View Full Version : Wrathchild: Luc Kraus versus Autumn

Cyrus the virus
07-23-07, 08:28 PM
((Thanks for your patience! Oh wait, nevermind.))

Vehemency, the arena was called. He liked the title.

Tailored suitably to Luc’s abilities, Vehemency was created to aid him in every way. The elements were there, along with precarious heights and their related falls, things Luc could use and abuse to his advantage. This was the mage’s first time seeing it, and he found himself impressed – no small claim to fame for whomever built the arena.

He stood atop a grate, fortified bars of steel running horizontally and vertically about it to create a platform that was easy to stand on. Taking careful steps so as not to step through a space, Luc moved to the edge of it and looked about. The platform was at least fifty feet wide and seventy long, and was suspended twenty feet above a deep, wide pool of water by iron poles at each corner. Beyond the edges of the rectangular pool, a barren wasteland extended for miles around, as far as Luc could see. A thousand boulders, ranging in size from small to massive, littered the sand and earth. Ancient pillars of stone, some higher than any building Luc had ever seen, jutted from several places in the ground.

He was impressed and excited, feeling the childlike urge to destroy the landscape in a personal display of his own power. With great effort, he suppressed it. He, after all, had a job to do and a position to maintain.

Luc made his way to the edge of the narrow end of the platform, looking toward where his opponent would appear – at the opposite end. The platform was sturdy and strong, the single kind characteristic the arena would offer to those who challenged its warrior.

07-28-07, 04:09 PM
The zeppelin motored on, cutting the clouds, a pale, bloated blue bird lost to the eye. A periscope reached down from the belly, giving the Spotter a clear view of terrain far below. Here the earth was dry and dead; no vegetation could survive in such a blasted land. The Spotter's spy glass rotated slowly, scanning the desolate desert until until he lighted upon the Pagoda Warrior's battleground. Satisfied that he had found the right place, the Spotter called directions out to his partner. In the aft, the Flyer would be making adjustments to the motor speed and steering mechanisms. The Spotter had no idea how the flying machine operated; that was one of the many methods which Aleraran Elves used to keep their technology a secret. One day he hoped to become an Apprentice, and finally a Flyer, to be assigned his own zeppelin. For the moment, however, the Spotter kept to his periscope, directing the aircraft.

Before long, the zepellin began its descent, drifting down from the cloud cover as it approached the massive iron scaffolding. With most of its engines cranked to low power, the machine glided along in almost slow-motion, as though the air were honey. Hurrying to get his timing right, the Spotter dropped a ladder through the trap door. It was fashioned from strong black cord and iron bars, smaller versions of the cage now not so far away. The Spotter watched his passenger climb down the ladder with every sure-footed grace attributed to the Elven race. Before the Spotter's concerned eyes, the Drow Princess released the rope ladder, dropping a short distance to land gently upon the iron cage. She was on the opposite side from her opponent, facing him as the zeppelin soared away. Like a fresh stock chart it angled upwards until it was once more lost in the elevated cloud cover. Mere minutes after it had appeared, the only evidence that a flying machine had ever visited Luc Kraus' domain was the lone drowess preparing to do battle with the famed Geomancer.

Autumn Horizon balanced easily, her feet sure despite the sketchy platform. Every angle of her slim, powerful build radiated confidence, and cold contempt. These looks and mannerisms she directed to everything; the oasis far below, the cracked stone pillars like giant broken chesspieces, even the cloaked figure who's Vehemency she had invaded. Under her calm, superior attitude; chaos. Behind the bored blue eyes a storm of panic raged. Ever since she was a child, Autumn had been afraid of heights.

Don't look down, don't look down, don't look down...

The mantra played over and over like a looped casette recording. She kept her mind and body free of panic only by refusing to awknowledge the danger she faced. The prospect of a twenty foot plunge into a magic-made pool was not appealing, and Autumn had heard things about the sorceror Luc Kraus. She had received whispers of his cruelty and disregard for life, as well as his immense power. Facing such a magus, even in a somewhat safe environment, would have been nerve wracking. His reputation added to his chosen arena was enough to send shivers down her spine.

Taking deep, even breathes, never allowing her outer calm to waver, the Aleraran Heiress spoke, her voice lilting and swaying as it crossed the tepid air.

"I expected you to be taller."

08-06-07, 02:18 PM
Due to Cyrus the Virus's withdrawal from the Pagoda, Autumn is the winner of this battle by default. Autumn, please PM me with your intent: you may either assume the position of Warrior in the Pagoda, or you may move on to challenge a Master.

This thread will be left open. Should you both wish it, you may continue this battle for EXP only.