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Corvus MacCallum
07-19-07, 08:34 PM
This was not something he was used to and probably would never get a full grasp of, sadly this showed far too clearly, inside a disturbingly clean and crisp mix of tailor and tannery the Huge bladed wolf-man stood with his black cloak on, it was a tad ragged by now, showing off a rather sizable amount of left shin. Bunched up in it he tried to stay stock-still but his whole demeanour just radiated someone who did not like roofs, nor ceilings, nor canopies... he really had no clue if such a thing could be done in a place like this, but they worked with hides and turned them into clothing, better bet than an armourers.

"Service, c'mon bloody service"

His foot claws rapped against the rough yet shining pine coating the floor, didn't look or feel real... disturbed him that, to his immediate right was a counter of cash exchanges, orders and hopefully very few displays of vocal volume. It was not in a Highlanders nature to protect the body, a very strange ideal that he could never place, but the general idea behind it was that if you got stabbed in the side you obviously didn't do enough to prevent it, but a bit of protection around the neck and shoulders wasn't in the rules.

"Waiting, waiting, forever... fucking waiting"

He had checked the opening times, they were open, he only had to push the door a little before it gave way but there was no one on the desk... the thoughts of some little biddy trembling her way down the stairs prodded at him a little, but nah couldn't be, need strong arms or at least fine co-ordination for this sort of thing.

A Blazen hide poncho, now theres a weird notion... maybe I can get the claws scuffed a bit and get them onto the gauntlet too...

For all his talents and adventures why does an area of four wooden walls put the willies right up him, even his tail barely twitched in these circumstances.

07-20-07, 03:00 AM
Azarel had been so caught up in finishing her latest order that she hadn't been aware of the new customer waiting out in the lobby. As a young twenty-something running a tanner's shop all on her own, she'd seen a lot and learned to work with many leathers and hides, but had more than too much to do in a day.

Sighing, she set the coat behind the counter so that its owner could come and pick it up later that afternoon or the next day, and only then did she notice that she had a customer.

Pushing the raven hair back from her heart-shaped face with hands leathery from tanning chemicals, Aza regarded the Highlander for a second before smiling at him. She was tired, but he was a customer.

"Good day, sir, and welcome to Azarel's Tannery and Tailor Shop. I'm Aza, and I hope you haven't been waiting long. What can I do for you today?"

Corvus MacCallum
07-20-07, 05:39 PM
"Ah well I need a little bit of specialty gear put together and this seemed to be the best locale for it, lets see now, bah"

His concealed hands buldged and shifted against the front of his cloak before it parted, displaying the gauntleted and buckler-clad arms and what should have furry hands but they were obscured by the dull red scaled rolls in his grip, he had been doing his best to avoid flim-flam men and ne'er do wells that would have just made travelling to this place an awkward feat of patience, nothing like carting something reasonably rare and expensive past a bunch of 'lookie-lookie' men.

"Had this ripped off a Blazen dragon, right ferocious bugger and I was looking to have it made into an uneven poncho, basically reach about here...oh hang on"

Not only were his hands full but his gestures of limits meant nothing in the cloak, it took a few shakes before the black cloak was hanging off the chain supporting his massive sword, properly displaying the ragged looking wolf-man, his bounty of dragon hide, a rope wrapped around his waist, his broadsword and dragon claws hanging off it. A quick smirk and he turned to plop the dragon hide onto the counter and then presented himself a tad better.

"Basically I want the poncho to reach about waist-level at the front, slack material around the neck that can form a hood or be pulled up to cover my mouth and at the back hangs to... lets say back of the knees, so its something of a cloak, how long would it take you to fix this up?... oh yea also fancied something with the claws, my gauntlet and buckler but I'll leave that for an armour merchant"

07-20-07, 06:16 PM
Aza looked over the dragon hide -- very tough, very hard to work with, and very rare. Even having some in her shop might be a bad idea...but a customer was a customer.

"This'll need tanning, and that process will take a week at least. I can work with just the hide, but that'll cost extra. Then to sew it for you...h'mm..."

Aza got out her measuring thread and went over to the highlander customer, doing a few quick measurements.

"Another three days. This isn't an easy material to work with."

Corvus MacCallum
07-20-07, 06:36 PM
"Do the tanning, theres a few things in the pub that should take up my time, lets see.... here we go"

Glancing down at himself the Highlander plucked a handful of gold coins from his pocket, dropping them in that pleasantly clattering clamour of impacts that somehow was pleasing to his ears.

"Should be about thirty or so, more than enough reason to pop back as a deposit, jot it down, my names Corvus MacCallum, I will not be sending anyone to pick it up in case any prat tries his hand at it... if you happen to forget how I look heres a nice defining feature"

Smirking he shuffled back a tad and reached behind him, a slight wince upon his face as he pulled his tail out to the side, having a crack at wagging which just resulted in a trembling grip and tip.

"We'll work out the final price once its done, anything more to add?"

07-20-07, 07:28 PM
The hassled shop-keep wrote down the name and deposit, as well as her customer's order.

Tanning this stuff was going to be expensive, but she'd done it before -- once.

"I don't think there's anything else. I have your measurements and your design specifications. Come back in ten days, and I'll be able to try it on you and see if it needs alterations."

Corvus MacCallum
07-20-07, 08:05 PM
As time passes whole new ambitions and discoveries can be made, the secrets of life itself can unveil themselves peice by peice unto those willing to view and observe... to grow and learn. Heroes can have their legacies carved out into the history of existence in just a day... but that didn't happen everyday, this was the tenth day of his waiting, around noon and Corvus was meandering his way back to the store, not a hero of the globe, but... at least he had pleased a few kids by returning a cat, a new adversary had been grown in the form of Pretty Lips Brutus.

"Never again, do I challenge a bloke with sweaty palms... bad enough he stank like a raw pig but to add sweat to that, yuck..."

Might have sounded a bit rich coming from a furred wanderer of the wilds, but he did keep himself clean with enough river dunkings and snow scrapings. Having been in town for more than a week his cloak was now wrapped around his sword, not for any safety or such but he did get tired of people complaining about the glare from the blades edge when the sun caught it just right. Rattling with each step upon the handle of his cloaked sword were his buckler and gauntlet, simple protective gear that were more often used to hide his furry attributes, but for now they were free, the Highlander stroking and rubbing along his bare furred fore-arms as he pushed into the Tannery and gave a sharp whistle, he preferred a sound like that compared to ringing the bell on the counter for service.

"Finished it off yet?"

07-21-07, 12:25 AM
Azarel was proud of her accomplishment. Not only had she finished the poncho, she'd been able to make it strong enough to resist most attacks of weapons as strong as plynt, and yet soft and supple enough on the inside to be comfortable to the wearer for long periods of time. She'd also waterproofed and oiled it so that it wouldn't readily crack under the sun or rot in the rain. All in all, it was a fine piece of work.

"I have it ready, I just need you to try it on and see if the hem lies where it needs to."

If it didn't, it would be a pain in the ass to re-hem, but she'd manage it.

Corvus MacCallum
07-21-07, 10:11 AM
"Alrighty then hmm... ah yes one more adjustment to be made"

He had said that even without putting the garment on, but the reasoning for it should have been obvious to any observer, reaching behind him, one hand grasped at the cluttered handle, just about managing to grip the weapon, bending his knees to have the tip press against the floor and then unhooking the monstrous slayer with his free hand. It only took a moment or two to have it leaning against the wall and out of his grip, then came the grand moment he had waited ten days for, a shift, shuffle and it went over him quite easily, the lengths were, about right. The only slight annoyance was he had forgotten to have it modelled to fit his harness but thta was solved with a fair bit of tugging around the neck, just enough slack for his sword and its handle to poke out of, yea that would work fine.

"Actually scratch that, okay this fits fine, whats the final price then?"

07-21-07, 05:38 PM
Aza'd been sure to make the poncho a bit big, in case he wanted to wear his weapons underneath. Some people did, some didn't, so she'd had to prepare for both. It seemed to be a good fit, overall, and it should -- it had taken up fully two and a half of the four rolls of hide.

It was very well made, if she didn't say so herself -- she'd taken her week to make a high-quality piece.

"Ordinarily, something like that would be in the range of nineteen hundred, but since you supplied your own hide, I'll make it twelve hundred even, and give you back the rest of your leather."

Not quite sure how much dragon hide you meant to have the poncho take up, or how big the rolls of fabric are, for square yardage.

Corvus MacCallum
07-21-07, 09:44 PM
"Its not leather, its dragon hide... if you couldn't work that out I'm definately not reassured in that price being accurate, lets see now... how about hmm"

His arms slipped underneath the poncho, comfortably folded as he pondered on how to avoid this over-pricing, he knew it would be a tad expensive, but one thousand gold was gonna be his price for killing the dragon, if she thought double that would be fair simply for sewing and stitching the girl had no grasp on reality and he certainly wasn't going to fork over that. He glanced to the treated two spare rolls.

"Lets see... yea how about five hundred in coins and one roll of the hide?"

07-22-07, 03:33 PM
"You asked me to tan it, meaning it's now dragon leather." Aza took one of the scraps and a plynt knife. "Still tough enough to withstand plynt," she said, slashing at the piece, "but a little less weak against piercing attacks, since it's more flexible. Also more comfortable, because hide is stiff."

She raised her eyebrow. "One would think you'd still be able to smell the tanning chemicals on it. Seven hundred coins and a roll of the leather, or the rest of the leather -- a roll and a half -- and five hundred coins."

Corvus MacCallum
07-22-07, 05:39 PM
It was always a tad disconcerting when a shop keeper slashed at you, confident or not in the peice it definately did not make the customers feel comfortable. She was trying to nab every bit she could from him and a simple fact is that leather is a term for cow hide once tanned, dragon hide, however processed, is still dragon hide... although there are those creatures...

Gah out of mind...

Exactly what brought that disturbing little venture back to reality escaped him and he just... well for the most part ignored the unpleasant attendant, she had already shown she wasn't the best at her craft, he'd visited tanneries that could solve stuff like this in a few days and for a cheaper price. Should have expected a rip-off artist considering how small and of course empty the store was, still he didn't really need to cart the stuff about.

"Fine five hundred and a roll and a half"

Removing a pouch from his pack Corvus looked through the main stash of his cash, he had already paid up thirty in a deposit and it took awhile sorting through all the various currencies to get the normally accepted trinkets, smirking as he dumped the coins over the counter, no little pile just a spillage of coinage, then he dumped one of the rolls, he still had plans for the other roll though and so figured he'd make use of her vagueness.

"Half a roll right?... fine by me"

He dropped the second roll behind him, a few steps back and his sword was back in his grip, then thrusting it into the floor, whacking the roll in half right down the middle, he had been looking to use the stuff for covering his gauntlets and shins, that could be solved with some roping rather than put up with this so he gave a kick to the roll and headed on out.

"There paid up and I've got my shiny new garment, adios"

Poncho should have used up two rolls of dragon hide, plus the half given resulting an even split of what he has and now has not.

07-25-07, 03:27 PM
You really should have made that distinction before I was forced to decide for you. The extra half a roll was used for the hood and the extra length at the back. And you should have linked to the thread where you earned it instead of making me go look.


Aza couldn't believe it. Some of her best work wasted on such an ungrateful customer.

OOC: Transaction complete. Corvus MacCallum loses 500 GP -- a roll of dragon leather remaining to him, which will be worth nothing if he tries to sell it outright. He gains a reputation as a bad customer in Althanas' tanneries, as well as 75 EXP.