circadian rhythm begins to shift toward a nocturnal existence to compensate.

-Fire: A neonate vampire is harmed by fire just like a human. He does however feel somewhat more weary near particularly large fires.

-Mundane Damage: A neonate vampire is resistant to blunt trauma as if his skin were leather armor.

-Physical Appearance: A neonate vampire grows elongated canines over the course of his first few nights. To be infected, the person needed to be close to death and this appearance remains after he has “risen” as a vampire.

-Psychological Effects: A neonate vampire is already aware that he is different from those who are not infected. Different people react to this feeling in different ways. Most, however, eventually settle on a smug sense of superiority.

-Night Vision: A neonate vampire can see well even in low light. The light of the moon is as good as normal interior lighting for his purposes.

Vampiric Abilities
Being a vampire has noteworthy effects that are better classified as abilities than symptoms. Some can be activated only through the use of blood. Only one ability may be used at a time.

-Vampiric Strength: After drinking at least a pint of blood, a neonate vampire can choose to consume it to fortify his strength. He will be slightly stronger than usual, but not supernaturally so. If he was originally able to lift 100 lbs, he can now manage 150 lbs. The effects of the consumption fade within an hour.

-Vampiric Dexterity: After drinking at least a pint of blood, a neonate vampire can choose to consume it to gain quickness. He will be slightly more agile than usual, but not supernaturally so. He will be 50% faster than usual when moving and have a greater ability to dodge attacks. The effects of the consumption fade within an hour.

-Vampiric Intelligence: After drinking at least a pint of blood, a neonate vampire can choose to consume it to gain knowledge. He will gain expertise in one area that the donor was skilled. This is entirely limited to information. The vampire gains no practical skills, but simply a knowledge of how things might be done. The effects of the consumption fade within an hour, however anything truly learned from the experience is not forgotten. The reservoir of knowledge from which to pull facts simply dries up.

-Vampiric Wits: After drinking at least a pint of blood, a neonate vampire can choose to consume it to gain mental quickness. He will be slightly more clever than usual, making decisions and processing things more quickly. To unknowing observers, he would simply appear to be “in the zone”. The effects of the consumption fade within an hour.

-Vampiric Charisma: After drinking at least a pint of blood, a neonate vampire can choose to consume it to gain force of personality. He will appear slightly more likeable than usual. Those around him will be disposed to treat him with friendliness if their reaction would normally be neutral. Those who already like him will not like him more and those who have reason to dislike him will not change their opinion. The effects of the consumption fade within an hour.

-Vampiric Manipulation: After drinking at least a pint of blood, a neonate vampire can choose to consume it to increase his powers of persuasion. Those the vampire is trying to manipulate find his position more convincing. This only effects those people the vampire could normally manipulate by mundane means. They will take more odd suggestions and find it less likely that they are being tricked. The effects of the consumption fade within an hour.

Equipment: Arin wears Eudaemonian clothing, which is made of synthetic fibers that do not stain or fray. Eudaemonian clothing is typically dark in color (Arin’s is black) and long-sleeved due to the fact that the temperature is always a crisp sixty degrees in Eudaemonia. Arin kept his pants long, but he cut the sleeves off of his Eudaemonian shirt so that he would not be hot in the Coronian climate. He has a black cape to keep him warm when it is chilly. For a weapon, he merely carries a steel crowbar. He had no reason to own a weapon in Ildereth, but crowbars were common in the town, as they are used to pry metal panels off of typical Eudaemonian structures when needed.

04-21-06, 01:06 PM
-Crowbar, what's it made out of?

-I'm weary of Mundane Damage. It can be interperated as full body armor

-Did Lin allow you mention of her character? You need to state that.

-Can consume 2 pints, to 2x strength or manipulation? Or have 1 strength and 1 manipulation? Or is it one skill at a time.

Just fix/tell me about these, otherwise you're good to go.

04-21-06, 02:17 PM
- Crowbar is made of steel- now edited into the profile.
- Mundane Damage is full body armor, but this is not so bad considering that iron full plate is allowed at first level, and Mundane Damage is only at the level of leather. Even though it covers the face, a leather mask would be allowable, so this is not so odd. Furthermore, the vampire is still quite vulnerable underneath the leather-esque protection. So, getting hit in the head would still hurt a lot, as it should. Also, Mundane Damage resists blunt trauma, but anything sharp could slice through it pretty easily.
- Lin came up with the concept of Arin and asked me (Raychel) if I would play him so that she would have someone to interact with in her thread. We went through his profile together and made sure that everything it says is consistent with her story.
- Only one ability may be used at a time. –now edited into the profile

04-21-06, 02:39 PM
I'll allow this.

Approved, don't powergame.