View Full Version : He was a drunken wanderer then. He's a drunken wanderer now.

03-26-06, 12:38 AM
(I was at level 0 with 1900 exp. Hmph. At least I didn't bother to do a small quest to reach that 2000 mark before the crash. That would've sucked)

Name: Sheex Deltin
Age: 20
Height/Weight: 5’10”/150Ibs
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Race: Human
Gender: Male

Appearance: Medium height and with a medium build, this guy looks pretty much like your average guy. He has no blood red eyes, no ugly scars or burning hair. If you were to pass him on the street, you wouldn’t give him a second glance. His hair is combed back and rather well kept, and although he prides himself on his good looks, it really is up to the ladies to decide in that category. As for his clothes, he wears dark blue pants along with a dark blue shirt, which he usually leaves partway unbuttoned, revealing a white undershirt. He also wears a black trench coat, which he finds to be a useful tool for concealing weapons.

Personality: Most of the time he’s carefree and easygoing. For the most part, he doesn’t seem too have a care in the world, or if he does, he hides it with great skill. He’s the type of guy who loves to make jokes, no matter the occasion (which isn’t exactly a great thing). Like most people his age, he has that “take on the world” attitude, which will no doubt get him into trouble. Also, like most men, he loves the ladies. Whether they are blonde, brunette, or any color of the rainbow, Sheex will chase them. Armed with an array of tacky pick-up lines as well as a rather perverted wit, it will only be a matter of time before every woman in Althanas slaps him.

Weapons: He has two steel daggers (one is a foot long, the other about 18 inches), and that’s it. These daggers are very important to him, they were his first weapons, and he intends to keep them with him always. There is no special enchantment on the daggers or anything that makes them out of the ordinary, they’re just plain daggers.

Armor: His trench coat is made out of durable leather; but provides very little protection at all. It’s meant for wearing, not fighting (but hey, rules were meant to be broken right?)

Pack Of cigs: It’s a pack of cigarettes. In a little white box. Each one’s about three inches long. Sheex smokes them. They’re bad for his health. Just like drinking. He does that too.

Dagger Skills: Sheex is proficient with his daggers, since he didn’t bother to learn any magic; he focused all his skills into fighting hand-to-hand. He has no inhuman tricks up his sleeve, no magic spells, he can’t slow time or summon a fireball, he has his two daggers and his fighting skills (which are good enough to survive on, but by no means perfect…in fact, no where close to perfect).

Women Watcher: Not so much a skill as an innate ability every man is born with. This skill allows him to rate any woman on a scale of one to ten, one being way too close to a man, ten being goddess. This skill, along with his big mouth, has gotten him into to trouble more often then not.

There are times in a person’s life where something happens to them, something they can never forget. Such a person carries that event with him, just like a scar that will never heal. Perhaps the event was the death of a loved one by murderous bandits; perhaps it was the burning of a homeland. Whatever the case, the person ceases to be the man they were, and soon becomes another man. Perhaps they become obsessed with vengeance, ruthlessly hunting down those that wronged him. Such a person could also become a shell of a man, never again partaking in the fruits of human life known as “emotion.” The story of Sheex Deltin is not one of those stories.

No, bandits didn’t murder his parents. No, a ruthless overlord didn’t burn his homeland to ash. He does not have a missing sister he searches for, a sibling to avenge, or a magical sword guiding him on his journey. I’m afraid Deltin’s life was quite a happy one, with no more tragedies than your average citizen.

Sheex lived his life happily with his family until the age if eighteen. At that point in time, Sheex decided it was time to see the world, and bid his parents a heartfelt (and somewhat teary) farewell. Of course, at the tender age of eighteen Sheex didn’t exactly know what to do with himself. In fact, as soon as he was but a few miles out of town, he realized he was a lost man. Both in an emotional sense and a physical sense (for he had no idea where he was. There were no magical tricks involved, he was just really, really, really bad with directions).

In time, Deltin’s lack of direction would end with him joining a small guild. It would be at this guild where Deltin would learn what little skills he could with his daggers, for it would not take long before Sheex screwed up. And for once in his life, the screw up would not be something small and stupid, although Sheex would have preferred such a mistake to the actual one. Sadly, amidst a midnight practice duel with a fellow guild member, Sheex lost control. At such a young age the thought of losing to another in anything was not something Sheex enjoyed. So when his foe easily tossed him about with a multitude of spells, it did not take long for Sheex to cast aside the training daggers and reveal his own true daggers.

Sheex should have stopped there, but at this point anyone can tell what would happen. Soon enough, blood stained Sheex’s twin daggers and his fellow guild member lay dead at his feet. Sheex had an obvious choice before him, either face certain and no doubt painful punishment by the guild masters, or vanish into the night. Valuing his own life above his honor, Sheex vanished into the night. Perhaps somehow Sheex managed to avoid the guild members sent after him; perhaps it’s only a matter of time before they catch up. The only thing important about this particular event is that it is Sheex’s sole regret.

But Sheex Deltin won’t let his crime ruin his life. Two years have past since that dark night, and in the back of his mind he certainly carries the guilt that comes with taking a life, but no one would ever realize it. After all, a fine looking brunette just passed on by, and Deltin is hot on her tail.

03-26-06, 12:48 AM
Woman Watcher?

Is that like a Woman Studies Major?
