View Full Version : The Storekeep's a Bastard

04-21-06, 10:50 AM
The Bazaar had to be the collection of the world's largest group of losers in the entire of Althanas. Everywhere the prince of Myrusia stepped, he found more people that he could only laugh and look down upon. Maybe it was the shopkeepers so despreate to sell things and make a profit, maybe it was the beggars that lied outside shops trying to tempt a bit of small change from rich warriors.

And when these poor fellows saw the illustrious figure of Raelyse Salidan stride past them, they must have thought it was their day. He was impeccably dressed, his hair did not have a strand out of place and the swagger that he carried about himself ensured that everyone around turned their heads for at least a short while to glance at him. Unfortunately for everyone, Raelyse had no immediate plans to give money to anyone.

Not for free anyway and as he walked past one store, he suddenly felt a tingle in his feet. They instantly stopped moving, causing the prince to turn his head slightly to his right. He had stopped right in front of a shop window and there, displayed lay one of the most beautiful things Raelyse had ever seen. For one second, the prince felt love. This was his soul mate.

For what lay in the window was one of the most beautifully crafted rapiers ever to grace Radasanth. The blade was about 3 feet of flawless steel but it was the handguard that stole the prince's eye. Instantly, he stormed inside the shop, grabbing the blade from the window and lifting it into the air, examining it as he held it in his left hand.

His fingers slid effortlessly around the grip, the grooves in the design seeming to synchronize with his palm. He stood there admiring the weapon for a bit longer before he turned his eyes slightly to the corner before they instantly zoomed back to the weapon.

"Tell me," the prince said in his chiding voice. His eyes still stared unwaveringly at the blade in his hand. "How much?"

05-06-06, 08:10 PM
"That beut will be 130," said the merchant, moving with nearly two weeks of cobwebs attached to him. "Anything else?"

05-06-06, 08:12 PM
Raelyse began to lift his coin pouch from his pocket, before he thought about it for a moment. There was no way this thing could be that expensive. The prince shoved his money back within his pockee.

"You sure about that, peasant?"

Raelyse lifted the weapon off the counter, admiring it once again.

"It looks more like a hundred to me. There's no new service charge in Althanas now is there? Now one hundred and thirty... I'll think about it if you convert it into a sword cane."

05-06-06, 08:17 PM
"For the sword cane, with it being made of Oak and so it won't snap on it's first strike, 150" the shoopkeeper said. "As for the blade itself, the handle's what brings it up so much."

05-06-06, 08:22 PM
Raelyse took a gander around the shop, wondering how this merchant was able to get by by charging such outrageous prices. Still, he wanted this rapier...

"Fine. But I'll only give you 140 for the whole thing."

The prince reached in and flicked up 140 in gold pieces.

"And please, color the shaft black please."

05-06-06, 08:27 PM
"It'll be 150, with the discount and the coloring sir," the shoopkeeper said. "Unless you want me to mess up the coloring of course."

05-06-06, 08:31 PM
Raelyse cocked his head back and laughed. He leaned forward and pressed his face against that of the shopkeeper's.

"I'm afraid you'll have to settle for One hundred and forty.... three."

05-06-06, 08:40 PM
"One Four Five," the shoppkeeper replied sternly. Numbers not ending in 5 or 0 often screwed up his ledgar.

05-06-06, 08:41 PM
Raelyse smirked, taking out two coins from his pocket, then placing one on the counter.

"I'm afraid I need to use this extra one coin to feed those poor orphans whose parents can't get jobs here because you're too greedy. So have a heart, why don't you?"

05-06-06, 08:48 PM
"Tell you what," the storekeeper said. "Go find a starving orphan, give him a bowl of soup, bring him in here, and I'll give it to you for 144. 145 otherwise."

05-06-06, 08:50 PM
Raelyse cocked his head back and let out another raucourous laugh.

"Fine," he said, flicking the storekeep the last gold piece that he wanted so badly.

"At least I cheated you out of five, now hurry up and do it."

05-06-06, 08:52 PM
"Fifteen," the shoopkeeper said, turning to give the order to his apprentice. A few moments later, after the gold was safely taken in, he returned with the finished product. "Anything else sir?"

05-06-06, 09:01 PM
"Yeah, take a shower."

05-06-06, 09:04 PM
((Assuming this be done now. Yeah

145 gone, 855 remains at time of thread completion for Raelyse))