View Full Version : Fionna

Fionna Xe'dane
07-20-07, 03:46 PM
Hello Althanas! :) It's nice to be here. Here goes:
Name: Fionna
Age: 25
Race: Human
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5'9"
*Occupation: Song Sorceress (Dancer/Singer)

She has a certain elegant poise, grace, eloquence and imperious manner in her that could knock a fly off a wall just by merely looking at it. She believes herself to be amiable and witty and her sarcasm and ridicule laughter is her defense against anger. She’s a true feminist and is truly against the notion of slavery and dominion and all treats of abuse. Fionna believes in a true sense of justice and fair play.

She stands tall and imperious, elegant with a poise that could envy the very sun above her as it gently shines upon her long, luxurious hair that glints honey-golden hues as it cascades at her back with gentle curls at the end. Bright-azure eyes twinkles as if mulling on a certain mischief or misspent actions that was done ages ago. A sudden soft desert breeze wafts her mane, as she passed her hand on the offending locks on her forehead. She laughs, her soft musical voice echoes around her like a faint perfume that lingers noticeably for but a brief moment. Her serene, valkryie, flawless face glows and even the moon is inclined to avert its silvery face against the splendor of her beauty. Her regal, milk complexion skin is soft under the royal robe she wears and with exquisite grace, she turns her head, gazing defiantly against the scene that sprawled around her.

I am a daughter of a nobleman and I ran away from home when my father decided I was to wed this man. I know for a fact that my husband to be would be chosen for me by my father, a minor nobleman. We were on a brink of poverty and our noble title was the only thing we could sell. And so my father did sell our noble lineage, together with my hand to this merchant. He was rich, that I could totally say, but I never thought he would be... an attractively challenged, hirsute, odious, old person.

I mean, you can't expect me to wake every morning beside him. I'm not a saint and I'm not planning to be one. I should have complied, but I knew back then that there was something for me out there in Althanas and I wouldn't be able to find it out shackled as a wife to that odious man.

So I had to run away and I never looked back.

Basic Swordskill (rapier)
Reading & Writing
Dancing & Singing
+Basic Illusion Spells (Control of light, sound, taste, smell and touch)
+Basic Mind Magic (Control of emotion and mind: ie: Suggestions, commands, mind enchantment, domination, telepathy, telekinesis and mind reading)

Signet ring (The house of Xe'dane)
2 small wooden chests that contains her elegant and fashionable clothes
Rouge and other makeups

*No familiar
+ As a level 0 character, I assume that she doesn't have the full capability of using it as a master sorcerer.

Background still incomplete. I'm really sleepy but I'll try to finish it later tonight.

07-20-07, 03:55 PM
I need to know how much control over her spells she has.

Other than that, post here to let me know when you've completed your profile.