View Full Version : Sleep Deprivation - Bad

07-18-07, 03:12 AM
So, I came to Althanas not only to role play, but because I need Material for my 2D design class' portfolio. I am planning on Illustrating a good deal of my Threads. I thought to myself, "Well, Aaron, Nice Dream (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=6401)would be a good place to start" *Cough*CheckItOut*Cough*. So, I did a quick sketch of something simple an upcoming scene were Groggy Neptune wakes up to a full moon. Thats a problem, But you would have to read the thread to know why =D. Anyway it was simple, not much action, just a kind of "Wha?" look on his face.

So later that day, I got really busy, I did my afternoon run, then I had to help a friend move and all that good stuff. I got home and I was exhausted, but determined to at least get started on coloring this piece. I knew it would be hard because earlier this week I spilled some Rockstar on my tablet and it broke, which wasn't very cool. All I remember of that night was starting to ink the line art, and I remember how much of a pain it was with only my mouse.

Fast forward to next morning. I was sleeping face down on my desk, Sticky notes stuck to my head. I felt a warm and fizzy feeling on my leg, so I Jumped up and Screamed something, to see that I had tipped over a can of Rockstar on my desk. My Friend who had come over earlier the day before to make a sandwich, and ended up sleeping on my couch said that I was Yelling "Smooth as eggs!" when I woke up... But I digress. I look up to my computer to see a very strange piece of "art" on my screen.

The aforementioned piece, which I have titled "The WTF Edition", was kinda funny, so I decided I'd throw it up here and maybe someone would find a giggle out of it (or the story that led to its birth).

WTF Edition (http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs16/f/2007/199/2/6/Botched_Neptune_WTF_edition__by_Ezeepeezeenot.jpg)

Look at the Eye, its the funniest part to me, It looks like a just took a brush, smacked it on his face, and called it done.

Anyway, It wouldn't be as good if I didn't show you the half way decent version I came up with. I had to relearn mouse drawing to do this.

Reduex (http://fc02.deviantart.com/fs16/f/2007/199/e/8/Neptune_Reduex_by_Ezeepeezeenot.jpg)

In case you were wondering about the background, I created it aswell. I just used (Add Noise/Gaussen Blur) and adjusted levels, makes a nice star effect.

Anyway, you can look for this in Nice Dream (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=6401), just as soon as I get the next post up. Also keep a look out for any other threads I'm in for illustrations, Hopefully with my new Tablet =D.

07-18-07, 08:57 AM
Mmm... *Puts on his critiquing glasses*

Not bad, not bad. A little more work in lighting angles and depth of colors, but this is quite good. Great job with creating your own "Starry Sky" BG as well. :)

07-18-07, 10:57 AM
Yeah, I still kind of rushed this, so I didn't get as many dark levels as I wanted in. It got really late, really fast.